Entangled Souls (12 page)

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Authors: Kimber Waits

BOOK: Entangled Souls
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The Rayne family arrived first, with more families planning to join the festivities within the week, many of them staying at Magnolia Grove. Southern hospitality dictated the Bourdon family open their home to visiting guests.
The Hive members looked forward to witnessing the rare crowning ceremony from the day they received their invitations. The days leading up to the celebration were filled with cookouts, lawn games, and other normal family-oriented activities. Each evening a five-course dinner was served to be followed by a glamorous formal ball on the night of the crowning.
The Bourdon’s rich and pampered lifestyle placed them above performing any type of common labor, leaving the extensive preparations in the hands of a small group of prestigious Breeders.
Even though the Rayne family arrived during dinner time, their interruption caused little to no inconvenience, as meals as the Grove were always plentiful in case unexpected guests decided to stop by.
Lyric moved her chocolate cake around on the delicate gold-trimmed china plate with her fork, regarding her elaborate surroundings with awe. She could easily see herself as the mistress of such grandeur. If she married Kieran, Magnolia Grove would eventually be hers to do with as she pleased.
“If you are going to discuss the latest shipment of Breeders and the passing of the crown, Lyric and I will leave you gentlemen to it,” Elizabeth said, standing. “Let’s go into the living room,” she said to Lyric, who was more than willing to leave the table. If she heard Halen’s name mentioned one more time she would vomit in front of the entire Hive.
Her young guest’s behavior troubled Elizabeth. She genuinely liked the girl. She found her to be a well-bred and kind girl, yet beneath her sweetness lurked a strong and resilient young woman, and like herself, Lyric always got what she wanted.
“Lyric, why in the world are you so restless?” Elizabeth gestured toward the sofa for Lyric to join her. “Sit down and tell me what’s bothering you. I swear, I have never seen you so jumpy.”
“I’m anxious for the guys to stop talking business and join us.”
“Oh? I can’t imagine you are anxious to see Lucien or Perry, so you must be waiting for Kieran,” Elizabeth said with a smile.
“I hope you don’t mind.”
“Heavens no! You are the perfect choice for Kieran.”
Lyric was thrilled by Elizabeth’s words. However, she suspected she would not be so supportive of a relationship with Kieran if she found out about her plan to persuade him to stay at the Grove. She decided it would be best to keep her plan a secret for the time being.
“Is Kieran interested in you as well?”
“I’m not sure. He hasn’t said or done anything to show his interest.”
“He hasn’t?”
“No, and I really do not understand why?” Lyric lied.
Elizabeth frowned. “I think I know why…it’s…that…insipid girl.”
“Are you referring to Halen?”
“Yes! The little tramp has Kieran totally infatuated with her.”
“Honestly,” Lyric said, shaking her head. “I cannot believe I have a simple Breeder as a rival.”
“That girl has Kieran so smitten he’s staying in the guest house.”
Lyric gasped. “You mean he’s living with her? But she’s just a girl.”
Elizabeth shook her head in agreement. “To make matters worse, he even has Lucien’s approval. Can you imagine the scandal this could cause our family?”
Lyric placed her hand over her heart trying her best to appear shocked by Kieran’s behavior. “Gracious! Why in the world is he exposing you to such hideous behavior?”
“Now, now, dear. There is no need for you to worry. I plan to put a stop to it. I could never live with the shame if he married that girl.” Elizabeth moved to the edge of the sofa, inching closer to her guest. “Lyric, you must help me get Kieran away from Halen.”
Lyric took Elizabeth’s milky-white hand in her own. “Of course I’ll help you…but how?”
“We need…we need to get rid of her once and for all.”
“You won’t stand a chance with Kieran as long as Halen is in the picture.”
“Do you have a plan?”
“Kieran has plans to go away for a few days and he’s leaving the girl with Lucien.”
“How odd,” Lyric said. “Any idea where he’s going?”
“No idea — Lucien wouldn’t say. I do know he’s leaving the day after tomorrow. You will need to convince your father to remain at the Grove until Kieran leaves. Then you will invite me to return to the compound with your family — of course I will graciously accept.” Standing, Elizabeth stared down at Lyric. “We must find a way to convince Lucien to allow Halen to tag along — it will be easier to dispose of her that way.
