Far from Blind (4 page)

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Authors: S.J. Maylee

BOOK: Far from Blind
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Chapter Four


Candy kept her head down and focused on
the screen in front of her when Ivy walked into the office Monday morning. “Good
morning, boss. I’ll have the plans for the Martin party ready for your review
by lunch.”

Don’t tell me this is where you were all day yesterday.” She leaned on the
ledge at the front of Candy’s reception desk.

often work in the office on Sunday when we don’t have a party. You know that.”
She double checked the times in the schedule, flipping back and forth between
the screens.

since Charlie started having her brunches.”

sure I wasn’t missed.”

true. I like it when you’re there. Jane asked where you were too. Mary and Emma
did the best they could defending your no show decision, but I don’t get it.”

nothing to get. I had work to finish. Now, there’s no reason for you not to
take the time and bid on the Anderson wedding.”

right.” Ivy stood straighter. “I was hoping to have time for that today.”

It’s a win.”

win, win you mean.” Ivy walked around the desk. “What are you so afraid of?”

not afraid. My priorities are just in order. My career comes first. That’s
all.” With the last date and time double checked. Candy saved the plans and
emailed them to Ivy. “You have mail.”

Ivy took a step toward her office and halted without turning around. “Do you
have time to run a quick errand for me?” she called out when she started
walking again.

Whatever you need.” Candy got up and followed her.

need you to take this envelope to an estate planning firm downtown. It’s a
small firm, but they recently hired a CPA and he’s been wanting to throw a
little party.”

I didn’t know about this one.”

know him personally. So, I know what he wants, but I keep forgetting to send my
plans over. There are a few samples I need him to see.” Ivy finished writing on
the envelope, sealed it, and handed it to Candy.

looked at the address on the envelope. “East Erie.”

their offices are at the corner of Michigan Avenue.”

Magnificent Mile, nice.”

guy too. I think you’ll like him.” Ivy opened her laptop. “Feel free to take
the rest of the afternoon off since you worked yesterday. I’ll have plenty to
keep me busy.”

you sure?”

Ivy concentrated on her screen. “Candy?”


work here.”


clutched her bag, sauntered out of the office, and skipped down the steps. Once
at the curb, she hailed a cab. She worked hard and deserved a treat and not
trudging along to the bus stop sounded outstanding.

no time, she was stepping out of the cab at the front of the building. Too bad
she couldn’t afford to always take a cab.

Chambers, CPA.” Chambers, the name sounded familiar but she couldn’t place it.
She hadn’t grown up with anyone named Chambers. She also didn’t know anyone who
worked on the Magnificent Mile. The guy probably grew up with a silver spoon in
a world far from hers. The farther she got into the building, she predicted the
clients who came here all had silver spoons too. She was so glad Ivy didn’t
have her office downtown. This kind of wealth made her uncomfortable. The rich
tones in the wood and fabrics reminded her she didn’t belong.

yanked hard on the heavy front door and walked into an opulent waiting room.
The vase on the entry table alone probably cost more than she made in a year. A
young woman sat at the reception desk.

the woman didn’t greet her, Candy said, “Excuse me.”

you have an appointment?” The woman didn’t look up.


A deep voice rumbled from behind her. She turned and found Brad standing on the
other side of the lobby.


are you doing here?” He stepped toward her.

examined the envelope. B. Chambers. She chuckled. “Ivy.” She held up the

me.” He turned and made his way down the hallway.

turned back to the receptionist.

better get moving. He’ll be turning the corner soon and then you’ll lose him.”

you. You’re so helpful.” She took off after Brad. The receptionist was wrong on
several accounts. Brad stood waiting for her at the end of the hall. Plus, if
she had any chance at all with Brad, it was probably long gone by now. When she
got closer, he turned down the hall and stopped in a doorway.

inside.” He angled his head toward the office.

took a deep breath as she stepped past him. He smelled deliciously refined,
natural and woodsy, all man. It was the same scent from the club.

thoughts filled with their few moments in the dark. She clamped her lips shut
before the moan escaped and tried to focus on his office. It appeared half
occupied. There were boxes on the floor and empty bookcases lined the walls.

closed the door behind them and the distinct click of a lock tumbling over
echoed around the room. Maybe no showing yesterday was a mistake. If they’d had
any chance at all, she’d blown it for sure. How could she expect him to trust
her now? The air, thick with unsaid words, closed in around her.

was time to take care of business and escape before she embarrassed herself. “This
must be for you.” She held out the envelope.

you.” He took it from her and tore it open, revealing a piece of paper. His
cheeks pulled into a little smile, then it disappeared. He maneuvered around
his desk and sat. “Do you like me, Candy?”

course I do.” She clasped her arms around her middle. The bigger question is
what he thought of her before Club Blind and now.

why didn’t you show last night?” He pressed his lips together and kept his gaze
on her.

be honest…”

all I’ll ever expect from you.”

give it to you straight. You don’t want a girl like me.” She blew out a breath as
if it could help her raging pulse. Never in a million years would she have
guessed she’d want a man to tell her she was wrong.

that what you believe?”

