EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot (3 page)

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Authors: Stephani Hecht

BOOK: EMS Heat 01 - Running Hot
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Chapter Three

ames leaned back in his seat and idly picked the label off his beer bottle. All around him, the bar teemed with activity that only a Friday night out could bring. Matt was in the thick of it, laughing loudly at jokes and flirting outrageously with the waitress, who seemed more amused than annoyed by all the attention. Several other medics from his company were there and they were just as noisy.

James, on the other hand, just wasn’t feeling it. Sure, he smiled at their comments and made an attempt to bullshit back, but the entire time, he found himself wishing he could just go home. It’s not like he didn’t enjoy a good time or anything. Usually he would be trading smartass comments right along with them, but he just couldn’t get in the mood.

His mind kept drifting back to Calvin and what had gone down between the two of them. For the life of him, he couldn’t think what could have brought it on. It had been months since he’d met the man and not once had Calvin even given him an interested glance, let alone let on that he was feeling an attraction.

Could it be possible Calvin was playing some sort of game? Slumming with the lowly paramedic in hopes of a quick fuck without any strings attached? It wouldn’t be the first time someone had used James for a good time and then walked away the next morning without a backward glance. Before now, it had never bothered him though. Too busy with work and nursing school, he’d never wanted to put any time into a real relationship. So why did it bother him so much Calvin might be looking for a hookup and nothing more?

