Duncan Hines (50 page)

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Authors: Louis Hatchett

BOOK: Duncan Hines
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________ (Crawfordsville IN). Letter to Duncan Hines. 26 April 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-e 6/7.

________. Letter to Duncan Hines. 1 September 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-e 6/10.

________. Letter to Duncan Hines. 15 March 1938, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

________. Letter to Duncan Hines. 24 April 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

________. Letter to Duncan Hines. 1 September 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Schuster, M. Lincoln. Letter to Duncan Hines. 30 November 1938, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-c.


Hines, Duncan. Speech at the Tenth Annual Duncan Hines Family Dinner, Chicago, Illinois, 8 May 1951, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Rotary Club speech, Cave City KY, 18 August 1943, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

________. Speech at Regional Meeting of Listed Places, June 1942, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

________. Speech at Duncan Hines Family Dinner, Chicago IL, 29 March 1946, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

________. ca. 1938-1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-f.

________. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 16 January 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-f. Transcript, Radio Interview with Miss Dickens, 7 July 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-f.

________. Seventh World's Poultry Convention, Cleveland, Ohio, 5 August 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-f.

________. Nashville Rotary Club, Nashville, Tennessee, 21 November 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-f.

________. Chicago, Illinois, 7 October 1941, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Speech for Regional Meetings of Listed Places, June 1942, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Talk Given Before The Ohio State Health Commissioners' Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 24 September 1942, 1-2, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Talk Given Before Rotary Club, Cave City, Kentucky, 18 August 1943, 2-3, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Speech Given at Duncan Hines Family Dinner, Chicago, Illinois, October 1945, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Address Given at Duncan Hines Family Dinner, Chicago, Illinois, 29 March 1946, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Speech, December 1947, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Speech at the Boone County Ham Breakfast, Columbia, Missouri, 7 September 1948, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Speech at the 14th Annual Duncan Hines Family Dinner, Chicago, Illinois, 9 May 1955, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

________. Speech at the Twenty-First Annual Duncan Hines Family Dinner, Chicago, Illinois, 7 May 1956, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-f.

Park, Roy. Speech at Cornell University Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, 2 November 1976, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, file # 3981.

Commercial Documents

Bill of receipt. R. R. Donnelley to Duncan Hines, 1 July 1938, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Company history file. “Valentine: An Oakland Man for President of Wells-Fargo; Succeeds Lloyd Tevis; A Short History of the Great Express Company, Now Forty Years Old” San Francisco CA: 11 August 1892.

Hotel receipt. Walnut Park Plaza, Philadelphia PA: 21 May 1938, no. 20703.

Hotel receipt. Hotel St. Regis, New York NY: 24 May 1938, no. 69128.

Hotel receipt. St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans LA: 18 March 1938, no. 87974.

Hotel receipt. Deshler-Wallick Hotel, Columbus OH: 11 August 1938, J36940 and J36941.

Hotel receipt. Commodore Perry Hotel, Toledo OH: 22 August and 23 August 1938 nos. E17315 and E17316.

Hotel receipt. Dodge Hotel, Washington, D.C.: 19 October 1938, 2270.

Hotel receipt. Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke VA: 200ctober 1938, 16290.

Invoice # 5897. Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Invoice # 9226. Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Invoice # 9558. Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Invoice # 9725. Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Invoice # 5897. E. Raymond Wright, Inc. 30 June 1936.

Invoice # 9080. E. Raymond Wright, Inc. 28 August 1937.

Invoice # 9226. E. Raymond Wright, Inc. 27 September 1937.

Invoice # 9558. E. Raymond Wright, Inc. 10 November 1937.

Invoice # 9725. E. Raymond Wright, Inc. 22 November 1937.

Morgens, Howard J. Press release, Cincinnati OH: 17 August 1956, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-p.

Press release. Duncan Hines Institute, Inc., Ithaca NY: February 1959, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Press release. “History of the School of Hotel Administration,” Cornell University.

Press release. Duncan Hines Institute, Ithaca NY: 1 October 1957, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Press release. “Duncan Hines Mixes,” Nebraska Consolidated Mills, Inc., Omaha NE: ca. 1953, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Press release. Duncan Hines Institute. Ithaca NY: ca. March 1959.

Press release. “Author Forms Corporation,” (incorrectly dated 1946; probably early 1947.)

Press release. School of Hotel Administration, Cornel University.

Press release. “Duncan Hines Mixes.” Nebraska Consolidated Mills, Inc. Omaha NE: ca. 1953, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-p.

Press release. Duncan Hines Institute Ithaca NY: 1 October 1957, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-p.

Travel and expense sheet for Duncan Hines, 1937, Duncan Hines Proctor and Gamble manuscript collection, FP xH-a.

Travel and expense sheet for Duncan Hines, 1938, Duncan Hines Proctor and Gamble manuscript collection, FP xH-a.

Woolson Spice Company brochure. Woolson Spice Company, Toledo OH: May 1953.

Government Documents

Adventures In Good Eating, Inc. v. Best Places To Eat, Inc. and Carl A. Barrett, civil action no. 1844 (1940), Duncan Hines collection, Procter and Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bureau of Vital Statistics, Marriage certificate. New York State Department of Health, 1391.

Chicago, Illinois city directory, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1928, 1930, 1934.

Contract with R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company. March 1938, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-c.

Contracts and various documents between R. R. Donnelley and Sons Company and Duncan Hines between 14 February 1938 and 2 May 1938. Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-e.

Death certificate of Emelie Tolman Hines, Boynton Beach FL: 9 November 1986.

