Fast and Easy (13 page)

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Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: Fast and Easy
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She bit back her disappointment and hurried to join him.

* * * *

Too tense too stay in her office, she got in her patrol car and cruised around the district, pleased with the lack of activity on the streets. A steady rain had slowed traffic to a decent level, and she relaxed.

She slowed at the intersection near a deserted park, blinking in surprise when a patrol car pulled in behind her, lights in the grill convincing her to pull over. Where had he been hiding? She unclipped her weapon. Anyone could put lights in their grill.

Whoever drove the car didn’t get out right away. That made her nervous. She thought about the scum bags that had been hired to mess her up, and reached for her nightstick. She gripped it in her fist while keeping an eye on the car behind her. She didn’t want to call for back up, but common sense won out and her hand went to her radio. She checked her rearview mirror one more time.

The guy getting out of the car didn’t put on his hat or hesitate to stride toward her car. Her heart pounded with an adrenalin surge, and some fear. She flipped the switch of the searchlight on and directed it on him.

Genonese. She took a hard breath and dropped the nightstick. The beating of her heart now raced with excitement to see the man she loved. God, what a job.

She lowered her window and cooled her fight sensors by the time he tapped on the roof of her car.

“Okay, lady.” Genonese trained his flashlight on her chest. “Out of the car.”

She didn’t care that it had started pouring rain. She opened the door and slid out, standing still while he looked her over. “What’s the trouble, Officer?”

“Trouble is I’m crazy about you, Carmen Redstone.”

Why had he chosen now to say that? What the hell had gotten into him?

“Oh, I get it. You’re horny.” She swiped rain from his forehead. “I can’t have sex on the job.”

“Carmen, listen to me.” He gripped her shoulders, his words tripping over each other. “I want you for more than an occasional piece of ass.”

She squinted in the lights glare, trying to read his expression. “Then, what do you want?”

“You. I want you for now and the rest of my life.”

Soft thunder punctuated his words, covering her gulp. “I’m not going anywhere, Genonese. Are you okay?”

He pulled her into his arms, covering her mouth in a hard kiss before startling her with his sincerity. “I’ll never be okay until I hear you say you love me.” He squeezed her as if that would get the answer he wanted. “I love you, damn it. I loved you before you shot me in the ass, and it just gets stronger.”

Carmen had waited a long time to hear him say the words, and she couldn’t remember all the standard defense lines to cover hurt and disappointment. She didn’t need them anymore.

“I love you, Don Genonese.” It rained harder, and he held her tighter, the beat of his heart like a sweet touch of his hand. “Come by my apartment tonight. We’ll see if you feel the same in a warm dry bed.”

He hugged her hard, pulling her up on her tiptoes. “I’m spending every night at your place.” Passing cars slowed to rubberneck at the scene taking place between them. “Duty calls, babe. I’ll see you at home.”

She got into her car and leaned out to kiss him one more time. “Just because I love you, don’t think I won’t use the cuffs.”

“Use whatever turns you on, Carm.” He stepped back when she started the car. “When do you want to get married?”


She jumped out of the car and ran after him. “I have to know one thing, Genonese.” Damn it, why was she doing this? But she had to know. “Do think I’m fast and easy?”

“What a question.” He tossed the flashlight into his car. “Damn it, woman. It took a hell of a long time to get you in bed. That wasn’t fast or easy. Do you think I’m a prick?”

“I think you’re the bumble bee I’ve waited for.” She squeezed his hand, falling deeper in love with him with each drop of rain washing down her face.

“About that bumble bee thing.” Don tried to grab her hand as she turned to leave.

“Family secret, Genonese. I’ll tell you after we have a daughter.”



I have always loved books. Reading was a passion early in my life. I read everything the famous and not so famous authors wrote. I was a die hard historical romance-only fan until I found contemporary to be just as satisfying to read. I began the rocky journey to publication, blind to all the rules and terribly afraid of rejection. With the help of patient critique partners and surviving more than a few disappointments, my first full-length novel was accepted for publication.
I live in the Midwest, and enjoy being near my two adult children and my wonderful wildflower garden. I will never stop being delighted by the notes sent by a reader commenting on my work. Hearing from readers is important to me. I want to write stories that stay with you for a long while. I do it all for you.

Also by Betty Womack

Palace of the Jaguar

The Stetson

Her Private John

Hot For Nick

Available at


Siren Publishing, Inc.

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