Lyric’s face brightened as she thought of the perfect idea. “Bijoux is…shall we say…feeling ill at the moment. In fact, we nearly postponed our trip because of it. When Halen hears that her precious friend is dying she’ll be begging to tag along.”
“Exceptional!” Elizabeth remarked. “Once we reach Blue Willow we will dispose of the little pest forever.”
Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not sure…yet.”
At that moment Mitchell’s strode into the room carrying a glass filled with a thick red liquid. “I think I might have the answer to your problem.”
“How long have you been standing there?” Lyric demanded.
“Long enough, little sister. Long enough.”
“You should warn people when you enter a room.”
“Chill. I’m on your side.” Mitchell plopped down in a large leather chair. “I agree the tramp should be disposed of…and I know just how to do it.”
“Do tell,” Elizabeth said, anxious to receive Mitchell’s help.
“Don’t you ladies worry yourselves with the how of it all. The girl will be dead before the week is over.”
“Wonderful!” Elizabeth clapped her hands together. “Mitchell, you are an evil, evil, young man.”
Lyric frowned, still suspicious of her brother’s motives. “What’s in it for you?”
“Lyric snorted and slapped her brother on the arm. “Is that the polite way of saying the whore wouldn’t give it up for you?”
Elizabeth quickly intervened. “Mitchell’s motives are unimportant in the grand scheme of things.”
Mitchell flashed his sister a smug smile. He would have his way with Halen before he turned her over to the Breeders.
Armando and Lucien entered the room and Lyric was disappointed to see that Kieran wasn’t with them. “Where’s Kieran? I was hoping we would have a few minutes to talk.”
”He headed our to the apartment, but he did ask me to tell you goodnight,” Lucien said.
Elizabeth’s eyes met Lyric’s, then Mitchell’s, confirming the urgency to carry out their plan to get rid of Halen.
Halen stood on the front porch watching Kieran as he walked away. She sat down on the top step, cupping her chin in her hands. She wondered if she should stay outside and wait for him to return.
From out of the shadows a tall figure approached the guest house. Thinking Kieran had returned, her frown quickly turned into a smile. Her spirits tumbled when she realized it was only Maxx.
He paused at the bottom step, smiling up at her. His black hair covered the left side of his face, causing him to tilt his head to the side when he spoke. “How’s it, Halen?”
“It’s all good,” she said, genuinely happy to see him. She found herself oddly attracted to his shaggy dark hair and pale-as-death skin. “I had no idea you were coming to Magnolia Grove.”
“Yeah, I had to drive Lyric’s car.”
Halen pointed to the step for him to join her. “So, how’s everything going with you?”
“Good, I guess.” He looked down at his scuffed combat boots, fidgeting in his seat.
“Is there something wrong, Maxx? You’re not exactly acting like yourself.”
“Do you remember the day you ran away?”
“I’ll never forget it as long as I live. It was a complete nightmare.”
“I saved you that day, Halen. Now, I kinda need a favor — Jaxx and me — we need to get away.”
“Maxx, I like you I really do…probably more than I should…but I’m not sure I want to get involved.”
He raised his head, crimson tears flowing from his ice-blue eyes. “Please, you have to help me. You’re my last hope.”
Halen shook her head. “I’m afraid, Maxx. I’m afraid to help you. I’m so sorry.”
“I can’t keep living this way — none of us can.”
She understood his feelings and it broke her heart. He was so very young — so frighteningly beautiful. He didn’t deserve any of this. He should be preparing for his senior prom. Not fighting to stay alive…to be human once again. “Maxx, can you give me your word no one will get hurt.”
“Hurt?” He looked genuinely shocked by her statement. “I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
She recognized the sincerity in his eyes and knew what she had to do. She smiled and took his cold hands in hers. “Tell me how I can help.”
Maxx returned her smile. The last thing he wanted to do was cause trouble for Halen. He cared for her too much to ever let that happen. He felt sure no harm would come to her since getting caught by Armando was not part of his plan. No one would ever know that Halen helped the Cause. Be that as it may, he was as determined as ever to find a way to rid the world of the Rayne family, especially that sniffling bitch, Lyric. They would pay for what they’d done to him. He would dispose of the family one by one, and take immense pleasure in doing so.
