Fast and Easy (3 page)

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Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: Fast and Easy
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She squeezed his cock again, and laughed. “Come on dirty boy.” She pulled away from him and headed for the bathroom. “I’ll let you wash me.”

They stripped on the way to the shower, dropping what clothes they still wore onto the floor. Don caught her in his arms, hungrily kissing her, dipping his head to suck her nipples. She didn’t have to see his cock to know it stood up tight against his belly. The hot bulge plastered against her skin spurred her into a frenzy of passion with the need to have him inside her.

Somehow they moved to the shower stall, and he turned on the water. It was cool, but didn’t extinguish the blazing heat engulfing her.

Carmen locked her arms around his neck, holding him close. He had his wits about him evidently, finding her shampoo in the caddy above her head. She closed her eyes and savored his hands washing her scalp and body. They slid over her ass to her crotch, his fingers stroking her folds and clit, finally sliding inside her pussy.

“Find anything in there?” Her voice was husky with desire, legs tensed with need to release her building climax.

“Just checking.” He nuzzled her neck, dropping a bar of soap into her palm.

“Checking for what?” She always wished she didn’t have to question his every motive, but it was just part of their relationship. “Find it?”

“Yeah, still tight as a drum and ready to be kissed.”

She rolled the soap over several times in her hands, working up a thick lather. Taking her time, she spread the bubbles over his chest and stomach, slowly lathering up his neck and shoulders. Her pussy clenched with raw desire as she watched the trail of bubbles settle around the base of his cock.

“Are you satisfied with what you see, Redstone?”

It took all her willpower, but she turned her back and rinsed her hair, trying to forget how hot she was for him. “I’ll let you know after we take it for a test run.” She looked over her shoulder, a tiny smirk on her lips. “It’s been a while. Something might have changed.”

She shivered in the tide of desire whipping through her body. He pressed against her, cupping his hands over her breasts, nipping her earlobe.

The heat of his cock against her ass burned a trail of sizzling need to her throbbing pussy, clenching onto his fingers he dipped inside her.

“Redstone, I think you want me.” His deep voice crooned into her ear, and his muscled thighs molded to hers as his fully-loaded dick flicked her ass.

He turned her to face him, teasing her lips with his tongue. Her body was slick inside and out, quivering with raging desire to be under him.

She gripped him, working her fingers along the rigid, veined length until his mouth crushed down over hers in an assault of passion. “I know you want me, Don.”

“I’m ready to come, so stop with the hand job, gorgeous.” He turned off the water, reaching for the towels hanging on the bar outside the shower stall door and quickly wrapped one around her.

Carmen dried her hair as well as she could while he backed her against the wall to plunder her mouth with his tongue. She shivered, not with cold, but anticipation. Her voice was a shaky whisper. “I want you to come, but not here.”

He lifted her in his strong arms and carried her to the bed. She was dazed with passion and erotic yearning. He smelled of her soap and his own spicy scent, warm and seductive.

They fell onto the bed where she collapsed in a heap of helpless delight, laughing while he spread her legs to bury his face in her pussy.

The tease of his tongue searching for her clit set her ablaze. Her laughter became a loud moan of exquisite passion. His hands slipped under her to squeeze her ass and pull her up to his mouth.

The torture of building excitement enslaved her whole being. Surrender was her only emotion as he sucked her clit and drove his tongue deep into her. She clawed his shoulders and locked her legs around his back.

She came, and came, twisting away but holding him fast to the flame. Consumed in fire, she screamed out in the wild fury of release, falling back against the pillows in the aftermath of the storm.

* * * *

Don had to have her, bury his cock as far in her as possible. He’d never forgotten her passion, and tonight she was a hundred times hotter. His shoulders and back burned from her scratching, but the pleasure numbed the pain.

“Damn, Carmen, you’re a wildcat.” He needed no help finding her pussy, his dick centering instantly on her throbbing entrance. She held her arms up, pulling him down to lie on her. He knew it sounded Neanderthal, but all he could manage was a growl against her ear.

