Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2)
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“Always,” Nate said emphatically. No glove, no love was
something his parents drilled into their sons’ heads from an early age.

“And healthy?”

“I’ve never even had a cavity.” Nate opened his mouth wide,
showing her his perfect pearly whites.

“No need to show off,” Paige laughed.

“I would never put you at risk, Paige.”

Paige felt warmth steal over her. The tone of Nate’s voice.
The truth in his clear, blue eyes. He was such a good man. Sexy and sweet.
Women who thought they liked the bad boy would change their tune in a flash if
they got a load of Nate.

“That’s all I needed to know. The rest is your business,
Nate. I would prefer you keep it that way.”

“Not a fan of kissing and telling?”

“God, no. Do you want to hear about my past sex life?
Admittedly, it isn’t as colorful or varied as yours, but it does exist.”

Nate frowned at the thought. Hearing about someone else’s
sex life could be fun. Hearing about Paige’s. No. No. And a big fat NO!

“How long do you need?” Nate was a fan of deadlines. When he
had a goal in his sights, he became more determined. “A week? Two? There is a
ticking clock, Paige. I won’t be here forever.”

It took a moment, but after a few seconds of silence, Nate
realized he had hit on the problem. Or at least, a big stumbling block.

“I’m not a blushing virgin, Nate.”

“Thank God. I don’t know what I would do with one.”

Paige laughed. “If you wanted her enough, you’d figure it

Nate pretended to contemplate the idea before smiling back.
“I like a challenge.”

“I’m not.” Paige sighed. “A challenge. I’m not trying to be
difficult. This isn’t me being coy. I don’t think I could if I wanted to.”

“Paige.” Nate put his hand over hers. He could feel the
nerves vibrating through her. “Games can be fun. I played them when I was
younger. I had more energy and a hell of a lot more patience back then. Now, I
prefer straightforward. I want you.”


“I’ll be here six, maybe seven weeks.”

“I know.”

Nate looked directly into Paige’s eyes. “I’m not looking for
anything long-term.”

Paige leaned closer, her gaze as steady as his. “Neither am


“So. We let nature take its course.”

Paige turned her hand so her palm met his, curving her
fingers. His hand was big and strong, calloused. She knew instinctively that
she could trust him to keep her body safe. Fleetingly, she wondered about her

“My nature says throw everything on the floor and have sex
on the table.”

The wild part of Paige’s nature wanted to shout,
. The practical part reminded her where they were.

“My dad is feeding the horses. He could walk in at any

Shit. Chuck
. Nate had completely forgotten about
Paige’s father. It was a testament to her growing appeal. He knew better than
to let his dick do the thinking. However, something about this woman made the
world narrow. When he talked to her, she was all he saw. It was exciting and
disconcerting all at once.

Nate fed Beauty the last bite of toast. She could barely
keep her eyes open. Swallowing, she rested her head on her paws and sighed. She
was warm, full, and knew with complete certainty that Nate would be there when
she awoke. With that last thought, she slept.

“What is this?” Paige ran her thumb over the braided band
that circled Nate’s wrist. “I noticed it before.”

“It’s a buddy bracelet.” Nate smiled. “A little boy who was
very sick visited the set of a movie I worked on. He was in a wheelchair
because he was too weak to walk, but his head was filled with dreams of being a

“It isn’t fair.” Paige squeezed Nate’s hand. “Children
shouldn’t get sick.”

“No,” Nate agreed emphatically. “I’ve worked with the
foundation before. Seeing a child like that never gets easier.”

“But you do it.”

“Could you say no?” When Paige shook her head, Nate nodded.
“I showed him and his parents around the set. God, he was bright, Paige.
Everything interested him and he had a million questions. By the end of the
day, he could barely hold his head up, but he left with a smile on his face. I
received the bracelet in the mail a week later with a thank you note.”

“What happened to the boy?” Paige’s throat felt thick with
the tears she wanted to cry for the little boy — for all the little boys and
girls. She had to ask even as she dreaded the answer.

“Complete remission.” Nate smiled. As good news went, it was
about as good as you got. “This bracelet stays put.”

“Are you superstitious, Nate?”

