Entangled Souls (7 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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Halen sat in the overstuffed arm-chair attempting to mend a pair of faded jeans when Lyric entered the room. “Put that away,” she ordered. “I need you to help me undress. I’d like to take a nap. The mall exhausted me.”
“So nap,” Halen snapped. “I’m not stopping you.”
Lyric’s eyes roamed over Halen’s curves. “Your duties include napping with me.”
“Uh, no. I’m not tired and I’m certainly not into chicks… not that there’s anything wrong with it — just not my scene.”
“Oh please. Don’t play dumb. A girl as intelligent as you should know that sleep will always be the last thing on my mind. However, considering you’re new, I suppose I can allow you a smidgen of freedom. I have no doubt you’ll learn how things work around her soon enough. I really do not care how you spend you free time as long as you return in one hour to wake me. I will need… to feed.”
Halen hesitated. “About this feeding thing… it doesn’t involve me, does it?”
“Not today.”
Lyric removed her clothes before sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Come over here and comb my hair,” she said, admiring her refection in the floor-length mirror. She was proud of her looks and had no problem using them to manipulate men and women alike to do her bidding.
“Do you think I’m beautiful, Halen?
Halen grimaced. Armando’s daughter was as hot as she was cruel and selfish. Her coppery-red hair cascaded down her back, pooling in soft waves around her waist. Her skin was pale and blemish free. Not a pimple or imperfection to be seen. Not even on her perfectly shaped ass, Halen fumed. How could any girl be so damn perfect?
“I think you’re a conceited little brat.” Halen said.
“Enough,” Lyric snapped. “Get out of my room! Leave me alone!”
Halen didn’t need to be told twice, bolting for the door and slamming it shut behind her. She’d taken a few steps down the hall when Mitchell appeared out of nowhere, a wicked smile plastered across his face. The mere sight of him made Halen freeze in her tracks.
Mitchell stroked his chin, circling her like a lion stalking its prey. “I’ve been waiting for Lyric to dismiss you from your duties. I know you have a few hours to spare, and I’ve decided how you’re going to be spending them.”
Halen tilted her head in defiance. “Is that so?”
“I want you to join me in my room.” He reached out to stroke her arm with his long, black fingernails.
Halen shuddered, sliding to the side to avoid his touch. “Your father said not to put your filthy hands on me, remember?”
Mitchell, angered by her words, lunged forward. “What the old man doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“Get off of me!” Halen spat, twisting free of his grasp. “I swear, I will go straight to your father if you don’t back off.”
Mitchell was too appalled by her outburst to prevent her from running past him. No girl had ever spoken to him that way. He considered discussing Halen’s disobedience with his father, but quickly chose to let it go. It would be in his best interest not to say anything that would cause his father to suspect his interest in the girl. He would simply bide his time until he had her right where he wanted her.
Halen ran from the house, racing toward the small garden. The summer sun warmed her skin and a refreshing breeze caressed her face as she skipped through the dewy grass. Sitting down on the edge of the fountain, she focused her thoughts on a way to escape.
Procrastination was not an option. Tomorrow afternoon she’d sneak away from the compound while Lyric napped, giving herself a head start before anyone discovered her missing. She needed to come up with a plan, but at the moment she was too tired to concentrate.
Kieran drove the Camaro towards the Blue Willow compound. Camden leaned against the passenger door and stared out the window at the endless forest of hideous pine trees and frowned with disgust.
“Are we on Rayne Property yet?”
Kieran nodded. “We’ve been on the compound for several miles.”
They’d rode a short distance when Kieran came upon the garden where an exhausted Halen lay sleeping. Pulling the car to a stop on the side of the road, he jumped out and walked toward her. What in the world was she doing way out here on Rayne property? Did the stupid girl have any idea how much danger she was in? He’d resigned himself to the idea of never seeing her again, and finding her here had his head spinning.
Tiptoeing through the grass, he knelt next to her. Unable to control his emotions, he bent down, softly pressing his lips to hers.
“Wake up, Sleeping Beauty.”
Halen woke with a start, fearing Mitchell had found her. “Please don’t hurt me. I’ll do anything you say.”
“I could never hurt you.”
Halen gazed into his chocolate-brown eyes. “Am I… am I dreaming?” she whispered.
“I think we both are.”
Halen’s better judgment warned her to run away as fast as her legs would carry her. But as soon as Kieran pressed another tender kiss to her quivering lips, her sanity made a beeline for the border. Lacing her arms around his neck, she returned his kiss with wild abandon.
Kieran knew he should do the right thing and end the embrace. He also knew he should be demanding an explanation as to why she felt the need to lie and then run away from him in Atlanta. But now, at this moment, her lips were so soft… so incredibly sweet. It was all he could do not to drown in her beauty.
“One of these days I’m going to find out who you really are,” he whispered against her lips.