Kieran ran towards the guest house. At first, the darkness prevented him from recognizing the person with Halen, as he grew closer he saw that it was Maxx. Why was one of Armando’s lowly Breeders visiting Halen? he wondered. Then he remembered finding her in Maxx’s arms the day she ran away. Something was definitely going on with those two. By the time he reached the cottage, Halen was sitting in one of the cane-back rockers and Maxx was nowhere to be seen.
“Kieran,” Halen said, smiling. “How’d the dinner party go?”
“Good. Not that you care.”
She grimaced, finding his attitude irritating. “Is something bothering you?”
“Nope,” he lied. How’s your night going?” He studied her intently as he waited for her answer. Would she tell him the truth about Maxx, or would it be one more secret to cause and even bigger wedge between them?
“Camden stopped by hoping too see Whitney but she never showed up.”
“That’s it? That’s all you did…just talk to Camden?”
“Yep. That pretty much sums up my night.”
“Really? Did Maxx’s visit somehow slip your mind?”
Halen paled. “How do you know I saw Maxx? Were you spying on me?”
“I saw him leaving.”
She stood, placing her hands on her hips. “You
spying on me!”
“Give me a break,” Kieran said. “What did the freak want?” He paused, waiting for her to say something…anything that would prove is suspicions wrong.
“He stopped by to say hi, that’s all.”
Kieran laughed. “Oh, come on, Halen. You can do better than that. For such an experienced liar, you’re sounding more and more like a true amateur. Losing your touch?”
“You can go straight to hell!” she snapped, jumping to her feet. “I do not owe you or anyone else an explanation for my actions.”
“You could show a little gratitude.”
“You want gratitude? Let me go and I’ll show you more gratitude than you can handle.”
“When the time is right.”
She stomped her Converse-clad foot down on the porch hard. “Dammit, I’m not safe here!”
Kieran ran his fingers through his hair in a show of frustration. “And here we go. What outrageous lie are you going to tell me this time?”
“Don’t you understand Elizabeth will make me suffer for what happened between you and Perry?”
“Are you kidding? She’s too wrapped up in the ceremony to worry about you.”
“Are you blind? I
the ceremony, you idiot. And besides, your stepmother is one vindictive bitch.”
“That’s quite an observation considering you’ve spent so little time with her.”
“Yeah, well, once is more than enough for me. I recognize her kind — my sister is the same way.”
Kieran arched his brow and chuckled. “It won’t work this time. I’m not going to let you change the subject. You’re going to tell me why Maxx was hanging around here.”
Throwing her head back, Halen groaned. What was with all the questions all of a sudden? “ugh, I told you what he wanted.”
“Dammit!” Kieran screamed. “I want to know what the hell is going on with you…and that…freak of a boy. Do you realize what he is? Do you, Halen? Do you have any idea what Armando and his family do to him on a daily basis? Maxx hasn’t been human for a very long time.”
Halen lowered her head, her voice barely a whisper. “I refuse to defend myself to you, Kieran. I’m aware of what he is — it doesn’t change how I feel.”
“Maven,” Madame Callie said. “There is an Alexander Forester here to see you.”
“Who?” Maven questioned, unable to place his name.
“I don’t know, but he claims to be your uncle. At first, he asked to speak with Halen.”
Maven nervously chewed on her bottom lip. “Crap. I hope this fool doesn’t know the truth.”
Callie clutched Maven’s wrist with her claw-like fingers. “Remember the documents we burned? If your mother sent a copy to this man, we’re done for. I’ll go to jail and you will take your sister’s place as a Breeder.”
Maven’s heart pounded wildly. “Did he say what he wanted?”
Callie groaned. “Looks like we’re about to find out,” she whispered.
Maven froze in her tracks. The short, thin man waiting in the living room so resembled her mother that bile rose up in her throat. His stylish brown hair was streaked with strands of silver, belying his fifty- plus years. A mischievous twinkle shown in his olive-green eyes. Halen’s eyes. Walking over to where she stood, he embraced her fondly.
“Maven, you’ve turned into a lovely young woman.”
“Thanks.” She squirmed out of his embrace, watching him guardedly. Did he know the truth? Was his kindness merely a show to trick her into letting her guard down?
