EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot (5 page)

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Authors: Stephani Hecht

BOOK: EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot
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Chapter Five

att answered on the first ring, which didn’t surprise James. His partner seemed to live with his cell in his hand so he was ready at all times. “I’m coming, so cool your jets.”

James sucked in a breath as he felt his zipper being lowered. He looked down at Calvin and gave a frantic shake of his head, but the doctor ignored him and kept going, popping open the button to his fly next. “We’re…uh, a backboard short and I was going to see if they had any of ours here at the hospital,” James struggled to remember the cover story he was supposed to use. Not only were his nerves wreaking havoc on him, but the cool sensations of Calvin’s fingers as they wrapped around his cock was making him nearly brain dead. Then Calvin pulled him completely free from his pants and James knew he was a goner.

“Ooookay,” Matt drew out, clearly surprised. “I can drag this out for fifteen more minutes.”

“Thanks.” James sucked in a breath as Calvin’s tongue started to tease the crown of his cock. “Oh, fuck!”

“Sheesh! At least wait until you hang up the damn phone. Yet, everyone calls me the horndog,” Matt admonished.

James hung up and tossed his phone on the cot so he could focus solely on Calvin and what his mouth was doing. It was beyond reckless what they were doing. If they were to get caught, they would both be lucky to walk away with their jobs intact, yet James knew there was no way he’d be able to bring himself to stop Calvin. Not when it felt so damn good. “Take it all in,” James commanded, his tone raw with passion. When Calvin obeyed, sucking him into the velvet heat of his mouth, he cried out. His yell echoed in the quiet confines of the ambulance.

Usually James would be content to sit back and let Calvin set the pace, but he knew they only had a few precious moments together. Not only was Matt coming back in fifteen, but another ambulance could pull up at any second. Grabbing the back of Calvin’s head to keep him still, James started to thrust into his mouth in quick even strokes.

Calvin didn’t fight, seemingly all too glad to take it. Although he did add his tongue and teeth to the mix, making it all that much better. It only took a few minutes before James felt his balls grow heavy and tight. He gave one last thrust before he came, his cock releasing into Calvin’s eager mouth. James cried out again, this time his lips forming Calvin’s name.

James leaned his head back against the wall, enjoying the lingering shivers of pleasure that went through him as Calvin licked him clean. When finished, he tucked James’s cock back into his pants and zipped him back up. “I would have never pegged you for an exhibitionist,” James teased, hoping to cover how unsure of himself he still was.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me. I would love it if you gave both of us a chance to really get to know each other. In bed and out.” Calvin was still on his knees and leaned forward to press a kiss to James’s lips.

A fresh jolt of desire shot through James as he tasted the essence of his cum still lingering in Calvin’s mouth. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot. For you,” James promised once they pulled apart.

Calvin gave a self-satisfied smile before he grabbed James’s phone from the cot. Punching in some numbers, he then handed it over. “I programmed my number into your cell so now you have no excuse not to call anymore.”

James laughed. “Okay, do you want me to call you tomorrow after we both get some sleep?” Calvin reached out to caress his jaw, making James shiver in response. How was it that a simple touch could set him off so easily? It had never been this intense with anyone before. With Calvin, it seemed like each touch set off a spark and made him crave for more.

“I would rather you call me before so we can sleep together. Only this time, I want you to stick around long enough for me to wake up with you in my arms,” Calvin gazed up at him, his dark eyes almost beseeching.

How can I deny that?
James reached forward and gave him a kiss. “I think I would like that. I’ll give you a call as soon as I’m off and we can decide when and where to meet.”

“Make sure you do that.” Calvin stood up. “I better get going before Gladys comes out looking for me.”

“If that’s the case then let’s get naked and stretched out on the cot. Really give her the thrill of her lifetime.” Calvin laughed before he left. James finished up the run sheet and went back into the ER to hand it in. When he came back out to the rig, he found Matt waiting impatiently for him.

“We’ve got all call,” he yelled from the driver’s seat.
James ran over to the passenger side and hopped in. “What is it?”
“Man down outside one of the office buildings on Main.” Matt pulled out of the hospital parking lot and hit the siren.
James grimaced.
Man down
could be anything from a full cardiac arrest to a drunk passed out in the grass. He grabbed a pair of gloves and pulled them on as Matt weaved through traffic. Thanks to Matt’s lead foot, they made it to the call within five minutes. A record time even for them.
Even as James was picking the radio up to alert dispatch they were on scene, alarms were going off in his head. Something didn’t seem right. While he could see a prone individual a hundred feet or so from them, there was an odd stillness in the air that just didn’t seem right.
“How was this called in?” he asked Matt.
“Just a man down. Nothing else,” Matt narrowed his eyes, obviously getting a hinky feeling, too.
James looked over at the victim and blanched at how motionless they were. Odd vibe or not, he knew he couldn’t just sit around and do nothing. Getting out of the rig, he grabbed his trauma bag and started to run across the grass. Matt came around and joined him.
“Is that blood on his chest?” Matt barked, his voice sharp with fear.
“Yes, it is.” James took one look at the amount of gore on the man and knew they wouldn’t be able to help him. “Get on the radio to dispatch and ask them where the fuck PD is. This is a shooting.”
They started to back up toward the rig, both of them frantically scanning the area for danger.
Matt keyed the radio, “What’s the status of our PD backup?”
The radio crackled to life, “Copy 304, there is no PD coming.”
James and Matt exchanged horrified glances. “Someone fucked up big time,” James snarled.
“Dispatch, this is a GSW and we need PD backup ASAP.”
James saw the glint from the scope, but it was already too late. Calling out a warning, he reached for Matt just as the air cracked with the sound of gunfire.

* * * *


“Calvin, you need to come see this,” Janet cried as she ran up to the nurse’s station.

