Entangled Souls (11 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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Armando lounged behind the carved mahogany desk. A small hairless cat rested at his feet casually lapping blood from an etched crystal bowl. He reached down and lovingly stroked the animal behind the ear.
A loud pounding noise interrupted his actions. Shocked that someone would have the nerve to knock on his door during business hours, he snapped at the intruder. “Enter”! Although annoyed by the interruption, he was not surprised to see Camden.
“I need to talk to you about Bijoux.”
“Is that so?” Armando wondered if Camden had played a role in Mitchell’s abrupt change of heart concerning the girl. “Boy, why do you not go home, where you belong? We have nothing to discuss?”
Camden gritted his teeth, struggling to keep his composure. “I’ll go home when I’m damn good and ready.”
“Do not be foolish enough to get an attitude with me, boy!” Armando spat. “As for Bijoux, she remains at Blue Willow. I have big plans for that one. You are as insane as Kieran — willing to throw your future away on a lowly Breeder. Pathetic.”
“This is far from over, Armando. I will be back.”
Camden left the office in a huff and headed for the guest cabin. Swinging open the door, he froze. His body tensed, his hands clenched into tight fists. Where the heck was his money? Except for Bijoux no one knew where it was hidden. Storming out of the room, he made a beeline for the kitchen.
Whitney sensed something was up the minute she looked into his eyes. “Camden, what in the world…”
“My cash is gone. Every stinking penny. Gone.” He turned to Bijoux. “You were the last person I told…”
“Oh, no you…you think I took your stupid money?”
“No, of course not. That’s not what I meant.”
“I don’t understand,” Whitney said. “The money didn’t up and walk away by itself.”
“ I bet you that toad, Mitchell, took it,” Bijoux said. “He was hiding in my room last night.”
“Huh. I see. I have a question for you, Bijoux. Why did you allow that creep in your room in the first place?”
“I can always tell his father about the Breeders,” Whitney added, quickly changing the subject.
Camden shook his head. “What good would that do? Armando would never believe you over his son.”
“If we go together and present a united front, maybe he’ll listen.”
Mitchell and Armando sat in the office working on the monthly accounts, their heads buried in a stack of receipts and over due bills when Camden and Whitney entered the room unannounced.
“What can I do for you, Whitney?” Armando said, never raising his head to acknowledge her presence. “As you can see I am extremely busy at the moment.”
“This will only take a minute. Someone has stolen Camden’s money.”
Armando lifted his head, looking Camden straight in the eye. “Any suspects?”
Whitney didn’t give him the opportunity to speak, choosing to answer for him. “We know who did it.”
“Splendid. Who, pray tell, is the culprit?”
“What the…” Mitchell said. “You lying bitch.”
Armando lashed out, interrupting his son. “Close your mouth, Mitchell.” His eyes glowed crimson with anger. “Apologize this instant!” he barked at Whitney.
“No, sir. Not this time.”
“I didn’t do it, Father!”
Armando levitated out of his chair, hovering inches above the ground. “I want you out of my home, Camden. If you ever return I will have you arrested for trespassing. As for you,” he said to Whitney. “If you do not get out of my sight, I will have you sent down to the breeding camp where you will remain for the rest of your days!” Despite his rage, he wasn’t sure he would be able to carry out his threat.
“Mr. Rayne…” Whitney pleaded.
“Let it go,” Camden whispered taking her arm and leading her from the room.
Armando’s voice echoed through the hallway. “Remember what I said — I want you off my land.”
Feeling restless, Halen paced back and forth across the smooth tile floor. Kieran had requested that she remain inside, and as a result boredom had set in. She understood his reasons for wanting to keep her under lock and key. After all, she was here alone and the grounds were crawling with Breeders and their trained keepers. She was shocked to see that many of them appeared to be perfectly normal, while others were little more than wild animals.
She walked over to the large picture window and looked out towards the compound. After observing the Bourdon Estate up close and personal, she had to admit that it was too gaudy to be in good taste. Evidently Kieran’s grandfather cared nothing about elegance, but simply wanted a reason to flaunt his wealth.