Halen felt pretty confident that day would never come. If everything went as planned she would never see him again. She wasn’t born yesterday. She knew he was at the compound to see Armando, and she had every intention of keeping her distance from him for the remainder of the day.
“Why did you lie in the first place?” Kieran asked.
“Look, I’m really sorry I lied. I was too ashamed to tell you the truth.”
“I didn’t want you to think badly of me.”
Kieran wasn’t sure if he believed her, but chose to go along with her story for the time being. “What are you doing here… at the Rayne compound of all places?”
“I… I’m staying nearby… with family.”
“Will you tell me your name? I mean your real name.”
“Halen. My name is Halen Forester.”
He smiled. “An unusual name for a rather unusual girl.”
“And you are?” she asked.
“Unique,” she said with a smile. “I like it.”
He smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. “When can I see you again?”
“I… I… can’t really say… not for sure.”
“Well, how about tomorrow? We could meet here.”
“I dunno, maybe, but only for a few minutes.” God, she hated lying to him again, but what other choice did she have. There was no way in hell she’d ever be able tell him the truth.
“Fantastic,” he said, flashing her a smile. “I’ll meet you here. Same time okay with you?”
“Sure. Whatever. Hey, are you here to see the man who owns this place?”
“As a matter of fact, I am.”
“Crap. I was afraid of that. Please, please, please don’t say anything about seeing me here. He would freak out and have a cow if he knew I was trespassing on his property.”
“I promise. I won’t say a word.”
Halen hated the idea of leaving him. He held out his arms and she easily slid into his welcoming embrace. She snuggled closer, wishing she could stay like this forever.
Kieran reluctantly stepped back and placed his thumb under her chin, lifting her face up to his. “You aren’t going to stand me up, are you?”
“Not in a million years,” she lied.
“I wish I believed that, but I have a strange feeling you’re going to break my heart and disappear on me again.”
Halen’s smile went straight to his heart. “Kiss me goodbye,” she whispered. She pressed her lips to his softly, then twisting out of his embrace, she ran toward the main road. The minute she was out of his line of vision, she circled around and headed back to the compound.
The quiet hanging over the compound came as no surprise to Camden — the Hive always rested after their midday feeding. During this time the Breeders and servants remained deathly quiet so as not to disturb the Rayne family. Guiding the car to the back of the house, he slowly eased to a stop, secured the emergency brake and exited the car. His heart raced with anticipation at the thought of seeing Whitney again.
Walking up to the back door, he opened it and stepped inside. Whitney stood with her back facing him washing the lunch dishes. “Whit,” he said, his voice cracking with emotion.
The sound of his voice caused her to drop the mug she was washing in the soapy water. She turned to look at him through tear-glazed eyes. A sob caught in her throat. “Camden, why in the world did you come back to this evil place?”
He crossed the floor in two strides, pulling her into his arms. “You knew I’d come back for you.”
Whitney sobbed, clinging to him. “You know it’s dangerous for you to be here.”
Camden hugged her tightly. He’d missed her more than words could describe. “I’ll be okay. Nothing is going to happen to me. You have my word.”
Whitney lovingly patted him on the back before pulling away from his embrace. She held him at arm’s length, studying her younger brother. She was pleased to see that he’d grown into a handsome young man. His body was tall and muscular, his features well-defined and his chestnut-brown hair fell in soft layers across his forehead. Sadly, his good looks only served to heighten her fears.
Camden took her by the hand and led her to the kitchen table, forcing her to sit down in one of the rickety cane chairs. “Is Armando good to you?” he asked, sitting down in the chair across from her.
“He treats me the same as always.”
Camden frowned at her response. “So basically he still treats you like a common whore.”
Whitney lowered her head, her silence speaking volumes.
“You would think the old creep would use one of the younger Breeders as his slut.”
“I’m not sure what you want me to say. It is what it is.” Whitney exhaled and placed her hand over his. “Go back to Florida. It’s dangerous here. What’s going to happen if you and Kieran get caught up in that mess going on over at the Grove?”
“I’m not leaving without you.”
“Armando will kill you before he will let you take me away from here.”
“Whatever. I’m willing to take that risk,” Camden said.
Whitney banged her fist on the table. “Well, I’m not!”
“Whit, you have to come with me.”
“I said no… and I mean no.”
The kitchen door swung open, interrupting their conversation. Bijoux stepped into the room, her pink-streaked hair swirling around her. Her eyes met Camden’s, watching him with indifference.
“Bijoux, come over here and meet my brother, Camden. He’s here on… college break.”
Bijoux walked over to the stainless steel stove and poured herself a cup of coffee. “It would seem all that education didn’t make him too smart, did it?”
“Really? Why do you say that?” Camden said, intrigued by the girl’s outspokenness.
Bijoux turned around to face him. “What person in their right mind would choose to come to this god-forsaken place? There’s something dark going on around here. I feel it all the way down to my soul.”
