Entangled Souls (3 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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Dr. Abrams pushed his wire-rimmed glasses high on his nose before leading Percy to his office. He dreaded giving the man Halen’s prognosis. He prayed he would take it well.
“What do you mean she can’t remember anything?” Percy demanded.
“Halen has suffered a major concussion, thus the memory loss. But, with that being said, I wouldn’t be too concerned at this juncture. In the majority of these cases the memory loss is only temporary.”
“There’s been problems with her behavior in her past — you sure she ain’t fakin’?”
The question seemed to take the doctor by surprise. “Her condition is quite real, I assure you. Why would she attempt to fake such a serious condition?”
Dammit, Percy fumed. How could he explain this to Mr. Bourdon? In order to please the Master, the girl must appear healthy, mentally as well as physically. “She’s pulled a stunt like this before — to get attention.”
“I see. Well, I would bet my practice that Halen is not misrepresenting her condition, Mr. Nickelson.”
“I reckon that’s all I need to hear. You’ve done a bang-up job, Doc. Tell me how much I owe you and we’ll get out of your hair.”
“Mr. Nickelson, I would feel more comfortable if Halen rested here a few more days. This type of injury can be mighty tricky.”
Percy shook his head. “Sorry, Doc. I’m already a week behind schedule. I need to deliver the girl to her family. Plus, I’ve got these here — field hands I need to drop off at a job site.”
Halen sat on the examining room table, a too-small paper gown barely covering her fragile body. The two men entered the room and stared at Percy, her eyes filled with terror. Dr. Abrams stood next to her, flashing her a reassuring smile and she instinctively leaned into him for protection.
“Our girl’s only been awake for a short time. She’s still a tad confused,” he said, patting her on the back.
Halen’s olive-green eyes widened. Surely the doctor didn’t plan to release her to this derelict. The repulsive man continued to stare a hole through her, forcing her to quickly turn away from his questioning gaze.
Halen buried her head in her hands in a feeble attempt to fight back the tears threatening to fall. She squeezed her eyes shut struggling to remember her past life. At last a boy’s image flooded her mind. Disappointment washed over her when she realized the person standing in front of her looking nothing like the beautiful boy from her memories.
She squeezed her eyes shut again, willing the boy’s image to return. A pair of compassionate cocoa-brown eyes gazed down at her. His face appeared lightly tanned and framed by long choppy layers of blond curls.
“Halen, dear,” the doctor said. “Take a good look at Mr. Nickelson. Hopefully he will trigger your memory.”
She forced herself to look Percy in the eyes, but his face didn’t seem to ring any bells. Thank goodness. “I have no clue who he is.”
Percy’s impatience grew. He’d be wise not to keep Mr. Bourdon waiting. “It doesn’t matter if she remembers me or not. Besides, she’ll be good as new once I get her home to her family. Ain’t that right, gal?”
Halen cringed at the man’s closeness. Upon seeing her reaction, Percy’s grin widened.
“Where did you put her clothes?” Percy said, confronting the doctor.
Dr. Abrams turned and walked across the room. When he reached the narrow closet he removed her clothes and handed them to Percy, who proceeded to toss the garments on the changing table.
“Get dressed. I can’t be wasting anymore of my valuable time.” When she refused to move, he jerked the sheet away from her trembling body. “I said get dressed.”
Hoping to avoid the ugly scene playing out in front of him, the doctor tried to excuse himself from the situation, only to be detained by Percy.
“Did the fall mess up the gal’s face?”
“If you’re referring to scarring — it’s always a possibility with this type of head injury.”
Percy stomped his foot, swearing under his breath. Things were quickly going from bad to worse. If he delivered the girl with one single imperfection it would jeopardize her position with the family.
“Put on those clothes or I swear I;m going to dress your lazy ass myself.” Percy ran his fingers through his greasy hair. “Look here,” he said, softening his tone for her benefit. “I’m doing this for your own good. I know you can’t see it now, but I’m trying to help you. If we’re late it’s going to reflect badly…on us both.”
Halen pondered his words before reaching for her clothes. The idea of Percy’s nasty hands touching her body made her skin crawl. “Turn your back, close your eyes, do something,” she snapped.
