Fast and Easy (5 page)

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Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: Fast and Easy
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That drew fire. The slightly drawn lips and narrowed eyes told him she wanted to punch him.

“Get back in your cage, you bastard.” She drank the water and death gripped the cup.

“Can’t take it, huh?” He laughed and pried the paper from her clenched fist. “I don’t have any idea why we’re here but I’d suggest we act as a team, not good cop, bad cop.”

“And we both know which you are.”

“I was worried about you at the reception, Redstone.” He’d never had to apologize for making a hare-brained mistake with a woman before. Forgetting he’d loosely made a date with that redhead had been the dumbest thing he’d done in years.

“Your brain’s in your jeans.” She slid by him and out of the corner he’d had her in for a few seconds. “Get this straight, Genonese, I don’t give a damn about your personal life. It has nothing to do with me.”

“What happened to us being friends?” Don knew that was a stretch, being friends with a wild cat, but something crazy in his blood made him want to be in her favor. “And, Miss Carmen, you’ve been in my jeans more than I have.”

Her eyes narrowed in silent warning. He couldn’t stop the grin that messed up his angry expression.

She was beautiful, and he especially liked the way her eyes changed colors to match her mood. Right now, they were jet black. Really pissed off jet.

“Yes, dear.”

“Shut your mouth.” She glanced over his shoulder. “Chief Drummond is here.”

He straightened his attitude and turned to look at the burly man in a gray pinstripe suit. Hell, this scene could be straight out of
The Godfather

Chief Drummond waved his fat cigar in their direction and sat at his desk. “This won’t take long.” He dropped the cigar in a crystal ashtray and gestured toward the two chairs near the desk. “Now, you both have applied for the rank of captain some months back.” He cocked an eyebrow at them as they took their seats. “There weren’t any vacancies then.”

Carmen glanced at him and gave the tiniest shrug he’d ever seen. Don figured she was getting set for another disappointment. What the hell had the Chief hauled them in for? To see the disgust on their faces at his denial of approval?

“We understand, sir.” She started to stand, but the chief’s wave sat her down again. “We all have to wait our turn. Sir.”

Damn it. How could she go on being nice to the pompous prick? He probably planned to cut her to shreds.

“Sir, we appreciate your time in explaining the situation.” Don leaned back in his chair, copping a nonchalant pose. “Is there another reason you made time for us today?”

The look he got from the busy man fried his nuts. Once again, he’d stepped over the line.

“Genonese, you have a reputation for having a fast tongue and faster trigger finger.”

Aw, shit. Don couldn’t argue with that, and now, he was chin deep in crap. “A reputation well deserved, sir. I spoke out of turn. Sorry.”

Carmen slid an amused glance his way. She obviously enjoyed his being on the carpet. The air weighed a ton while he waited for the hammer to fall. He sucked in a deep breath when the Chief focused on pulling a folder from the desk drawer.

“Now, if I can get on to more serious matters.” The head man of the department shot a warning look at Don. “Two of our best men have been promoted up the chain, and that leaves room for a couple of new captains. The board has decided the two of you, Sergeant Redstone and you, Sergeant have been given the promotions.”

Don felt his tongue swell in his mouth. A promotion he’d given up on, and Carmen looking radiant even though she sat still as a rock.

“Thank you, sir.” Don stood and reached across the desk to shake the chief’s hand. “Oh, and thank the board for okaying these promotions.”

With as little emotion as a person could pull off, the Chief went on with his little speech. “From now on, you’ll have a squad of men to take care of and an ass load of paper work. Still want the job, Genonese?”

“Hell yes.” Don grinned, not caring at the moment if he was the Chief’s worst dream. “Sir.”

What the hell, a guy could act a little goofy at a time like this. Carmen finally stood and shook hands with their boss, her face serene under the tension. What the hell was she feeling?

“Congratulations, Genonese.” She headed for the door, leaving him to trail after her and that sexy whiff of perfume she always wore. “It’s time for us to pull our shift. I’ll drive, since you look hung over.”

She didn’t completely fool him with that calm demeanor. Her stride was quick, and she smoothed the hair at her nape before they stepped out in the steamy evening heat.

