Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2) (30 page)

BOOK: Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2)
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“I could try putting it on using my mouth.”



“Let’s save that for another time.”

“Your loss,” Paige said with a flutter of her lashes.

“Have you ever had your ass spanked?” Nate ground out the
words through clenched teeth.

“No. I was a perfectly behaved child.”

“Sure you were.” When Paige rolled the condom onto his cock,
Nate’s head fell back, his eyes closing. “That’s right. Slowly.”

“Shouldn’t you watch to make sure I’m doing it right?”

“I’ll check it when you’re done. Right now, it’s better if I
don’t look.”

Paige understood his dilemma. Putting a condom on a man was
extremely intimate — and erotic. She felt flushed and unbearably aroused. By
the feel of him. The heat. The pulsing veins. Nate was ready to burst. Hands
down, he won the self-control prize.

“Done,” Paige said with a sense of pride. She sat back to
admire her work, a teasing light in her eyes. “Not bad for my first time. Maybe
I should take a picture and post it on Instagram. Your fans would go wild.”

Without a word, Nate checked the condom. The look he gave
her told Paige playtime was over. He was suited up and ready for business.

Paige scrambled to the center of the bed, thrilled when he
followed. Big and dangerous, Nate took the hem of her nightshirt, pulling it
off in one fluid motion.

“You aren’t wearing panties.”

“I never wear them to bed.”

“Why didn’t I know that?” With one hand, he anchored her
wrist above her head.

“Because you’ve been so good.” Paige took a deep breath when
he lightly bit her neck. “No touching below the waist.”



“Look at me.” Languidly, she raised her lids. The sharp blue
intensity in his eyes made her gasp. “No more good guy.”

Nate lowered himself over her until his body covered hers.
Heated flesh to heated flesh. Paige sighed. Finally. She wrapped her legs
around his waist, urging him closer.

“I think I’m going to like Bad Nate,” Paige said. She felt
an intense thrill rush through her at his next words.

“I know you are.”

From there it was like being on a long, winding
rollercoaster. Nate took over, dictating where the ride took her. One moment
fast and breathtaking, then he would execute a gentle turn only to shoot her
back up.

Paige gripped his shoulders as he spun her around until she
was on top, yet even then, he was in control. Nate took her hips, guiding her —
showing her the pace he wanted. Easy, like a gentle wave taking her along. He
kept her close to ecstasy, but wouldn’t let her reach the peak.

“Faster,” she begged.

“Not yet.” Nate kissed her breasts, taking the hard, aching
point between his teeth. The bite was just right, bringing pleasure and pain in
equal measure. “Don’t you want the ride to last?”

Nate bit her again, and then gently bathed the spot with his
tongue. God, what was he doing to her? She didn’t care. She wanted this. All of
it. More and more. And then she wanted it again.

“Never let it end, Nate. Promise me it will never end.”

“Forever, Paige.” Nate threaded his hands into her hair,
cupping her head. His lips were a breath away from hers. “Forever.”

It was a promise that went straight to her heart. Paige
returned Nate’s kiss. Love blended with passion. Intense. Impossibly beautiful.
When the orgasm hit, she tumbled over and over, reveling in the moment. She let
herself fall, unconcerned about hitting the earth. She knew Nate’s arms would
keep her safe.

When her head stopped spinning, Paige opened her eyes. She
smiled when she found Nate looking satisfied and pleased with himself.

“Bad Nate,” she laughed. Wondering where she found the
strength, raised her hand, patting the side of his face. “Bad, bad Nate.”

Nate captured her hand. He kissed the palm before holding it
on his chest. She wondered if he realized their hands were clasped over his

Say it
, she silently urged him. She took his free
hand, laying it over her heart.
Say you love me

All she heard was his breathing. Bucking up her courage,
Paige formed the words.
I love you

“Your parents are leaving after breakfast?”

“On to New Orleans.”

“You’re leaving too.”

“Jack is flying in to pick me up.”

“I see.” Paige flopped onto her back. “I guess that’s that.”

“Paige,” Nate leaned over her. “I’m coming back.”


Nate hesitated. “I can’t say for certain.”

Paige didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Was she supposed
to wait around on the off chance he decided to honor her with his presence?

“Great. You’re good in bed. Stop by when you’re in the
neighborhood and we’ll do it again.”

“Hey.” Paige slapped at him when he stopped her from
leaving. “Paige. Don’t fight. I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

“You already have!” She shouted. She wasn’t going to laugh
or cry. She was too angry. “Let go of me, Nathaniel. You had your fuck. I’m
going back to my own bed.”