Her face was devoid of all color and she was shaking so hard he worried about her passing out. “What’s going on?” he asked, alarmed. It took a lot to get her this worked up. In all the time he’d known her, he’d rarely seen her lose her cool and never to this extreme.

“Something bad.” Grabbing his hand, she led him back to the staff break room. The television was on and several nurses and doctors were standing around it, looks of horror on their faces.

“What happened?” he stepped closer and saw a familiar looking office building that was a few miles from the hospital.

“Some guy lost it and shot the place up. The news says there are at least five fatalities and dozens of wounded,” one of the nurses supplied.

“Have they caught the shooter yet?” Calvin saw scores of emergency vehicles surrounding the building and wondered if James was there. He hoped not. The thought of his guy being so close to danger made his gut clench in fear.

“No, he’s up at one of the top floor windows and shoots anyone who gets close.”
“Calvin, there’s something you need to know. The gunman has the medics who first responded to the incident pinned down,” Janet said in a halting voice.
Before Calvin could ask who it was, the screen on the TV changed to an aerial view. It showed a pair of men in the familiar blue uniforms from James’s company. They were hunched down behind a dumpster, trying their damndest to stay out of the line of fire. The shot zoomed in closer and the breath left Calvin’s lungs. “James,” he breathed as fear coursed through his body. There was no mistaking it though. He’d know that strong face and dark hair anywhere. Matt was with him and they were both pressed tight against the dumpster. Even as Calvin watched, he saw them flinch as bullets came their way. “How is this possible? They were just here,” Calvin protested. His knees felt weak and he grabbed the nearby wall for support.
“They must have got the call just as they were leaving,” Janet said, her eyes bright with tears.
The alarm sounded over the hospital loudspeaker, announcing a level one trauma was coming in.
Even without being told, Calvin knew it must be somebody from the shooting. The other staff dispersed, getting ready for the incoming patients. Calvin felt torn. While he had the strong desire to stay and watch the TV, his oath wouldn’t allow him to stand around when people needed him. Giving the screen one last desperate glance, he ran out to the ER to help.

It seemed liked they’d been at it for hours, yet wave after wave of patients continued to come in. They were everything from small cuts to full blown traumatic arrests. While they’d managed to save most of the patients, they did have two die from extensive blood loss and internal wounds.

Every time an ambulance crew would come in, Calvin would ask about 304 and every time he got the same answer,
We don’t know yet.

Calvin was just finishing up a set of sutures when he saw a pair of medics coming in. “Have you heard anything about James and Matt?” he called to them.

“We heard one of them is shot and in pretty bad shape,” one of them, a husky female, replied.
Calvin felt as if someone had smacked him in the gut with a brick. “Which one?” he asked, his voice cracking with terror.
“Don’t know. I heard the police finally got the gunman. So whichever medic was shot should be coming in soon.”
Calvin hoped so. Their ER was already stretched thin so they were diverting some of the patients to other nearby hospitals. He didn’t think he could last any longer to find out if James was okay.
It seemed like forever before the bay doors swished open. A small group of firefighters and medics came rushing in with a cot. Calvin was both relieved and dismayed to see it was Matt. While he was glad it wasn’t James, he despaired when he saw just how bad Matt was. The man’s chest was a mess from what had to be at least three gunshot wounds and he wasn’t moving.
Luckily, the surgeon and a couple of other doctors took charge of Matt’s care, so that left Calvin free to search for James. Just as he was giving up hope of seeing him, the doors swooshed open again and James came walking through.
He had a small cut on his cheek and there was a bleak, hopeless look in his eyes, but damn it, he was alive and Calvin couldn’t have been more relieved. Running to him, Calvin threw his arms around James and pulled him into a rib-crushing hug. They had a huge audience, but he didn’t give a damn. All that mattered was James was safe and hadn’t been seriously hurt. “I thought I lost you,” Calvin told him. His heart broke when he felt how badly James was shaking. James wrapped his arms around his waist and embraced him back, as he tucked his head into Calvin’s chest.
“I’m okay,” James assured.
Calvin continued holding James, savoring the feeling of having his lover back safe in his arms. At that moment, Calvin knew he’d never be able to let go.

Four months later



ames sat at the table, fighting back a laugh as he watched Calvin rush around the kitchen, in a near frenzy he was so stressed. “Relax, babe,” he said. “It’s just a small dinner party. You would

think we were having half of Flint with all the food you made.”

Calvin pulled some rolls out of the oven before answering, “It’s a very big deal. Not only are we celebrating Matt being able to finally go back to work, but also that you’re moving in with me.”

“You sure you don’t want to change your mind?” James asked, although he knew there was no way he could ever be parted with Calvin.

Calvin came over and gave him a gentle kiss. “Are you kidding? I’ve never been happier.”
“Does this mean you forgive me for inviting my parents?” James smiled when he saw a panicked look pass through Calvin’s eyes.
“I still can’t believe you did that. What if they don’t like me?”
“They’re going to love you. Lord knows I do.” James got up so he could wrap his arms around Calvin’s waist.
“What did you just say?” Calvin asked, as he pulled back and locked gazes with James.
“I said I love you.”
“Wow, I didn’t think I was ever going to get you to say that out loud.” Calvin lips spread out into a huge grin.
“Of course I do. Why do you think I agreed to move in with you?” James ducked his head, shocked to feel a warm heat come over his cheeks.
“I figured as much, but it sounds so nice to hear you actually say it.”
“How about if I say it again? I love you, Calvin.” James pulled him back into a tight embrace.
“I love you, too, James, and I always will.”

About the Author

Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of two. You can usually find her snuggled up to her laptop, creating her next book.

Visit Stephani on the web at:
http://www.myspace.com/stephanihecht Email her at:
[email protected]

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