“Carmen.” She turned to face him. He struggled to find the best way to humble himself without sounding like a wimp. “How about having a drink after our shift? Kind of a celebration?”

“No thanks.”

Short and sweet, she chopped his dick off and handed it to him. He couldn’t believe she saw him as a pariah after the blazing sex they’d had. The way she turned him down stunned him.

“I didn’t ask to get in your pants, Redstone.”

“Yes, you were.” She got in the car and waited for him to get in. “I’m going to go see my mom after work.”

Don eyed her with new insight. She took pride in the promotion after all. He hadn’t even thought about his family or what they would say.

Luscious Carmen had a soft side to her stony exterior. It made her that much more beautiful.

As they drove to the latest drug bust, he wanted to rid himself of the mounting desire in his balls. How long could he be with her ten hours a day and not have a hard on all the time?

Carmen was like no other woman he’d met, sensual in every way. Even while she twisted some jerk’s arm, she took his breath away.

Chapter Six

Carmen touched the handmade turquoise and silver squash blossom necklace her mother fastened around her neck. She’d wanted the piece of art since seeing it in the display case.

“Momma, this is too expensive to give away.” Carmen protested mildly, thrilled to receive such a gift.

She loved her mother so much. Everything about her was perfect, right down to the heavy braid gracing her straight back. Years of abuse had not dampened her pride or joy of living.

“I have been saving it for you.” Ruby Redstone was a woman of few words. New and unexpected ones hit like a bolt of lightning. “You’re in love now, Carmen. Why are you so unhappy?”

“In love?” Carmen flushed with embarrassment. She never could hide her emotions from her only ally. “That’s ridiculous, Momma. I’ll let you know when I find the right man.”

“Don’t let your childhood ruin your chance for happiness.” Ruby kissed her flustered daughter’s cheek. “You should be celebrating your success, not wasting time with me.” She picked up a half finished bracelet, smiling as she added some feminine advice. “A humming bird likes sweet flowers, dear. You have yet to blossom.”

“Momma, what the heck does that mean?” Carmen knew what the wheedling comment meant. It meant she could bag Don with sweetness and femininity. “I only attract bumble bees, and they have a sting that reminds you to keep your petals closed.”

They laughed with shared affection, each having known the crushing blow of rejection from a heavy handed man.

After having coffee and a look through the new items of Ruby’s small, thriving jewelry boutique, Carmen headed home. She needed sleep to face another night with Don. She had to be on top of her game to keep him from proving she wasn’t worthy of her coveted promotion.

Three blocks from her apartment, Carmen remembered her mother’s shocking observation. In love? It’s not love when you’re the only one feeling the emotion.

A kernel of an idea settled in her brain. Maybe a cruise, or a couple weeks in the tropics would help her get over Genonese.

Of course, you’d cut it short and run right back to see if he’s really as hot as you pictured.

Spotting a liquor store, she drove into the parking lot, intending to buy a six-pack or a case of soft drinks. Bottles of wine sparkled on the glass display shelves. She carried a soft Merlot to the counter along with the colas.

“Celebrating?” The older man smiled at her while bagging her items.

“No, just thirsty.”

She went back to her car, groaning when she spotted two high school kids hanging around the trash dumpster, taking swigs from an open beer. She wouldn’t hassle them tonight. Not too much. She drove up next to their shadowy party area and flashed her shield.

“You guys twenty-one?”

The beer bottle hit the concrete and shattered in the bag. “No ma’am. We wuz just going home.”

“See that you do.” She let the car ease forward a few feet. “I’ll be back around, and if you’re still here, you get a free ride in the paddy wagon.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The two skinny kids took off like deer, probably wetting their pants.

Carmen grinned when they looked back before turning the corner.
Little shits

At her apartment, she pulled her car into a parking space in the crappy lean-to garage, and got out, tired and ready to crawl into bed. Walking to the entrance, she recognized the car parked in front of the building.


She approached the maroon GMC wagon, and leaned on the fender. “The woman on the second floor will call the cops if you sit here too long.”

He leaned across the seat, grinning in his special ‘I want to fuck you’ way. “Okay. Invite me in.”