He couldn’t slow down and knew she was ready to come again. She was ready, his drive into her hot and tight. She clenched around him, grinding her hips until she cried out again. Pushing forward, he rocked against her until she lifted her hips to pull him deeper, moving in rhythm with his fast, hard stokes. He couldn’t breathe, yet the pounding blood coursing through his body kept him going. It blew him away, his orgasm powerful and brilliant behind his eyes.

She clung to him, kissing his neck and shoulders in spent passion, sighing with contentment. He rolled to his side and pulled her close.

“You’re beautiful, Redstone.”

Her eyes opened slowly, her smile mocking. “You don’t have to play me with drink and pretty words, Don.”

He exhaled roughly, wanting to shake her. “Why do you do that?”

She lifted up on her elbow. “Do what?”

There was a hint of anger in her voice. “Can’t a guy ever get nice with you?”

“Not you, Genonese.”

He had no answer for that comment. After all the time he’d blamed her for putting him in the hospital, all the macho quips he’d sent her way, she still had more balls than he did.

“There’s got to be a story behind that.” He brushed her hair from her forehead.

“You don’t need to know my life history.” She moved with cat-like grace, straddling his waist to stare darkly at him. “Are you bored already?”

“Hell no, baby.” What was she thinking, planning in that evil brain? “Forget I asked.”

“No.” She leaned back and then laughed. “I watched my pop beat my mom all my life, ran when he’d whip his belt over his head, buckle end out when he was drunk. Which was most of the time.”

Don had never heard Carmen reveal anything personal before. He wanted to hug her, but she sat rigid as stone on him. He didn’t interrupt her as she spilled the rest of her past.

“Pop taught me one thing that was useful. Not to be afraid of guns and how to fire them.” Her shoulders relaxed the longer she talked. “When he died in a gutter, we didn’t cry. We were relieved.” She grinned at him. “Sounds awful to you, doesn’t it?”

“Not that he died, just the part about how he treated you and your mother.”

“A girl wants a father to love, Don.” She slid off his hips and lay down beside him. “I didn’t want to be tough and fire guns.”

Propping up on the pillows, he thought about her hard ass attitude. Now he knew where it came from. “It wasn’t a waste, Redstone. You’re one hell of a cop.”

“Yeah, and it sure goes good with eating Christmas dinner alone and singing happy birthday to yourself.” She threw a pillow against his face. “Fuck it.”

She got up and went to the doorway. He wanted her to stay in bed with him. “Don’t run off mad, beautiful.”

“You have never seen me mad.” Grabbing her robe off a chair, she spoke matter-of-factly. “Want coffee or to get drunk as hell?”

“Your call, babe.” He couldn’t help being crazy about her. She was too fascinating to ever forget.

Chapter Four

Carmen groaned, a major headache pounding in her temples.

Why had she tried to match him shot for shot

The aroma of fresh brewed coffee tantalized her nose. Don had entertained her until dawn and showed her he hadn’t lost a thing.

“Hey, Redstone.” He popped his head around the door to grin at her. “I always have coffee before sex.”

Now he was the old Genonese, cocky as hell and a pain in her ass. “In that case, you’d better drink a pot full.” She wished her tongue hadn’t loosened up with him, but it was too late to worry about.

He wasn’t put off, his lean body propped against the door as he teased her. “I can wait, but I don’t know about you.”

“Kiss my ass, Don.” She sat up and stretched her arms over her head. He was still leering at her, making her body flush with pleasure. “What’s with you? Never seen a naked woman before?”

“Not like this one.” He took a step toward the bed.

“Hold it, Detective.” She slid off the bed and pointed to the empty scotch bottle on the floor. “You didn’t have to get me plastered to have sex.”

“Yeah, maybe.” He picked up the shirt he’d brought and put it on, slowly buttoning it. “I have to run, babe. You going to get up to see me off?”

Run? Run where? To whom?

The bubble she’d played around in popped with a painful jab of reality. She’d asked for it, latching onto him with no thought of him leaving.

She shrugged and tried to not sound petulant. “You’re probably already late.”

He paused a half second before clipping his shield and weapon on his belt. “I’ll see you later.”

“Sure.” Carmen snuggled down in the sheets and turned her back to him. “Be sure to lock the door.”