Camden frowned. He was finding his homecoming disappointing at best. He was sure Whitney would be happy to see him, but he also knew she would be concerned for his safety, but not to this degree.
“Camden, have you eaten?” Whitney said.
He shook his head, his mood taking a nosedive.
Whitney gave him a reassuring pat on the back as she stood. “I’ll grab the ham and eggs and whip you up a quick omelet.”
The moment Whitney stepped away Camden gave in to his sadness. Placing his elbows on the table, he leaned his head on his hands. “Did I make a mistake coming back here?”
Bijoux sipped her coffee and watched him with uncertainty. She didn’t care much for boys. They had a habit of using and abusing her. She prided herself on being able to keep her emotions at bay. She stared at Camden, offering him no sympathy or support. As he leaned forward in his chair, she was surprised to see tears covering his cheeks.
“I was positive Whit would be thrilled to have me home.”
Bijoux continued drinking her coffee, still unsure of what to say. “She’s afraid something will happen to you. Why can’t you get that through your thick head? You’re in danger here. Hell, we all are.”
“Whit’s being paranoid. I’m fine. Besides, I’m not traveling alone; my friend’s name is all the protection I need.”
“If that’s the case, I’d advise you to stick to him like glue.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” he assured her. “Hey Bijoux, why don’t you sit down and tell me about yourself.”
She shook her head, allowing her hair to cover her face. “Yeah, if you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk about myself — not much to tell anyway.”
“I doubt that’s true, but have it your way. We can always talk about something else.”
Bijoux eyed him suspiciously. “What is it you want from me?”
“Nothing… I dunno… maybe your company,” Camden said, surprised by her question.
Bijoux hesitated for a brief second before walking over to the table and sitting down in the chair across from him. “I’m kinda surprised Whitney’s never mention you.”
“You mean she never talks about me?”
“No, but to be fair, this is my first day working with her,” she said with a half-smile.
Bijoux continued to question him about his life in Florida. The time seemed to fly by as Camden described his numerous escapades with Kieran, along with a blow-by-blow account of how they managed to purchase their own homes at such a young age.
His life fascinated her. He was free to make his own decisions. She could barely grasp the concept of being free. Her heart filled with envy. She couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever know the joy of living her own life and not being controlled by another human being.
Minutes later Whitney returned carrying the simple ingredients for Camden’s lunch, and with Bijoux’s help, his omelet along with a bowl of fresh strawberries was on the table.
Camden dug into his food with abandon. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d enjoyed a home cooked meal. He devoured the last strawberry seconds before Armando entered the kitchen.
The women jumped to their fee. Armando remained silent, waiting for Camden to do the same. When it became apparent that he had no intention of moving, Armando pounded his came on the floor in a show of anger.
“This is my home. I demand the proper respect. You will stand and address me accordingly.”
Reluctantly, Camden pushed back his chair and rose to his feet.
Satisfied, Armando turned to Whitney. “I assume this disrespectful young man is Camden.”
“It is,” she said, her voice trembling.
Armando circled him, studying his good looks. “He has changed — turned into a fine-looking specimen.”
“Man,” Camden corrected him, his voice barely above a whisper.
“What did you say?”
“I’m not a specimen. I’m a grown-ass man. You’d do well to remember that.”
Whitney stood off to the side wringing her hands together well aware of Armando’s growing rage. “The boy’s forgotten his manners.” She turned her attention to Camden, her face pleading for his understanding. “Apologize to Mr. Rayne right this minute!”
“No way!”
“Camden, please… for me.”
“Fine. I’m sorry for my behavior. It will not happen again,” he said, rolling his eyes in defeat.
“Very well,” Armando said gruffly. “So, tell me, where is Kieran hiding?”
“I don’t know. He isn’t here?”
“If the boy was here I would not be asking you.” Armando wondered why there was no sign of Kieran on the compound. He was quite fond of the young man, but he happened to be the son of Lucien Bourdon and therefore could not be trusted. Perhaps he should send the Lookers out to search for him. The last thing he needed was Kieran snooping around the breeding compound and reporting back to his father.
“Camden, do you remember Sam?” Armando said.
“He has a spare cot over the garage you can stay there… for the night.” With those words Armando turned and left the room.
Whitney wasted no time, slapping Camden on the back of the head with her meaty hand. “What in the world were you thinking? You can’t be speaking to these people that way. Do not give them a reason to take you beyond the fence.”
“She’s right,” Bijoux added. “If you make them angry they might follow through on their threats. I saw a man from the compound today — I’ve never seen such a pitiful sight.”
“I’ll be more careful in the future,” he reassured Whitney. “But I still think you worry too much.”
“Lord, how I wish I believed that,” Whitney said. “But I won’t stop worrying until you boys are home safe and sound.”

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