Fast and Easy (9 page)

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Authors: Betty Womack

Tags: #Siren Classic

BOOK: Fast and Easy
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“Want to go talk?” He squeezed her tight, his voice deep and smooth. “How about my place?”

“Yes.” She didn’t have to repeat her answer. He quickly captured her hand in his and led her from the dance floor, walking fast and ignoring the calls from his buddies at the bar to stay and have a drink. “Do you want to stay for a while?”

He didn’t speak until they were out in the sultry night air, and his arms were around her. “Are you kidding? I thought about not coming tonight. But, damn I’m glad I did.”

She knew she was breathing because her heart was pounding and sent her blood pressure off the scale.

He opened the door to his GMC wagon, helping her in before running to the driver’s side to jump in beside her.

She tried to match his calm attitude, but the effort was useless against weeks of hungering to be with him. Don draped his arm across her shoulders while he drove, but kept his eyes on traffic. His self-control drove her crazy, no fast hands in a rush, no wise cracks or suggestive remarks.

After what seemed like hours of torture, he parked in front of his apartment building.

She stayed put while he got out and came around to help her from the car, surprising her when he picked her up to carry her to the entrance.

“I didn’t get a chance to tell you before, but you’re a damn good looking woman, Carm.” He set her down and opened the heavy door, letting her walk in first.

Carmen wasn’t accustomed to sweet talk from him. She liked it, but felt a little embarrassed at such flowery prose coming from the toughest cop in Kansas City.

Inside his apartment, the air hung heavy with apprehension and her growing desire to touch him.

He made it easy for her, taking her purse to drop it on the floor. She was glad he didn’t turn on the lights so he couldn’t see the blaze of passion in her eyes. So far, she seemed to be the only one being consumed by flames of desire.

He stood near a small credenza, emptying his pockets when she decided it had been long enough.

“Don.” Her fingers shook and her legs weakened, but she had already stepped out of her skirt when he turned to look at her. “Enough conversation. I haven’t waited all this time to hear what you think of the weather.” She took several steps toward him. “I want you Copper, and if you don’t feel the same, tell me right now.”

* * * *

Want her! How many wet dreams had he awoke from, sporting a massive hard on because she’d been riding him like a jackhammer on fire?

“I feel the same, Carm.” He gazed at her for a moment before pulling his shirt off over his head. “You have no idea how much I want you.”

He’d left the bathroom light on in his hurry to leave, and the light bathed her golden skin in its warm glow. Just being close to her, he had a hell of a time keeping his balls under control.

He touched the gleaming squash blossom necklace nestled between her breasts. She was perfection with beads of passion sweat glistening on her smooth flesh. He moved his hands carefully, freeing her long hair from the braid to drape around her shoulders and breasts.

She trembled, standing still while her nipples peaked under his palms. His cock tried to claw its way through his jeans, an erection he wanted to share with her.

His reserve fled on clumsy feet when she licked her lips and began unbuckling his belt.

“You have on too many clothes, Genonese.” The brush of her fingers on his belly sent his muscles into spasms. “I want to see your body. I want to lick your nipples and everything else.”

He couldn’t play the pussy any longer. Raw need canceled out his carefully plotted approach.

“You can see and lick anything you want, baby.” He pulled her against his throbbing dick, held her face in his hands to cover her mouth in a hungry kiss. His knees were weak from the taste of her lips and tongue that played with his. Her teeth tugged on his lip in urgent demand for sex, and he wasn’t about to make her wait. He knew firsthand her ability to take him out like a rank armature when she wanted action.

He caught her hand when she worked his stiff dick into a jerking frenzy. The sultry laugh he loved spilled from her lips while he tore her panties off her lush body. He ran his palm down her stomach to brush the soft hair framing her pussy. She was wet, and the scent of her arousal grabbed him by the balls.

“My bra, Don?” She held his cock in a firm grip, her soft gaze following the movement of his hands while he unhooked the front- closed bra.

“My God.” His soft comment expressed everything he felt as he eyed the full mounds of her breasts. She looked exquisite, ripe and his. “I want you, Carmen Redstone.”

