Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2) (29 page)

BOOK: Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2)
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Callie’s compliment touched Paige. “I’m no different than
everyone else.”

“Yes, you are,” Callie assured her. “It takes a special
person to give life back to these wonderful animals.”

“Thank you, Callie. But I don’t think of myself that way.”

Callie smiled.
That is one of the things that make you so
. It was what her Nate saw, Callie was certain. It was why he loved
this young woman. Being attractive on the outside would never be enough. Nate
needed someone whose beauty ran deep.

Tears filled Callie’s eyes. She came to Montana to decide if
Paige was good enough for Nate — and she had her answer.

“Is something wrong?” Paige asked in alarm.

“No, sweet girl.” Callie’s smile lit up her face.
“Everything is just as it should be.”


THEY GATHERED IN the living room. The cast and crew had partied
until late, hating for the experience to end. Not wanting to get anyone’s hopes
up, Nate didn’t point out that this wasn’t over. If things went the way he
envisioned, there would be a premiere. Interviews. Publicity. Basic, Montana
and its citizens would be getting more attention than they could have imagined.

However, before any of that, Nate had wanted his parents’
opinions. With just them, Chuck and Paige, he ran the raw footage. He was too
close to be a fair judge anymore. He thought it was good. Very good. Now, he
needed fresh eyes. Who better to tell him what he needed to know than the two
people he admired most. When the last scene ended, he held his breath.

“Oh, Nathaniel,” Callie sighed.

“Well done, son.”

Nate closed his eyes, the emotions too big. His mother and
father were over the top personalities. They could be loud and boisterous. Life
was to be enjoyed — savored. They never held back their feelings or their love.

When Caleb and Callie scaled it down to a few words, Nate
knew they were deeply touched by what they saw. Sometimes quiet meant more than
exuberance. This was one of those times.

“It’s good, isn’t it?” Chuck’s voice was thick, his feelings
clogging his throat.

“I’ll tell you how good,” Callie said, squeezing his hand.
“I’m jealous that I wasn’t the lead.”

Caleb laughed. “That’s the highest praise she can give a
movie, Chuck. My wife, the ham.”

“Look who’s talking. You’ll want to handle distribution.”


“Whoa.” Nate held up a hand. “I’m thrilled by your reaction,
but this is a long way from finished.”

“Which is good.” Caleb’s brain was already five steps ahead.
“This should be a slow build. Grassroots. We get our tech people to start
chatting it up. It will be up to you how much you want to be involved.”

“Before I started I would have said not at all.” Nate gave a
self-deprecating laugh. “Like it or not, my recent rise in popularity will be a
boost to the movie. Use me if you have to but, please—”

“I know,” Caleb said. “We’ll schedule as few interviews as
possible until the movie is ready to release. How about you, Chuck?”

Chuck looked surprised. “What about me?”

“Nate is a big part of the selling point, but ultimately,
this is your story. Yours and Erin’s. As with Nate, we can work around it if
you aren’t comfortable stepping out in front of the media.”

“I hadn’t thought about it.” Chuck scratched his chin, a
perplexed smile on his lips. “I wanted to honor Erin. Getting the movie made
was always my endgame. Nate took it to another level. Now we’re talking about
publicity and movie premieres. It’s all a little much.”

“That’s understandable.” Callie patted his hand. “Nothing
has to be decided tonight. Think about it. Talk it over with Paige.”

“I’m on board with whatever Dad wants. If it had been up to
me, the movie never would have been made.”

Paige felt torn. Part of her was embarrassed by her lack of
faith in her father. However, if she hadn’t contacted Caleb asking for help,
she never would have met Nate. No matter what, she would never regret that.

“You brought Nate to us,” Chuck said, echoing part of her
thoughts. “I don’t know what we would have done without him.”

“You can always count on Nate,” Callie agreed. “Ever since
he was a little boy he has—”

“Okay.” Nate jumped to his feet. “When Mom starts telling
stories about
little Nate
, I know it’s time to call it a night.”

“I agree,” Caleb said, smiling at his wife.

“Fine.” Good naturedly, Callie let Caleb pull her to her
feet. “Paige, anytime you want to hear about Nate’s pre-pubescent adventures,
give me a call.”

