Entangled Souls (10 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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“Halen, it’s time to wake up,” Kieran said, shaking her by the shoulder.
Stretching, Halen moaned and opened her eyes. “I swear, I slept like a baby,” she said, suppressing a yawn. “I haven’t slept so well since this nightmare began.”
“Uh huh, that’s super. Get dressed. We have a long trip ahead of us.”
“Am I supposed to go in my nightgown? All of my clothes were taken away from me.”
“Shit.” He headed for the door without offering her a backward glance. “Let me see if Whitney has something you can wear.”
“Kieran! Hey, hold up a sec!” Surely he wasn’t walking out on her, she fumed.
Halen pulled Bijoux into her arms, squeezing her tightly. “You’re the best friend I’ve ever had.”
Tears pooled in Bijoux’s eyes. “I wish I could come with you,” she whispered.
“Me too. Don’t worry, we’ll see each other again.” Halen’s eyes lingered on her new friends. She was going to be lost without them.
Armando, Lyric, and Mitchell stood on the wraparound porch watching the couple as they prepared to leave. Kieran secured the car’s trunk before reluctantly joining the group.
“Thanks…for everything.”
Armando shook his hand. “Please give Lucien my regards.”
“Sure thing.” Kieran then turned to face Mitchell, but the boy’s attention remained focused on Halen. He recognized the lustful expression in Mitchell’s eyes. He was suddenly thrilled to be taking Halen far away from Blue Willow. Gently, he kissed Lyric on the cheek before whispering his goodbye.
“I will be seeing you soon,” Lyric said, her honey-colored eyes shining brightly. “We will be at your father’s ceremony.”
“Of course you will,” Kieran replied, his voice laced with sarcasm. With his goodbyes completed, he joined Halen in the car. He turned the ignition, put the car in drive, and headed down the winding road leading away from the compound.
Jealousy consumed Lyric. Her heated stare remained in the couple as they drove away.
Armando watched her with concern. “Something bothering you, Lyric?” he asked.
“Of course there is,” she spat. “You allowed Kieran to leave with that girl.”
“I had no other option, daughter. I promise to make it up to you.”
“But when, Daddy?” she pouted.
“Soon. Very soon.”
He caught sight of the others as they headed back to the kitchen and called out to them. “Bijoux, you and Whitney come here.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Bijoux, with Halen no longer with us, you will be the one helping my daughter.”
Lyric appraised the girl with a cold, critical stare. She couldn’t hold a candle to Halen’s beauty, but she would have to do for now — that horrid pink hair would definitely have to go. “Come with me,” she demanded.
As the girls walked away Whitney took it upon herself to return to the kitchen. She needed to prep the vegetables for the evening meal. Besides, the work would keep her mind off of Halen’s departure. Her heart broke for Bijoux. She knew the girl would rather be sent out to the Breeders than to work for Lyric.
Armando remained alone with his son. Noting the boy’s sullen expression, he remitted a long sigh. Why were his children so dissatisfied with their lives? “Is something bothering you, son?”
Mitchell shook his head. “I’m sure it’s nothing you would be interested in hearing.”
“That is not true. I am interested in every aspect of your life.”
“Very well. I am eighteen, but you still treat me like a little kid.”
“I’m not sure what you mean,” Armando said, genuinely shocked by his son’s outburst.
“I’m a man now, and as such I have certain…needs.”
Armando laughed. “Is that what’s bothering you? There are a hundred Breeders at your beck and call. Pick one, but remember…her…or his…soul must remain intact. You may use a Breeder, but they will ultimately be needed for the Cause. Do not allow your emotions to become clouded.”
“Fine,” Mitchell pouted. “Give me a specimen I can’t spawn a little half-breed brat with. I do not want to spawn a kid with one of those disgusting freaks.”
Growing impatient with his son, Armando inhaled. “What’s on your mind?”
“I overheard Whitney and Bijou talking this morning. It seems Bijoux was quite the little slut in her previous life. That girl has been around the block a time or two, and yet she’s never gotten pregnant — that makes her the perfect choice.”
Armando took a moment to give the situation some serious thought. If Mitchell had a girl at his beck and call perhaps he would start behaving more like a man and less like a spoiled child.
“Very well, do as you wish with Bijoux. However, she is to be treated no differently than the others. Is that understood? You must consider your sister’s feelings.”
“I will. Thank you, Father.”
Pleased with their new-found understanding, Armando draped his arm over Mitchell’s shoulder. “I envy you, son. Bijoux is a beautiful girl.”
