Renaissance Italy
The Habsburg Dominions in Europe after 1519
The Price Revolution in Sixteenth-Century Spain
1 Shipping in the port of Seville, 1506–1600
2 Importation of precious metals (gold and silver) into Spain, 1500–1600
3 Commodity prices 1500–1600
Graphs 1, 2, and 3 superimposed
a) Scientific Discoveries and b) Technological Inventions, 1526–1951: A Selection
a) P. A. Paracelsus | Basle, 1526 | theory of disease |
M. Kopernik | Frombork, 1543 | heliocentrism |
W. Harvey | London, 1628 | blood circulation |
R. Descartes | Amsterdam, 1644 | analytical geometry |
G. Leibniz | Leipzig, 1666 | differential calculus |
I. Newton | Cambridge 1666 | laws of gravity |
A. von Haller | Bern, 1757 | neurology |
H. Cavendish | London, 1766 | hydrogen |
K. Scheele | Uppsala, 1771 | oxygen |
S. Hahnemann | Leipzig, 1796 | homeopathy |
E.Jenner | London, 1796 | vaccination |
E.-L. Malus | Strasburg, 1808 | polarization of light |
B. Courtois | Paris, 1811 | iodine |
A.-J. Fresnell | France, 1815 | frequency of light |
J. J. Berzelius | Stockholm, 1818 | atomic weight |
H.-C. Oersted | Copenhagen, 1819 | electromagnetism |
G. Ohm | Cologne, 1827 | electrical resistance |
M. Faraday | London, 1831 | electrical induction |
J. von Liebig | Giessen, 1831 | analysis of elements |
R. Brown | London, 1831 | cell nucleus |
F. Runge | Berlin, 1833 | phenol anilin |
R. A. Kolliker | Zurich, 1841 | spermatozoon |
C. J. Doppler | Prague, 1842 | acoustics |
R. Remak | Berlin, 1852 | segmentation of cells |
W. Perkin | London, 1856 | aniline dye |
C. Darwin | London, 1859 | theory of evolution |
G. R. Kirchhoff | Heidelberg, 1859 | spectral analysis |
I. Semmelweis | Budapest, 1861 | asepsis |
G. Mendel | Brno, 1865 | genetics |
J. Lister | Glasgow, 1867 | antisepsis |
D. I. Mendeleev | St Petersburg, 1869 | periodic table |
E. Fischer | Munich, 1875 | hydrazine: biochemistry |
L. Pasteur | Paris, 1881 | bacteriology |
R. Koch | Berlin, 1882 | tuberculosis bacillus |
H. Hertz | Karlsruhe, 1888 | electromagnetic waves |
E. von Behring | Berlin, 1892 | diphtheria serum |
H. Lorentz | Leiden, 1895 | electron theory |
W. Röntgen | Wurzburg, 1895 | X-rays |
H. Becquerel | Paris, 1896 | uranium radiation |
J. J. Thompson | Cambridge, 1897 | elektron |
P. and M. Curie | Paris, 1898 | radioactivity |
M. Planck | Berlin, 1900 | quantum theory |
T. Boveri | Wurzburg, 1904 | chromosomes |
A. Einstein | Zurich, 1905 | theory of relativity |
H. K. Onnes | Leiden, 1911 | superconductivity |
E. Rutherford | Manchester, 1911 | atomic structure |
K.Funk | Cracow, 1911 | vitamins |
W. Heisenberg | Copenhagen, 1925 | quantum mechanics |
A. Fleming | London, 1928 | penicillin: antibiotics |
O. Hahn | Berlin, 1938 | nuclear fission |
Crick and Watson | London, 1951 | structure of DNA |
b) J.Lippershey | Middleburg, 1608 | telescope |
Z. Janssen | Amsterdam, 1609 | microscope |
E. Torricelli | Rome, 1643 | mercury barometer |
T. Savery | England, 1698 | steam pump |
G. Fahrenheit | Amsterdam, 1718 | mercury thermometer |
Jethro Tull | Hungerford, 1731 | agricultural machinery |
J. Watt | Birmingham, 1769 | steam engine condenser |
S. Crompton | Bolton, 1779 | spinning mule |
J. and J. Montgolfier | Annonay, 1783 | hot-air balloon |
C. Chappe | Paris, 1791 | aerial telegraph |
A. Volta | Bologna, 1800 | electric battery |
J.-M. Jacquard | Lyons, 1804 | automated machinery |
R. Laennec | Paris, 1816 | stethoscope |
C. Macintosh | Glasgow, 1823 | waterproof fabric |
G. Stephenson | Stockton, 1825 | passenger railway |
T. Telford | Menai Straits, 1825 | suspension bridge |
N. Niepce | Chalon-sur-Saône, 1826 | photography |
B. Fourneyron | Paris, 1827 | turbine |
C. Babbage | Cambridge, 1834 | mechanical calculator |
S. Bauer | Kiel, 1850 | submarine |
L. Foucault | Paris, 1852 | gyroscope |
H. Giffard | Paris, 1852 | steam-powered airship |
H. Bessemer | St Pancras, 1857 | blast furnace: steel |
J. Reis | Friedrichsdorf, 1861 | telephone |
A. Nobel | Stockholm, 1867 | dynamite |
W. von Siemens | Berlin, 1867 | dynamo |
N. Otto | Cologne, 1876 | internal combustion engine |
E. Berliner | Germany, 1877 | microphone |
C. von Linde | Munich, 1877 | refrigerator |
W. von Siemens | Berlin, 1879 | electric locomotive |
H. S. Maxim | London, 1883 | machine-gun |
G. Daimler | Connstatt, 1884 | petrol engine |
Daimler and Benz | Mannheim, 1885 | motor car |
R. Mannesmann | Düsseldorf, 1885 | seamless pipes |
H. Goodwin | London, 1887 | photographic film |
C. Ader | France, 1890 | aeroplane |
W. Maybach | Connstatt, 1892 | carburettor |
A. L. Lumière | Lyons, 1895 | cinematograph |
R. K. Diesel | Berlin, 1895 | diesel engine |
V. Poulsen | Copenhagen, 1898 | magnetic sound-recording |
F. Zeppelin | Berlin, 1900 | dirigible airship |
G. Marconi | London, 1901 | radio transmitter |
K. E. Tsiolkovsky | Moscow, 1903 | rocketry |
Bréguet-Richet | France, 1907 | helicopter |
British Army | Cambrai, 1915 | military tank |
J. Logie Baird | London, 1924 | television |
H. Geiger | Kiel, 1928 | Geiger counter |
F. Whittle | Cranwell, 1930 | jet engine |
Air Ministry | Dover, 1940 | radar |
Wilkes and Renwick | Manchester, 1946 | EDSAC, computer |
Power Ministry | Calder Hall, 1956 | nuclear power station |