Falling for Bentley (Part One) (16 page)

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Authors: Shawnte Borris

Tags: #Falling for Bentley

BOOK: Falling for Bentley (Part One)
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He laid us down on the blanket and hovered over me. Fanning out my hair with his fingers, he whispered, “You’re beautiful.” My fingers ached to touch him, I grabbed the bottom of his sweatshirt and started pulling it up. I only got halfway before Bentley sat up and took it off completely, along with his t-shirt.

I ran my fingers over his chest before moving down and counting each stomach muscle. “I love when you touch me, Hales.” I sat up and laid kisses on his chest as he rubbed my back slowly as he pulled my sweater off. “You’re not wearing a bra,” he mumbled into my hair.

“I know.” I replied kissing his chest.

Sitting up on my knees, I undid his jeans before sliding my hands in, grabbing his ass cheeks and giving them a tight squeeze, making Bentley growl. I slowly moved my hand to the front and grabbed his hard penis, stroking it a few times. “Haley, you need to stop.” I withdrew my hand and slid down his zipper and pushed his jeans to his knees before I dropped my mouth to his cock.

Bentley leaned over me, pushing down my sweat pants, gliding his fingers around my body until they found my clit and slowly started making circles. Moaning around his cock, Bentley picked me up and placed me on the table pulling my sweats off the rest of the way before kicking his jeans over to the pile on the grass.

Carrying me over to the blanket Bentley kissed me, starting at my neck moving down my arm, over my chest and down my stomach as we lay down together. I ran my fingers through his hair, arching my back with every kiss, every gentle touch. “Bentley,” I breathed.

“God, Hales you take my breath away,” he said, kissing his way back up. “Never have I ever felt this connection with anyone.”

I placed my hands around his neck bringing his lips over to mine, “Make love to me, Bentley.” Slowly he entered me and my breathing hitched. Bentley stopped and looked me in the eyes. “Keep going…give this to me, Bentley, please.”

Thrusting slowly, Bentley moved and captured every emotion I was feeling. “I’ll give you anything you ask, sweetheart.”



LYING ON HIS chest, I watched the fire die, listening to our heart beats slowly returning to normal. Bentley moved my hair from my face, “That was…”

“Don’t say anything, let’s just lay here and enjoy the moment.”

He kissed the top of my head and pulled the blanket around us as I drifted off to sleep.




WAKING UP, I felt Haley breathing lightly on top of me, knowing she was still asleep I watched as the sun rose, welcoming a new day. I slowly twirled her hair around my fingers watching the glow of the remaining embers of the fire.

I thought about what my past held, and what my future offered. I thought about what my dad said, and how my mom always gave me her support and that Travis was leaving next fall.

I asked myself, how would my parents be able to afford to put Travis through school if I left the farm? Where would my dad find peace? Where would my mom play with her grandchildren? All these thoughts were coming faster and faster.

I couldn’t breathe; I had to get out of here. I tried slowly moving away from Haley, but she whimpered and moved in deeper. I was starting to panic, my breathing picked up. I tried calming myself down, but I couldn’t. I needed to get up. I needed to breathe.

Taking Haley, I moved her off me, careful not to wake her so I could leave without her questioning me. I know it’s a total douche move, but I didn’t want to see the pain in her eyes when she realized I was leaving.

Opening her eyes she lit up with the biggest smile when I came into focus. “Morning,” she moved in to kiss me, but I pulled back. “Bentley?”

“I need to go. I’m sorry, Haley.” I got up and put on my pants on.

Haley covered herself with the blanket and stood looking at me, “Why? What did I do wrong?” I could hear the tremor in her voice. I turned around and lifted the one tear that fell from her cheek before I turned and walked away.

“Run, run like you always do, Bentley!” she yelled at me, her voice full of emotion.

“I’m not running,” I answered her.

“Bull shit!”

I turned around and faced her, “What is that supposed to mean?”

She calmly walked over to me, “Bentley, you are a good man, you came home when your family needed you, no questions asked, but now, instead of making a decision, you run.”

“I stayed,” I argued.

“Really? Because instead of figuring out what you want, you stayed away and lived with Curtis these past two weeks.”

“I’m figuring out what
I want

Haley took a step back as if I just slapped her in the face, “I-I thought when you came here last night you made your decision,” she choked out.

Stepping back I opened my truck door and heard Haley pleading, “Make a decision, Bentley. Pick something, just make a choice.” I kept my head down to the ground. “Pick me…take a chance on us.”