The trip to Magnolia Grove seemed endless. They drove for hours seeing nothing but row upon row of pine trees and power lines. The tension between them was enough to drive Halen insane. Their conversations were minimal and by the time Kieran finally turned the car into the expansive driveway, Halen released a sigh, relieved the trip was finally over. Dusk covered the countryside as the massive estate came into view.
“This place is off the chain,” she said in awe.
“It’s not my house. I have nothing to do with Magnolia Grove…or the things that take place here. That is on my father.”
Halen turned her head from side to side, amazed by her surroundings. “This place must be worth a fortune. How can you turn your back on all of this?”
“My sanity means more to me than money. Besides, I’m a big boy. I can make my own money.”
“I guess you do pretty well for yourself, huh?”
Kieran smiled. “Until I had to shell out a pretty penny to get you away from Armando.”
Halen’s eyes flashed with anger. “Take me home and I’ll get you your money.”
“Don’t you think your so-called sister will have a problem with you returning to the home front? That is if everything you’ve told me up until now is true.”
“Dammit! The house belongs to me. Not her! Mom’s will says so!”
Kieran dropped the subject as he pulled the car to a stop in front of the house. He stepped out of the car and walked around to the passenger’s side. Opening the door, he placed his hand on Halen’s elbow and led her up the steps. He pushed open the carved mahogany doors and stepped inside, allowing her to walk a few steps ahead of him.
“Hey, are you guys home?” he called out as they entered the foyer.
Halen’s eyes did a quick sweep of her surroundings. A large winding staircase led to the upstairs bedrooms. Brightly colored wallpaper covered the walls and numerous family portraits stood out against the gaudy design.
“Yo, anybody home?” he called out again. Within minutes people filled the foyer, each vying for Kieran’s attention.
Halen backed away, nervously watching Kieran’s family make a fuss over his arrival. She stared with wide eyes at Kieran’s father. So this was the almighty Lucien Bourdon. She glanced over at his mother. Elizabeth stared back at her with distaste. Halen grimaced and rolled her eyes, instantly disliking the woman.
Elizabeth’s face appeared cold and her deep-set, reddish-gold eyes were void of compassion. She wore her pale blonde hair piled high on her head, making her appear taller than everyone else in the room.
Elizabeth turned to Kieran, demanding an explanation. “Who is this…this…girl?”
Kieran’s brother focused his attention on their guest, eying Halen’s modest clothing with disdain. He looked down his nose at her, wondering why his brother made the stupid decision to bring her through the front door. Didn’t he remember that all new Breeders must be checked in through the back gate?
Halen resented Perry’s smug attitude, silently calling him every vile name she could think of. Lifting her chin in defiance, she looked to Kieran for moral support.
He quickly stepped to her side and wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her close. “Father, this is Halen.”
“I know who she is…and what she is. The question is, how did she end up here, with you?”
“I demand to know how you met this girl?” Elizabeth said.
Kieran paused, unsure of how to explain the situation to his father’s wife.
“Answer me!” Elizabeth shrieked. “Why did you bring this…this…Breeder into my home?”
Halen didn’t give Kieran time to respond. Allowing her temper to get the best of her, she replied spitefully. “I’m not here to be a Breeder for you or anyone else, lady. In fact, you night consider showing me a little more respect — might make things a little easier — on you. But we can discuss that later. For now, I’m here as your son’s guest. So get over it.”
“What in the world is she talking about, Kieran?” Elizabeth managed to choke out.
“Your darling son purchased my freedom — by using Breeders from your compound.”
Elizabeth swooned, leaning against Perry for support.
Kieran folded his arms across his chest and glared at Halen. “Thanks for that.”
Halen lifted her chin. “Whatever. Your mother is a snob. She deserves what she gets…and then some.”
Lucien Bourdon listened to the heated exchange with amusement, his laughter startling Halen. He patted his son on the back. “What in world are you doing with this girl?”
“You aren’t going to like this,” Kieran replied. “Armando was holding her captive. I had to bargain for her release.”
“Armando? How did she come to be with him?”
“It’s a long story. Suffice it to say, someone made Armando an offer he couldn’t refuse.”
“I admire your desire to remove her from Blue Willow, and I thank you. But you should have used the back entry — you have upset Elizabeth.”
“Don’t be thanking me yet, Father. I didn’t bring Halen here for you, or to fulfill some stupid prophecy. I’m taking her home to her family…where she belongs.”
Lucien studied the couple with ice-white eyes. His curiosity was aroused and he couldn’t help but wonder if something more might be going on between his son and the next Chosen One.
“We shall talk later, but for now you should show Halen to the guest house. I am sure she will find it most comfortable.”
