Duncan Hines (48 page)

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Authors: Louis Hatchett

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Andriot, John L., ed.
Population Abstract of the United States
1, McLean VA: Andriot Associates, 1983.

Apple, Charles, ed.
1884 Cheyenne
Wyoming City Directory
. Cheyenne WY: Leader Steam Printing Co., 1884.

1895 Cheyenne
Wyoming City Directory
. Cheyenne WY: Leader Steam Printing Co., 1895.

Belasco, Warren James.
Americans on the Road: From Autocamp to Motel, 1910-1945
. Cambridge and London: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press, 1979.

Descendants of Henry Hines, Sr. 1732-1810
Louisville KY: John Morton & Company, 1925.

Dunning, Joseph.
Tune in Yesterday: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio
. Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall, 1976.

Duncan Hines Institute, Inc.
Lodging for a Night
, 1960 ed. Ithaca NY: Duncan Hines Books, 1959.

Duncan Hines Institute, Inc.
Lodging for a Night
, 1961 edition. Ithaca NY: Duncan Hines Books, 1960.

Edgerton, John.
Southern Food: At Home
on the Road
in History
. New York: Knopf, 1987.

Hines, Duncan.
Adventures in Good Cooking
, first ed. Bowling Green KY: Adventures in Good Eating, Inc., 1939.

Adventures in Good Eating
, first ed. Chicago: Adventures in Good Eating, Inc., 1936.

Adventures in Good Eating
, 2nd ed. Chicago: Adventures in Good Eating, Inc., 1937.

Adventures in Good Eating
, 17th ed. Bowling Green KY: Adventures in Good Eating, Inc., 1941.

Adventures in Good Eating
, 30th ed. Bowling Green KY: Adventures in Good Eating, Inc., 1946.

Duncan Hines' Food Odyssey
. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1955.

Lodging for a Night
, 2nd ed. Bowling Green KY: Adventures in Good Eating, Inc., 1939.

Lodging for a Night
, 23rd ed. Bowling Green KY: Duncan Hines Books, 1947.

Lodging for a Night
, 1954 ed. Bowling Green KY: Duncan Hines Books, 1953.

Duncan Hines Vacation Guide
, first ed. Bowling Green KY: Duncan Hines Books, 1948.

Lawren, William.
The General and the Bomb: A Biography of General Leslie R. Groves, Director of the Manhattan Project
. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1988.

Poling-Kempes, Lesley.
The Harvey Girls: Women Who Opened the West
. New York: Paragon House, 1989.

Roberts, Phil, David L. Roberts and Steven L. Roberts.
Wyoming Almanac
. Laramie WY: Skyline West Press, 1994.

Rothe, Anna ed,.
Current Biography
New York: H. W. Wilson, 1946.

Schremp, Gerry.
Kitchen Culture: Fifty Years of Food Fads
. New York: Pharos Books, 1991.


(17 July 1951), Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, file #3981.

Successful Grocer
(April 1951), Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, file #3981.

Allen, J.
Northwestern Miller
(3 July 1951).

“An Adventure in Food Marketing: A Case Study of a New Entrant in America's Biggest, Fastest Growing Industry.”
Tide: The Newsmagazine for Advertising Executives
(3 August 1951).

“As Duncan Hines Sees It.”
Table Topics 4/7
(July 1944).

The New Yorker
30 (17 April 1954).

(December 1958).

Cox, James A. “How good food and Harvey ‘skirts' won the West.”
18/6 (September 1987).

“Duncan Hines, Adventurer.”
Tide: The Newsmagazine for Advertising Executives
(3 August 1951).

“Duncan Hines: The Adventures of a Good Eater.”
(March 1942).

“Duncan Hines Deluxe”
(October-November 1959), Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-mm.

“Duncan Hines Is A Big Success As Label.”
Food Mart News
(November 1952).

“Duncan Hines Joins the Family.”
(September 1956), Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-mm.

“Duncan Hines Week.”
Bowling Green-Warren County Tourist Convention Commission
21 (November-December 1986).