Percy sneered with a cold unfeeling laugh. “Little girl, you have nothing I want to see.”
Removing the backless gown, Halen quickly pulled the ugly calico dress over her head.
“Let’s go,” Percy snapped.
She struggled, trying to free herself from his grasp. She still couldn’t believe Dr. Abrams was forcing her to leave with this man. “I don’t mean to be rude, Mr. Nickelson…but are you positive we arrived here together?”
“Now why would you even ask me a question like that? Didn’t the doctor tell you what happened?”
“I haven’t completely lost my mind. There is no way in hell I would ever have anything to do with the likes of you.”
“Still think you’re better than everyone else, don’t you?” Percy increased the pressure on Halen’s arm, ushering her out the door.
They were met outside by the doctor and his assistant. Halen stared at the girl, unsure of what to make of her bright yellow skinny jeans and barely there purple halter top.
“How are you feeling today, Halen?” Bijoux asked.
Percy, impatient to get on the road, refused to give Halen an opportunity to respond, shoving her roughly down the steps. “We ain’t got time for chitchat. We’ve got four hours of daylight left and I plan to make the most of it.”
Bijoux bent down to reach for her neon green duffel bag. The doctor awkwardly place his hand over hers, squeezing it gently. “Mr. Nickelson assures me that your new home is quite nice. I hear Magnolia Grove is beautiful this time of year.”
Bijoux wanted nothing more than to laugh in his face. Instead, she simply turned her back on her old life and reluctantly followed her new one across the parking lot.
Halen knew that Percy supposedly ran a successful business transporting migrant workers across the south, so seeing the back of his truck packed with dirty, hungry men, women and children came as no surprise.
“Did Percy…like…buy you…or something?” Halen asked Bijoux.
“Evidently. Looks like I’m going to the Grove along with the rest of these miserable bastards.” Bijoux knew she was on the verge of overstepping her bounds, but she allowed her big mouth to get the best of her. “Why do you call your boyfriend Mr. Nickelson? You guys have some kinda weird sexual arrangement or something?”
Halen nodded in Percy’s direction. “That
over there is not my future husband. I mean, seriously, look at him. That hook-up would never happen. Not in a million years. I would never stoop that low. Not in this lifetime.”
Bijoux laughed, brushing her hot pink streaked hair behind her ears. “I hear ya. I can’t see you with that white trailer trash either.”
“Do you know why I’m here with him?” Halen asked, latching onto Bijoux. “Did the doctor say anything to you? Anything at all?”
Bijoux frowned, shaking her head. Girl, I have no earthly idea.”
“Dr. Abrams said my memory loss is only temporary — I pray he knows what he’s talking about. I’m more than ready to remember the details of my life.” Halen leaned against the cab of the truck, trying in vein to recall even the smallest fraction of her past to no avail.
Seeing Halen’s growing frustration, Bijoux scooted over to sit next to her. “Trying to remember, huh?”
“Yeah, but everything is pretty much a blur. It’s beyond frustrating.”
“Maybe you’re trying to hard, ya know. Relax and try to think of something else for a while.”
Halen tried to force a smile. She knew Bijoux was only trying to be helpful, but she could really do without her unsolicited advice. “Okay, I’ll give it a try.” Turning her thoughts from her own problems, she took a moment to focus on Bijoux. She seemed so young — she couldn’t be more than fifteen, sixteen at the oldest, and yet her eyes held a sadness that made her appear much older. It was obvious why Percy, the scum ball, agreed to take her off the the doctor’s hands. Even with her outrageous clothes and crazy hair, the girl was drop dead gorgeous. Halen envied her. She’d always wished for silky straight hair, even if the deep chocolate brown with hot pink highlights wasn’t her style.
“Can I ask you a question?” Halen said.
“Will you miss working for Dr. Abrams?”
“Not really. I’ve never had a stable home life — been tossed from place to place most of my life. Still, I didn’t think he would let me leave — not this way. I guess he got tired of having me around all the time. Mr. Nickelson provided him with the perfect chance to get me out of his hair.”
The truck’s small back window remained open, and having nothing better to do, Percy took the opportunity to eavesdrop on the girl’s conversation.
“How long did you work for him?” Halen asked.
