Falling for Bentley (Part One) (15 page)

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Authors: Shawnte Borris

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BOOK: Falling for Bentley (Part One)
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I’M GLAD IT’S Friday, it was a long week with the boys. They lost focus by Wednesday and were ready to blow off some steam. I had to keep reminding them why we were at Wells’ ranch. I’m so glad Coach Dudley is going to take over starting Monday.

Haley and I haven’t really had a chance to talk since Wednesday. I was hoping to get some alone time with her after her friend left, but something always managed to come up. I’m hoping to tonight, though, before her grandparents come home on Tuesday.

I was sitting on Curtis’ couch, fiddling with my phone debating if I should text her, or just go see her. I chose to text and see if she’d flirt back.


: Hey pretty lady.

: Hi :)

: What are you doing?

: Just heading into the shower.

: What are you wearing?

: Seriously?

: Yeah:)

: Well I’m heading into the shower, so I’m naked.

: Want company!?!!

: To what …wash my back?

: I’ll wash more than that if you want.

: I’m good.

: You sure? I can be there real quick.

: I’m sure you can ;)

: Please…

: I’ll text you when I’m done :)

: Wanna hang out tonight?

: I’ll see, after my shower.

: You’re killing me here.

: I’m sure you’ll survive. Text in a bit.


It must have been over an hour since she last texted. What could possibly take so long? I ate, showered and
took the dog out for a walk,
if you know what I mean.


: Are you drowning yet?

: I’m getting worried…

: *picture sending*


My mouth hung open as she sent me a picture of her in the tub with her legs sticking out and, of course, the bubbles had to cover other things. I was not expecting this at all. Haley has a naughty side. I bet it has to do with all those books she reads.


: Nice!

: Just decided on a bath instead, feels good.

: I bet it’s real lonely in there…

: No, I have Adam to keep me company.

: Adam?

: Um-hmm


I sat there for a few minutes trying to remember who the hell Adam was, then I remembered last week when I brought Haley breakfast, she was reading that romance book.


:  Are you finished reading yet?

:  I think so; my bath water is starting to get chilly.

:  I can come warm you up :)

:  I was actually thinking of having a campfire.

:  Even better, I’ll bring a blanket.

:  Sounds good, give me an hour?

:  I already did.

:  Funny, smart guy.

:  See you soon :)


I got up put some jeans on, my old Longhorns sweatshirt, and my ball cap. I didn’t want to ruin the chance of Haley wanting to run her fingers through my hair with goop in it. On my way out the door, I called my mom.


“Hi, Mom.”

“How are you, sweetie?”

“I’m good. The reason why I’m calling is I was wondering if you could make me your hot chocolate, please?”

“Sure. I haven’t made that for you boys since you were kids.” I could hear the smile in my mom’s voice.

“I’m going over to see Haley and spend some time with her before her grandparents get back on Tuesday.”

“Ohhh,” my mom teased.

“It’s not like that,” I assured her, because my mom doesn’t need to know what my actual plans are, even though she probably does. “We are just going to light a campfire and maybe roast a few marshmallows.”

“It’s nine o’clock, a little late to just be dropping by, son.”

“Is it?” I played dumb, “I didn’t realize. Good thing fires are best at night.”

“You know, when your father was younger, he use to come over when it was late, just to have hot chocolate.”

“Mom.” I eww’ed at her.

“What? It’s the truth.”

“But I don’t need to hear about it.” I felt a shiver go down my body.

“Oh, Bentley,” she giggled.

“I’ll see you in a few, Mom. Do you need anything from town?”

“No, Dad and I are going back to the city tomorrow.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Oh yes, he is taking me out on a
hot chocolate


I could hear her laughing before she hung up the phone.

On my way out to the farm I got to thinking that maybe my parents leaving the farm wasn’t such a bad thing for them. Ever since my mom finally made a decision, the tone in her voice is happier, she has a small bounce back in her step, and I don’t remember the last time my dad took her out on a date.

When I pulled into our driveway, I saw the barn light was on so I drove over there to turn it off. I hopped out of the truck and saw my dad sitting in there with the radio on.

“Hey, Dad.” I walked over and sat beside him on a square bale.


“What are you doing out here?”

“Just thinking.”

“About what?” I asked, leaning over picking up a piece of straw to fiddle with.

“On life, and where it can lead you.”

“A little young to be thinking about something this heavy, aren’t you?”

My dad placed his hand on my knee and tapped it a few times, “You are never too young, or too old, to decide what you want out of life, son. Every day is a new day, to have a fresh beginning; it’s just up to us if we want it.”

My dad and I sat there just listening to an old George Strait song on the radio.

“You know, son, I never thought I’d have to say goodbye to this farm. I thought I’d work it ‘til the day I died. Every treasured memory I have of you, Travis, and of your mom is all here, Bentley. You have no idea what it feels like to pack it in.”

I sat quietly, trying to take in what my dad was saying. “Dad you may not be able to work on the farm anymore, but your memories will always be there for you.”