Paige didn’t answer. She didn’t think she would be speaking
to Callie very much after tomorrow. She and Caleb would continue on to New
Orleans. And Nate? Wherever he went, it wouldn’t have anything to do with her.

“Need some help with the dishes?” Nate asked. He played with
the ends of her hair, his eyes warm.

“There are only a few coffee cups. Take Beauty out for her
nightly walk. Dad and I will take care of the cleanup.”

Nate waited until his parents were out of earshot and Chuck
was in the kitchen. “Will you join me later?”

“After everyone is down for the night.” Paige wasn’t passing
up the chance to sleep next to Nate. This might be the last time. She wanted to
stockpile all the memories she could.

Nate lightly touched her cheek, and then called Beauty. She
watched until the door closed behind them before picking up the last two cups
and joining her father.

“Aren’t Caleb and Callie everything I said they were?”

“And more.” She stacked the cups in the dishwasher. “Dad?”‘


“Why didn’t you invite Irene to stay after the party wound

Chuck paused. Paige thought he looked slightly
uncomfortable. That was the last thing she wanted.

“I know you’ve been spending time at her place. When you go
out to visit friends, you’re going to see Irene, aren’t you?”

“Yes.” Chuck put down the dishtowel. When he turned, his
eyes were shadowed with concern. “Irene and I are…” He hesitated. “I don’t know
what you call it at our age. Dating doesn’t seem right.”

“Do you love her?”


“It’s okay, Dad.” Paige took his hand. “I hope you love her.
She’s a wonderful person. Why wouldn’t I want two of my favorite people to be
happy — together?”

“Thank you.” Chuck hugged her. His baby. He was proud she
had become such a generous, loving woman. “I will never stop loving your
mother, Paige.”

“I know that.” Paige let the tears fall. “Loving Irene is
honoring Mom’s memory. She would want this for you.
want this for
you.” She wiped her cheeks. “Now, it isn’t too late. Why don’t you pay her a
visit? If you do it right, you can be back for breakfast and our guests will
never know you were gone.”

“Paige!” Chuck felt his face heat. Then he looked at his
watch. “I’ll give Irene a call. She might have an early appointment.”

“Either way, I don’t think she’ll object to some company.”

Ten minutes later, Chuck drove away, his bodyguard trailing
behind at a discreet distance.


PAIGE DIDN’T TRY to sleep. She was in Nate’s arms and she
wanted to savor the too rapidly waning moments. If this was all there was, she
wasn’t going to miss any of it.

Nate’s steady breathing. The feel of his heartbeat under her
hand. Beauty having puppy dreams at the foot of the bed. Paige felt warm. Safe.
This was home.

That was it. This was where she belonged, with the man she
loved. If she didn’t tell him now, she would regret it for the rest of her
life. Wasn’t rejection better than not knowing? If there were the slightest
chance she could go to sleep every night and wake up every morning lying close
to Nate Landis, she would risk finding out he didn’t want the same thing.

Paige pushed her hair back. Resting on her elbow, her eyes
took in Nate’s face. As it always did, the sight made her breath catch and her
heart skip a beat before thumping wildly.

So beautiful. It might not be a word he would appreciate,
but it fit. Now that she had met his parents, she understood why he was more
than just a pretty face. Callie and Caleb were amazing people. They had given
Nate a foundation of love and strong moral compasses to follow. They didn’t
just talk the talk. They followed through on their beliefs.

Nate could have coasted on his family name. The money. The
fame. It was all there for him to exploit to his benefit. Instead, he built his
own niche. His reputation — professionally and personally — was earned the
old-fashioned way. Through hard work and dedication.

How could she not love him? The surprise would be if she
didn’t fall — hard.

“Nate?” Paige whispered his name. Lightly, she kissed him
and chuckled. He was her sleeping beauty.

Ah, he wakes

“Hello,” she said, kissing him again.

Nate’s lips curved, the sleep slowly clearing from his blue

“Is it time to get up already?” Nate shifted, looking toward
the window. “I don’t see the sun. Let’s cuddle for a few more minutes.”

“It’s still early.” Happily, Paige rested her head on his
chest. “I wanted to talk.”

