Embrace Me (28 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Turley,Sally Goodwin,Elizabeth Simonton,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Embrace Me
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You really think I would do that to you, don’t you?” I whispered, closing my eyes to control the pain.

Megan cheated on me. What am I supposed to think?” Tears fell fast and heavy from my eyes at his cruel words. Charlie was comparing me to Megan. How could he do that?

I pulled the phone from my ear, passing it to Grace. “I can’t do this, Grace,” I whimpered. “You talk to him. He’s breaking my heart.” I didn’t stay to hear her shouting at Charlie. I was breaking apart from the inside. What was happening to me? Megan was right—I was turning into what I feared the most. Was this what money and fame brought you: loneliness?

Chapter Twenty-One

I had lost Charlie before, but this was different. Knowing he had compared me to Megan gave me a new fear. Was I still the person he had fallen in love with? Had I changed so much that I had pushed him away?

Was this all really just about Mac? Something deep inside me knew there was more.

Shannon!” Lorna moaned, walking into my office. “Please call Charlie. He’s hassling Bradley now. You can’t leave him hanging like this.”

He was the one who decided to run away,” I replied, uninterested. I wasn’t prepared to speak to him over the phone. If he really wanted to sort out this mess, it would have to be in person.

He’s hurting, Shan.”

And I’m not?” I glared.

You have a lot more support and you know it.” Why did she have to be such a smart arse? “Just call him. He’s losing his mind.”

It took me an hour to gain the courage to dial Charlie’s number. I had put it off so many times already, coming close to entering the whole number, only to hang up just as I was about to press the last digit.

As soon as his phone began to ring, my stomach filled with butterflies. Was this a good idea? I had been ignoring him for three days, and I knew that when he did pick up, he would be angry with me.

Three days, Shannon!” He picked up after the second ring. “You have ignored my calls for
three days

What did you expect me to do? You weren’t listening to a word I was saying.”

angry with
?” Charlie laughed in disbelief.

You have no idea how much you hurt me, do you?”


Charlie, I refuse to have this conversation with you over the phone.”

I know that,” he sighed. “I’m about an hour away from your office.”

You’re back home?” I questioned, surprised. My heart was hammering inside my chest, taking in that information.

Well, I wasn’t sure you were going to talk to me otherwise, Shannon.”

I’m sorry.” I wrapped my fingers around the cord of the telephone wanting to say more, but it could wait until we were face-to-face.

I’ll come and see you at work. It will be easier.”

Okay,” I whimpered. Why did this telephone call seem so formal?

I love you, Shan.”

I’ll see you in a bit,” I sniveled.

Shannon?” Charlie’s tone sounded worried. “You know that, right?”

Can we talk about this when we see each other?” I needed to see his eyes. I couldn’t read him over the phone.

I managed to freshen up before he arrived, tying my hair back and splashing my face with water to try to hide my blotchy red eyes. I couldn’t believe how excited I was, knowing that as each second passed, Charlie was getting closer and closer to me.

Finally, my eyes met with his as he wandered into my office, locking the door behind him. I knew we needed to be alone with no interruptions. I sighed as I took in his appearance. Charlie was clearly suffering like me. His face was unshaven and his eyes looked lifeless.

Sweetheart…” He was in front of me in seconds, pulling me into the warmth of his embrace. It felt so good that I couldn’t help but pull him closer as I held my tears back. I couldn’t let him see just what he was doing to me. “You look like you haven’t slept for days. Have you lost weight, as well?” he scolded.

I’m fine,” I breathed, inhaling his scent.

Maybe me going away wasn’t the best idea,” he winced, pulling back to look into my eyes. “I’m sorry about what I said on the phone. I didn’t mean it. I know none of this was your fault, Shan. Can you please forgive me?”

There’s nothing to forgive,” I breathed against his neck. How could I stay angry at him when he was all I needed in so many ways?

Now that’s not true,” he smiled, running his hands through my hair. “I was heartless. I shouldn’t have embarrassed you at the ball like that. It’s
fault the press have been hounding you more than usual.”

Charlie, please stop. I’m as much to blame as you. You were right…I should have told you right away.”

I can’t believe the press downstairs. Has it been like this the whole two weeks?” he asked worriedly.

Worse.” I forced a smile, taking more of Charlie in. I loved him so much. I wasn’t prepared to lose him…ever.

I’m so sorry. I had no idea.” I couldn’t help my traitorous tears as they began to fall down my face. He was back…here…right in front of me. “Shannon, what’s wrong?”

I missed you so much,” I sobbed, clinging to his shirt. “Nothing happened with Mac. You
to believe me. All I ever want is you—just you.”

I know that, Sweetheart.” Charlie’s smile melted my heart as he lifted my chin up to kiss my lips softly. My body responded as if it was being brought back to life, and before I knew it, my arms were wrapped around his neck as my body pushed him back against my desk. “I’m so sorry, Shan. I don’t know what came over me when you called. When I saw the photos of you and Harry Mac, it made me so jealous that Mac was with you and I wasn’t. I hated it,”  Charlie muttered as his lips began to inch down my neck.