As she turned to walk away, Perry appeared out of nowhere. He pushed past her, slamming the door shut behind him. “What do you want, Perry?”
“I was wondering how you’re doing out here. Alone. Kieran said he wouldn’t be staying with you — I came to see if you needed anything.”
She took notice of the thick layer of dried blood and hair under his fingernails and shuddered. “Like your absence?”
“No reason to be nasty.”
“Whatever. Will you leave now, please?”
“Stupid girl. It sounds like it’s time to put you in your place.” Perry grabbed her by the hair, pulling her into his arms.
She pushed against his chest with all her might. “If you do not let me go I’ll tell Kieran.”
Perry laughed in her face, his foul breath assaulting her nostrils. “Do you really think he cares? You are a prime piece of meat to him, nothing more.”
Halen’s screams echoed throughout the compound, causing Kieran to appear out of thin air. He rushed inside, expecting to find one of the Breeders attacking Halen, not his own flesh and blood. Without a second thought, his fist landed squarely against Perry’s jaw, knocking him to the ground. “Get up, you worthless piece of crap!” His knuckles connected with his brother’s lip, blood squirting across Perry’s white shirt. Kieran, prepared to send another blow to his brother’s face, stopped when he felt Halen’s gentle touch on his arm.
“Kieran, that’s enough.”
Reluctantly, he stepped away from Perry, dropping down on the edge of the sofa. He lowered his head, breathing deeply. Perry held his hand over his bleeding lip as he fled to the safety of his mother’s arms.
“Your parents are going to side with your brother, aren’t they?” Halen asked.
“I’m sure Elizabeth will. I’m not so sure about my father.”
Halen punched him on the shoulder and laughed. “Man, you really lost it.”
“I should’ve killed the little punk — you belong to me!” He stood, yanking the door open. His actions nearly ripping it free from its hinges. Throwing the door to the ground, he ran off in search of Perry. This was far from over and he was prepared to finish it here and now.
Halen ran out to the porch unable to believe that Kieran was capable of such violence. She had no one to blame for his behavior but herself. Obviously her presence here would only cause more trouble between Kieran and his family. All of this fighting between brothers would cause his family to hate her even more. It that was possible.
A cold chill ran up her spine. Unless she could convince Kieran to take her home, she would have no choice but to wait here like a sitting duck for Elizabeth to carry out her creepy vengeance.
Kieran entered the house to the sound of Elizabeth carrying on as though Perry was on his death-bed. Rushing down the hall to his brother’s room, he stopped cold in his tracks. Elizabeth sat on the edge of the bed, gently pressing a wet cloth to Perry’s bruised lip.
“How could you attack your own brother…over…over…that sorry excuse of a girl?”
Ignoring his stepmother’s rant, Kieran spoke directly to his brother. “How badly are you hurt, dude?”
“I’ll live,” Perry said, wincing at his mother’s less than gentle touch.
Elizabeth, refused to be ignored. “Answer me, Kieran! Why did you attack, Perry?” she shrieked.
“This is between Perry and me. It does not concern you.”
“You nearly killed the boy and you have the nerve to tell me that it’s none of my business. Have you gone mad?”
“I don’t know, Elizabeth. Perhaps,” Kieran snapped.
Perry placed his and over his mother’s, hoping the physical contact with help calm her down. “Kieran is right, Mother,” he said. “There is no reason for you to get upset.” He looked over at Kieran. “I am willing to let this go…if you are.”
“Sorry I lost my temper,” Kieran said.
“You should have told me you wanted to keep the girl for yourself. You’ll still be attending the ceremony, won’t you?” Perry inquired.
Kieran cringed at his brother’s words. “I’ll do my best.”
Elizabeth gazed out the window. From where she stood she could see the guest cottage. From the moment she’d first laid eyes on Halen she knew the girl would be nothing but trouble. Her musings quickly turned to her stepson. Was the boy stupid enough to marry the girl? A shiver ran down her spine. If their relationship became public knowledge among the Hive members, the Bourdon family name would be soiled forever. She shuddered at the possibility. She refused to stand by and allow a ratty little girl to destroy her family. There had to be a way to remove Halen from Kieran’s life. Permanently.