“Yes, Father. Thank you,” Kieran replied, grateful Halen would have a safe place to stay until he found a way to get her home.
He placed his hand on Halen’s arm, giving her a reassuring squeeze. He led her outside and down a winding path of crushed snow-white marble cloaked on each side by miniature pink roses and purple hyacinths. “My grandfather built this house. He lived here until he sold his soul and built that monstrosity on the hill,” he explained. Stepping up on the porch, he waited while she reluctantly followed him.
“You have issues with this place?” she asked.
“No. I just despise what it represents.” Kieran turned the key and opened the front door to reveal a spacious living room. Halen smiled, thrilled to find the decor warm and cozy. The furniture appeared old, but in good condition.
Kieran left her side to check out the kitchen, quickly returning. “There’s plenty of food in the fridge, so you should be good for the night. I’ll stop by first thing in the morning to see how you’re doing.” He moved in closer, placing his hands on her narrow shoulders. “You’ll be safe here. You have my word.”
Halen trembled. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she attempted to pull his close. “Are you leaving so soon? What’s the matter, are you afraid mommy will have another one of her hissy fits if you hang out with me too long?”
Kieran cringed at her words and reached up to remove her arms from around his neck. What I do is none of that woman’s business.”
She pretended to dismiss the pain of his rejection by quickly changing the subject. “It’s kinda weird, really. I don’t see much of a likeness between you and your mother.”
“That witch is my stepmother. My real mother died during childbirth.”
“I’m so sorry. Did she pass having Perry?”
Kieran ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. What was with all the questions anyway? It was like she was trying to worm her way into his very soul. “No, Perry’s birth came less than a year after my father and Elizabeth married. Let this be the end of the questions. I do not want to discuss my family with you, or anyone else.”
He stared her down, wanting nothing more than to pull her into his arms and kiss her deeply. Sadly, it was time face the facts — his father had other plans for Halen, and going against his wishes would only make things harder for everyone involved. Reluctantly, he opened the door and stepped outside into the cool night air.
“Good night, Halen. Sleep well.”
She walked over to the window, watching as he disappeared out of sight. In the beginning she believed him to be nothing more than an unfeeling ass, now she wasn’t so sure. She exhaled and turned away from the window. The empty house felt depressing. Walking over to the stone fireplace, she sat down in the butter-yellow rocking chair. Rocking back and forth her mind quickly turned to Bijoux and Whitney. She missed them so much it hurt.
Bijoux slowly moved through the dark house. She felt lost and alone without Halen around to keep her company. She briefly considered visiting Whitney, only to find the woman’s room cloaked in darkness. Disappointed, she headed for the backdoor, hoping a late-night walk would help to clear her head.
The brisk night air caressed her skin. She exhaled, allowing the tension of the day to slowly melt away. Lyric had behaved like a tyrant, working her until she nearly collapsed from exhaustion.
As she approached the small cottage a man stepped from out of the shadows. Startled, her heart skipped a beat. Then, as recognition set in she smiled. “Camden, you scared me half to death.”
“Sorry. I’ve been waiting for you.”
Bijoux folded her arms across her chest in an attempt to guard her heart. “Why?”
Seeing the distrust on her face, Camden softened his tone. “Don’t worry. I only want to talk to you.”
“Uh huh, no boy just wants to talk.”
Camden reached out to brush his fingers across the length of her arm but she coiled away from his touch. “I’m not like the others…I would never do anything to hurt you…honest.”
“How do you know…I mean…about my past and all?”
“Whitney told me.” Again, he reached for her and this time she didn’t shy away from his touch, allowing him to guide her over to the steps. “Let’s sit down and talk.” He understood her insecurities and felt overwhelmed with compassion for her situation. “Tell me about you first day working with Lyric.”
Bijoux smiled. “How do you think it went?”
“That bad, huh?”
“That is the most demanding, spoiled, offensive snob of a little girl I have ever met. I did everything but piss for her, and she still wasn’t satisfied.”
Camden’s anger grew. How dare that self-serving little bitch disrespect someone as sweet as Bijoux? “I’m going to talk to her. She has no right to treat you that way.”
“Shh, don’t talk about Lyric that way. What if someone hears you?”
Camden puffed out his chest. “I don’t belong to the all-powerful Armando Rayne. There’s nothing he can do to me.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
Moonlight illuminated Bijoux’s face, revealing the fear in her eyes. Touched by her concern, Camden squeezed her hand. “Okay, I promise I will be more careful.”
“Whitney’s right, you know. You should mosey on back to Florida. You’ll do nothing but get into trouble if you hang around here.”
