EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot (2 page)

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Authors: Stephani Hecht

BOOK: EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot
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Chapter Two

ames sat on the edge of the cot in the back of the ambulance stuffing scattered equipment back into the medic bag. The sun had dipped beyond the horizon so it was starting to get chilly, but he still had both rear doors wide open to let fresh air blow through the rig. While he liked Indian Jack, the man did carry a certain…distinctive smell and James wanted it long gone before they had to take off again.

When the double bay doors to the hospital swished open, he looked over, expecting it to be Matt. When he saw Dr. Calvin come through instead, James swallowed hard as his body grew tight with desire. How could it be that the man could still look so good, even when it was obvious he’d been working a marathon shift?

Although Calvin’s eyes had dark circles around them and there was a haggard look about him, Calvin still had this classy handsome vibe that called to him. His dark hair shone under the bright lights of the bay. It was just messy enough to be sexy without coming off slobby. It had an almost bedroom quality that made him itch to run his fingers through it. Calvin started to walk toward the row of ambulances and James sucked in a breath as need shot through his body. Even with the baggy scrubs and lab coat he wore, the hard muscles of Calvin’s body were clearly visible, from his broad chest to his hard abs that were just begging to be licked.

James gaped, a blood pressure cuff hung limply in his hands, forgotten. Oh, the things he’d love to do to Calvin’s body. Licking would be the first on the long list. There would definitely be some biting and kissing, too. He hadn’t been fucked in a long time, choosing to focus on work and school instead, but for a piece of that he’d be willing to break his streak.

He was so caught up in his lust-filled thoughts he almost didn’t realize Calvin was coming toward his rig until the man was nearly standing right in front of him. With a nervous cough, James started to jam stuff back in the bag as he prayed to all that was holy his boner wasn’t visible. Trying to be as causal as possible, he shifted his bag slightly so it covered most of his lap. “Did I forget something?” James asked as soon as the doctor was close enough to talk without shouting.

“No, I needed to speak to you.” Calvin came up and leaned against one of the open doors. He was less than a foot away and the warm, musky scent of his cologne teased his senses.

“Is it the cookies? I’m sorry. I know I shouldn’t have given that second one to Jack. I just got a little ticked and wanted to lash out. I thought sweets were the best way,” James teased.
Shut up. You sound like an idiot!
Whenever he got nervous, he tended to babble like a loon and obviously today wasn’t going to be any different. The last time he’d been this anxious had been a year ago when he’d been on a date with a cop. A half hour into it, James had confessed, during one of his nervous rants, he had always been for Team Aniston. His date had given him a strange look and the night hadn’t lasted much longer after that.
Guess he had been on Team Angelia. That or he didn’t want saddled with a dork who obviously spent most of his weekends watching E!