“Cuddle and talk. Sounds good.”

Now that the moment was at hand, Paige felt the words stick
in her throat.
I love you.
Why was it so hard to say? Because Nate’s
response would shape the rest of her life. This was big. Colossal. She didn’t
take this moment — or the words, lightly.

“Make love with me.”

Not let’s have sex. Or let’s screw. Or fuck.
Make love
with me
. It was the first time she had used those words and silently she
urged Nate to understand the difference.

“I promised your father. Wait. Did you say make love?”

“I didn’t promise, Dad. And yes. I said make love.”

Paige didn’t wait for his answer. She didn’t want him to say
anything that would ruin this moment. She slid under the covers, kissing her
way down his chest. He tried to push her away, but Paige was determined.
Lifting the sheet, she smiled.

“If it will make you feel better, lie back, and let me do
all the work. If you don’t actively participate, you won’t technically be
breaking your word.”

“That is the slippery kind of logic that can get a person
into a hell of a lot of trouble.”

“No trouble,” Paige assured him. “Lift your hips.” Surprised
when he complied so quickly, she removed his shorts, not wanting to press her
luck. Her hand reached between his legs. Long, hard, and ready. She licked her
lips. “Now, I’m going to enjoy this early morning treat. Close your eyes and
think of England.”

England, my ass
, Nate thought. Gripping the headboard,
he closed his eyes and thought of Paige. Nothing but Paige.

“I’ve never tasted you at this time of day. Are you sweeter
this early? Or spicier.” Paige swiped her tongue over the tip. “Mmm. Both. Very

“Nice?” Nate let out a long breath.

“We’ll start with nice. Then there is only one way to go.

Starting at the base of his erection, Paige licked every
inch. When she reached the top, she paused, letting them both savor the
anticipation. Finally, needing more, she took him into her mouth using her teeth
to lightly scrape as she followed the same path, this time going down. And

“I don’t want to come in your mouth.” Nate’s words were
ragged. “I want to come in — holy shit. What was that?”

“A little trick I picked up off the internet. You liked it?”

Nate saw stars. And fireworks. And God. “I will never curse
modern technology again. Come up here.”

“But I’m not done. There was this little thing the woman did
with her tongue that I want to try.”

“Another time. Right now, I need to be inside you.”

Another time
Will there be another time
Paige wanted to ask.

“Oh, dear,” Paige said with exaggerated regret. “No condom.”

Before she could slide down the mattress, Nate pushed her
onto her back.

“What part of another time don’t you understand?” Grinning,
Nate kissed her hard and fast. “Stay. I’ll be right back.”

With a sigh, Paige watched Nate get out of bed. When he
picked up Beauty, she gasped. Poor puppy.

“I forgot she was there.”

“Me too,” Nate admitted ruefully. “Sorry, baby girl. We got
carried away.”

Paige waited while Nate put the dog in the bathroom,
shutting the door.

“Will she be okay in there?”

“She has water and a soft place to curl up.” Opening the top
dresser drawer, he took out several foil packets.

“Someone is feeling ambitious.”

Nate tossed the extra condoms on the end table. “Better safe
than sorry. I would rather not have to get up again.”

“Let me?” When Nate hesitated, Paige teased, “All the nights
we’ve slept together, you’ve managed to keep your hands to yourself. Where’s
that self-control now?”

“All those nights you kept your mouth off my dick.”

“True.” Paige gave him a self-satisfied smile. “I guess I
was the one with the self-control.”

“Here.” Nate handed Paige the condom. “Have you done this

“Mmm.” Paige contemplated Nate’s erection like an artist
presented with a blank canvas. Beautiful in its simplicity and so many
possibilities for someone with the right kind of imagination.

Paige ran a finger over the taut, heated skin. She knew
exactly what she wanted to do with it.

“Tear open the packet, Paige.”

“It seems a shame to cover it.”

“Do you want to get pregnant?”

“No.” Paige shook her head.
. With Nate as the
father, she could easily picture it. But not now.

“Then get the condom on me or I’ll do it myself.”

Not wanting to miss her chance, Paige quickly ripped the
foil, removing the condom.

BOOK: Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2)
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