Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale (45 page)

Read Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale Online

Authors: Meka James

Tags: #Itzy,

BOOK: Fiendish: A Twisted Fairytale
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As I waited for his coffee to brew, I glanced out at Kerrin having
yet another cigarette. She wasn’t usually a chain smoker at work so whatever was said couldn’t have been good.

I knocked lightly on Patrick
’s office door before entering. “I have your coffee, sir.”

“Saturday, you need to attend a fund raising event with me. It will be a good chance to get new clients.”

“Mr. Thorn, I um, I can’t.” Considering his mood already, I tried to brace myself for his backlash. 

“I don
’t think I heard you clearly. It sounded like you said you can’t, as in you can’t fulfill your job responsibilities because this is part of your job as an assistant to do these things, and if you
do your job, I
find someone who will.” 

I felt my face go red. I was already flustered from his earlier tongue-lashing, and it wasn
’t about to get any better.

“Mr. Thorn, it
’s…it’s just that, um, it’s short notice, and I have plans tomorrow.”

“Do you like your job, Calida?”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts. If you like your job and are serious about it, then your priorities should be more focused.”

“They are really, but it’s short notice and I…”

“You know,” he said, cutting me off.  “Kerrin and I have had discussions about you.” He started clicking through the pictures that I
’d uploaded. “She sees something in you that I, well, I just don’t see. I’ve tried to be polite and encouraging, but I’m starting to think you are better suited to remain the mediocre secretary that you are.” 

I bit down on the inside of my cheek to keep from crying. He
’d been mean and moody before, but today he was outright nasty and hateful.

Patrick dismissively waved his hand towards me. “You can go now, don
’t worry about tomorrow. I’m no longer sure you are what I want representing our company in such a public fashion.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied quietly then quickly retreated from his office, heading directly into the bathroom.

The rest of the day went by at a snail’s pace. Kerrin left early, leaving me alone at the office with Patrick. His mood hadn’t improved and he required I do the craziest things. All of our clients’ records were digitized, yet he wanted the paper copies for his current clients. Then he had me searching for fabric samples, something he normally did himself. I made countless trips up and down the stairs, getting him one thing or another, only to have him tell me it was wrong or I was too slow. 

At five-twenty, I was still entering in data that he needed to have changed before I left for the day. All of it could have waited until Monday since it wasn
’t critical, but he insisted on it getting done. I was on the last file when Seth strolled through the doors. I had to do a double take seeing him in the three-piece, pinstriped, charcoal gray suit.

I watched as he removed his tie, folding it neatly before placing it in his pocket. He then unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt and gave me a lopsided
, sexy smile as I sat at my computer, staring. I never got tired of looking at him. He looked good in almost everything, most certainly looked great in nothing, but he looked damned sexy standing in front of me in that suit.

“Since you appear to be undressing me with your eyes, if you are a good girl and hurry along, I
’ll let you finish what I started here.” I felt my face get hot as I gave him a shy smile.

“Sorry, didn
’t mean to keep you waiting, it’s just that…”

Patrick walked out of his office, carrying his briefcase. His eyes darted from me to Seth then back over at me.

“You would be done by now if you weren’t out here socializing while on the clock. If you think I’m paying you overtime for this, you’re mistaken.”

I winced at his tone of voice, embarrassed that Seth would have to witness him berating me. Seth spoke before I had a chance to give an apology.

“I hardly think my arrival of less than a minute ago has been detrimental to her job performance.” Patrick started to speak, but Seth continued talking. “And any personal relationship aside, for all you know, I could be here to make an appointment. I have been told that my home décor is rather antiquated and I hold Ms. Alexander’s opinion in high regard. She assures me you are the best there is and I must always have the best. But she failed to mention your lack of decorum or work ethic which I assume is because she mistakenly believes her job security is directly related to you. I’ve seen the work done by your associate, Kerrin, and she has great potential. Maybe I should speak with her because with the right investor plus a solid base of startup clientele, she might be persuaded in breaking free in favor of starting her own company.”

Seth pulled out his phone, and after a few key strokes replaced it back into his coat pocket.  “There. All set.” He spoke mostly to himself then turned back to Patrick. “You see, speaking to your employee the way you do in front of mixed company is just bad for business since you ne
ver know who that company is or how much they can help or
your business. What I’ve had to witness on the two occasions I’ve had to step foot in this building not only shows your lack of leadership skills but also your lack of respect for those that work for you. When your employees don’t feel appreciated or respected, well that makes them more open for discussions.”

Patrick stood there momentarily speechless, and looking sick. Clearly, he felt the discomfort of being on the receiving end of Seth
’s steely gaze and ‘don’t fuck with me’ attitude. I kept my head down keying in the last file update, while trying to hide the smirk on my face.

Patrick cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. “Kerrin has been with me for years. I highly doubt she would want to leave.”

“You would be surprised what she would consider once she learns that Patrick Thorn Designs is potentially a sinking ship. Calida, are you finished?” he asked, turning his attention to me.

“Yes, just finished,” I replied, getting up from my desk,
and trying hard to keep a straight face. “Mr. Thorn, the phones have been sent to the answering service. I’ll see you on Monday.” 

Seth put his arm around my waist as we walked out. That was the second time he
’d put Patrick in his place and after how he treated me today, I was very thrilled to see him squirm. Seth’s domineering attitude could be very intimidating, but today’s display had me turned on. Once outside, I turned and kissed Seth, melding my body to his. He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. I wrapped my leg around his, grinding against him, and I didn’t care if Patrick walked out to see us. 