“I know I should have informed you girls that I would be paying you a visit, but I made the trip on the spur of the moment.” He cast a curious gaze at Callie, forcing Maven to make the necessary introductions.
Alexander took a moment to really look at his niece. Maven smiled. Obviously, he had not learned the truth. Realizing that she would eventually have to tell him about Halen made her nervous. What if he didn’t believe her story? Would he turn her over to the authorities? No, she was just being paranoid — of course he would believe her. He was a man, after all.
Alexander, deep in thought, remembered the day he received his sister’s letter revealing Maven’s true fate. Now, as he looked at the girl, he was surprised at how well she seemed to be holding up. If he had been raised to believe that he was destined for greatness, only to find out otherwise, he would be devastated. He had to give Halen credit, obviously her support played a crucial role in helping to keep her sister calm and level-headed during this time of change.
“Are you planning to live here?” Maven blurted out, knowing she would resent his presence in her home.
“No, no. Do not worry. I do not plan to make my stay permanent,” he assured her. “I wouldn’t think of intruding on you and Halen.”
Maven, on the verge of tears, began to tell him how her mother’s will revealed Halen’s true heritage, and her decision to walk away from the family.
Alexander managed to keep his expression one of pure concern, never revealing that he knew she’d falsified her mother’s will.
Maven wiped at her tears with the back of her hand. “Halen promised she would write once she got settled, but I haven’t heard one word from her. I think she decided to leave her past behind and make a new life for herself. I have a strong feeling she’s gone for good.”
“I must say, I’m shocked,” Alexander exclaimed, deciding to play along with her little game. His hands were tied at the moment, but he had every intention of finding Halen and bringing her home. His gaze swept over Madame Callie. The woman’s nervousness was written all over her face. She would easily fold under his interrogation, Alexander surmised.
“By the way, did I see the police chief leaving as I was coming in?” he arched a brow at Maven. “Nothing to worry about, I hope.”
She was growing more annoyed with her uncle by the second. “No, uncle, not at all,” she assured him. After all, Abigail’s death was no concern of his.
Growing suspicious of his niece, Alexander asked to be shown to his room. He needed time to come up with a way to expose Maven…and soon.
Finally, alone with Callie, Maven smiled. “My uncle isn’t a threat to us. It seems my mother never told him the truth about me.”
Callie smoothed the imaginary wrinkles from her skirt and smiled. “Looks like we’re in the clear,” she agreed.
Whitney sat in the opulent bedroom, anxiously waiting for Lyric’s breathing to steady. Surely the girl had to be sleeping by now. To reach the main hallway she would need to walk straight through Lyric’s bedroom. Creeping past the lace-covered canopy bed, she opened the door and silently slipped out of the room.
Her heart hammered in her chest as she ran towards the breeding compound. The Rayne family planned to return to Blue Willow tomorrow — tonight would be her last night to spend with Camden. She loved her brother more than her own life, but she had to find a way to convince him to leave this place…before it was too late.
Not expecting to see her again, Camden jumped at the sound of Whitney’s voice on the other side of the door. “Whit, are you okay? What are you doing here? You know it isn’t safe.”
She brushed past him and sat down on the lumpy cot. “Yes, I’m fine.”
He closed the door and secured the lock before turning the lights on. “You know you shouldn’t be out here.”
“I had to come! I may never see you again.” Tears shown in her large cocoa-brown eyes.
“I’m going back to the compound — someone needs to force Mitchell to do the right thing.”
Whitney stared at him like he’d sprouted a second head. “Are you out of your mind? How are you going to make a jerk like Mitchell do the right thing? He swears up and down that he didn’t steal anything from you.”
He walked over to narrow cot and sat down next to her. “I can’t sit back and do nothing.”
Whitney felt a cold chill run up her spine. “This is scary, Camden. If you return to Blue Willow Armando will have you killed. Period. You do understand that, don’t you?”
“I’ll take my chances.”
“Obviously, you love the almighty dollar more than you love your own family…and what about Bijoux? Are going to just forget about her feelings?”
Camden shook his head.” None of what you said is true.”
“Prove it. Stay away from the compound…and Mitchell.”
He released a heavy sigh, appearing to accept his defeat. He could never say no to his sister. “Fine, you win.”
“And you’ll go back to Florida with Kieran?”
“That depends. Can you persuade Bijoux to join me?”

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