Falling for Bentley (Part One) (14 page)

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Authors: Shawnte Borris

Tags: #Falling for Bentley

BOOK: Falling for Bentley (Part One)
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I kissed her fingers and slowly pried her hands away. “You’re
Haley. Every
your body.” I slid her tank top up even more before I tangled my fingers with hers and lifted her arms above her head.

I shifted Haley’s hands so I was holding them with one hand, and pulled her tank top over her breasts with the other. I slipped one breast out of her bra before I sucked on her nipple. I could feel myself getting harder and harder as Haley wiggled underneath me. I let a moan out, knowing this was turning her on more and more.

She fought against my upper hand, trying to get her arms free. Letting go of her hands they went straight into my hair and brought me forward into a deep kiss. I ripped her tank top off of her before undoing her bra and letting her gorgeous tits free. I cupped both of them as she let out a moan.

Tweaking and sucking on her breasts made her moan louder as her hips moved involuntarily into my hard on, the sensations killing me with every thrust. Haley ran her hands down my back and ran her nails back up, sending shivers down my spine. “God, Hales, you feel so good,” I whispered in her neck before kissing it some more.

I lifted up a little and moved my hands down to undo her jeans, so I could slide my hand into her pants, praying she was wearing a lacy thong.

“Bentley, stop.”

I stopped my hands on the top of her jeans and started shifting myself off her. “I’m sorry …”

She cupped my face, cutting me off, “No, not that, someone’s here.” I lifted my head to hear what she was hearing.

“Travis, sometimes you are such an ass!”
we could hear Whitney yell

“I am not. That guy was totally flirting with you, and you let him,”
my brother reacted back

“I was not, I was being nice.”

“Whitney, don’t be dumb. He was trying to pick you up right in front of me!”

I looked down at Haley as she tried to hide her face. I pulled her hands away and kissed her.

“Are you calling me dumb, Travis?”
Whitney fumed

I groaned and put my head on Haley’s chest. “I think I better go help. I don’t see this going over well.”

Haley let out a giggle. I put her breasts back into her bra and gave her my sad puppy look. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

I climbed off her, readjusted my jeans, mentally noting to kick my brother’s ass for being responsible for leaving me like this. I leaned over Haley and passed her tank top to her before I tossed my shirt on myself as I opened my door.



“I’M NOT CALLING you dumb. I’m calling your actions dumb,” argued my brother.

“I was giving him directions!” exclaimed Whitney.

“Whitney, we live in a town with four fucking streets. He doesn’t need directions!”

I stepped into the living room and watched as Whitney took a step back and clammed up. “Sorry, Bentley, we didn’t realize anyone was home.”

Travis turned around and said, “Hey.”

“Everything okay?” I asked, looking at Whitney.

“Yeah.” breathed Whitney, “I’m just gonna go home.”

Whitney grabbed her purse and opened the door.

“Stay,” my brother called out. “Please.”

“No. I think it’s better if I go, I’ll talk to you later. Good night, Bentley.”

Hearing the door shut my brother let out a feral swear causing Haley to jump as she rounded the corner. “Shit, I’m sorry, Haley, I didn’t see you there.”

“You okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m going for a walk. Catch you guys later.” Travis pushed the door open and let the screen door slam behind him.

I walked up to Haley and brought her into my chest and kissed the top of her head. “I think you better take me home,” she said.

I looked into her eyes, “Do I have to?”

“Yes. After your brother blows off some steam he’s going to need someone to talk to.”

“What if I’d rather talk to you?” I asked while grabbing her ass, pushing her body closer to my semi-hard erection.





“HE DID NOT?!” cried Carleigh.

“He did,” I wailed while throwing the empty wine box at my best friend’s head.

“God, I wish I could have seen your face when Bentley said you didn’t need to feel the bull’s testicles.”

“Shut up!” I tried shouting, but couldn’t because we were both on the floor, laughing hard.



THE NEXT MORNING, I could barely lift my head off of the pillow, “Someone shoot me,” I groaned, rolling back over.

“Come on, sleepy head. I brought you some coffee.”

I slowly sat up, grabbing the cup, smelling the aroma. “Why aren’t you shit for wear, too?”

“Because I’m not a light weight like you,” Carleigh slapped my leg, “come on get up, you can drink your coffee on the porch with me while I watch all those football players paint.”

“You know they are all under age, right?” I asked as I put on my slippers.

“I know, doesn’t mean I can’t watch them flex their muscles.” She laughed as she headed down the stairs.

“That is why you can’t teach high school!” I yelled at her.

Pulling my hair into a messy bun then brushing my teeth and washing my face, I headed downstairs.

“Good morning,” Carleigh chimed as she poured me another cup of coffee.

I looked at her and growled. We both turned when we heard the screen door open.

“Haley, I have the boys finishing up...” Bentley stood in the kitchen just looking at me. “What happened to you?”

Carleigh cheerfully stepped in front of Bentley and introduced herself. “I’m Carleigh. Hangover-head’s best friend.”

