Embrace Me (31 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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It’s about what you had planned for the charity ball,” I muttered, taking another large sip of my wine, noticing the glass was now empty.

Ah.” It was all he said for a few moments while he searched my eyes. I was trying not to hyperventilate from over thinking everything. Eventually, he grinned at me, filling my wine glass before he spoke. “You are wondering why I haven’t asked you yet.”

No.” I was lying and he knew it; Charlie could read me like a book.

I told you, Shan, when I ask you, I have to take your breath away.”

So you
going to ask at some point?” Why was my voice so quiet? It was embarrassing.

Is that what you are worried about?” he shook his head with a euphoric smile on his face.

I just…” I couldn’t finish my words. I had no idea what I was trying to say.

I will be asking you, Shannon. Have no doubt about that.” My eyes snapped to his, and suddenly all I wanted was to be in his arms. “Shall I get the bill?” he smirked, reading the desire on my face.

I think that would be best,” I smoldered. “I’m not sure this table can keep me away from you for much longer.”

It was a pure frenzy of lust the moment we stepped inside our mansion. Items of clothing made a trail up the grand staircase as we made our way to our bedroom.

Shouldn’t we pick our clothes up?” I moaned against Charlie’s lips as he lifted me up in his arms.

We’ll get them later,” he whispered as his lips traveled down my neck. “We’re kind of busy at the moment.”

Mmm…” was all I could groan. Charlie pulled us in our bedroom, closing our door with his foot.

I sat watching my computer screen, my mind miles away. It was somewhere between the memories of last night and the fact that Charlie had confirmed he would be asking me to marry him. I was trembling with pleasure just thinking about it. How would he propose? Thinking back, he had planned the most perfect fairy tale proposal at the ball. I knew for sure he wouldn’t be doing that again.

Shannon?” Lorna was waving a Starbucks cup in front of my nose. “Earth to Shannon.”

Sorry,” I blushed, taking the coffee from her. “Thanks.”

What were you think about? You look a little hot and bothered.”

Charlie and I had the
last night.”

you say?” Lorna rushed around, taking the seat in front of my desk. “This sounds interesting.”

We finally got everything out in the open.”

Good.” Lorna wanted more, I could tell by the look on her face.

I have to watch myself around Mac.”

All women do…that’s fine,” she winked. “Did you know he asked me if I had ever had phone sex? It apparently is not a form of cheating.” I had to laugh. That was so Mac. “Trust you to find that funny.”

Mac and Charlie aren’t so different in some ways.”

So, you guys are good?”

Better than ever,” I sighed, sipping my coffee. Just as she was about to say something, Grace stormed in like a whirlwind. “Grace, what’s wrong?” I asked as I noticed her blotchy red eyes.

Do you mind if I go home?” she sobbed.

Grace?” Lorna stood up, wrapping her arms around her. “What an earth is going on?”

Danny has gone back to Texas. It isn’t working.” Lorna and I spent a good hour consoling her before I sent her home. I knew the feeling of going home to an empty house.

Poor Grace,” Lorna sighed, watching her leave.

It can’t be easy for her. New York has really gotten under her skin. I think she knows Texas isn’t an option for her anymore.” I sighed, turning to my emails and groaning at the three business meetings I had to attend with Mac next week.

Alright, I’m going to go over this invoice and then go home, if that’s okay. Bradley is cooking.”

Wow…what is he up to?” I smirked.

Nothing, I hope.” She smiled, leaving my office.

I didn’t stay much longer once Lorna left for the night. I always tried to finish on time when I knew Charlie would be at home.

How was your day?” He planted a kiss on my lips as I found him jumping out of the pool back at our mansion.

Okay. It looks as if Danny and Grace have split up.” I sighed, handing him his towel that was draped over the chair.

Oh, no. That’s a shame. What happened?”

I’m not sure. Grace was too upset to talk about it.”

The poor girl.”

I guess the city couldn’t take the cowboy out of Danny.”

I thought he was enjoying his job?” Charlie questioned as he dried his hair. I was slowly burning, watching the way the water droplets were weaving down his chest.

Clearly not enough,” I sighed. Charlie rubbed my back before I followed him into the main house.

I’m sure you and Lorna will look after her. Grace is lucky to have the pair of you on her side.” He kissed my forehead. “I’m just going to get changed. I’ll be back down in a minute.” I nodded, wandering into the living room and kicking my shoes and jacket off before I sat down on the soft white sofa.

Daisy, the housekeeper, came in, checking to see if I needed her for anything before she left. I shook my head and thanked her before turning the TV on and waiting for Charlie to come back down.

Chef says dinner will be ready in an hour,” he smiled, slipping onto the sofa with me. “Do we really need her four days a week? I didn’t think my cooking was that bad?”

We both have busy lives, Charlie,” I chuckled. “Plus, it gives us a little more time together.” I grinned, pulling myself closer to him, resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

I can’t argue with that,” he muttered, holding me tight. “Do you think you could get some time off in eight weeks?”