“Nearly a year. This isn’t the first time this has happened to me. I’m beginning to get used to it.”
“Wow,” Halen sighed. “A minute ago I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn’t remember my past. If it’s any thing like yours, I’m not sure that I want to remember. I’m really sorry, Bijoux.”
Bijoux wrapped her thin arms around Halen’s shoulder. “Don’t feel sorry for me, girl. I’m a fighter. I always find a way to come out on top. You don’t have anything to worry about. Heck, I bet you have an awesome family waiting for you.”
Abruptly, Percy pulled over to the side of the road, stopping the truck. He turned in his seat to face the girls. “She ain’t got squat.”
Halen stared at him with wide eyes. “What are you trying to say?”
“What I’m saying is I ain’t your boyfriend, guardian, or anything else for that matter. Like I said before your accident, you’re the Chosen One. And now the time to turn you over to Mr. Bourdon has arrived.”
Halen quickly withdrew into her protective shell. The shock of her new identity as the so-called Chosen One, coupled with the memory loss provided too much information for her to wrap her mind around. Now, snuggled in her worn sleeping bag, she gazed at the stars dotting the inky darkness of the sky, mesmerized by the sounds of the night.
The group had made camp a short distance from the nearest town. According to Percy they would arrive at the destination the following morning. The trip proved difficult, but it also gave Halen time to come to terms with her new life. She still couldn’t remember her old life, but she took the doctor at his word, holding tight to the promise that she would soon regain her memory.
Percy seemed to take great pleasure in telling her the history of Magnolia Grove and the story of how she and her sister, Maven, were raised to share control of the family business until the Bourdon scripts revealed the true prophecy — Halen alone was destined to rule the family. She’d been chosen by fate to rule over the Breeders.
Now with her true biological father’s health failing, human souls could no longer satisfy his hunger. To survive he must ascend to a higher realm in order to discover a new food source. She would have to learn to control the Hive and at the same time discover a new way to keep them supplied with a healthy and long-lasting source of nourishment. Starting today, her family’s legacy rested in her hands.
Halen listened intently, struggling to process Percy’s words. She didn’t understand how such a ridiculous story could possibly contain a shred of truth. Percy Nickelson was scum and she didn’t trust the man as far as she could throw him. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but she knew he wasn’t telling her the whole story. Halen squeezed her eyes shut, chanting under her breath, “Abilene, Abilene, Abilene.” She paused, waiting for the name to spark a sliver of memory. Nothing. The name felt as strange to her has her own.
Leaves rustled around her as Bijoux entered the makeshift campsite. Halen sat up, flashing her a genuine smile. “Are you nervous about arriving in town tomorrow?” Bijoux asked, plopping down on the sleeping bag spread out next to Halen’s.
Halen shrugged. “I guess so. I really have no idea what’s in store for me. I don’t have a clue what it means to be
I mean, I know what Percy told me, but come on. Soul Stealers? Things — creatures who thrive on draining people’s souls to survive — they can’t be real, can they? And let’s say by some insane chance everything he said is true — how could one of those disgusting things be my father? My mom, how do I say this…was extremely particular about who she did the deed with. Oh, she had a lot, and I do mean a lot of partners, but she was still extremely picky. If the story Percy is trying to see me is true, my mom must have gotten something pretty damn awesome in return for her favors. If you catch my drift.”
Bijoux laughed and shook her head, her wild, uncombed hair spilling over her shoulders. “This world is full of some crazy ass things, girl. That’s no secret. Things we can’t imagine in a million years. Hey, just because you haven’t seen it or heard about it, doesn’t mean the shit ain’t real. Something to think about. Besides, I’m sure it can’t be all bad. There has to be a few perks to being queen of the Soul Suckers.”
“I guess so.” Halen squeezed her hands into tight fists. “Why the heck can’t I remember anything?”
“What good would it do?”
“For starters, at least I would know if I’m really who Percy says I am.”
Bijoux pulled a coveted granola bar out of her denim jacket and broke it in half. She popped a piece in her mouth, sliding the other half to Halen. “So, are you saying you don’t believe you’ve been chosen to lead your family?”
“Where did you get your hands on extra food?” Halen whispered.