“No more than anyone else. However, why push my luck? Andy
is playing soccer this year for the first time and I plan on going to a game.
Hopefully, I’ll get to go every year for a long, long time.”

Later, Paige wondered what she would have said if her father
hadn’t chosen that moment to enter the kitchen. He broke the intense mood with
the rush of fresh air and cheery greeting. Grabbing a cup, Chuck poured himself
some coffee. He smiled at Paige but when he saw the puppy, he grinned.

“Who is that?”

Nate told Chuck the story while Paige cleaned up the
breakfast dishes. Her back to the men, she let her mind wander.

It wasn’t fair
, she thought, stacking the plates in
the dishwasher. The more she learned about Nate, the more she wanted to know.
In her experience, men became
interesting the longer she was around
them. Paige had the feeling that Nate Landis was a bottomless well of
interesting. Uncovering the layers would take years. Decades.
A lifetime

Where had that come from
? When she had told Nate that
she wasn’t looking for anything permanent, Paige had told him the truth. He
didn’t fit into her plans for so many reasons. Most importantly, Nate inhabited
a different world. Not just geographically.

His family. The money. Paige didn’t think he was a snob.
However, she didn’t know anything about Hollywood beyond the tabloid headlines
Entertainment Tonight
. They were not a fit outside of the here and
now. She would be a fool to think otherwise.

Paige knew what this was. Sex. Plain and simple. The
attraction was off the charts. It had been from the moment she laid eyes on
Nate. It was flattering to find out he felt the same. The important thing was
to never forget. Their time together had a ticking clock attached. When the
sand ran out of the hourglass, that was it.

No matter what, she would have to watch Nate walk out of her
life. The last thing Paige wanted was a lifetime of regret because she didn’t
act on her desire. Her choice was simple. Take what Nate had to offer or turn
her back on a passion she might never find again.

When put like that, the answer was amazingly easy. She would
jump. Eyes wide open.

“I need a shower.” Nate stood, cradling the sleeping puppy
in his good arm. “This girl needs to see a veterinarian. Is there a good one in
the area?”

“Dr. Mount,” Chuck said over the rim of his cup. “Paige
works with her rescuing horses and finding them homes. She specializes in large
animals, but I’m sure she’ll look at Beauty.”

“I’ll get her number later and set up an appointment. Right
now, we have people arriving at eight. There is prep I want to go over with
both of you.”

“If that little lady will let me, I’ll take her outside
while you shower. We don’t want her peeing in the house.”

The transfer from Nate to Chuck went without any fuss.
Beauty seemed content that she was in good hands, especially when Nate
whispered to her that he wasn’t going anywhere.

“Do you think she understood you?” Paige smiled.

“The words? No. I do think she knows the tone. She is a
sweetheart. If I ever get my hands on the asshole that left her to die, he
won’t be eating solid food for a month.”

Paige blinked in surprise. Nate came across as an easygoing
guy. Quick to laugh. Someone who let things roll off his back with little
worry. Yesterday was a perfect example. He had been thrown into the middle of
her father’s movie dreams and on top of that, had the directing job foisted
onto him.

The way he handled the inexperienced cast and crew made
Paige shake her head in wonder. He found a way to soothe nerves, tamp down some
cases of robust enthusiasm, and charm everyone. Nate managed all this while
somehow maintaining his role as leader and authority figure.

And Nate did all of that with good humor and charm.

That was why the steel in his eyes while he made the
matter-of-fact threat to Beauty’s previous owner sent a shiver down Paige’s
Holy shit
. Was it twisted that his alpha male chest pounding gave
her a sexual thrill? She had no idea. Nor did she care. This was one of those
layers she was peeling back and she liked what she saw. A lot.



Paige moved closer. Then took one more step until she could
feel the heat of his body. He smelled so good. Clean, male sweat. And Nate. It
was a heady combination. She put her hands on his chest, smiling when she saw
the spark her touch set off in his clear blue eyes.

“You said I would have to make the next move.”

“I remember.”

“Consider it made.”

Paige felt a flutter around her heart an instant before her
lips touched Nate’s. Nerves? Excitement? Anticipation? All of the above? Plus
that bit of the unknown. She was ninety-nine percent certain that this was a
good idea. That one percent worried her. As Nate pulled her close, Paige had a
fleeting thought.