“Relax.” Calvin reached in and gave his knee an all-too brief squeeze.
A slow sizzle burned on James’s skin at the contact.
“I’m not here to ball you out over a cookie.”
“They’re his favorite. The only way we can get him to agree to go in for treatment is to promise him chocolate chip.” James gave a small laugh. “That and root beer apparently. That’s his newest craving.”
“It’s a good thing you did get him to come here. Jack’s pretty sick and I don’t know how much longer he would have lasted on the streets.” Calvin shifted slightly so he was standing even closer.
He was really crowding James’s space. For a brief, hopeful moment, he wondered if the doctor were doing it on purpose. He quickly dismissed the notion. In all the time he’d known the man, he’d never once shown an interest. “Jack’s a good guy. At least he is when he’s not running away or mooning me.”
Calvin chuckled. “That must have been an interesting sight.”
“You have no idea. But I’m sure that’s not what you came out here to talk to me about.” If he was going to get yelled at for doing something wrong, might as well get it over with. He scrambled his mind, going back over the medical treatment he’d given the patient, trying to figure out what Calvin could possibly object to, but came up with nothing.
“I wanted to apologize for all the fuss that was made over where to put the patient. It wasn’t very professional and I’m sorry you had to see it.” This time there was no mistaking it when Calvin moved closer.
Shit, the guy was so close now his body was pressed into James’s leg. Another jolt of desire went though him, making it difficult to breathe as all thoughts focused on his own knee.
Should I move it? If I don’t and he didn’t mean to get this close
then it could get awkward. But, if he does mean it and I move back, he might not think I’m interested and that’s the last thing I want.
In the end, he settled for keeping his leg in place, but trying hard for a casual face.
“It’s no big deal.” James shrugged as he pulled his bag further over his lap. By now, his cock was so hard it had almost reached the point of painful and all from just touching the guy. God forbid if Calvin made an actual move. James would probably make an ass out of himself and blow his wad within ten seconds.
“Is this the last run for you guys tonight?” Calvin asked, abruptly changing the subject.
“Yeah, we’re just getting off a twelve hour shift. How about you?”
“Jack was my last patient.” Calvin yawned. One of the doors to the ambulance was pressed against his back so they were mostly hidden from view unless someone walked around to the rear of the vehicle. All of the sudden James became aware that they could engage in all kinds of intimate activities, should they want to. His hand itched to reach out and touch Calvin. Fear held him back. Just because Calvin was standing close didn’t mean anything. Or did it? “You probably can’t wait to get home.” James cleared his throat because his voice had suddenly taken a harsh edge to it.
“Not really. Don’t get me wrong, I’m tired and can’t wait to get a shower,” Calvin said, right before he put his hand on James’s knee again. “It just gets lonely there sometimes. Now if I had someone to keep me company, that would change things completely.”
He raked a hungry gaze over James’s body, leaving no doubt to the underlying invitation to his words. James sucked in a breath. A warm heat surged through him. Did he want to be that someone to occupy the doctor? There were two words that answered that question—hell and yes.
“Somehow I find it hard to believe that someone as good looking as you has trouble finding company.” James allowed himself to lean toward the hard body next to him. It was just a couple of inches, but he hoped it was enough to let Calvin know he not only got the message, but was more than willing to play along.
“I don’t want just anybody though.” Calvin’s hand traveled up higher, so it was just below James’s cock. Leaning in closer, his lips just inches from James’s ear, he whispered, “I’m very picky about who I spend my time with. Only a certain type will do for me.”
“What type is that?” James panted. It was getting harder to breathe the higher up Calvin’s hand went.
“Let’s just say I have it bad for a certain medic. Must be the uniform.”
Finally, Calvin’s caress found James’s needy cock. His fingers wrapped around the bulge and gave it a gentle squeeze. James let out a yelp of surprise as desire coursed through his veins like a drug.
A part of him still couldn’t believe this was happening. Ever since Calvin had come to St. Michael’s, James had a mad crush on the doctor. In all that time though, Calvin had never even seemed to notice he was alive. Now, not only had he come on to him, but he was giving him a hand job in the middle of the ambulance bay where anyone could come upon them at any moment.
He knew he should push Calvin’s hand away. Shit, Matt could come waltzing out only to get bitch slapped with a huge surprise. Instead, James tossed the bag aside so his lap was fully exposed and nothing could encumber Calvin’s progress.
“Eager, little thing.” Calvin chuckled, giving another squeeze, hard enough to elicit a moan from him. “I can’t wait to see your reaction, once I really get to touch you.”
James bit back a whimper, the man’s words almost driving him to the edge. It was true though. If he was reacting this way to Calvin caressing him through the thick fabric of his pants, then how was it going to be skin-on-skin? “Is that all you have planned—touching?” He rolled his hips up, thrusting himself into Calvin’s hand.
“You’ll just have to wait and see, won’t you?” Calvin nipped his earlobe, making him jump as a shiver snaked down his spine.
The bay doors swooshed opened and Calvin jumped back, almost slamming into the rig’s door in his haste to pull away. James didn’t take offense, knowing the last thing either of them needed was to be caught making out. Not that he was afraid of it getting out that he was gay or anything. While he’d never announced it to his coworkers, he’d never made it a secret either. It’s just he didn’t want to be the latest source of gossip buzz and him frolicking around in the back of his ambulance with either a man or woman would be the surest way for that to happen.
“Hey, Doc, what are you doing slumming?” Matt cracked as he came around the rig and tossed the drug box into the back. The smile faltered on his mug as his gaze went from Calvin to James and then back to Calvin again.
“I just wanted to thank you and James for doing such a good job out there.” Calvin pushed against the door then walked away, giving one last wave on his way back into the hospital.
Matt weakly returned the gesture before he turned his attention back on James. “Why do I get the feeling I interrupted something?” he asked, his eyes narrowing way too knowingly.
James was horrified to find himself blushing under the scrutiny. They stared at one another for several seconds. James tensed, wondering what his partner’s reaction was going to be. Matt’s face didn’t give away anything and James wondered if he was mad. It wouldn’t be the first time someone had gone off and refused to work with
the homo.
“Next time use the code,” Matt drawled, slowly shaking his head.
“The code,” James echoed, confused.
“Yes, if you need me to stay away for a few extra minutes because you want some
alone time,
call me and say that the rig is missing a backboard and you’re going to look for it.” Matt shot off a wicked grin, showing he’d probably used this excuse more than once to get some privacy.
“That’s all you have to say?” James couldn’t resist asking.
“What? You think I’m going to have an issue because you’re into guys?” Matt snorted. “You’re a damn good medic and a great partner. That’s all I care about.”
“Oh.” James found himself momentarily speechless as he hopped out of the back of the rig, then slammed one of the doors shut.
Matt slammed the other closed and they both went to the front and got in. As usual, Matt took the driver’s seat. They had established early on in their partnership that he liked to be in control. Matt put on his sunglasses on and flashed a smile so cheesy James cracked up.
“That just means I get all the ladies to myself.”
“God help them.” James chuckled.