Her strong fingers cupped his balls, the sensation fanning the flames of desire to fuck her. He groaned when she spread her legs, making it easier for him to dip his fingers inside her. She gripped his thigh with her leg, moving her hips against his fingers, groaning in erotic pleasure.

He lifted her higher on his thigh, reveling in her soft breasts against his heaving chest, and her sweet tasting tongue plunging deep inside his mouth. Her lips were full and pliant, forming to his in a scorching demand for fulfillment.

For the second time that night, he picked Carmen up to carry her, the warmth of her body matching his own as he took her to his bed. He laid her on the quilt, quickly removing his jeans before joining her.

He moved to settle in between her open legs, trailing kisses up her thigh to her pussy. Her legs jerked and hips bucked at the first flick of his tongue to her clit. She was swollen, ready to bloom in his mouth. He nuzzled in close to pull the throbbing bud into his mouth, sucking gently until she groaned and twisted his hair around her fingers. He worked the nub hard and fast with his mouth, alternating with an occasional nip to excite her to climax.

She came off the bed to hold his mouth close in her fever, crying out in her release.

Her shuddering aftermath slowed and he went to her, lying above her while she guided his cock to her pussy. He loved sex, loved the heat of it, the wild raw excitement of penetration, but with her it was an earthquake off the scales. He loved fucking her.

Gazing down at her expression of rapture, he knew everything he needed to know.

He had fallen in love with Carmen.

Chapter Eleven

Carmen devoured a third strip of bacon and bolted up-right in bed. “Ten o’clock! I’m supposed to be at Troost Elementary School in an hour.”

Carrying her plate, Carmen got out of bed and ran into the kitchen. Don looked up from the frying pan where he stirred scrambled eggs.

“School?” He turned off the flame and wiped his hands on a dishtowel. “Some kind of drug bust?”

“Nothing so glamorous.” She ran back into the bedroom to dress, searching under the bed for her shoes. “It’s an officer friendly visit.”

“You can’t go like that. Half naked and looking sexy as hell.” His grin was pure invitation, but she was on a mission. “What are you going to talk about?”

“How to stay away from men like you.” She paused to kiss him on her way to the bathroom. “I have to get my car. You have to drive me to my apartment and then to the bar.”

He followed, watching her from the doorway. “I’ll get my stuff while you finish up.”

She caught her reflection in the vanity mirror and warmed to the soles of her feet. She glowed with happiness. “Thanks, Don.”

“I’m your man.” He stepped into the bathroom to pat her ass. “Anything for my girl.”

“I want you to go with me.” She pretended to be absorbed in stacking her hair on top of her head, but her heart thundered while she waited for his answer. “I’m going in strapped.”

He shook his head. “You want to drive those little boys wild?”

“No, I just want them to take me seriously.” She turned to look at him, smiling with a bit of trepidation. “About going with me?”

“I’ll stay in the shadows.” He pulled gently on a wisp of a curl at her nape. “Of course I’ll go. I wouldn’t miss this.”

Fifteen minutes later, they were in his car heading for her apartment. It was the first time they’d driven somewhere together that didn’t involve hunting a drug dealer or chasing a murderer. Or, hurrying to have a round of fast sex.

His fast driving was something she’d always ragged him about, but today she overlooked it. There were more important things on her mind. He’d called her his girl. She faced the window and smiled, thinking about how easily he’d fallen into his current situation. Don may have been teasing, but she was serious. He didn’t know it, but he’d always been her man.

She stopped him from getting out of the car when they parked in front of her apartment building. “Wait for me. I can change clothes easier without an audience.”

He grinned and looked at his watch. “Okay babe, but shake a leg.”

Carmen jumped and ran to the entrance, getting to her apartment in record time. It took several minutes, but she found her uniform in the back of the closet, still in a dry cleaning bag protector.

She ripped the cover off and laid the crisp blue uniform on the bed, then quickly shed her wrinkled shirt and blouse. She’d left her panties at Don’s and pulled a fresh pair from the dresser along with a bra. Socks, she needed socks for the regulation shoes. She pulled on a pair and grimaced at the confinement of her feet.