“What crawled up your ass and died?” Matt asked as he dropped into the chair next to James.
“I’m just tired. I should probably get going since I have to get up early for class in the morning.”
“Quit being such a buzzkill and have another drink.” Matt slid a full beer toward him despite the fact he hadn’t even drank half of his first one.
“Yeah, because getting up will be so much easier if I have a hangover. Whatever was I thinking?” James rolled his eyes. Matt ignored him, his attention fixated on something at the front of the bar.
“Hey look! Janet’s here and she’s not alone.”
Taking a slow pull of his beer, James glanced over to see what had Matt all excited. Not that he was really that interested or anything, he did it mainly to humor his buddy. Once James got a gander though, he nearly choked on his drink.
It was Calvin and he’d never looked sexier. Dressed in dark slacks and a red button-up shirt, with his hair slicked back, he was the epitome of sensuality. The top few buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing the smallest bit of tanned flesh and James found himself licking his lips, wondering how that skin would feel under his tongue.
When Janet started to lead him over to their table, James’s heart started to hammer in anticipation and fear. It didn’t help matters that Calvin’s gaze was locked on him and there was more than a little bit of heat in his dark eyes.
“Damn,” Matt breathed, his voice barely noticeable above the din of the bar. “Why can’t I get Janet to look at me the way Doc is looking at you?”
“Class. I have it, you don’t,” James teased, never taking his gaze off Calvin. Damn, the man even walked sexy. His body moving with a sensual, yet masculine grace that just begged to be noticed.
“I have class,” Matt objected, sounding wounded. James knew better. It took a lot more than just an offhand cut down to get under his partner’s skin.
“Please,” James snorted. “You are not only the one person I know who still owns a tuxedo t-shirt, but you actually wear it out.”
“Some things never go out of style.” Matt took a drink of beer before adding, “You’re just mad because you don’t have one.”
“Yes, and that bitter jealously eats me alive inside. I can’t sleep at night because of it.”
Before Matt could fire a comeback, Janet and Calvin reached the table.
“Janet, did you come just for me?” Matt asked, a lazy smile kicking up the corners of his lips.
“If I lie and say yes, does that mean you’ll buy me a drink?” Janet countered, sweetly.
James laughed. “For that, I’ll buy both you and Calvin one.” He signaled the waitress.
“I don’t get any love.” Matt sadly shook his head, but there was an amused glint in his eyes.
“Oh, don’t feel too bad. Your lines still work on a couple of the younger nurses.” Janet patted Matt’s hand. “Naiveté is your best friend.”
James exchanged amused glances with Calvin. Despite Janet’s biting comments, it was easy to see she was amused by Matt’s cocky attitude. Leaving them to banter back and forth, James ordered a couple more beers. Once the waitress left, he leaned forward a little bit toward Calvin. “I’m a little surprised to see you here,” he said, as he balled his hands up in fists to resist the urge to reach out and touch the man.
“Why, do I have the reputation of a bore or something?” Calvin asked, the corners of his mouth quirking.
“No,” James shook his head, worried he’d insulted the doctor. “You just looked so tired I thought you‘d go straight home and crash.”
“Janet told me she was coming here and she convinced me to tag along.”
“I’m glad she did.” James felt himself blush at the admission. Then Calvin smiled at him and suddenly he felt so much better.
“So am I.”
The two of them fell into a long, pleasant, stress-free conversation and soon they were sharing their life stories with each other. James talked about how he’d always wanted to go to nursing school, but since his father was a laid-off autoworker, he was having to work his way through college. While Calvin shared how he’d grown up in a family of doctors and how it was just always assumed he would follow the same path.
“What if you had told them you’d wanted to become an engineer or something?” James asked. He instantly regretted the question when he saw the look of hurt flicker over Calvin’s face.
“I think they would have handled that a lot worse than when I came out to them.”
James couldn’t imagine having to live under all that pressure. While his parents hadn’t always been able to support him financially, they’d always been there emotionally. “That sucks, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love being a doctor. It’s just I wish it could have happened under better circumstances.” He gave a wry chuckle. “But I’m sure you didn’t plan on sitting around all night and listening to poor-little-rich-boy stories.”
“No, I don’t mind. Honestly.” He didn’t either. James wanted to know every detail about Calvin.
“I feel bad though, I’m keeping you up and you said you had school tomorrow.”
James looked down at his cell phone, shocked when he saw it was nearly two in the morning. “Wow, I didn’t realize it was so late.”
“Do you have a ride home?” Calvin asked.
“Yeah, I drove myself here and since I’ve only had half a beer I’m good to drive. How about you?”
“Janet drove me.” He craned his head around. Sometime during their marathon discussion, she and Matt had disappeared.
James hadn’t even noticed their absence until now. He took a deep breath, nervously licking his lips before he took the plunge. “I could give you a lift home if you like?”
Calvin gave a lazy grin.
James’s stomach did a strange flip.
“I’d like that a lot. Let’s go.”
A thrill of excitement went through James as they got up and walked through the bar.
I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. The very first time I get a chance to weasel an invite to his home and I can’t jump on it fast enough. Nothing like letting on that you’re desperate and an easy lay. Why don’t you just get a flashing neon sign that says,
Loser! Slut!
and be done with it?
Despite his inner warning system yelling at him, James knew he was powerless to stop this from happening. Just one look at Calvin’s tight ass, how his sensual eyes seemed to hold all kinds of naughty promises and James knew he was a goner. As they walked outside into the cool night air, he pointed to the left. “I’m over here.”
Calvin’s lips split into a huge grin. “You drive a Mustang?”
James felt a little proud that his ride obviously pleased the man. “Yes, it’s an older one, but my dad taught me a lot about cars so I manage to keep it going.”
Calvin ran his hand, lovingly on the red hood. “I love it.”
James watched the way his fingers caressed the car and for one insane second, envied the vehicle. He reached over and unlocked the passenger side door. “Thanks. I don’t think I’ll be ever able to bring myself to replace it.”
“You do and I’ll call for a psych evaluation to make sure you haven’t lost it,” Calvin declared as he opened the door and climbed in.
James chuckled before he went over to the other side and got in behind the wheel. As soon as the dome light went off, he became vividly aware of how close the confines of the car were. Calvin was just inches from him. All it would take was the smallest of movements and he could touch the man, caress him, maybe even kiss him. He was pretty sure Calvin would be responsive to him. There was no doubt in his mind anymore, the attraction was going both ways. Still he paused, afraid to take the next step.
