Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2) (26 page)

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Breathing hard, Wilt and Edith kept their arms around each
other for several more seconds.

“That was unbelievable.” Edith smiled gratefully when Wilt
escorted her to a chair and handed her a bottle of water. Without a word, he
collapsed next to her.

“You humble me.”

“Oh, Nate…” Wilt blushed.

“Get used to taking a compliment, Wilt.” Nate smiled at the
blush spreading over the other man’s face. “I won’t be the last to tell you
that you two are amazing.”

“You took us there, Nate.” Edith sailed on an acting high
like she had never dreamed existed. She wanted to savor it as long as possible.

“It was in you, Edith. In Wilt. I’m not taking credit for
any of it.”

“Say what you like, Nathaniel. You, my boy, are the heart of
this production. We won’t ever let you forget it.”

Now Nate felt like blushing. Shaking his head, he took Homer
to the side, giving him instructions.

“It’s later than usual. We’ll wait and look at the footage
tomorrow when we have fresh eyes. Great job today. You always get the shot. It
means a lot to know I have you running the camera.”

Edith wasn’t the only one riding a high. Nate felt wound up
— bursting with energy. Sexual energy. He made it through his end of the day’s
routine. Actors and crew sent on their way. One last look around to make sure
the equipment was stored and locked up.

It took an hour. By the time he was finished, Nate felt
ready to explode.

“Hey. Good day?” Paige walked into the barn looking
impossibly fresh and sweet.

“One second. Travis!”

“What?” Hand on his holstered gun, Travis came barreling
through the barn door. He looked around expecting disaster. When he saw Nate
and Paige — perfectly safe — he threw his hands up. “I thought someone was
dying. Next time save the wear and tear on my heart. A simple,
Hey Travis.
Will you come
, will suffice.”

“I’d tell you I’m sorry, but I hate to lie.”

“Great. What’s the emergency?”

“I need you to keep everyone out of the barn.”

“That’s it?” Travis exclaimed.

“Nate.” Paige shrugged at Travis. “What—”

“Come with me.”

Nate grabbed her hand, tugging her along toward the tack
room. He fished the key out on the way and had the door open in record time.

“You want me to stand guard?” Travis chuckled, finally

“Yes,” Nate called out.

“No,” Paige yelled, dragging her heels. She knew what Nate
wanted and she was happy to oblige. However, she was not having sex with Travis
outside the door.

“Fine.” Nate took Paige by the waist, throwing her over his
shoulder. “Travis?”


“Outside. You,” he slapped Paige on the butt. “Inside. And
stop squirming.”

Shaking his head, Travis closed the barn door. He crossed
the driveway.

“Colin,” he said into his headset.


“Spread the word. The barn is off limits until further

“What’s up?”

“Just do what I ask without any questions. For once.”

“Roger that, you old grouch.”

Travis sat on the porch. He figured it was far enough away
to suit Paige while close enough to keep watch.

God, he envied Nate. Not that he wanted Paige. More and more
she felt like a little sister. No, he envied the sex. Period. It had been too

He needed a vacation. First thing when he was back in Harper
Falls, he was going ask Alex for a week off. A sandy beach where women wore as
little as possible. If he couldn’t get lucky where the weather was hot and
drinks plentiful, the world was a cruel and unjust place.

Travis leaned back and admired the star-filled Montana sky.
Fiji, he thought with a sigh. Definitely Fiji.





NATE KICKED THE door shut. Unceremoniously, he dumped Paige
onto a pile of blankets.

“Take your clothes off. Now.” He had already dispensed with
his jacket and was toeing off his boots.

“What set you off?” Paige sat up, enjoying the show. Nate
stripping. Women would pay good money to see this and she had a free ringside
seat. Yes, please.

“I haven’t had more than a sweet, good morning kiss in
months.” Nate tossed his shirt to the side.

“Two days,” she said with a laugh. Though she knew what he
meant. Watching his clothes fly, Paige’s mouth watered.

“Two days. Two months. It’s been forever since I’ve tasted
you. Why are you not naked?”