American Magazine
131 (April 1941).

“Eating for a Living,”
45/21 (23 May 1955): 75.

Edwards, Marion. “They Live to Eat.”
Better Homes and Gardens
23/3 (March 1945).

“From Hobby to Publishing.”
Publisher's Weekly
134 (6 August 1938).

Gilmer, Carol Lynn. “Duncan Hines: Adventurer in Good Eating.”
23/1 (November 1947).

Grocer's Spotlight
, 12 June 1952.

Gustaitis, Joseph. “Prototypical Talk Show Host.”
American History
28/6 (Jan/Feb. 1994).

Hines, Duncan. “Adventures in Good Eating.”
23/2 (December 1947).

Flower Grower
45/5 (May 1958).

________. “How to Find a Decent Meal.”
Saturday Evening Post
(26 April 1947): 18-19, 97, 99-100, 102.

________. “Duncan Hines Picks Ten Best Motels in the U.S.A.”
18 (12 January 1954): 31-34.

“Hines Abroad.”
The New Yorker
30 (24 July 1954): 15-16.

“The Hines-Park Varsity.”
Tide: The Newsmagazine for Advertising Executives
(3 August 1951).

Ice Cream Trade Journal
, July 1952, Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, file #3981.

Johnston, Patricia Condon. “Nelle Palmer of Stillwater: Entertainer and Innkeeper.”
Minnesota History
45/5 (Spring 1983).

Knox, Bob. “State Man Uses Magical Name To Build $50 Million Idea.”
North Carolina State College News
(August 1955).

Larsh, Phyllis. “Duncan Hines.”
21/2 (8 July 1946).

MacKaye, Milton. “Where Shall We Stop for Dinner?.”
The Saturday Evening Post
211 (3 December 1938).

“Meet Duncan Hines.”
(November 1958).

New York Journal of Commerce (May 1951), Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, file #3981.

Northwestern Miller
(21 August 1956).

Paddleford, Clementine. “60,000 Miles of Eating.”
This Week Magazine
(12 January 1947).

Park, Roy H. “When Dangerous Opportunity Knocks.”
Ithaca College Quarterly
(December 1987).

Pebbrook, Paul. “Full Time Hobby.”
(September 1946).

Prey, Hal. “What Life Was Like During the Troubling Forties.”
(Spring 1991).

Printer's Ink
(August 1951), Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, file #3981.

“Procter Buys Duncan Hines Line of Mixes,”
New York Journal of Commerce
(20 August 1956), Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-m.

Schwartz, David M. “Duncan Hines: He Made Gastronomes Out of Motorists.”
15/8 (November 1984).

Sutton, Horace. “Wayfarer's Guardian Angel.”
Saturday Review of Literature
31 (27 November 1948).

________. “What Do You Want, Oomph in Your Butter?.”
Saturday Review
37 (17 July 1954): 31-32.

Saturday Review
31 (27 November 1948).

The Talisman
, Bowling Green KY (1930): 21.

The Talisman
, Bowling Green KY (1931): 23.

The Talisman, Bowling Green KY (1932): 17.

Taylor, Frank J. “America's Gastronomic Guide.”
Scribner's Commentator
10/6 (June 1941).

“Trends Affecting the Food Service Industry.”
American Entertainment Magazine
(June 1955), Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, file #3981.


Beebe, Edward. Interview by author, telephone interview, 7 March 1995.

Brainerd, Jean. Interview by author, telephone interview, Wyoming State Museum, Cheyenne WY, 2 September 1994.

Cohron, Mary Herndon. Interview by author, North Salem ID, 29 August 1994.

Dedman, Thomas C.. Interview by author, Harrodsburg KY, 19 May 1994.

Eaton, Wanda. Interview by author, Louisville KY, 7 June 1994.

Groves, Major Gen. Richard. Interview by author, telephone interview, 10 August 1994.

Groves, Major Gen. Richard. Interview by author, telephone interview, 8 September 1994.