He nodded and left the room. She heard the refrigerator door close and the clink of a spoon in his coffee cup. He was still here, and she wanted to see him, even if it was for just a minute.

She got up and pulled on her robe, hurrying to the kitchen. Her heart almost flipped, seeing him leaning against the sink, smiling at her in that damn sexy way.

“Coffee lure you out here?” He held his cup out to her. “You want to talk?”

She waved the cup away, licking her lips. She felt tongue-tied bringing up the subject. “Are you going to Major Green’s retirement party?”

He glanced away then back at her. “No, I’m tied up that night. How about you?”

“No.” She picked a lie from the air. “I’m scheduled to work that day.”

He set the cup on the counter and took a couple steps toward the door. “What’s the real reason you aren’t going? Major Green thinks the sun sets in your ass.”

“Maybe it does, and you’d better remember that.” She threw a dishtowel in his direction. “Get out.”

Before she could take a breath, he was back, wrapping his arms around her, his mouth clamping down on hers in a hard kiss. She trembled with desire. She hadn’t gotten enough of Don and never would.

He swatted her ass and stepped back, a smart alec grin on his face. “I only remember that ass pumping me dry.”

He walked out, and the emptiness of the apartment closed in around her. “I’d love to put a hex on you, Genonese.”

She poured coffee in the cup Don had used, turning it to the spot his lips had been on. Now that he was gone, she gave thought to the retirement party she was supposed to attend. Downtown, posh hotel and her showing up with no date. Wouldn’t she be just the one?

Pissed off at her situation, she tossed the coffee in the sink.

Why did you bring it up? He cut you off at the ankles. Damn it!

Out of habit, she put the cup in the dishwasher and shut the door. There was nothing in the racks but a saucer and two spoons.

What a life, Carmen. You’ll be talking to yourself if you don’t make some changes and soon.

Glancing in the bathroom, she grimaced at the mess they had left. Wet towels and ripped clothing lay in heaps on the floor. She gathered the discarded clothing, and dropped them in the washer.

Remembering Don hadn’t taken anything with him, she searched for his jeans. They were in the living room, and his shirt had found a home on the sofa.

Just holding his clothing, stained with mud and filthy water gave her a thrill.

She removed the towels from the washer and tossed in his things. While they washed, she sat on the counter and thought about the sound of his voice, the bronze tone of his fine body, head to toe.

While she’d been working him into another round of sex, she’d found the ugly scar from the slug she’d put in him, and nearly gasped at the sight. There would always be that reminder of the pain she’d caused him.

Disgusted with the path her thoughts had taken, Carmen hopped down and went into the living room. She picked up her phone and then dropped it onto the coffee table.

You were ready to call him, weren’t you? Fool

Going to her closet, she tried to push Don out of her thoughts. The hangers squeaked and grated on the pole as she searched for a decent dress. She had to have something appropriate for the major’s party.

Hell no. Everything she owned was either backless, strapless, or thigh-high creations. In the mess were some even shorter skirts. The floor, littered with shoes, told the same tale, all inappropriate just like their owner.

Maybe she’d wear her uniform. That would be a kick in the ass. Whatever the hell she wore, she wasn’t staying long. She would be all set gift wise with a box of Monte Christos. The major was such a sweet guy, helping her out of plenty of hot situations.

Shutting the closet door, she thought about Don’s comment. What had he meant by that crack about the sun setting in her ass? She’d never gotten the slightest inkling Major Green played favorites with her. Don was a typical male, reading crap into everything.

Too bad he couldn’t read her emotions. They would both be a lot happier if he could. Then again, maybe not.

She showered and dressed, putting the wet clothes in the dryer before heading off to find a decent dress. She rolled her eyes at the idea.

For the next several days, Carmen was forced to have a recruit ride with her. Genonese was doing his annual weapons proficiency test and had been testifying in a murder trial. She missed him like fury, but being away from Don for a few days gave her a chance to think of something else.

Time seemed to drag, yet the evening of the reception came all too soon for her. She dressed in her new cocktail dress and piled her hair into a reasonably stylish do. She gave up trying to appear perky and let the stubborn strands around her cheeks do as they pleased.

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