He stuck out his hand, “I’m...”

“Coach Knight. Yes, I have heard lots about you.”

Bentley looked over at me and lifted his eyebrow.

“Check the ego, Bentley, want some coffee?” I offered before weaving into a kitchen chair and putting my head on the table.

“Ouch, what has your panties in such a twist?” ribbed Bentley.

“Oh nothing, this is just what happens when you mix a box of wine, four shots of vodka, and one courageous shot of Grams’ moonshine,” laughed Carleigh.

I could do nothing but moan some more.

Bentley walked over and started rubbing my shoulders, “Is there anything I can do?”

I just moved my head back and forth, “No.”

Carleigh brought me over a glass of orange juice and a few Advil. I lifted my head and took them, “Thanks.”

“What’s the plan today?” asked Carleigh.

I groaned again.

“Don’t you groan at me, young lady, I only have today to chill with you before I head back tomorrow.”

I stood up from the kitchen table, “I’m going to go shower.” I announced.

“What some help…scrubbing your back?” Bentley offered.

“I think I got it,” I said climbing the stairs.



AFTER USING UP all the hot water, I was finally starting to feel human again. Brushing my teeth for the second time, I braided my hair before heading back downstairs. I rounded the corner to the kitchen when I heard Bentley and Carleigh talking outside on the porch.

“Bentley, I’m serious, she’s my best friend. I will not let you hurt her.”

“I won’t.”

“I don’t think you understand…”

Bentley cut her off
, “I get it, I was an asshole. I’m not that person anymore.”

I could hear the sarcasm in Carleigh’s voice.

“I’m not. I would never intentionally hurt her.”

“I guess time will tell, but be warned if you hurt her, I will not hesitate to drive down here and break your face. Are we clear, Bentley?”

I walked onto the porch before Bentley had time to respond, “Hey, what are you guys talking about?”

“I was just telling Bentley how I plan to come back to visit, before we go back to school.”

I smiled as I sat in between them on the porch swing. “Great, then we can hit up the blueberry festival with Grams when you come back.”

Bentley put his coffee cup on the floor and stood, “Thanks for the coffee, but I better go and check on the boys. They should be done painting by the end of the day.”

“Wow, I can’t believe how much those boys can get done. It feels like every time I give them a job, I need to have another one ready.”

Carleigh laughed, “Well, hon, you have like fifteen of them.”

“I guess.”

“What do you want us to do with the leftover paint?” asked Bentley.

“You can put it in the shop for now. Papa can move it where he wants when he comes back.”

“Carleigh, it was nice to meet you.” Bentley shook her hand.

“Like wise. I hope to see you again, maybe when I come back out?” she suggested.

“Sure, maybe we can all go for drinks, or something.”

I got up and walked over to Bentley before he hit the last step. “Bentley?”

He turned around, “Yeah?”

“Is everything okay? I mean, I know that sometimes Carleigh can come off as...”

He cupped my face, “Everything is fine, baby. I’ll catch you later?”

“Okay.” I watched him walk away before I turned to my best friend.

“What was that?” I demanded.

“What was what?”

“Don’t be coy with me, Ms. Carleigh-May. I heard you two talking while I was in the kitchen.” I threatened.

“Hasn’t Grams ever told you it’s rude to eavesdrop?”


“Don’t use your teacher voice on me.”

I leaned against the rail, my arms folded across my chest, waiting for her to answer the question.

“Fine,” she puffed, “I was just explaining the reservations I have about Bentley.”

“That’s not your place.”

“Really? Because after watching you for the past six years, I beg to differ. You have never let anyone close to you, and by that, I mean a man.”

“I’m not a virgin,” I seethed.

“You may as well be. Have you ever been in love? Like true love where you feel comfortable running around naked, or texting dirty pictures?”

“What does that have to do with anything?” I voiced.

“Everything.” Carleigh got up and threw her arms around me. “Bentley was a bully, a jackass, or whatever you want to call him. Can’t you see he left you with some damage.”

“I am not damaged,” I almost yelled at her.

“You are,” she answered quietly, “Anyone that is, or has been, bullied will always walk away with some sort of damage, and yours is your body issues.”

“I don’t have body issues.”

“Is that so?” she argued.


“Fine, then take off your top right now.”

“I’m not taking my top off.”

“That’s what I thought.” Carleigh grabbed her coffee cup and Bentley’s and went inside.



CARLEIGH AND I spent the rest of the afternoon at the farmer’s market and picked up a few knickknacks before she left. I helped her with her bags and put them in the back seat of her car.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” she said.

“I understand. You are only looking out for me,” I said, shutting the car door.

“I was, but I still shouldn’t have said those things,” Carleigh looked down to the ground, “and I don’t think you’re damaged.”

I brought her into a hug, “I know, and I love you.”

“Forgive me?”

“There is nothing to forgive. You are my sister, a
older sister that just annoys me, but loves me to death.”

“That I do.”

“Call me when you get home?”

“I will.”

I watched as she pulled out of the yard and headed back to the city.


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