“You distracted me.” Feigning a pout, Paige held out her
foot. “Want to give me a hand?”

Nate paused, his jeans halfway down his hips.

“I’ll give you a hand. Right to your backside.”

Paige knew he was teasing. But she knew what a little swat
felt like. She wasn’t taking any chances.

“I’m undressing.” Paige shrugged out of her jacket and
quickly pulled off her t-shirt. Triumphantly, she held it out. “See?”

“Keep going,” he growled.

Boots, socks. Paige unbuttoned her jeans as Nate’s bare feet
came into view. Slowly, enjoying the anticipation, her eyes traveled upward.
Long, hair-roughened legs. Oh, yes. She remembered how they felt as she gripped
them with her softer, smoother limbs.



“Why have you stopped?”

“I love wrapping my legs around yours while you’re moving
inside of me.”

“Well, shit.”

“What?” Paige raised her eyes. His hard cock was right
there. Mouth level. Beautiful. Mesmerized, she reached out, wanting to feel his
heat in her hand.

“No.” Nate stopped her, grasping her hand with his own.
“First you casually mention me being in you.”

“There was nothing casual about it.”

“Then you go for my dick. I don’t want to end this party
before it gets started. Do you?”

Unzipping her jeans, Nate grabbed the waistband with his
good hand and pulled.

“But it’s so pretty.” Paige obligingly lifted her hips. “I
wanted to see if it was as hot as it looked.”

“Give me a second and I’ll show you. Lose the bra, Paige.”

“Fine but…” Paige slowly unfastened her bra, but her
attention was on Nate. “Can I do that?”

“You want to put the condom on me?” Nate asked
incredulously. “Are you trying to kill me? I wouldn’t let you touch me. What do
you think would happen if you rolled this sucker on?”

“Why don’t we find out?”

“Bad, bad girl.” Nate sidestepped her hands. “Why didn’t I
know you were so bad?”

With rapid efficiency, he took care of the condom. Before Paige
could blink, he had her pinned under his body. Happily, she adjusted her legs
to cradle him between them.

“I’m not bad. I was just—”

“Drawn that way.” Nate grinned. “I love a woman who is able
to quote a movie when I am about to do this.”

Paige’s eyes met Nate’s. Slowly, he entered her. She felt
every inch of him. The heat. Oh, yes, there was heat. It was intense. Hotter
than she imagined. It felt like the sun at its zenith on a July day. She wanted
to bask. She never wanted summer to end.

“You are perfect.”

Nate kissed her, his lips surprisingly tender. The urgency
was still there, growing as the kiss deepened. Paige pulled him closer, her
hands gripping his hips — urging him closer.

“Easy.” Nate bit Paige’s jaw. “I’m setting the pace. Put
your legs around me. That’s right. Does it feel as good as you remember?”

“Better.” Paige ran one foot along his thigh. So strong. She
could feel muscles bunching, ready to spring. “This tickles.” She moved her
foot. “In a very, very good way.”

“Let me make it better.” Nate pulled his hips back. “Much,
much better.”

Paige saw stars. Beautiful and infinitely bright. Every
thrust Nate made brought them closer to exploding. No. Not the stars. She was
the one who was going to explode. She felt her skin begin to tingle. That white
hot intensity that started in her center and stretched throughout her body.

Paige reached. Reached for an ending all the while wishing
it would never end.

“Are you with me?”

Nate’s words returned her focus to him — to his face. His
expression. The need. The passion. Etched forever into her memory. This
gorgeous man. Mine. She cried out silently. All mine.

“Take me with you, Nate. I’m ready. Make me fly.”

Nate took her at her word. She flew into a million sparkling

“How will I ever find them all?” Paige whispered.

Nate’s breath was harsh, his face pressed into her neck. He
kissed her damp skin.

“I’ll help. What are you looking for?”

. Paige weakly lifted her hand, focusing on her
moving fingers. Solid. Whole. Puzzled, she wondered how that was possible. Was
it Nate? Had he held her together?