Invite him in? The arrogant bastard

Admit it, Carmen. You’re happy to see him

He didn’t seem surprised by her quick agreement. He got out of his car and locked it before following her into the building.

She trembled with apprehension, afraid now of all the crazy feelings racing through her. Did he have to stand so close? Damn it, where was that light switch?

The door opened and they walked in, not speaking until he took the wine and coke from her hand. “Planning a party?”

“I will, as soon as you leave.” She placed her purse and weapon on the coffee table. “Did you come back for your jeans?”

“I came back to celebrate with you, Captain Redstone.” His fingers toyed with the heavy necklace between her breasts. “And, to tell you, I think they picked the right woman.”

She moved away, carrying the drinks into the dark kitchen. Images of him and that woman iced her blood. His shadow fell over her when he walked into the room. “I think you’d better go celebrate with the redhead.”

Damn, why did you let him in? You’re a fool

Her attempt to freeze him out melted under the touch of his hands on her waist. “Let’s not go there, Carmen. This is between you and me.”

“There’s nothing between us, Don.” She shivered when his lips teased her earlobe. “Why don’t you leave?”

He ignored her suggestion and methodically removed the combs from her upswept hair.

“I’ve always wanted to do that.” His hand locked in the long strands while he gazed at her with arousal flickering in his eyes.

Stay? Go? What should she do

The heat building in her blood screamed with the desire to walk into his arms, yet the resentment of his lies blocked her emotions.

“Very poetic, Don, but I’d rather you didn’t touch me.”

He eased closer until he chin grazed her cheek. “Why not? Afraid you like me? Just a little.”

Ah, heaven in blue jeans warmed her soul while he pressed soft kisses on her mouth. Like him? She loved him more than her next breath. Her heart pounded out the words she couldn’t say.

“I’m not sure.” Her protest had been faint, but clear to him. She eagerly gave in to the fire burning out of control in her body.

“I’m sure for both of us.” He took his time removing the pin from her blouse and released the buttons. Her body tensed with high expectation at the touch of his firm lips on her bare breast. “It’s been too long, Carmen…too long.”

“Meaning?” Why couldn’t she keep her mouth shut and simply enjoy the only man she wanted?

He didn’t answer and pulled her close in his arms. “Not this time, Redstone. I know you want me as much as I want you. No more insults to ruin a perfect hard on.”

With a few simple words, he lit the fuse to desire, and she gave in to the ache in her body. “Let’s see what you call perfect.”

She slowly unzipped his jeans, pushing her hand into his shorts to grip his cock in a firm hold. She shivered with pleasure at the weight of hot, rigid man in her possession. He covered her hand, groaning against her neck.

For several minutes, they stood in silence, blanketed in need and overwhelming pleasure of touching, his hands moved to her ass, holding her close.

She loved his mouth, her own opening to feel the plunder of his tongue. He tasted good, fresh and clean and just plain Don. He filled her senses to overflowing. Whatever made her think she could say no to him, to refuse the hot steam of wild sexual awareness moving from his hand into her pussy?

There was no use fighting how quickly she opened every door for him or how he easily vanquished her stubborn resistance. All her torment burned away, and she gave in to the throbbing need to be his woman.

Urgency made her hug his neck, holding his mouth to hers in a rough, searching kiss. She loved his fingertips grazing the mounds of her breast and his mouth pressing to her nipples. The gasp she had been tamping down escaped the moment he began to suck, and her nails dug deep in his back.

She helped him unzip her slacks, shuddering with pleasure, and straining to him while his fingers moved her panties aside to tug gently on her pubic hair. She liked it, his teasing way of driving her crazy. Her juices ran wild, and his fingers inched deep inside her until she was positive she felt them reach her soul.

In a wildfire to have him, she worked quickly to rid him of his shirt and unbuckled his jeans, not allowing his fingers leave her as his clothes fell to the floor.

He kicked his jeans aside while he held her still to stroke her clit, paying close attention to her breast she thrust toward him. She nearly collapsed with passion, longing to claim his hard cock in her throbbing pussy. To stop for a second was precious time lost.

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