“But I never thought I wouldn’t be able to work on it beside you. Teach Travis the things I should be teaching him, and running around after my grandchildren on the front lawn.”

“Dad, you can still do those things.”

“Can I?” my dad said with his head down, looking at his boots. “You have no idea how frustrating it is to see things fall through your fingers.”

“I think I do, Dad,” I quietly whispered, while looking at him.

“I know, son. I can’t be more grateful to you for turning down your dream and coming home.”

“You make it sound like a sacrifice.”

“Well, wasn’t it?”

I got up and paced the floors, “Of course not, Dad. I would do anything for you and Mom, even if the meant giving up my career.”

“But you’re not happy, Bentley. I can see that.”

“I’m starting to be.” I breathed out.

“Look, I know I’ve been a hard ass; hell, Travis hardly looks at me anymore. Your mother and I are drifting apart…I have so much to apologize for.”

“Dad, we’re family, we’ll always forgive you.”

Dad walked up to me and engulfed me in a hug, “I’m so sorry, Bentley.”

“I love you, Dad.”

“I love you, Son.” We parted as my dad pushed away the tears on his face.

“How do I get Travis to forgive me?”

“Start by talking to him, Dad. I’ve learned a lot about myself these past two weeks. I’ve seen my good and the bad has been brought to my attention, and the best thing I learned is always be honest, and you can’t get others to forgive you until you forgive yourself.”

“Does this have to do with a pretty blonde I hear your mom and Maggie talking about?”

“Maybe, Dad, just maybe.”

“I’d glad, son. It’s nice to have someone that can keep you grounded.”

“Do you have a plan for you and Mom?”

“Yes, tomorrow I’m taking her shopping then treating her to a spa day. Afterwards, we’ll catch dinner and a movie. I also booked us at one of those bed and breakfast things that she’s always looking at.”

“Good for you, Dad.”

“Thanks, son. Your mom more than deserves it.”

“You deserve just as much as she does.”

Dad grabbed me around the shoulders as we walked out of the barn. “Let’s shut things down, and I’ll walk to the house with you.”





IT’S BEEN OVER an hour and Bentley still isn’t here yet. I wonder what is keeping him. I went outside to the fire pit and started making a fire. After I got that going, I grabbed a couple chairs and went back into the house for the things I needed to make s’mores.

I was on my second s’more when I finally saw truck lights coming up the driveway as Buddy barked. “Now you bark, you silly boy. You haven’t barked the whole time we’ve had company these past two weeks.” I put down the sticky goodness and pet the dog on the head, “Some guard dog you make, Buddy.”

I heard Bentley open his truck door and shut it before he made his way to the fire. With the glow of the fire, I could see his outline as he moved closer. He stopped in front of me and licked my bottom lip. “You had some marshmallow there.”

I wiped my lip, “Thanks.”

He set a thermos on the table along with a big bulky blanket and a bag. “I thought maybe you backed out,” I said.

Bentley grabbed my s’more and took a bite, “Sorry I’m late. I had a talk with my dad.”

“Is everything okay?”

“It will be,” he smiled.

I walked over to him and kissed him. Grabbing me by the waist he brought me in closer. “What did you bring?” I asked, looking over his shoulder.

“My mom’s hot chocolate, you’ll love it.”

“And what’s in the bag?”

“I figured you’d be making s’mores, so I grabbed some of her homemade chocolate chip cookies. We can use them instead of the graham crackers.”

“I’ve never made them with cookies before.”

Bentley kissed me again, “You’ll love them.”

He slapped my butt, “How about you go grab us some mugs and I’ll make you another s’more with mom’s cookies.”

“Okay,” I giggled excitedly, before running into the house hearing him laugh behind me.

By the time I came out, Bentley had the blanket all spread out, candles flickering on the table and he was waiting for me with his hand reaching out for me.

“What’s all this?” I asked.

“Our first official date.”

Leading me over to the blanket, Bentley poured us both some hot chocolate before snuggling in behind me.

“Your hot chocolate,” he whispered into my neck.

“Thank you.”

Tucking his arms around me, I held my mug closer as we watch the flames dance.

“This is the same blanket my parents used on their first date.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Mom said to bring it, it brought her good luck.”

“So far I think it’s doing a good job,” I said looking into Bentley’s eyes.

“Me, too.”

We sat and talked about everything and anything. We talked about his football days in Texas, and what I really wanted out of my teaching career. Bentley expressed how he felt about his family farm, and what it would mean if he stayed, or if he went. I told him how I wanted to stay here and eventually take over for my grandparents as I raised my own family one day.

“You know, Hales, I don’t think I’ve ever been this honest with someone besides Travis. It feels good to share these things with you.” He spoke into my hair as he played with it.

“I feel the same, Bentley. I have a hard time letting people in. I’d rather sit quietly in a corner and watch than be part of the crowd. But with you, I feel my thoughts are safe.”

Bentley turns me around to face him. I stared into his eyes, watching the flames flicker in them, “Bentley, I think I’m falling for you.” He cupped my head and kissed me. He started out slow, asking permission to enter my mouth. I granted it by sucking on his tongue.

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