Documents concerning Duncan Hines and Adventures in Good Eating, Inc. and R. R. Donnelley & Sons Company, 14 February 1938-2 May 1938, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Donald H. Molesworth vs Adventures in Good Eating, Inc., United States District Court for Western District of Kentucky. Bowling Green KY, 13 November 1952: Docket 422, 81.

Duncan Hines's testimony given before the Ohio State Health Commissioners' Conference, Columbus OH: 24 September 1942, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Kentucky Registrar of Vital Statistics, file no. 29188.

Illinois Census, 1920. Cheyenne WY.

Property Transfer. Warren County Deed Book, 11 October 1939, n. 186, 509.

Sign rental contract. Duncan Hines Institute, Ithaca NY: n.d., Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP 2H-a.

Warren County, Kentucky Marriages (1918-1965), Groom's List, A-J (vol. 1), Bowling Green KY: 1992.

Wyoming Census, 1880, Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Additional Sources

Allen, J.
Northwestern Miller
“Duncan Hines Cake Mix Line to Enter Market.” 3 July 1951, Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, file #3981.

Apple, Charles, ed.
1884 Cheyenne
Wyoming City Directory
Cheyenne WY: Leader Steam Printing Co., ca. 1900.

Apple, Charles, ed.
1895 Cheyenne
Wyoming City Directory
. Cheyenne WY: Leader Steam Printing Co., ca. 1900.

Baird, Nancy. Kentucky Library, Bowling Green, Kentucky, 2 September 1994.

Barabba, Vincent P. Director, Bureau of the Census.
Historical Statisticals of the United States: Colonial Times to 1970
Part 1
. United States Department of Commerce, Washington DC: 1975, 296, 303.

“Duncan Hines 1880-1959,” General files, Kentucky Library, Bowling Green KY: 1959.

Duncan Hines scrapbook. 1953, belonging to Harriet Hines, examined 10 May 1994. Duncan Hines scrapbook, 1950-1951, belonging to Harriet Hines, examined 10 May 1994.

“Duncan Hines 1880-1959,” General Files, Kentucky Library, Bowling Green KY: 1959.

The Duncan Hines Family Newsletter. Duncan Hines Institute, 28 March 1958, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP 2H-a.

Fact sheet. W.(illiam) W.(arner) Hines.

Hartford Dime
. Hartford CT: 3 October 1955, Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, file #3981.

Hines, Edward Ludlow. Autobiographical paper, n. 1 and n. 2.

________. Autobiographical paper. Bowling Green KY, n.d.

Hines, John Porter. “Reminiscences of Green River,” autobiographical paper, 1941.

Matlock Scrapbook, “Nearly Half Million in Valentine Estate,” Bowling Green KY, 1902.

Mills, Connie. Kentucky Library, Bowling Green, Kentucky, 14 September 1994.

Morningstar, Jane. Personal reminiscence, Kentucky Library, Bowling Green KY, n.d.

Murray, Anne. “History of Roy Park.” 1992.

New product presentation material. Procter and Gamble, Inc., November 1957, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP IH-a.

“New Duncan Hines Signs Adopted.” Duncan Hines Institute, Ithaca NY: September 1958, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-mm.

“Notes For Duncan Hines Book,
There's No Accounting For Tastes
,” from interview conducted by Roy Park with Duncan Hines, ca. 1954, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Original notes for
Duncan Hines' Food Odyssey
, sent to Roy H. Park, 8 September 1954, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-g.

Park, Roy. “Notes from Lempret, Former Editor of the
Magazine,” typescript, Park Communications, Ithaca NY: n.d.

Peerless Directory Company, comp.
1902-1903 Cheyenne
Wyoming City Directory
. Greeley CO: Tribune Press, 1902.

“Procter & Gamble Buys Duncan Hines Mix Line From Nebraska Consolidated.”
Northwestern Miller
Minneapolis MN: 21 August 1956, 11, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-m.

Pyle, Ernie. “He Makes a Living by Eating And Writing About Eating: Traveling Gourmet Covers 60,000 Miles and 2,000 Meals Every Year.” Scripps-Howard news service, 10 September 1938, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-m.

________. Scripps-Howard news service, 10 September 1938, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection.

Rupp, Carla Marie. “How Roy Park Got Into Publishing.”
Editor and Publisher
, 19 November 1977.

“Setup & Style of
Duncan Hines' Dessert Book.”
Duncan Hines Institute, Ithaca NY: 10 July 1954, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-g.

Supermarket News
. 8 September 1952, Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, file #3981.


The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

Adventures in Good Cooking

Adventures in Good Eating

Adventures in Good Eating, Inc.

Agee, Mary Jo

Agricultural Advertising & Research

American Motel

Annual Duncan Hines Family Dinner

Antoine's Restaurant

Aurora Foods

Baird, Nancy

Barkley, Alben

Beaumont Inn

Beck, Cameron

Beebe, Edward

Beebe, Eleanor

Beebe, Robert

Bench, I. A.

Better Homes and Gardens

Blalock, Howard E.

Bookbinder's Restaurant

Bowling Green Business College

Brainerd, jean

Breckinridge, William P. C.

Bruce, jack

Buckley's Tea Rooms

Bushman, Francis

Crowe-Carraco, Carol

Cohron, Mary Herndon

Civil War, The

Carey, Bob

Chaffin, Florence Marie

Chaffin, John Thomas

Chaffin, Eva

Chaffin, Mary

Chaffin, Fred

Chaffin, Grace

Chaffin, Howard

Coal Fuel Oil Company

Columbian Colortype

Conoco Travel Bureau

Canary Cottage

Commodore Perry Hotel

Chalet Suzanne

Crane's Canary Cottage

Cornell University

Cumberland College

Cape Cod Inn

Cottage Restaurant

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