“Jesus.” Nate held her down, waiting for her to stop
struggling. It took longer than he expected, but finally, she quieted.

“Are you?” She tried to move her arm. Frustrated, she
growled, “You’re a big bully, you know that?”

“Bully? Fuck that.” Nate rolled away.

Seizing her opportunity, Paige headed for the door, only
pausing to pick up her nightshirt.

“I’m coming back.”

Struggling to untangle the garment, Paige snorted, “Right. I
won’t hold my breath.”

“I’m coming back because I love you.”

“Well, why didn’t you say so?”

Paige blindly tossed her nightshirt across the room and
jumped into Nate’s waiting arms. His kiss felt different. Deeper. Richer.
Sweeter. Or maybe it was her. Love, when freely expressed, did make a
difference. All the difference in the world.

“Isn’t there something you would like to say?”

Paige floated. Every part of her felt lighter than air. She
wanted Nate with her. Taking his face between her hands, she met his gaze. Blue
as the Montana sky.

“I love you.”

“That’s good.” He turned his head, kissing one hand, then
the other. “These now hold my heart. It’s only fair that you give me yours in

“I promise to keep your heart safe, Nate.”


“That’s a good place to start.”





“NOW THAT WE’VE had a wonderful breakfast and everyone is
feeling relaxed, why don’t you tell us your plan.”

Surprised, Nate’s gaze shot to his father.

“Plan?” It was an inane response, but when his father looked
at him like that, he felt like he was twelve. He and his brothers called it the
magic stare
. Something about it had them spilling their guts no matter
how hard they tried not to.

“You think I don’t know what you’re up to?”

“No,” Nate muttered. “But a man can dream.”

“You have a threat hanging over your head. If it were me, I
would go on the offensive,” Caleb shrugged. However, there was nothing casual
in his tone. “I assume Jack is taking you somewhere so you can flush this
person out.”

Nate’s smile was ironic. They were alike in so many ways. It
made sense his father would glean his plan.

“What?” Paige exclaimed. “I thought you had business to take
care of.” As soon as the words left her mouth, she realized catching his
would-be killer
his business.

“I don’t like it.” Callie put her mug down with a thud. “And
I don’t like that you kept this to yourself.”

Caleb rubbed her shoulder. “I didn’t think of it until last
night after you had fallen asleep. There was no point in saying anything this
morning until Nate confirmed my suspicions.”

Chuck circled the table, refilling cups with the pot of
coffee he carried.

“None for me, Dad.” Paige’s stomach couldn’t take anything
acidic when it was slowly turning into a knotted mess.

“After last night, you were going to leave without telling
me any of this?”


“What happened last night?” Callie asked Nate.

“Are there no secrets in this family?”

“Secrets erode, Nathaniel,” Callie stated. “However, if this
is something private between you and Paige, I won’t pry.”

“Not private.” Nate smiled at Paige. “New. I told her I
loved her.”

“Oh, Nate.” Callie’s famous eyes filled with tears. The
color was a misty gray when they turned to Paige. “And you?”

Paige took Nate’s hand. “I love him with all my heart.”

“I have to end this.” Everyone heard the words but he said
them to Paige. “We can’t live with bodyguards and who knows how many layers of
security. As long as a threat looms, we can’t move ahead.”

Nate outlined the plan. There was nothing complicated. Jack
supplied the house and the security.

“And you play sitting duck.” The knots in Paige’s stomach
tightened by the second. “How is that a good plan?”

“It’s a great plan,” Caleb said. “If it didn’t involve my

“You’re certain this is the only way?” Callie surprised Nate
with her even, resigned tone. He nodded and she surprised him even more. “Then
you have to do it.”

“You could use a decoy,” Caleb said. “But you would never do
that. Not if it meant putting someone else in danger.”

“I am your son.”

Caleb’s eyes misted. “Keep that in mind. I will be royally
pissed if you don’t take care of yourself.”

Less than an hour later, Callie and Caleb were packed and
ready to be on their way.

“I’ll call you next week,” Caleb told Chuck as they shook

“We’ll come again soon.” Callie kissed Chuck’s cheek,
whispering, “I think Paige would like to be married here, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Chuck knew Erin would be watching. “Before that,
Christmas is beautiful here. You could bring the whole family.”

“Christmas.” Callie’s face lit up at the thought. “That
sounds lovely.”

“Nate.” Caleb hugged his son. “Keep in touch.”

“I will.”

“Keep my baby safe.” Callie held back the tears. This wasn’t
the time. She would save them for when this was over. Then she would weep with
relief while Caleb held her close.