You have nothing to be jealous of,” I replied in between kisses. I wanted to talk to him properly, to explain just what he meant to me, but the feel of his lips against my skin was like pure adrenaline. I couldn’t stop. “I’m yours, Charlie, always,” I whispered in his ear, pulling my body flush against his.

He groaned in response, crashing his lips more urgently against mine. I was vaguely aware of his hands gripping me while he carried me over to my sofa, but the feelings were so intense that I soon lost track of everything apart from his soft, sensual touches.

We lay on my sofa just holding each other in a comfortable silence for a while afterwards.

I’ve never had sex in my office before,” I giggled.

I think we should make it a regular thing.” I felt Charlie move himself closer while his hand caressed my arm.

I might have to agree.” I stretched, knowing I had to get up and straighten my clothes. I still had a few emails and letters to respond to before I could leave for the day, after all. I half expected to find Grace and Lorna on the other side of my door eavesdropping as I got up to unlock it.

Do you need me to go? I can leave and come back…” Charlie offered as I sat back down at my desk.

No, you can leave your sexy ass right there,” I smirked. “I haven’t seen you for two weeks. My eyes still need to adjust to the fact that you’re here.”

Really, Shannon,” Charlie chuckled, leaning back on the sofa and making himself comfortable, “you make me sound like some stud.”

You are,” I winked before going back to my computer. He sat quietly, watching me as I finished the few jobs I had left. Lorna eventually knocked on my door, walking in with her eyes closed when I answered.

Lorna, what are you doing?” Charlie laughed.

I wasn’t sure if I might find the two of you naked.” She peeked through her hands. “Oh, thank God. You’re both clothed.”

Lorna!” I glared.

I take it the two of you have made up?” she smirked. “I can tell by the smile on your faces.” Clapping her hands, she added, “I’m off for home, now, Shan. I think you and Charlie should do the same. Frank is waiting downstairs to take you there.”

I’m nearly done, but you go ahead and go. I’ll see you in the morning,” I beamed, looking up at her.

Okay, kids. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t.”

That doesn’t leave much, Lorna,” Charlie called.

Watch it, you!” She winked as she left.

Half an hour later, Charlie and I were in the private car with Frank, heading towards our mansion that Charlie hadn’t even completely seen yet.

I watched his eyes widen as we pulled through the double steel gates.

I still can’t believe this,” he muttered. “This is

Is it too much?”

No, just a lot to take in,” he breathed, looking out the window as the car came to a stop.

It was my mum’s idea.”

Why am I not surprised?” he laughed, touching my face. “Come on, then. You can give me the grand tour.” My heart skipped a beat from watching the gleam in his eyes.

It took almost two hours to show Charlie around. It didn’t help that he couldn’t keep his hands off me. By the time we reached our bedroom, I was in a frenzy of lust. I knew we needed to talk, but I was so overcome that he was finally home, I let my desire take over.

For the first time ever, I was up before Charlie. All the traveling must have exhausted him. He hardly stirred as I slipped out of bed.

I wandered down to the kitchen, putting the radio on before I started breakfast. I was busy dancing around the kitchen like a fool until I saw Charlie leaning against the doorframe, watching me with a big grin on his face.

Oh, God,” I moaned. “That’s
embarrassing.” Charlie was still chuckling as he crossed the room to pull me into his bare chest.

I’ve missed you so much, Shan.” I became limp in his arms as he lips met with mine in a consuming way. “I love you,” he whispered as our lips parted. I was lightheaded and forgot for a moment where I was. “I think the eggs are burning.”

Crap!” I shrieked, coming out of my daze to rush over to the cooker.

You didn’t have to make breakfast,” Charlie breathed in my ear as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

I wanted to surprise you. I was hoping you’d still be sleeping when I brought it up.”

I can’t sleep when you’re not next to me.” I tried to control my low moans as his lips skimmed down my neck.

Charlie, you’re going to make me burn the bacon, as well.”

Forget the breakfast…just come back to bed.” I wanted to take Charlie up on his offer badly, but I also knew we needed to talk.

I can’t. I have to be at work in a couple of hours.”

That’s all we need.” I had to pull away before he broke through my defenses, which weren’t strong when it came to him.

We need to talk, as well.” I felt his arms drop from my waist, and as I turned around to look at him, his blue-green eyes were sorrowful. “It’s nothing bad. I just need to know what you’re planning to do.”

About what?” he asked, leaning against the black kitchen worktop.

I think you know what.” He winced, putting his hands over his face. “Are you going to talk to Mac?”

NO!” Charlie’s tone was furious. “Just because we share the same father, it doesn’t make us brothers.”

Mac was just as in the dark about this as you. He only found out about you when his father died.”

Why are you on his side?”

I’m on your side,” I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist. “I’m just trying to help you understand. Mac isn’t who you think he is. I know he wants you in his life. You’re the only family he has left.”

He told you all this, did he?” Charlie seethed, breaking away from my hold. “Just how close did the two of you get while I was away?”

Don’t start that again. Mac was worried about you—we both were—and it was a long plane journey. It was obvious the conversation would turn to you.”

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