“Eh, I gave one of the guards a hand job. Easy peasy and we’ve got ourselves a yummy snack.”
“Oh,” Halen responded with a shrug. “Cool.” She quickly snatched up the treat and nibbled at the corner, releasing a deep sigh of contentment. She was starving and the honey-sweet oats hit the spot.
“I don’t know what to believe anymore. I didn’t even know about this so-called father of mine until a few days ago. My mom always supplied us with a plethora of uncles and daddies growing up — it’s all so confusing.”
Bijoux opened her mouth to reply, but the sight of Percy walking in their direction forced her to fall silent. “I have something to say. I want you to pay close attention. When Mr. Bourdon talks to you…and he will…you don’t say a word. Keep your mouth shut. Not one word about your medical condition. You might not believe me, and that’s all fine and dandy, but I’m telling you this for your own good. If your daddy or any of his associates think for one minute that you ain’t right in the head you will end up living the rest of you miserable life as a Breeder, leaving your sister to take over the throne. For your own sake, do as I say. Do you understand me?”
“Sure. Whatever.”
“Gosh dang it, don’t be so flip about this, gal. What part of there are people out there waiting to see you fail do you not understand?”
“Okay, okay. I got it. Dang.”
“That’s more like it.”
Bijoux waited until Percy was out of hearing distance before speaking her mind. “I know you don’t want to admit it, but he’s right about you not telling anyone the truth. You can’t jeopardize your new position — as weird as that sounds. That whole
turn you into a Breeder
thing can’t be good.”
Halen nodded in agreement. “I know, right. I really hope we’ll be able to stay together.”
Bijoux smiled. “Yeah, that would be cool, but I wouldn’t count on it.” She stretched out her long tan legs while suppressing a yawn. “We should get to sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.”
“Night.” Halen closed her eyes, praying for sleep to hurry up and find her. The beautiful boy’s image danced through her mind.
Who is he?
her heart cried out. Why do I recall his face so clearly? she wondered. She knew if she could remember the part he played in her past, her life would be complete.
Kieran and Camden decided to make an unplanned stop in Atlanta before arriving at Magnolia Grove. Their plan was to spend a few days shopping for new wardrobes at the trendy downtown boutiques and partying at the local clubs before facing the wrath of the Bourdon family. Kieran hoped a new wardrobe would change his image in his father’s eyes. His plan was to look as out of place as possible when he arrived home.
The moment they arrived in town, Camden disappeared to search the seedier parts of the city for his missing family, while Kieran booked himself a room at the Sun Decker Inn. Feeling reckless and out of sorts, Kieran tossed and turned for hours, searching for a comfortable position, to no avail. He flipped over on his back and stared at the ceiling. His mind raced with thoughts of his father. It had been years since they’d seen each other — sometimes it seemed like a lifetime. They shared nothing in common, and sadly, they never would.
His father’s first and only true love was the Hive. Yes, his father chose to remarry after his mother’s death, but it was a marriage of convenience — another way to keep up appearances. The leader of the Hive always appeared more powerful with a beautiful woman in his arm…and his father was all about the power…the more power the better.
Still unable to sleep, Kieran climbed out of bed and slipped on a pair of black skinny jeans before pulling a tight fitting black tee-shirt over his head. Shaking out his shaggy hair, he wrapped a purple scarf around his neck and slid his feet into a pair of yellow Converse One Stars.
He paced the room like a caged animal. It felt strange having nothing to keep his mind and body occupied. He missed his little mobile home in Key West and the tranquil turquoise blue ocean. He continued to wear a path in the shag carpet, his thoughts focused on his friend. Camden had made stupid choices in his life, but returning to the Grove had to take the proverbial cake. Camden was going to get himself killed and he could do nothing to prevent it from happening. He couldn’t seem to shake his fear. Neither one of them would be truly safe until they returned to Florida.
Kieran checked his watch. Stepping out on the small balcony, he leaned against the railing staring down at the busy street below. A slow moving vehicle caught his attention and he leaned over to get a closer look. He did a quick double-take, surprised to see Percy Nickelson behind the wheel. He was even more surprised to see Halen, her honey-colored curls falling across her bent shoulders.