Hartley, Mrs. Radio interview with Mrs. Hartley Transcript. WSB, Atlanta GA, 1947, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-f.

Hines, Caroline Tyson. Interview by author, Tape recording, Bowling Green KY, 27 July 1994.

Hines, Elizabeth Duncan. Interview by author, Bowling Green KY, 30 August 1993.

Jackson, Margaret. Interview by author, Bowling Green KY, 2 March 1995.

Meeks, Sara Jane. Interview by author, Louisville KY, 7 June 1994.

Moore, Paul W. Interview by author, Hendersonville TN, 31 August 1994.

“Notes for Duncan Hines Book.
There's No Accounting For Tastes
.” From interview conducted by Roy Park with Duncan Hines, ca. 1954, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP xH-g.

Orendorf, Jo T. Interview by author, telephone interview, 2 September 1994.

Shackelford, Charles. Interview by author, telephone interview, 23 May 1995.

Spiller, Cora Jane. Interview by author, Bowling Green KY, 16 August 1993.

________. Interview by author, Bowling Green KY, 25 March 1994.

________. Interview by author, Bowling Green KY, 10 May 1994.

________. Interview by author, telephone interview, Bowling Green KY, 29 June 1994.

________. Interview by author, telephone interview, Bowling Green KY, 12 July 1995.

Tyson, Caroline Hines. Interview by author, Bowling Green KY, 27 July 1994.

Welch, Duncan. Interview by author, telephone interview, 7 March 1995.

Williams, Larry. Interview by author, telephone interview, Franklin TN, 31 March 1995.

Wright, Robert. Interview by author, Frankfort KY, 25 May 1994.


Book Reviews, “Duncan Hines' Guides to Good Eating, Lodging,”
, 15 May 1940.

Bush, Peggy. “Early President of Wells Fargo has his roots in Bowling Green,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 9 November 1986.

Plain Dealer
, 11 October 1955, Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, file #3981.

, 24 October 1955, Duncan Hines Collection, Kroch Library, Cornell University, file #3981.

Creason, Joe. “Please Mr. Hines, Won't You Try Some of This Nice Whale Blubber?,”
(Louisville KY), 7 July 1957.

________. “The Time? Ask Duncan Hines,”
(Louisville KY), 4 April 1954.

Cushman, Howard, possibly
Philadelphia Inquirer
, ca. 1941, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-m.

“Death Claims John J. Valentine,”
(Bowling Green KY), 21 December 1901.

“Divorce Granted,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 6 December 1945.

“Duncan Hines Firms Plan To Leave City,”
, 15 May 1963, 3, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-m.

“Duncan Hines, Food Expert, Dies at 79,”
16 March 1959.

“Duncan Hines Is Synonymous with Good Food in U.S.”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 29 September 1943.

“Duncan Hines' Kin.”
Waterways Journal
(St. Louis MI), 4 April 1959.

“Duncan Hines,”
Chicago Sun-Times
, 3 December 1957, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP 2H-a.

“Duncan Hines, Travel, Food Authority, Dies,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 16 March 1959, 49a

Editorial, “A Lifelong Adventure In Good Eating,”
(Louisville KY), 17 March 1959.

“Fame of Local Resident as Food Authority Not Confined to US,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 16 July 1939.

“Fed Up: Duncan Hines Halts Food Guides.”
(Louisville KY), 25 November 1962.

“Food Is An Adventure to No. 1 Gourmet; He Travels Just to Eat,”
Oklahoma City Times
, 4 December 1939, Procter and Gamble Duncan Hines manuscript collection, FP H-m.

“Former Employee of Adventures in Good Eating Wins Judgment,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 16 November 1952, 10.

Gaines, Ray. “Duncan Hines Gets New Watch,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 13 May 1957.

________. “Eulogies Are Put In Record,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 19 March 1959.

________. “Park Row Paragraphs,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 23 March 1952.

________. “Park Row Paragraphs,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 19 October 1952.

________. “Park Row Paragraphs,”
Park City Daily News
(Bowling Green KY), 25 February 1954.

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