Falling for Bentley (Part One) (17 page)

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Authors: Shawnte Borris

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BOOK: Falling for Bentley (Part One)
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“I would never ask that of you, Haley, or anyone else. You need to do what’s good for you, and if you think staying here and teaching is where you want to be, then, Haley, stay here. Don’t give away your happiness over a stupid boy, even if it is my son.”

I giggled, “Thank you.”

Maggie opened the door, “Is everything going okay in here?”

“All is good, Maggie.” Charlotte reassured while smiling at me.

“You know, Bentley never did tell me how you two know each other.”

Maggie sat on the other side of me. “Charlotte and I have been best friends since we were toddlers.”


“I bet you are wondering why you and Charlotte have ever met before, or why you and Bentley didn’t know each other as kids?” asked Maggie.


“That’s kind of my fault,” replied Maggie.

“How so?” I asked.

“Your dad came home to visit after college and brought your mom, Jennifer, home to meet everyone. Jennifer and I got into a fight and your dad was put in the middle.”

“What happened?”

“I thought she wasn’t good enough for your dad, and I let my emotions get the best of me and I punched her.”

“No way, Maggie, you would never hit anyone.” I argued.

“Well, I did that day.”

“She has a good right hook, if I say so myself.” Charlotte said.

“Anyways, Jennifer said it was either her or me, and your dad…”

“Chose her.” I whispered, “A lot of good that did.”

“After that visit, your dad hardly ever came back home. When she left…I guess it was easier to stay away.”

I placed my hand on Maggie’s, “Do you miss him, my dad?”

“Every day.”




AFTER VISITING MY dad for a few days I decided Charlotte was right and I took the job Mrs. Harris offered. I will now be the new second grade teacher at Myers Elementary School. I also applied for, and got, the track coach position at the high school. Both will start in three weeks, and I couldn’t be more excited. Life is finally feeling like it’s in place, except for one little thing. The pregnancy test that’s in my hand, reading I was going to have a baby.

“Haley, I loaded the last box in the truck.” Travis said through the bathroom door.

“Thanks, Travis, I’ll be right out.”

I tucked the stick into my purse and looked in the mirror with a huge smile. I am going to be a mom.

I did the last check around my apartment before locking the door on my past for the last time. “I’m going to miss you,” cried Carleigh as we held hands down the stairs.

“You can always come teach with me at Myers.”

“No thanks. I love visiting there, but no way will I ever be a small town girl.”

“I love you.” I brought Carleigh in for a hug, “Thank you for everything.”



AFTER CURTIS PROPOSED to Loran, he moved in with her, leaving his house vacant. With the help of Charlotte he agreed to rent it out to me, after he paid for a thorough cleaning and a new paint job.

After the last box was put away, I flopped on the couch.

“Tired?” asked Charlotte.

“Yeah, who knew moving could be this exhausting.”

“I don’t know why you’re so tired, it’s not like you moved anything heavy.” complained Travis coming out from the kitchen with Cullen.

“Shut up.” Whitney said behind him, slapping him on the back of the head.

Charlotte, Will, and I just laughed.

The front door opened and my grandparents walked in, “Hi, Sweetie, we just thought we’d bring you over some groceries.”

“You guys didn’t need to do that.” I said getting up, hugging them both.

“Don’t be silly, child, of course we did.” Papa huffed before hugging me.

“Welcome home Haley.” Grams smiled.



THE NIGHT BEFORE my first day of work, Charlotte, Maggie, and Whitney stopped in and we all had dinner together. Drying the last dish I asked Charlotte, “Is it weird that we’re friends?”

“Why would you ask me that?”

“I just mean with Bentley not talking to me, and him not returning home yet. Is it weird that I’m friends with you guys? I feel close to you all, and I’d hate to be stepping on Bentley’s toes or something.”