“I can’t leave. Not yet. I have a score to settle with Armando.”
“What about Whitney? If you truly love her, you’ll make her happy by going home.”
“I don’t know…”
“I guess it’s hard to leave someone you love. I’ve never really loved — not until I met Halen.” Tears filled Bijoux’s eyes. “I miss her like crazy.”
“I talked to Armand about Whitney coming home with me, of course he refused. Why don’t I ask him to release you instead?” Camden’s eyes met her curious gaze, immediately knowing what was going through her mind. “No strings attached. My house is small, but it has two bedrooms — you can use the spare room free of charge.”
Bijoux tucked her hair behind her ears, turning her head to the side. “I’m not sure I understand. Why would you do this for me…a complete stranger?”
“Honestly? If I take you along, maybe, just maybe, you’ll learn to love me, too.”
Bijoux didn’t know what shocked her more — the thought of being free from the Rayne family or Camden’s feelings for her. “How can you possibly care for a girl like me? I’m pretty much damaged goods at this point.”
“You have no idea how good things could be between us.”
“Face it, Camden, all relationships suck.”
He laughed and stood, pulling Bijoux to her feet. “Shut up and kiss me.”
Bijoux lowered her head, refusing to look him in the eye. “I don’t like kissing — too many germs — it’s nasty,” she said, swatting at her face with her hand.
Her statement did little to dissuade Camden. If anything, it made him even more anxious to prove her wrong. “Remember that I’m kissing you because I care about you, not because I want something from you.” He pressed his lips to hers, drawing her trembling body tight against his. Bijoux leaned into his embrace, allowing his gentleness to wipe away the ugly images of past encounters from her memory. “How do you feel?” he whispered.
Camden smiled. “That’s a start. I’d better let you go inside and get some much-needed rest. I’ll see you after the morning feed.” Camden felt a sudden pang of dread. What if Armando refused to release Bijoux? He uttered a silent prayer. Overcome with worry, he pulled her back into his arms for one final kiss.
Bijoux’s eyes followed Camden until he disappeared into the darkness. A smile played across his face and she hugged herself, staring up at the night sky. “Thank you, Jesus,” she whispered. “Even if I’m forced to remain in this evil place, I’ll know what it feels like to be truly loved by another human being.” With her spirits lifted, Bijoux opened the door to the small cottage and stepped inside.
The faint glow of the moonlight shone through the window outlining a man’s form reclining on the narrow cot. Her happiness vanished, replaced by fear of the unknown. She stifled a scream. Her eyes flooded with tears as panic pierced her heart.
Mitchell smiled, fluffing the pillows before stretching out on his side. His bulging, frog-like eyes raked over her curves and she shuddered with disgust.
“Ah, don’t look at me that way,” Mitchell said. “I have good news for you. Father says I can have you as my very own personal play thing instead of taking you out to the breeding farm — you get to be one of us. I heard your conversation with that boy — he will never take you away from this place. Never.”
Bijoux turned on her heels and ran towards the house, her pink-streaked hair flying out in all directions.
“Come back here! You will never escape me, you stupid little girl!”
She recognized the rage in Mitchell’s eyes — it was the same look the doctor used when she’s failed to follow his orders. She pushed open the kitchen door and bolted inside, rushing to Whitney’s bedroom. She pounded on the door with all her strength. “Whitney!” she called out to her friend. “Please, let me in. You’ve got to help me!”
Still groggy from sleep, Whitney set up, climbing out of bed. The minute she opened the door Bijoux rushed inside, flinging her trembling body into Whitney’s arms.
“Chile, what in the world? You’ve got to stop all this crying. I can’t understand a word you’re saying.” Whitney wrapped her arms around the girl’s shoulders, leading her to the small bed. “Sit down and tell me what’s going on. You’re scaring me to death.”
Bijoux sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve. She knew her behavior made her appear childish, but at the moment she honestly didn’t give a damn. “Mitchell…in my room…on my bed. The vile little pig told me that Mr. Rayne…gave me to him. He wants me to become one of them. How do you just give away another human being?” Bijoux fell into Whitney’s arms again. “The idiot acted like I should be honored to be with him and not turned into a Breeder. Mr. Rayne will listen to you. Make him tell that toad to leave me alone.”
Mitchell’s shrill voice echoed through the doorway. “Running to my father won’t do you any good. He gave me permission to do as I please with the girl.”
Whitney stood, taking a protective stance in front of Bijoux. “Mitchell Rayne, you go on now and leave this girl alone.”