I got into my truck without looking back and left Haley standing there in my mother’s
good luck




IT’S BEEN THREE weeks since Bentley left, and I haven’t heard from him. The football team has finished up their commitments with Papa and the ranch looks great. I didn’t help much after Papa came back, it was too hard to see Travis and not ask him if he’d heard from Bentley, and if he’s okay.

Reaching into my closet, I grabbed Mrs. Knight’s blanket and hugged it one last time. It was time I let Bentley go, and of all the pain he’s caused. Walking into the kitchen I let Grams know I was heading to town and I would be back later.

Walking into the diner, it felt like I was saying goodbye. I could feel tears building up, but I managed to keep them at bay. “Hey, Haley.” Whitney waved.

“Hi, is Maggie here?”

“Yeah she is in the back, in her office.”

“Would it be okay if I went to go see her?”

“Girl, we all know how much she loves you, of course it’s alright. Want me to bring you anything?”

“No, it’s okay. I’m just returning something.” I lifted the blanket in my arms.

“Okay, see you later then.” she waved off.

“Thanks.” I walked back to Maggie’s office with my head hanging low.

I knocked on the door before slowly opening it. I saw another woman around Maggie’s age sitting on the couch beside her drinking coffee. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just want to drop off this blanket for...”

“Bentley’s mom.” the lady offered.

“Umm yes. How did you know?” I asked placing the blanket on Maggie’s desk.

The lady stood and walked over to me, “Sweetheart, I’m Bentley’s mom.”

The tears started running down my face. I wiped them away as quickly as I could, “I’m sorry I should have returned it weeks ago.”

“I understand why you didn’t.” she brought me into a hug when I broke down and cried into her arms.

“I’m just going to leave you two alone. Take as much time as you need.” Maggie offered before quietly shutting the door.

After blowing my nose, I looked to Bentley’s mom, “I didn’t mean to cry like that, I’ve been crying more than usual lately.” I stuttered, “My name is Haley Wells.”

“Hello.” she smiled, “My name is Charlotte, and my husband’s name is Will. I’m assuming you know our other son, Travis.”

“Yes, ma’am, he’s a great kid. You should be proud of both your boys.”

“We are, very much so.”

Things were quiet for a moment, “I should…”

“Why don’t we sit and talk?” asked Charlotte.

Together we walked over to the couch. “May I offer you some coffee?” she asked.


“I hear that you are a teacher.”

“I am, I’ve been teaching in the city for the last few years.”

“Do you enjoy it?” she asked pouring coffee into a mug.

“Very much.”

“When do you go back?”

“I’m not sure.” I answered before taking the mug from her.

“What makes you say that?”

I looked up at her, “Mrs. Harris offered me a position at the elementary school, last week.”

“That’s great, Haley.”

“I told her that I would need to think about it.

“Have you given it any thought?” I shifted away from her a little, feeling a little uncomfortable having such a conversation with Bentley’s mom.

“I didn’t mean to be rude.” Charlotte spoke.

“I…I don’t know what to do.” I muttered.

“Why not?”

“I’d really like to stay here. I love it here, but…”

“Why don’t you stay then?” I looked down at the floor. “Is it because of Bentley?”

I continued to look at the floor, “I don’t want to be the reason why he doesn’t come back home.” I whispered.

Charlotte gasped, “Is that what you think, that Bentley left because of you?”

I wiped more tears that ran down my face, before I looked up at her.

“Oh dear, you fell in love with him.” I nodded my head.

Charlotte brought me into her arms, “Honey, I promise you, you are not the reason why he left. If anything, he’ll come back for you.”

“I’m not so sure I believe that.”

Bentley’s mom tipped my head so she could look at me in the eyes. “Haley, he was starting to fall in love with you.”

“How do you know?”

“Because, Will and I have seen many changes in our son. Ever since he met you he smiles more, laughs more with his brother, and he started remembering the good life on the farm, instead of all the bad.”

“But we’ve only really known each other for two weeks.”

“Sometimes that’s all it takes. Has he told you about Will and what we offered to him?”


“Hon, that’s the reason why he left. Not because of you. He fears he will take things away from Travis, Will, and myself if he decides he wants out. But what he doesn’t realize, Haley, is that we are all okay with saying goodbye to the farm.”

“But I thought…”

“I know what you thought sweetheart, that’s why it’s taken so long to return the blanket.”

I smiled at her.

“We only want what is best for our son, and we think it’s you and the farm. But we can’t make that decision for him this time, like we did when Will first was hurt. He needs to decide this on his own. He needs to come back on his own terms.”

“I’m not sure I can wait, and then just have him walk away again.”

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