“And you.” Callie opened her arms to Paige. “Welcome, sweet
girl. I’m so happy to know my son’s heart is in good hands.”



Paige kept her hands tightly clasped behind her back as Nate
loaded his bags into the van. Most of the security crew had already left. It
was amazing how quickly they shut things down and packed everything up. They
were on their way to the airport. The plane that Jack Winston piloted would
carry them as well as Nate to Harper Falls. From there, Nate would travel to an
undisclosed location.

It didn’t matter how many times Nate reassured her, Paige
could not stop worrying. However, if she were with him, she would see for
herself that he was safe.

“You know that isn’t going to happen.”

“I could hide on the plane.”

“No, you couldn’t. Besides, who would take care of Beauty if
you’re with me?”

“Dad could—”

“Please.” That was all Nate said. In the end, it was all
that was necessary. Paige walked into his arms.

“I’ll never forgive you if you don’t come back.”

“I could promise there won’t be a scratch on me. However…”

“As long as you’re breathing, I’ll take you any way I can
get you.”

Nate lowered his mouth to hers, needing another taste. She
was always with him, no matter where he went. The feel of her skin. The touch
of her hands. Her scent. Her laugh. In his mind. In his heart. His Paige.


“EVERYTHING IS SET up. I want to go over the plan. Nothing will
be left to chance. You can spend the night then leave in the morning. The cabin
is about an hour’s drive from Harper Falls.”

“I’m counting on you and your people, Jack. I have someone
waiting for me and I can’t let her down.”

“The lovely blonde?” Jack asked with a grin. “Paige, right?”

“Good memory.”

“I remember the way you looked at her. I guess you spent the
last few weeks doing more than making a movie.”

He handed Nate a headset before putting on his own. They
were in the cockpit, making the final checks before takeoff. Nate watched,
mentally running through the familiar routine. He was about to ask Jack if he
would mind turning over the controls for takeoff when his phone rang. A second
later, Jack pulled his phone from his pocket.

“I’ll take my call outside.”

Nate looked at his screen. Alan Strand. He had known the man
for several years and used him regularly on his stunt crew.

“Alan. Good to hear from you. How is the job in Singapore
going?” Nate made sure everyone on his crew had jobs while he was out of
commission. Alan and several others worked on the latest Tom Cruise film.

“Nate. I have to tell you. I did it.”

“Hey. Have you been drinking?” Nate frowned. He had a strict
rule. No alcohol during a shoot. Technically, Alan didn’t answer to him this
time, but he didn’t like to think Alan broke that rule even if he wasn’t there
to enforce it.

“I had a few. Dutch courage.” Nate could hear Alan take a
deep breath. “I need you to know. I should have told you right away.”

“Told me what?”

“I fucked up the stunt. I almost killed you. It was an
accident. When you walked away, I figured I dodged a bullet. Then I heard
someone confessed. It was me, Nate. I need you to forgive me.”

Nate reeled, trying to figure out the implications. The
botched stunt had been an accident. No one tried to kill him. Then what about
the explosion? The two weren’t connected. Did that mean he wasn’t the target?
Paige’s truck.
. Son of a bitch.

“Nate?” Alan called out. “Are you still there?”

“Sober up, asshole.” Nate tore off his seat belt. “And stay
away from me.”

“Nate.” Jack came barreling into the cockpit, barely missing
knocking his head into Nate’s.

“Call Travis.” Nate was trying to shove past. “There’s
something wrong.”

“No shit.” Jack followed on his heels. “That was Alex on the
phone. It took some digging, but the money trail leads from Bernie Renshaw to a
dummy company.”

Nate jumped from the plane. Next came Jack and the security
crew. They checked their guns.

“Who is it?”

“Lyle Wilson.”

“Fuck! Goddamn it.” Nate scrolled through the numbers on his
phone. “I’m calling Paige. What about Travis?”

“He isn’t answering.”

“Paige’s phone went straight to voicemail.”

“Calm down. No.” Jack pushed Nate toward the passenger side
of the van. “I’ll drive. Call her father. Then her friends. Try not to panic

“How the hell am I supposed to do that?”

Jack waited until the back of the van was filled with men,
and then hit the gas.

“Breathe. You’ve only been gone an hour, Nate. I’m sure
Paige is fine.”

It was bullshit and they both knew it. Disaster could strike
in a heartbeat. An hour was a lifetime. Nate had one hope. Whatever Lyle Wilson
wanted, it involved keeping Paige alive. He needed to get to her before Wilson
changed his mind.