Paige felt a shift inside of herself. It was new and a
little scary. For so long she had kept her heart safe. It wasn’t difficult. She
had never met a man she could trust to keep it safe. Now, with so many
questions still unanswered, she gave it to Nate.

He might break it
. Yes. When Nate left. When he
returned to his life in Hollywood, Paige knew her heart would never be the
same. However, she knew that Nate’s actions would never be deliberately
malicious or cruel. He would regret leaving her.

Nate stated his intentions from the very beginning. Some
fun. No strings. No future. Paige went into this with her eyes wide open. He
didn’t try to make her fall in love with him. It wasn’t his fault that of all
the men she had met, he turned out to be the one with the key to unlocking her

Any pain. Any sense of loss would be on her. It was up to
her not to let him know. She didn’t want to saddle him with guilt. When Nate
left, Paige wanted him to leave with nothing but good memories. When he thought
of her — if he thought of her — she wanted him to think of her with a smile.

“Hey.” Nate pushed up on one elbow. “You didn’t answer. What
are you looking for?”

“Never mind.” Paige smoothed back the hair from his
forehead. “I already found it.”


NATE WAS SNAPPING his jeans when there was a discreet knock at
the door.

“Nate?” Travis called out. “Sorry to disturb you. There is a
man insisting on coming to the house. When I say insisting, I mean insanely
obnoxious. Do you want my guy to clear in Lyle Wilson?”


“Nate.” Paige laughed. She pulled on her boot, and then
unlocked the door. “Let him in, Travis.”

“Have you already forgotten your last encounter with that—”

“Neighbor? Whatever my personal feelings, Lyle has the ranch
next to ours. Dad has to deal with him. I don’t want to make it difficult.”

“That makes sense.” Nate frowned. He helped Paige on with
her jacket, kissing her softly. “I hate that.”

“Sense can be annoying,” she admitted. “Listen. I will never
date Lyle again. Or be alone with him. He crossed a line and there is no going
back. That doesn’t mean I have to be unfriendly.”

“You are a better person than I am, Paige. I would kick him
to the curb without a second thought.”

“No, you wouldn’t.” Paige took his hand. “Not if your
father’s best interests were at stake.”

“Again, I hate it when you make sense.”

They exited the barn just as Lyle’s truck rolled to a stop.
He was out of the cab and in front of Paige with more speed than Nate would
have thought him capable.

“Paige. Darling. I just arrived home and what was the first
thing I hear? An explosion involving your truck? Please tell me you weren’t

Lyle took her hands, trapping them between his. Nate let out
a low growl. Shaking her head at him, Paige tugged until she was able to free
her hands then quickly clasped them behind her back. Lyle looked like he wanted
to grab at them so she wasn’t taking any chances.

“I’m fine, Lyle. We both are.” Paige stepped closer to Nate.
“Thank you for your concern.”

Lyle barely gave Nate a glance, his focus on Paige.

“Has there been an investigation? Do the police know
anything? And why is the entrance to the ranch being guarded like a top-secret
weapons facility?”

Paige answered the slew of questions in order.

“There is an ongoing investigation. No news on that front.
As for the guards?”

“I brought them in.” Nate casually slipped an arm around
Paige’s shoulders.

The message was clear.
Mine. Back off
. Lyle’s eyes
narrowed, but he didn’t comment, choosing to ignore the gesture — and Nate.

“I’m relieved, Paige. I was sick with worry.” He looked
around the driveway. “What are you using to get around? It isn’t practical to
have only one vehicle. I’ll have one delivered first thing in the morning.”

“It’s already been taken care of,” Nate stated

“It has?” Paige asked. She had arranged to meet with an
agent from her insurance company, but that wasn’t until the end of the week.


“Okay.” Paige shot him a look, but he did his best stoic man
impression. “Thank you for the offer, Lyle. It was very generous.”

“Not that you would have accepted.” Nate pulled her closer.

“Exactly. I thought that was obvious.” As soon as they were
alone, Paige was going to stick her elbow in his ribs. Nate was acting like a
possessive caveman. It wasn’t a good look on him.