“Son, last night when I tried to talk to you about the girl you avoided the question,” Lucien said as he and Kieran were leaving the room. “I must insist that you tell me exactly what your feelings are for this girl. You are aware that her fate is sealed?”
“I’ve heard the rumors, but I wouldn’t consider it a done deal by any stretch of the imagination.”
Lucien paused, planting his feet firmly on the top step. “What is the meaning behind that statement? Do not talk to me in riddles.”
“What if the rumors aren’t true? Maybe…maybe…she’s the wrong girl.”
Lucien patted his son on the back. “How about we discuss this over a cold drink?”
“Sounds good to me …but first could you send someone out to fix Halen’s front door?”
“Please tell me you did not knock Perry through the front door.”
“No.” Kieran smiled. “I tore it off the hinges on my way out of the house.”
“Even as a boy you never knew your own strength.”
Lucien approached Kieran again after the evening mean, steering him away from the rest of the family. “let’s take a walk in the garden. I want to speak with you privately.”
“Sure. What’s up?”
“It is no longer safe for Halen to stay alone. I want you to sleep in the guest house tonight.”
Exhaling, Kieran raked his fingers through his long hair. “If I do…I’m afraid I’ll fall even harder.”
“I understand — you were wrong to allow yourself to feel in the first place. Nonetheless, the girl must be protected.”
Kieran paused, unsure of how to proceed. “Father…are you…in love with…Elizabeth?”
“Not in the way I loved your mother, no.”
“What would you say if I discovered that Halen was a fraud? Would you advise me to keep her around, or send her off to the breeder compound?”
“If you truly love her, you already know the answer.”
Kieran longed to say more, but was interrupted by the arrival of his best friend. “What is Camden doing here? I thought he was coming with Armando’s family.”
“Okay, what happened?” Kieran asked.
“Slight disagreement with the Rayne men. I’ll tell you about it later.”
Lucien suspected that Camden’s fight with Armando must have been a big one. “There is a spare room over the garage. It is quite small, but it does have it’s own restroom and kitchenette. You are welcome to stay there as long as you deem necessary.”
Camden stuffed his hands on his pockets and exhaled. “That would be great. Thanks.”
“I’ll go with you,” Kieran said. “And you can tell me why you left Blue Willow in such a hurry.”
Halen poured herself a tall glass of orange juice and carried it with her to the sofa. She frowned, remembering that she had forgotten to lock the newly installed front door. The last thing she needed was a repeat of earlier in the day. She reached up to turn the deadbolt just as Kieran bounded inside, causing her to stumble backwards, gasping in fear.
“Don’t you know how to knock?
“Don’t you know how to lock a door?”
“What are you doing out here, Kieran?” Halen said, flopping back down on the sofa.
“Moving in.”
“The hell you are!”
He sat down in the chair directly across from her. “Just hear me out. Father thinks I should stay here so we don’t have a repeat of what happened earlier.”
Her heart plummeted. How could she be so stupid? He wasn’t moving in because of his undying love for her. Oh no, he was doing it because dear old daddy told him to. “Whatever. I can take care of myself. There is no need for you to waste your precious time out here with me.”
Kieran scratched the top of his head, confused by her behavior. “Are you mad at me?”
“No, I could never be mad at you.”
“Well, whatever it is — get over it. We have bigger problems to deal with at the moment. Armando forced Camden off the compound. There was a problem involving Mitchell.”
Halen shook her head. “I feel sorry for Bijoux. Mitchell is an evil, slimy excuse for a human being.”
“Tell me about it. I’m worried about Camden — he’s bound and determined to go after Mitchell.”
“Armando’s goons will kill him!”
“What can I say, the boy is stubborn as hell.” His thoughts remained centered on Camden. He feared for his best friend’s life. If Camden returned to Blue Willow, Armando would murder him on sight.

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