What if my heart isn’t safe

She didn’t have time to worry about it. What Paige had
started, Nate had taken over.

This was no tentative ‘let’s try something’ kiss. Now that
Nate had her approval, he was all in.

“You taste like sweet honey,” Nate growled the words into
her ears.

Paige tipped her head, giving Nate access. She sighed.
had that spot become so sensitive?
She hated having her neck slobbered on.
However, what Nate did could never be called slobbering. Every touch of his
tongue sent tiny sparks through her body.

Unable to stand it a second longer, Paige threaded her
fingers through Nate’s impossibly soft hair, tugging until his mouth returned
to hers.

Paige felt as though she was discovering kissing for the
first time. Whatever it was she had experienced before, it was nothing like
this. Nate hadn’t invented it. However, he put a new spin on the activity that
put every other man to shame.

Not too hard. Firm. Commanding. Nate wasn’t afraid to take
what he wanted, yet he never made Paige feel like she wasn’t a full

“You make my head spin.” Paige opened her eyes to find Nate
looking at her. “You’ve had a lot of practice.”

“I was twelve years old when Maisie Plumber gave me my first
kiss. It’s been a favorite pastime of mine ever since.”

“Thank you, Maisie.”

Paige’s lips caught Nate’s one last time before she
reluctantly moved away. Touching him felt good. Too good. It wouldn’t take much
effort on his part to get her up those stairs and into her bedroom. Tempting.
However, this wasn’t the time or the place.

“That felt like an ‘I’ve made up my mind’ kiss.” Nate
smiled. He looked as happy about that as Paige felt. “What pushed you my way?”

“I like you. What?” Paige asked, laughing at the disgruntled
expression on Nate’s face.

“I hoped it was my overwhelming charisma and sexual

“Don’t be so needy.” Paige gave Nate a playful punch on his
rock hard abs. “You know your own appeal.” It screamed from every inch of him.

“My turn. What is that expression about?”

“It’s silly.”

“I’m a fan of silly.” Nate’s eyebrows lifted. “Tell me.”

Paige sighed. Nate was one of those people who wouldn’t let
something go.

“Let’s get one thing straight. I’m asking you this out of
curiosity. It isn’t a come on.”

“I thought I was curious before.”

“Remember,” Paige said.

“You aren’t coming on to me. Got it.”

God, this was embarrassing. Taking a deep breath, Paige
plunged forward.

“Would you lift your shirt?”

“My shirt?” The look Nate gave her was confused — and a
little intrigued.


“How can I say no when you ask so nicely? How’s that?”

Paige wondered if she had drool on her chin. That bit of
tanned skin that he exposed was better than she imagined it would be. She
wanted to beg for more.
Rip the shirt off
. Then she could fall to her
knees and lick every well-defined ridge.



“Say the word and I’ll show you every inch. Every long…”

? Paige’s chest heaved.


No fair. She couldn’t remember the last time she had long

Nate’s eyes lowered to his groin. Unable to resist, Paige’s
gaze followed.

“Very hard. Harder by the second.”

“You are a mean, mean man.”

“You started it,” Nate unnecessarily reminded her.

“I’m not the one who has to suffer with that thing.” Paige
nodded toward the straining zipper on Nate’s jeans.

Grinning, Nate shrugged. “I’ll take care of it in the
shower. Unless you would like to wash my… back?”

“Wait?” Paige held her hand to her ear. “Do you hear that? I
think my father is calling. Bye.”

The thought of Chuck was more effective than a bucket of
ice. Nate heard the door slam, signaling Paige’s exit. How the hell did that
woman scramble his brains to the point he forgot the possibility that Chuck
could interrupt them at any moment?

Lift your shirt
. Nate knew what she was up to as soon
as Paige asked. His body was his livelihood. It was up to him to keep it in tip-top
working condition. It was his instrument. His tool. Sometimes, his weapon. His
muscles had nothing to do with vanity and everything to do with giving himself
every advantage when doing his job.

BOOK: Dreaming With My Eyes Wide Open (Hollywood Legends #2)
8.55Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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