That depends…what for?” I teased, looking up at him.

I want to take you away for a week.”

A week alone—with
? I’ll see what I can do.” I kissed his lips as he chuckled against mine.

Well, that didn’t take much persuading.”

I’m a slave for you, what can I say?” I muttered, relaxing back onto his chest.

I thought it would be nice to get away after having to work with…the Fields. It will give you something to look forward to.”

You are too amazing.”

I know I’ve been distant, Sweetheart,” Charlie sighed, stroking my cheek, “but I never want you to doubt where my heart is. These next few weeks will be difficult for you, especially if the Fields agree to Jennet’s demands. I know that. And working with Will won’t be easy for either of us, but if it keeps you safe, I’ll do it.”

We might even find Maisy,” I replied hopefully. He smiled at my sweetly, kissing my lips softly before he spoke.

You really are the most selfless person I have ever known.”

You are too biased,” I teased. “I keep telling you that.”

I can’t wait to get you alone for a week,” he smoldered, pulling me even closer to him as he planted a fierce kiss on my lips. I could feel his desire as he gripped my body tighter, and suddenly I was taken over by my own want. My hands were almost imbedded in his shoulders as I clung to him while he pushed me against the sofa.

I’m going to be late home tomorrow,” Charlie muttered as his lips moved down my neck. I could hardly concentrate. “I’m having dinner with my mum. I know I need to talk to her seriously so we can all move on.”

That’s…a…good idea.” I panted, feeling my entire body begin to burn.

Maybe we should go upstairs?”

Dinner will…be…ready…soon.” The feelings he brought out in me were still so intense.

Do you promise we can finish
later?” he breathed, running his hand up my thigh.

God…yes,” I groaned as he lightly pecked my lips before he moved to get us a glass of wine. “You are in so much trouble,” I panted before he left.

Punish me later,” he winked.

It was impossible to worry about the upcoming weeks with Charlie firmly by my side.

Chapter Twenty-Four

If you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable just let me know. I’ll have you out of that boardroom within seconds,” Charlie breathed, rubbing my shoulders.

I’ll be fine. I doubt I will even have to say anything,” I smirked, nodding towards my mother, who already had a face like thunder.

True,” he mused, taking my hand in his.

As far as boardroom meetings went, this had to be the most ambitious one I would ever encounter. Could the Fields and Downings have a normal conversation that didn’t involve some kind of manipulation?

None of the Fields had arrived when we entered the room. My mother and Sir Phillip had decided to meet on neutral ground at the Hilton Hotel in New York, rather than at the office where we could be said to have the upper hand.

Charlie went straight to the coffee station, pouring my mother and me a cup.

Do they have anything stronger, Charlie?” my mother called, pulling her laptop out.

No, but I could ask if you wanted something, Jennet.”

Coffee will be fine,” she breathed, turning her computer on. “Maybe I should have brought your mother. I can never remember the password.”

Let me,” I smiled, entering the code quickly.

Thank you, Lizzie.” She held my hand as Charlie placed our drinks down. “Just so you know, I am humoring you two with this. If any of the Fields step out of line today, we are leaving. They need
help, not the other way around.”

I was under the impression we were helping each other, Jennet,” a strong male voice called from the far corner of the room. I knew it was Sir Phillip Field. We turned to see all four Fields standing there watching us. Charlie sat down next to me, taking my hand, which I held as tightly as I could without stopping his circulation.

.” My mother’s voice was pure hatred as they joined us at the table.

Megan’s eyes caught with mine before glancing over to Charlie, and it only made me hold onto him tighter.

Hello, Charlie,” Megan smiled, throwing her long blonde hair over her shoulders while batting her eyelashes at him. “I finished with Tim a few months back, so when you wise up to what Shannon is really like, I might take you back. You’re looking
good, by the way.”

That’s enough, Megan,” Phillip scolded. “I don’t believe we have come here to bicker.”

My eyes swept over Will, who smiled softly. I didn’t think his eyes had left me since he walked in, but I couldn’t be sure.

What is all this about, Jennet?” Sir Phillip asked, pouring himself some water from a pitcher on the table.

We believe the same underground criminal gang who abducted Maisy might be after Shannon,” my mother said as she took my other hand. “And I am sure you can understand why I will not let that happen…not again.” I swallowed, praying that this wasn’t going to turn into another war.

Are you sure?” Veronica asked. Her appearance shocked me the most. Her hair was scraped back and she had barely any makeup on her face. This wasn’t the Veronica I remembered. She looked lifeless. Who would have known losing one of her children would make her realise just what they meant to her.

My head of security has had several leads and foiled an attempted abduction on Shannon last month,” my mother replied, sipping her coffee.

What do you expect us to do about it, Jennet? I’ve already bowed down to all of your demands. I know what we did was wrong, but if you are asking me to help you protect Shannon, I will not! I have my
daughter to find. Surely you of all people can understand that.”

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