Once she got the pants on, she pulled on the shirt, buttoned it and stuffed the hem into the waistband. From memory, she checked the brass with her fingertips, satisfied every button and emblem was accounted for. The patent dress Oxfords were still comfortable, and she laced them up in a hurry.

Okay, you’re ready to face those kids. No you’re not. They’ll probably eat you for lunch

She hadn’t used the gun belt for a long time, and it weighed heavy on her hips. The Glock in the holster added another four pounds.

The sheet of rules from the school principal had disappeared, and she had no time to look for them. Don turned in the seat, watching as she flew out the door and ran to the car.

Applying lip-gloss after she climbed in, Carmen nodded. “Let’s roll.” He stared at her, smiling while he started the car. “What are you smiling at? Is everything straight?’

He shook his head, and whistled softly. “You’re the best looking cop I’ve ever seen, Redstone. And hell yes, everything’s straight. Lord.”

Carmen re-checked the buttons of her shirt, making sure her uniform stood tall. She’d been so proud to wear it when she’d first gotten it, but just as eager to get back into street clothes to work vice.

She leaned back in the comfortable leather seat and exhaled, trying her best to not stare at him as they drove the short distance to The Shot. Being worried about her car had not occurred to her during the night. Who had time to think about a car while being entertained by Genonese?

The Lincoln was exactly where she’d parked it with all four wheels still attached. Don pulled up beside it and stopped. She looked at her watch and took a deep breath when she realized they had fifteen minutes to get to the school.

“I think we can make it using the side streets.” She hopped out of his car and unlocked the driver’s side door of her sedan. She pointed down the street. “Don’t try to break ranks and go somewhere else.” His expression of shock made her laugh.

“I’ll be on your ass all the way, just like always.” He revved the engine and grinned, waiting for her to take off.

Carmen chose

Brookside Boulevard
, the fastest, straightest route, glancing back occasionally to see Don following closely.

Worry about what she’d say to the kids began to nag at her confidence. Never having been around small children much, she began to panic.

They’re going to hate you, Carmen. Suck it up and rely on Don to be your point man. He’s probably good with kids

* * * *

Don strode inside the limestone and red-brick schoolhouse behind Carmen, feasting on the feminine swish of her hips. She wouldn’t look boyish if she’d been wearing a pair of coveralls.

He’d never seen her so animated as she smiled at Mrs. Grady, the tired-looking Principal walking them to the third graders’ room. The place smelled like white paste, floor wax and books, a scent you never forgot.

Mrs. Grady opened the door to the room and gestured for him to join them. “In here, Captain Redstone.”

Don wasn’t worried about what would happen. Hell, he had twelve nieces and nephews and more on the way. Kids were little animals who made noise and left piles everywhere they went. They did what came naturally, and it didn’t bother him.

Carmen turned to look at him, her lower lip caught in her teeth. He brushed his hand over her back, leaning close to reassure her. “You can take them, Carm.”

He hadn’t looked the class over until he stepped away from Carmen to give her the floor. Lord, what a bunch of future little bandits and speeders.

After Mrs. Grady’s introduction, Carmen went into her spiel, looking like a cop should look. Clean and serious.

“I’m Captain Redstone with the Kansas City Police department.” She smiled as the twenty-six kids yelled back their monotone greeting to her. “I won’t bore you with a long list of reasons why I chose to become a police officer. I’d rather answer your questions.”

Don laughed under his breath as the twenty-six pairs of eyes wandered around the room. The little brats were probably thinking of everything but conversation. Carmen moved out to the first row, looking at the kids with interest. She spoke to the biggest boy in the room, seated in a prominent position, probably to allow the teacher to keep an eye on him.

“You probably like football.” Carmen held her hand out, shaking the kid’s hand with no fear of the grime under his nails.

He grinned and nodded. “Yeah, me and my dad play when he comes over.” He ducked his head and blushed.

Carmen glanced over her shoulder, seeking Don out, and he smiled his approval of her technique. She had a way with kids and didn’t even know it.

Tentative in the beginning, she gained confidence, going from desk to desk to speak to the kids, one on one. Don leaned against the wall map to listen when she answered the questions the class asked.

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