“To you. And to me. I think Lyle needed it spelled out.”


“Never mind, Paige. I dropped by to assure myself that you
were doing well.” Lyle reached for Paige, quickly drawing back his hand when
Nate pinned him with his sharp, blue eyes.

“That was very neighborly of you, Lyle. I’ll tell Dad you
were here.”

Paige shrugged off Nate’s arm the second Lyle’s truck was
out of sight.

“What the hell, Nate?”

“I was being protective.”

“Protective is one thing. Neanderthal Nate is another. Any
second I expect you to pound your chest. Me Nate. You Paige.”

“That’s Tarzan. You’re mixing your references.”

“And here’s another.
I want to be alone

“No you don’t.” Nate fell in step with her.

“Yes. I do.” Making good on her mental threat, Paige jabbed
him in the side. It was like hitting an iron wall. She poked again. “What are
you made of?”

“Snips and snails and puppy dogs’ tails?”

Damn, he was cute
! She couldn’t stay annoyed when he
said things like that.

“You went a little overboard, Nate.” Paige took his hand,
lacing her fingers with his. “Lyle got the picture when you put your arm around
me. Was the rest necessary?”

“Necessary? No. But it felt good.” Nate slowed the pace to a
stroll. “Lyle Wilson is a leach, Paige. He attaches himself and won’t let go.
It takes more than a gentle hint with a man like that.”

“Maybe.” Paige squeezed his hand. “Hey. What was all that
about a new truck? I didn’t order one?”

“I told you, I did.”

“It better be for you. Lyle isn’t the only one who can’t get
away with something like that. It’s too much, Nate.”

“Fine. You can use it while I’m here. I’ll sell it when I

When he leaves
. Paige felt it again. That sting near
her heart.
her heart. She didn’t have much time left with him. She
planned to enjoy every minute.

“That I can live with.”

“Are you sleeping with me tonight?”


“Good. Who knew torture could feel so amazing?”

Nate took her in his arms. His kiss held the promise of more
to come. Not tonight. Not in his bed. But soon. Often.

Paige molded herself to him. She would take what she could
get. For as long as she could get it.


LYLE WILSON SLAMMED the laptop onto the floor.

“I have no desire to watch Nate Landis do anything. Let
alone give a vanity interview. The man is a pumped-up heathen.
Why can’t we
kill him

Michael wisely refrained from pointing out that Lyle didn’t
kill anyone. He paid other people to do that for him. Taking his iPad from his
case, he pulled up the interview. He heard the screen on the laptop break. He
would salvage the information from the hard drive and buy a new one tomorrow.

“He’s too high profile. If you want to wait a few months, it
can be taken care of when he’s in California.”

“Oh, I want.” Lyle paced his office. “I want him to suffer.
I want you to film it.”

Michael let his employer rant. There was no way in hell he
would film anything. However, Lyle didn’t need to know that.

“He touched her.”

“You already knew they were lovers.”

Lyle plugged his ears. “No, no, no.” He stamped his foot. “I
don’t know that. You don’t know that. Nothing is certain. Like me, Paige has
particular tastes. If that idiot hadn’t screwed up, Landis would already be
dead. Why isn’t he dead?”

Michael sighed. It was like dealing with a petulant two year
old. Only he could send a child to his room. Lyle had too much money and too
volatile a temper to send him anywhere he didn’t want to go.

“This interview gives us the perfect way to get Nate Landis
to pull the security team and let down his guard. You want Paige Chamberlin?”

“Oh, yes. I do.”

“Have a little patience. From all reports, the movie is
ahead of schedule. Landis won’t stick around after they finish.”

“How long?”

“Two. Three weeks tops.”


Michael held his breath, expecting an argument. Lyle Wilson
rarely took advice. He didn’t like any idea but his own. If the money wasn’t so
good… Michael didn’t bother to finish the thought. The money
He couldn’t retire on what he had saved. One day he would have enough tucked
away and he would simply disappear. Until then, he did what he was told.

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