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I’ve just been speaking to David and I should warn you that he’s going to be more than usually rigorous when he judges your Coke work at 4:00. The reasons for this are complex. To cut a long story short, he’s decided to give the kiss-off to another Coke campaign done by our office in Finland, and which apparently has the backing of Jim Weissmuller in NY. This being so, it is essential that we leave no chinks in our armour. “IT’S IN THE CAN” must be as good as it possibly can be. I know you can do it. Think Girl Power!

Pinki Fallon – 1/10/00, 2:51pm
Harriet Greenbaum
prepare yourself

I think you just gave me my first taste of international (office) politics. Not sure that my life as a grubbing copywriter has prepared me for this. Anyway, I happen to think that Simon left us with the makings of an amazing campaign and the work we’ve done on it today is really exciting. See for yourself at 4:00, but I’m quietly confident . . . 

[email protected] 1/10/00, 3:09pm
[email protected]
[email protected]
David Crutton

Dear Pertti,

David is terribly busy and he has asked me, as Senior Account Director on the Coke pitch, to write to you on his behalf. Firstly to apologise that sheer weight of work has prevented him from getting back to you sooner. Secondly to say thank you for all your efforts this past week.

It was very noble of you to throw your shoulder to the wheel on Coke, and all of us in London are bowled over both by your unselfishness and the brilliance of your idea. We thought “Fizzy Whizzy Pop” amusing, off-the-wall and possessing some quite astute insights into the role of Coca-Cola in the millennial market place. Also the choice of Aqua as a vehicle for the product story is a delightful and charming piece of casting.

The bad news for you is that we have taken the difficult decision to go forward to the pitch with an idea that we have developed here in London. It was a close call but in the end we felt a locally derived concept would be more in tune with the very unique outlook of young, British consumers.

I am sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings. I must once again convey our sincere thanks for your hard work. Anyone who doubts the viability of inter-European co-operation need only look at your example to be proved hopelessly wrong!

Yours sincerely,

Harriet Greenbaum

Account Director

David Crutton – 1/10/00, 3:18pm
Harriet Greenbaum

Well put, Harriet. If you’re ever stuck for a second career, stand for parliament. You’ve got the right line in bullshit.

[email protected] 1/10/00, 3:31pm (10:31am local)
[email protected]

I’ve got to say that when Pertti hit me last week with his brilliant Coke idea I wondered how the heck you were going to beat it. I am very much looking forward to seeing the “locally derived” idea that you have given the green light. Send me the work prior to my departure. There’s nothing like a red-hot piece of creative to get the pre-pitch adrenaline flowing.

I’m very much looking forward to the pitch next Monday. Winning Coke in the UK is a foot in the door. Then we can take it on around the world.

I’ll be arriving early Sunday morning with Rick Korning, our senior VP in charge of global oversight and planning (I believe you met him at the get together in Delhi last year). We’ll head straight to the office so you can take us through your presentation.

By the way, who is Harriet Greenbaum? I understood Daniel was handling the pitch, but you seem to have found a wise and tactful deputy.

Best wishes,


Ken Perry – 1/10/00, 3:32pm
All Departments
a tidy office is an efficient office

As part of the drive to have the office ship-shape for Monday’s pitch, tomorrow has been designated Clutter Clearance Day. To ensure that the clear up is expedited with the minimum loss in productivity, I have arranged for the placement of colour-coded wheelie bins on each floor. These are strictly for the containment of rubbish and other surplus items.

white paper (please ensure that all staples and clips are removed)
used manila envelopes
videotapes (VHS and U-matic)
overheads and other acetate materials

Shanice will come round to appoint “Rubbish Monitors” whose jobs it will be to see that the correct procedures are adhered to. If we all muck in and carry out this exercise properly it will not only be quicker, it will also be more fun.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Ken Perry

Office Administrator

Nigel Godley – 1/10/00, 3:33pm
Ken Perry
Shanice Duff
a tidy office is an efficient office

Brilliant initiative, chaps! I’ll volunteer to be monitor on my floor. Do we get badges or caps?


[email protected] 1/10/00, 3:38pm (5:38pm local)
[email protected]
[email protected]
I’m gutting

Dear David Crutton,

I feel I must write to you most frankly. I am very upsetting at your treating of me on the Coca-Cola snub. We are in Finland bending over to our backsides to be helpful. And we are spending time, money and perspiration to be making it happen.

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