Enraged, Mitchell pulled his sausage-like fingers through his thinning butter-yellow hair. “How dare you attempt to tell me what to do!” He drew back his hand, slapping her hard across the face, the powerful blow sending her stumbling backward. Righting herself, Whitney turned to face him.
“Please, don’t hit her! I’ll go with you,” Bijoux cried. “Just leave her alone…please.”
“Close you mouth, Bijoux,” Whitney demanded, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. “This fool ain’t gonna put his hands on me again. If he messes with you one more time, I’m going straight to his daddy.”
“I told you, father gave me his blessing,” he said smugly.
“Oh I won’t be talking to him about Bijoux.”
“What are you babbling on about?”
“If you force my hand I’ll have no choice but to tell your father about Cassandra and Margo.”
Tiny beads of sweat danced across Mitchell’s forehead and he quickly wiped them away with the back of his hand. “W-what about them?”
“I know you’re responsible for getting those girl’s pregnant.”
“Me? No way. Those girls were paired with Breeders.”
Whitney smiled, circling him like a panther stalking its prey. “Not when they got pregnant. That’s why those pitiful babies were born with the craving. That’s your fault. Your father never did put two and two together. He chose to sit back and allowed those newborns to perish from the cravings.
Mitchell gasped, placing his hands over his chest. “How dare you talk to me that way.”
“If you bother Bijoux again, I’ll tell Armando everything — you know how your father feels about the young Breeders.”
Mitchell seethed with anger. How dare a simple house servant speak to him in such a way. He didn’t care how much his father cared for the woman. He would see the end of her if it was the last thing he ever did.
Fearing Whitney might be serious, he finally gave in to her threats. “Fine. I’ll keep my distance.” His eyes narrowed into angry slits. “My father will not live forever. Once he’s out of the picture, I’m going to enjoy watching your slow and painful death.”
“Do as you will, Mitchell. By the that time I’m sure I’ll be more than ready to meet my maker — something you’ll never experience.”
Whitney set down on the edge of the bed and squeezed Bijoux’s hand. “He ain’t gonna bother you again.”
“I’m afraid you’ve made a dangerous enemy in Mitchell. You know he’s going to retaliate in his own twisted way.” Bijoux shivered, finding the possibility terrifying. “Would it be okay if I stay her tonight?”
“Of course you can stay.”
Bijoux sighed, she felt safe lying next to Whitney in the comfortable feather bed. She quickly forgot about her fear of Mitchell, focusing her thoughts on Camden instead. “Whitney, can I talk to you about something important? Camden wants me to move to Florida with him.”
Whitney smiled, not the least bit surprised by Bijoux’s admission. “I’m really happy for you.”
“I’m not sure I’m ready to trust guys again.”
“Bijoux, you can’t judge all boys by what’s happened to you in the past. True love is a magical thing.”
“Have you ever been in love, Whitney?”
Whitney, momentarily lost herself in thought. “Yes, I’ve been in love, but it’s not something I’m comfortable talking about.”
“I understand.”
“Go to sleep. You’re going to need your rest.”
Bijoux rolled to her side and snuggled the pillow, quickly falling into a peaceful sleep.
Mitchell entered the dining room to find his father sitting at the table alone. Putting his coffee cup down, Armando studied his son. “You do not appear too happy for a young man who’s been given such a precious gift.”
At that moment Whitney walked into the dining room carrying a tray filled with fluffy eggs scrambled in cream and thick slices of bacon. Flashing her the evil eye, Mitchell addressed his father. “I’ve changed my mind about Bijoux. Do whatever you want with her.”
Armando frowned, not sure what to make of his son’s sudden change of heart. “I am afraid I do not understand. You were so adamant about the girl. What changed your mind?”
“Nothing in particular. She’ll be better off with the Breeders.”
“I am afraid that is not a good enough reason,” Armando said, piling his plate high with eggs, bacon, and homemade biscuits.
Mitchell, frustrated with his father’s constant interference pounded his fist on the table in a fit of anger. “Dammit! Can’t I change my mind without you giving me the third degree?”
Whitney buzzed around the table pretending to be busy. This was one conversation she had no intention of missing.
Although curious by his son’s sudden change of heart, Armando decided not to press him on the matter. “Very well, Mitchell. I will let it go…this time.”
Mitchell, too upset to eat, pushed back his chair and left his room without saying a word. Armando looked to Whitney, confusion written across his pale face. “I wonder what caused him to change his mind? Why is he so angry?”
Whitney busied herself with clearing away the dirty dishes. “I have no idea. No idea at all,” she said, heading back to the kitchen.

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