“How quickly can you get us home?” I asked once we broke apart.

He gave me that sexy grin that always made me melt. Moving me to the side, he opened the door so I could get in.

“Buckle up,” he said as he stole another quick kiss before shutting the door. We got to my house in record time, even with traffic. Seth pulled me out of the car into his arms for another passionate kiss. 

“Was that fast enough?” he asked with his lips still pressed against mine.

My fingers started working on the buttons to his shirt. His smile was devilish when he stopped my progress.

“Think we need to get you inside unless you plan on putting on a show for your neighbors.”

Macy was sitting on the couch when we walked in. I waved briefly before rushing into my room and locking the door. I turned to finish unbuttoning his shirt but got frustrated with the vest that looked so good on but now was only impeding my access. Seth let out a soft chuckle, sensing my annoyance over all his layers of clothing. I don
’t know what it was about him that made me feel so brave, but as my hands worked on his pants, I dropped to my knees in front of him. 

I never did this for Paul. He would ask and once tried to force my head down which resulted in me crying and him getting pissed and leaving. The idea of putting my mouth there repulsed me. However, I did want to experience this with Seth; I wanted to do this for him. I looked up at Seth. He said nothing, but the look on his face spoke volumes. He peeled off his shirt, tossing it into the pile with his vest and jacket. He ran his fingers through my hair but didn
’t force my head forward as he stepped out of his shoes followed by his pants. 

Licking my lips, I ran my hand up and down his length, which looked massive being so close to my face. I was suddenly very nervous that I would somehow do this wrong, or worse be terrible at it. Pushing away my doubts, I let my tongue slowly circle around his tip before
drawing it into my mouth. My tongue swirled around it; Seth’s hands tightened in my hair. I heard his breath hitch, giving me the encouragement I needed to go further. 

While my hand continued to stroke near the base, I slowly started to move my head down taking more of him into my mouth. I thought of it like a Popsicle, in and out, in and out. Seth pushed his hips forward slowly, and I started to find my rhythm. I pulled back slightly, giving gentle suction on his tip, before taking as much of his length as I could back into my mouth. His hips started to move faster and the grip on my hair got tighter.

“Calida, stop,” he groaned.

He was giving me a warning, one I didn
’t heed. I wanted to do this, so I continued to move my hand and mouth in sync. My jaw started to hurt, but I kept going and was rewarded for my efforts when his warm liquid filled my mouth. It was gross, and slimy, and surprisingly a little salty. I had two choices, gag or swallow. Not wanting to ruin the moment, I swallowed because it kept coming. After a few minutes, Seth’s grip loosened from my hair, and he helped me from my knees. My hands covered my face which I’m sure was a vivid shade of red. I couldn’t believe I just did that.

’m sorry,” I mumbled from behind my hands. 

“Why are you apologizing? And why are you hiding from me?” he asked, pulling my hands down. I shrugged my shoulders, unable to find a proper answer. “That was very…”

“Bad. I know. I don’t know what came over me. I’ve never done that before, but I wanted to. For you.” I covered my face again knowing I had effectively ruined the mood.

“I was going to say it was a nice…” He pulled my hands away looking me directly in the eye
s before continuing. “And a very pleasant surprise.”

Without another word, he pulled me to him, kissing me as he scooped me up and carried me over to the bed.

He had a wicked gleam in his eyes when he looked down at me. “My turn.”

Lying on his chest after we
’d finished, I listened to the steady thumping of his heart. I was so blissfully happy. Seth’s finger drew small circles on my back.

“Not that I
’m complaining, but what got into you today?” he asked, kissing me on the top of my head. 

“What do you mean?”

My fingers played with his chest hair as I waited. He’d had fewer blow-ups at me, but in the back of my mind, I was always a little nervous that he might take something I did or said the wrong way.

“I don
’t think you’ve ever been so…eager.”

I could hear the humor in his voice which was a relief, and I propped up to look at him. He had the most heartwarmingly playful grin on his face and I couldn
’t help but to smile in return.

“Well…I was having a rather shitty end to my day when you walked in looking like sex on legs in that suit.”

Seth’s eyes lit up, but he said nothing.

“Then the way you handled Patrick, just I don
’t know, it was like instant horny, and I…well you know.”

I squealed when he rolled us, pinning me under him.

“Sex on legs huh?”

I nodded shyly before he leaned down to give me a soft, sensual kiss. His eyes burned with desire when he pulled back to look at me.

“So earlier, you said you’d never…did you mean as in ever or just without being asked?”

“As in ever.
I was, well, I always thought it was sorta gross, so I never wanted to before.”

Seth shifted so that I was forced to part my legs wider. “Still think it
’s gross?” he asked as he slowly pushed forward. He was close but yet so far away.

“Um, yes, a little,” I responded, arching to meet him, wanting to draw him in, but he pulled back. “But…”

“Yes?” he said as he came close again but remained just out of reach, teasing me.

“But I
’m willing to, for you. Only for you.”

He got the answer he was looking for, and he pushed forward filling me once again. The feel of his body moving within mine was glorious. Every stroke, every touch was magnificent.


“Hey, I thought I would be dining alone,” Macy said, giving me a knowing smile when I exited my room. I blushed instantly, recalling the rather brisk greeting I gave her when we got home.

Things with her and Seth were more civil now, thankfully. She wasn’t a hundred percent in support, but I’d take the ninety percent she’d moved up to. It was a far cry better than the less than ten percent it sat at for a long time.

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