Rinsing out the last of the sink Charlotte replied, “You are not stepping on Bentley’s toes. We asked you to be a part of our lives, if it pisses Bentley off, too bad for him. He cannot tell his mother who to be friends, or not to be friends with.”

“Okay.” I said quietly.

Charlotte gave me a hug, “You are very special to us, Haley. We love you as much as we love Whitney.”

“But I’m not with…”

“Doesn’t matter, sweetheart.”

Whitney and Maggie came walking into the kitchen with empty drinking glasses. “Haley what do you have planned with the spare room? I was thinking that maybe when I’m done school, I can move in with you.” asked Whitney.

“I’m...umm” I looked over to Maggie then Whitney before Charlotte, “I’m going to be making it into a nursery.”

The kitchen was dead silent. The only noise I heard was the beating of my own heart against my chest.

“Haley?” asked Charlotte, “Did I hear you right?”

“Yes.” I whispered, “I’m sorry, I know Bentley should find out first.”

Charlotte took a step back and grabbed her purse off the counter digging out her cell phone, dialing someone. “Will. You tell that son of ours to get his ass home!” She hung up as fast as she’d dialed. I stood and watched her, panicking inside.

“Don’t look at me like that, child, I’m going to be a grandma, and I couldn’t be happier.”

“Really?” I asked, shocked, “I didn’t plan this, to trap him or anything…” I rattled on.

“Why in the world would you think that? I know you would never do something like that. Haley you don’t have an evil thought in that pretty head of yours.”

“But I don’t want anyone thinking…”

“No one will think that, and I’ll make sure of it.” Maggie said while looking over to Whitney. “Anything else we should celebrate?”

Whitney put her hands up, “No babies here.”

“Just checking,” Maggie laughed.

“Oh Lord.” Charlotte laughed.



I’VE BEEN TEACHING now for a little over a month, which leaves me eleven and a half weeks pregnant. I’ve been training the track team a little harder this past week because we have a meet coming up, and every practice this week has run fifteen minutes longer than normal.

I’ve heard Bentley has come back home and decided to stay and take over the farm, but also decided it needed it to be downsized to make it more feasible. I have yet to hear from him, or see him. I’ve tried really hard to stay hidden at the track this past month while football practice has been going on, so I don’t have to risk running into Bentley until I’m ready.

I’m glad that Charlotte and her family understand, and are willing to visit me at home instead of me going to theirs. “Are you going to keep hiding?” asked Travis grabbing a water bottle off the ground.

“No, and what are you talking about?” I lied.

“Well it’s hot as shit out here, and you are wearing a t-shirt over your tank top, plus that ridiculous ball cap.” Travis laughed while flipping the ball cap off my head.

“I just like to wear two shirts.”

“Haley, no one likes to wear two shirts on days like today. Hell, I even hate wearing my football gear on days like today.”

I leaned closer to him, “I don’t want anyone to notice. I’m not ready yet.”

“No one will notice, you hardly even have a bump. The only reason we see it is because we see you almost every day.”

“I just…”

“I know you don’t want Bentley finding out until he can get his head out of his ass, but it’s not worth overheating over it.”

“I’m not overheating.” I said lifting my armpits to see if they have sweat stains.

“You’re face says different. Are you drinking enough water?”

I lifted my empty water bottle, “Yes, Uncle Travis.”

“Good, just take the t-shirt off, Haley, no one will notice and if they do, we’ll just say it’s all those cheeseburgers and strawberry milkshakes you inhale.”

“I do not.” I grumbled.

“Do to.”

“You sure?” I asked, nervous.


I looked around before taking off the t-shirt and leaving on the tank top. It felt great to feel the breeze on my bare arms.

“Doesn’t that feel better?” asked Travis.


“See I told you…”

“Why is half of my football team still over here, instead of at practice like they should be?” Bentley yelled as he stomped over.

Travis and I spun around, “Shit.” I said to Travis under my tongue.

“I don’t think he knows you are the new track coach.” Travis leaned over and laughed.



Find out what happens next in


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