“James,” Calvin beckoned in a soft voice.
When he turned his head to see what he wanted, Calving grabbed him by the back of the head and brought him in for a kiss. The instant their lips touched, he knew he was lost. Calvin’s mouth was so warm, so soft and he knew how to use it so well. With deft strokes of his tongue, Calvin coaxed him to part his lips. As soon as he complied, Calvin plunged inside his mouth. James moaned as pleasure rocked through his body. Calvin tasted sweet, although there was a little tang of beer there, too. It made him hungry for more and he thrust his tongue out to meet Calvin’s. All too soon it was over and they retreated to their sides of the car.
James realized he was panting. His hands shook like he was some teen experiencing his first sexual encounter. It had been years since anyone had affected him this way and it both alarmed and amazed him. He was more than secretly pleased to see Calvin was having pretty much the same reaction. Calvin even brought his fingers to his lips and his face wore an what-the-hell-just-hit-me expression. “Where do you live?” James asked.
“A couple of minutes from here.”
He then proceeded to give James directions to one of the higher end condo developments.
“Do you know the place?”
“Yes, I had a heart attack patient there last month.” He started the car and backed up. Neither of them spoke much on the short drive. He was too nervous and jacked up to think of any small talk to fill the void and Calvin seemed content to just look out the window.
“Mine is the third one on the left.” Calvin pointed to a large two-story condo that even had an attached garage.
James tried not to be impressed, but it was hard. The place made his tiny, rundown apartment look like the slums of Nairobi. A knot of guilt cramped his stomach as it dawned on him how out of his league Calvin was. He realized his mouth was slightly agape in awe and he quickly snapped it shut. Pulling into the driveway, he put it park, but didn’t stop the engine. If this was truly just a ride home, he didn’t want to make a fool of himself by letting on he was eager for something more. “Here we go,” he declared for lack of anything more intelligent to say.
With one quick move, Calvin reached out and grabbed James by the front of his shirt. A yelp of surprise burst from his throat right before he found himself being hauled in for another kiss. Once he got over his shock, he became a willing participant, leaning in even more so he could get a good grip on Calvin’s shoulders.
His cock pressed against the fly of his pants and James wished he could shift even closer so he could rub himself against Calvin’s hard body. Once they broke apart this time, they didn’t move apart. Instead, they continued to hold each other, their foreheads pressed together as they both panted for breath.
“Come inside with me,” Calvin ordered in a strained voice.
That was something James didn’t even have to think of twice. Nodding, he said, “That would probably be a good idea. If we keep this up while we’re still in my car, you’re neighbors might start talking.”
“Yes, I wouldn’t want to end up the topic of discussion in this month’s newsletter.”
James laughed as they got out and headed for the door. As he watched Calvin work the lock, his heart pounded with anticipation and nerves. After all these months of lusting after the doctor, he could hardly believe they were finally going to be together.
“It’s a little messy,” Calvin apologized as he gestured for James to go in.
“You should see my place it—” James was cut off when Calvin pinned him to the wall and started to kiss the breath out of him. James returned the urgency, so hungry for the man that he growled low in his throat as he thrust his tongue inside Calvin’s hot mouth. Calvin responded by pressing the length of his body to him. A shiver of desire snaked down his spine as he felt Calvin’s thick hard cock rubbing against him. Calvin broke away only long enough to shut the door behind them before he returned, kissing again with the same passion.
“If you only knew how long I’ve been waiting to do this,” Calvin declared before he nipped at his bottom lip.
“You should have said something sooner.” James moaned as he thrust his hips forward so his erection ground against Calvin. “I’ve been hot for you since the first time we met.” James sucked in a breath when Calvin slid his hands under his shirt. The sensation of the man’s fingers touching his stomach and chest made the adrenalin already shooting through his blood jack up another level. He reached out blindly to unbutton Calvin’s top. In his haste, he made one of the buttons pop off. He winced when it made a loud clacking sound as it hit the hardwood floor. “Sorry,” he whispered.
“Forget the damn shirt.” Calvin helped him undo it the rest of the way. Shrugging it off, he tossed it to the side.
As soon as his tan chest was exposed, James couldn’t stop himself from touching it. “Damn, you’re gorgeous,” he breathed out as he splayed his hands so he could feel more of Calvin’s skin at once. He couldn’t get enough of it. Maybe once they had made it to the bed and were pressed naked together, he’d finally be sated, but he somehow doubted even that would be enough.
“Wow, coming from the most sought after medic, that’s a huge compliment.”
“Funny.” James continued to slowly explore Calvin’s body, lingering to circle one of his fingers around Calvin’s nipple, making the man hiss in pleasure.
“I’m serious.” Calvin’s eyelids fluttered closed as he moaned. “Half of the female staff has fallen in lust with you. If they knew I was with you now, they’d probably revolt and try to claw my eyes out.”
James ducked his head to hide his pleased smile. It may have been his imagination, but he could swear he heard a hint of jealously in Calvin’s voice. “Too bad for them, because it’s you I want,” James said before he leaned down and flicked his tongue over Calvin’s nipple.
“I’m beginning to love that sweet mouth of yours,” Calvin moaned.
“Little do you know, I’m just getting started.” That must have been the words that finally pushed Calvin past the breaking point. Grabbing the front of James’s shirt again, he slammed him back against the wall. James let out a hiss of pain even as a fresh wave of desire hit him.
“Bedroom. Now,” Calvin ordered in a near growl.
“I don’t know where it is,” James replied, somewhat hopelessly. Bed—no bed, right now, he didn’t give a damn. Just so long as Calvin fucked him. Hell, he’d be willing to fall down on the hardwood floor and do it right there.
A slight smirk passed over Calvin’s kissswollen lips, almost as if he could read what James was thinking. Still holding him by the front of the shirt, Calvin led him down the hall and to the last door on the left.
Once they got into the large room, James turned the tables. Putting a hand on Calvin’s chest, he pushed the man against the wall and swooped in to capture his mouth in a scorching kiss. When he heard Calvin let out a small whimper, a thrill went though him, knowing he’d managed to cause that reaction from the usually reserved man. It made him want more, to see just out of control he could make Calvin.

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