PAIGE DECIDED TO take Beauty for a walk.

The puppy was happy to romp across the fields and she felt
like being alone with her thoughts. Or as alone as a woman could be who had a
very large bodyguard trailing behind her.

“I know you won’t stay home.”

“Nope.” Travis held her jacket out for her. The weather had
taken a cold turn and she needed the extra layer.

“Then walk beside me. I feel odd having someone’s eyes on my

“I don’t watch your ass.” Travis fell into step beside her.

Paige laughed. It was impossible to get Nate off her mind,
but she liked Travis and she appreciated his humor. He had become a friend and
she didn’t feel like she needed to keep up a running dialogue. They walked for
several minutes in a companionable silence.

“I’m sorry you had to stay behind. You’ll miss all the
action. Did you draw the short straw?”

“I volunteered.”


Surprised, Paige glanced at him. He really was handsome. Not
as handsome as Nate. However, if she were honest, she could be a trifle biased.

“Nate needs to stay focused. He’ll rest easier knowing I
have your back.”

“I hate this.” Damn. She was not going to cry.

“Promise me a dance at your wedding?”

Paige knew what Travis was doing. Shifting the conversation
from serious to light. Since she needed the distraction, she went along.

“Nate hasn’t asked me to marry him.”

“He will.” Travis picked up a stick, tossing it for a
delighted Beauty to chase. She hadn’t mastered the return part yet, but she was
terrific at fetching. “Or you’ll ask him. Either way, you two are getting hi—
Hey, isn’t that your neighbor?”

Glancing across the field, Paige frowned. The black truck
headed their way was indeed Lyle’s. It seemed odd for him to be out here where
there was no road. He never drove in the fields because he didn’t like wear and
tear on his vehicle.

“Paige. I called the Double C and your father said you had
headed this way. I hoped you would come by my place. I’ve decided to redecorate
and I would love your opinion.”

“Me? I don’t think we have the same taste, Lyle.” Paige knew
it for a fact.

“Perhaps.” Lyle laughed, but there was an edge to it. “It
was really just an excuse. I heard that Nate Landis left and I thought you
might need a friend. I know the two of you became close while he was here. I
know you must be missing him. Come for a drink.” When Paige hesitated, he
added, “Please. Nothing romantic. Let me be a good neighbor. Your friend and
the dog are welcome, too.”

Paige felt a wave of sadness. Mixed with her fear and worry
over Nate, it made her vulnerable to Lyle’s sympathy.

That was how she found herself in Lyle’s living room. She
knew the moment she climbed into his truck, it was a mistake. When they reached
the house, she saw the relief on Lyle’s face when Travis said he would wait
outside with Beauty. If they left now, they could cut across the fields and
make it home in time for her to start dinner.

“One glass of wine. It’s the kind you like.” Lyle handed her
a glass. “Then I’ll drive you home.”

Paige wondered at what point trying to be polite morphed
into idiotic. She hated this wine. She wasn’t going to drink it simply to make
Lyle feel better. With a smile, she raised the glass to her lips. She only wet
her lips, but that was bad enough. God, she hated this stuff. It made her lips
tingle. That was odd. She didn’t remember it doing that before.

“I need to get going, Lyle.”

“One more sip.” Lyle looked eager, his eyes strangely

“I don’t want any more.” Paige set the glass down near the
offensive bottle of wine. Before she had taken two steps, Lyle grabbed her arm.

“Drink the wine, Paige.”

“Are you out of your mind?” Paige tried to pull away. For a
man with scrawny arms, he was surprisingly strong. “Why are you obsessed with
me drinking that stupid wine?”

“Because.” His voice was low and calm. “It’s drugged. It
will be much easier to get you on the plane if you are unconscious.”

Paige felt a shot of panic. Lyle was crazy. Why hadn’t she
seen it before? His eyes looked almost feverish. His tongue kept darting out,
wetting his lips. She had to get away.

Travis. Paige felt a wave of relief. Help was only a scream

“Your friend won’t be of any help,” Lyle said as if reading
her mind. Paige jumped when a gunshot rang out. “There. End of problem. Now, my
dear, you have a choice. Come with me of your own free will. Or drink the

“I pick door number three.”

“What?” Lyle looked genuinely confused. “Door? What door?”

“This one, motherfucker.”

In a flash, Paige grabbed the wine bottle from the bar and
swung at Lyle’s head with all her might. It was almost comical the way he
crumpled into a heap.

“What door?” he mumbled, grasping his head.

“My mistake. I meant bottle.”


“She said bottle, asshole.”

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