He stared, mesmerized by her silhouette. Why someone so beautiful would choose to hookup with a low-life like Percy Nickelson was beyond him. He quickly turned around and stepped back into the room before they had a chance to notice him. The room’s khaki-green carpet reminded him of Halen’s eyes. Never in his life had he seen eyes so perfectly green. He shrugged his shoulders, trying to dismiss the girl from his mind, but her image remained a constant.
Kieran walked through the motel’s main lobby, stopping at the front desk. He paused, shocked to see the owner of the Blue Willow Compound checking in. The Sun Decker was not the most prestigious hotel in town, and Armando Rayne had a reputation for settling for nothing but the best. Something was definitely up. Walking over to the older man, Kieran extended his hand. “Mr. Rayne, it’s nice to see you again.”
The older man stared, trying to recall the young man standing in front of him. Then, as recognition set in, he smiled. “Kieran Bourdon, as I live and breathe.” He grabbed Kieran in a bear hug. “What are you doing in this neck of the woods? Have you seen your father? I suppose you’ve returned to attend Lucien’s latest fiasco. Sometimes I do not understand what is going on in that man’s head.”
Kieran bit his tongue, trying to hide his disdain. “No, I haven’t. Although, I am anxious to find out what my family is up to this time. I plan to stop by your place before heading home since it’s on the way.”
“Is that so? Any particular reason?”
“Actually, I need to discuss a personal matter with you.”
“Why don’t we head over to the diner and discuss it over breakfast,” Armando said, patting Kieran on the back. “I’m famished.”
Once the pair was seated and their coffee served, Armando smiled. “So, what’s on your mind, boy?”
“Do you remember Camden?”
Armando rubbed his chin. “Camden, you say? No, I can’t say that I do.”
“Whitney’s little brother.”
“My Whitney?”
Kieran took a long sip of his coffee. This was going to be harder than he thought. “That would be her.”
“Unfortunately, yes. I do remember the boy. My memories are not fond ones.”
“Whitney still with you at the compound?”
“Of course. Whitney is one of my best girls. Didn’t her meddling brother move to the coast with you?”
Armando frowned, tapping his long black fingernails on the Formica table. “Hmm, sounds like that was a bad decision on your part.”
Kieran lifted his eyes from his cup, ignoring Armando’s comment. “Camden is here. We’re going to meet up again tomorrow.”
“I see.” Armando flipped his straight raven-black hair over his shoulder, forcing a smile for Kieran’s benefit. “I will be leaving town first thing in the morning. Nothing would please me more than to have you as my house guest.” Armando’s gray eyes twinkled. “Lyric has turned into a beautiful young woman.”
The waitress brought their breakfast and Kieran waited until she walked away before continuing. “Mr. Rayne, Camden wants to bring Whitney home with us.”
“You cannot be serious.”
“He’s prepared to do whatever it takes — he’s willing to pay you, Armando.”
“The boy be damned! I am five hundred years old. I will never release Whitney. Never. Do you have any idea how much money that girl brings into my Hive?”
“With all due respect — are you serious? Whit is Camden’s sister.”
Armando’s eyes flashed with anger turning them a deep crimson. “You listen to me. Lucien is my dearest friend. I value out business partnership. Out of respect for him, I will keep my temper in check. I will only say this once, Kieran. Whitney is my property. She belongs to the Hive. She remains at the compound. Forever. Case closed.”
Kieran moved to object, but Armando held up his hand in protest. “The subject is closed.”
“Fine. I’ll drop it — for now. Tell me what brings you to town. You’re a long way from the compound.”
“I thought I might take a look at Lucien’s latest, and to hear him tell it, greatest acquisition to date. Rumor has it she’s quite — special.”
“Hmm. Interesting. You traveling alone, Armando?”
“Hardly. The roads are becoming increasingly dangerous for our kind. The Laromes are attacking our caravans left and right.” Armando proceeded to spread a generous amount of cinnamon butter on a steaming hot biscuit. “Once I finish my business I plan to visit the old town square and check out the tourists…if you understand my meaning. Care to join in on the excitement?”
Kieran cringed. “Pass. I find the entire process disgusting.”
“And that is why you are weak. You will never survive a day in the Hive with that attitude.”

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