* * * *

I can’t believe I groped him like that. He probably thinks I’m a walking hard-on or something.
Calvin silently berated himself as he bypassed the emergency department and made his way down the hallway leading to the staff locker rooms. He cringed when he saw Janet lying in wait, almost like he was Lindsey and she was the paparazzi.

“What happened?” she demanded, her eyes wide with excitement.
“I made a complete and utter ass out of myself.” He darted a glance up and down the hallway, relieved to note they were alone.
“Why? Wasn’t he interested?” Janet gasped.
Her hand went to his arm in a show of concern. Or maybe it was pity. Lord knows he was loser enough today to earn both. “Not exactly.” He sighed before he told her every detail of what had gone down. It was a true testament to their friendship that he didn’t leave out one embarrassing detail either. When he finished, he expected sympathy, a shoulder to cry on maybe, what he got was….laughter? “What in the hell is so funny?” he asked as he watched her crack up so hard that she actually doubled over.
“I’m so sorry. I’m just having trouble picturing you copping a feel like that. You are one of the most reserved guys I know.”
That made him pause. Why had he come onto James so hard? When he’d gone out to the ambulance all he’d intended to do was strike up a friendly conversation, instead he’d practically shoved his hands down the man’s pants. All it had taken was for James to look up at him with those deep blue eyes of his and he’d lost all rational reasoning. “What can I say? I have a soft spot for a guy in a uniform,” Calvin quipped, using his earlier words. Then he frowned as the anxiety returned. “Do you think I scared him away?”
“I don’t think so. You said yourself he was very…excited about you touching him.”
A sly smile came over his face as Calvin remembered how hard James had been, how he’d thrown aside the bag and thrust up for more. God, his cock had felt so good, even through all those layers of clothing. How would it feel to really touch it? To taste it? Would James be that eager bed?
“I know a way you can see if he’s really interested,” Janet suggested.
“I’m almost afraid to ask.” More than once he’d gotten into hot water, thanks to her schemes.
“Matt said he and some of the guys were going out to Coolers tonight.”
“And that name’s supposed to mean something to me?” He couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm.
“You really need to get out more. It’s a local bar that a lot of the medics and firefighters hang out at.”
“Okay, nice to know in case I ever have to buy a firefighter or medic a gift certificate somewhere, but how is that going to help me?”
She gave him a
stare. “Really, Cal, it’s a miracle you got through med school without me there to hold your hand. If Matt’s going to be there, it’s a pretty good bet James will as well. They’re friends outside of work, too.”
“Are you suggesting I just all of the sudden pop into a bar I’ve never been to before and act like it’s a coincidence I run into James?”
“When Matt was here, he asked me to stop by and hang out with them a while. We can just act like I dragged you with me.” She beamed, obviously proud of her devious scheme.
He had to admit though, her idea might just work. Of course, that’d mean he’d have to put off going to bed even longer. He weighed his options. Go home and get some sleep. Go to the bar and maybe run into James. In the end, it was a nobrainer. “Okay, give me an hour to get ready.”

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