She kept her focus on him. He gave nothing away. His expression didn’t change,
only his fingers tapped on his desk which was irritatingly neat.

we have a problem.” He stood. “We’d agreed to meet. I kept up my end.”

I didn’t.” She blew out a deep breath.


didn’t move. She didn’t take her next breath either.

pointed to the ground in front of him. “Don’t make me ask twice.”

jumped and then slipped around his desk. Damn, he really did smell good. No
matter whether it was aftershave or him, the deep woodsy scent turned here on.
Everything about Brad turned her on.

I ask you to join me at Mistress Charlie’s yesterday?”


you believe I’m a liar?”


don’t think you are either.” He tapped under her chin, lifting her focus back
to him. “But I don’t believe you’re being honest with me right now and that’s a

sorry I didn’t show yesterday.”

appreciate the admission, but I can’t let the action and the attitude go

are you going to spank me?” She chuckled.

think it’s time.” He tucked some of her hair behind her ear and his touch
lingered along the side of her neck over her ugly mole. “Don’t you agree?”

Sir.” She leaned back on his desk. It was the only thing holding her up.



good. Bend over my desk, please.”

here?” She looked around his office. She didn’t find any windows to the hall,
but his windows facing the next building were wide open. “You really are

corner of his lips lifted slightly. “The windows are treated. No one can see in



you blame me?”

do know I’m an accountant, right?” He tugged on her hair. “We like to add.”

referring to how many times you’re going to spank me?”

face lit up like Christmas morning.

She turned around and saw his perfect desk. The papers stacked neat and tidy.
The pencils nestled together side by side with perfectly sharpened leads. She
picked up his things and arranged an orderly pile on the right side of his

leaned in close to her ear. “Stop cleaning my desk and bend over.”

Okay.” She lay over the now clear space and grasped hold of the front edge of
his desk.

you.” He lifted her skirt and yanked down her panties, leaving them hanging
over her ankles. “I don’t expect you to count. I do expect for you to think
about how you’ve handled yourself these last couple of days.” He rubbed her
bare ass, down to her thigh and back up. “We’ll talk about it when I’m done.
Acceptable?” He squeezed her right cheek.


first slap landed white hot on her right side. The second quickly followed.
Each blow pitched her forward against his desk. The movement pushed her breasts
back and forth. Her nipples tingled along with the heat building in her pussy.

struck her upper thigh. She squeaked, but he didn’t slow down. His hits landed
harder up and down from her ass to her thighs. She’d experienced a single slap
during training from Mistress Charlie, but it had been nothing like this.

in the hell did she get here with her backside exposed and Brad Chambers
spanking her ass? It was all her fault. For months, she’d wanted him to notice
her and, in her first opportunity, she’d stood him up. Hiding her face between
her arms, she had to wonder what he must think of her behavior.

squeezed her left butt cheek a few times and rubbed in big circles before
sending a barrage of stings up and down her left side. Her right side cooled
and burned while he worked over the left. The back and forth married perfectly
with her thoughts.

sign back at the club drifted into her thoughts.
You’ve got what it takes.
She hadn’t believed it. She could see
that now. After all her practice at boosting her self-esteem, she’d failed to
step up and instead had hid behind an excuse. The work had needed to get done,
but it didn’t have to be done yesterday when Brad was expecting to see her.

was a second line on the sign. If she could only remember, maybe it would give
her an anchor to hold onto. Something to build back up her strength, because
right now she didn’t think she could ever look at him again.

squeezed her ass right where it met her thigh. She rocked against the desk and
hissed through her teeth, trying to concentrate on the rest of the message and
not the sting of punishment.

will take everything I’ve got.” The whole message came to her. She could see it

do what?” His touch turned gentle.

make this up to you.”

pulled up her panties and lowered her skirt. “Come on now. Let’s sit for a few
minutes.” He took hold of her hand and led her to his seat. After settling
himself, he helped her onto his lap. She cuddled in close. “You took that very

you, Sir. I’m sorry I disappointed you.” She laid her head on his shoulder.

do you suppose will happen if I reschedule our session with Mistress Charlie?”

show up this time.” She sat up enough to look him in the eyes. “I promise,

was hoping you’d say that.”

give me another chance?” This was it. She may not deserve it, but she wanted it
more than anything.

already set up a tentative time.”

She smiled ear to ear.

six o’clock.”

be there.” She tugged on his tie. “So glad it’s only a couple days away.”

pick you up at five forty-five.”

don’t have to do that.” When she caught his raised eyebrow, she added, “Or you
could pick me up. You can get me from work.”

rather you leave work on time and I’ll pick you up from home.”

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