Dorthena (15 page)

Read Dorthena Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #fiction, #erotica, #paranormal, #violence, #bad language

BOOK: Dorthena
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Slowly she
walked down the stair case of her new home. They had moved in two
months ago. Thena was contented and happy. She walked into the
kitchen started breakfast, once she had it cooked her stomach
turned over and she wanted to throw up. She dumped the breakfast in
the garbage and walked towards the front door, out onto the porch
and smiled. A stream ran behind the cabin just thirty yards away,
it was not deep only a couple of inches but it were enough to

She felt a
slight pain and her tummy got hard. She thought a contraction well
it’s about time little one. Then Thena was hit with a severe pain
she cried out.

Ryker woke up
wondered what woke him he turned over and Thena was not in bed, she
must be up making breakfast. Then he heard Thena crying out. Ryker
rushed out of the bedroom pants in hand and down the stairs calling

Thena cried
out again and Ryker rushed out onto the porch. Thena’s water had
broken and there was blood. He quickly picked Thena up and rushed
her to the clinic ten minutes away. Once there Paige had Ryker put
Thena on the table. Ryker was asked to leave, an hour later Paige
came out. Thena is in labor if she doesn’t have the pup in the few
hours I will have to do a C section and deliver the pup. An hour
later Thena cried out and Ryker heard the pup crying. Ten minutes
later Paige came out, “the pup is a female and is doing just fine.
Thena needs blood transfusion and she needs it now. I have gotten
the bleeding stopped but need to replace the blood. I am going to
check her blood type then ask for donors. Two hours later Ryker had
given a pint of blood and so had Jake. Thena was resting
comfortably and smiled weakly when she saw her little female

When Thena was
sleeping Ryker asked about Thena having more pups. Paige had
recommended that she skip the next heat and not get pregnant after
that everything should be fine. She explained that the cord from
the mother to the pup had torn and that was why the bleeding. Once
it was removed the bleeding for the mother stopped. The pup was
fine because she had clamped off the cord to the pup in time.
Unfortunately by the time she had taken care of the pup Thena had
lost a lot of blood. Paige did a scraping of her uterus and she
would be perfectly fine. Ryker smiled lifted Paige up swung her
around and kissed her cheek. Paige laughed and Ryker walked in to
check on Thena she was a sleep he stopped at the tiny bed where his
daughter lay looking around and when her eyes settled on Ryker he
smiled. Her name was to be MaeSky. She looked like her mother her
hair was light her eyes at this time were blue like his. She was
beautiful. Ryker wanted to pick his daughter up, but instead
touched her tiny soft cheek. She was so small so warm, and so
beautiful. She smelled so sweet; his eyes took in all of her and
his heart burst with love for his daughter. Ryker thought what a
beautiful miracle.

Thena tried to
move and couldn’t, she was being held down by someone. Then someone
slapped her in the face, she cried. She was holding MaeSky to her
chest trying to protect her. The dream made her cry out in her
sleep for Ryker. Ryker was there telling her she would be fine and
MaeSky was fine. Thena smiled and slept peacefully.

Two days in
the clinic and twenty visitors later Thena was ready to spend some
alone time with her pup and her mate.

Ryker took her
out to there home, Ryker carried Thena things and baby gifts, into
their home. The phone rang and Ryker answered it. Thena smiled at
her desk that sat in the office as she passed it, Nigerian Ebony,
the wood was so black and beautiful. Thena went up stairs the ride
home had put MaeSky to sleep she gently placed her into the
bassinet her and Ryker had picked out. A crib was in the room as
well, but she would not be placed in the crib for another three
months. It was a one of a kind crib on sale and they purchased it
six months ago.

Thena moved
from the bassinet then she turned with a smile on her face towards
the door expecting to see Ryker standing there. Thena froze she
didn’t move, Seeker stood in the door way. He had a frown on his
face. “I finally found you Thena. It took me a while to find

Thena looked
at Seeker, “what are you doing here Seeker?”

Thena you know
damn well I’ve come for you!

“Come for me;
why?” Thena said with a frown.

“I love you
Thena and you’re going to be my mate. See I need a mate for my
alpha home and pack, you are perfect! I’ll even take our pup and
all Thena; I know the pup is mine Thena. I am not a fool look at
her she looks like you, her smile is like mine, the shape of her
eyes are like mine Thena. You didn’t have to hide her from me
Thena. I love her already I would have loved her when you told me
you were having my pup.

“Your crazy
Seeker, I can’t be your mate I am mated to Ryker! We have been
mated now for almost ten months. MaeSky isn’t you’re pup she
belongs to Ryker.”

laughed, “Don’t’ say I am crazy! You’re lying to me Thena, and you
had better be lying to me.” He back handed Thena across the mouth
and laughed even deeper.

“Where is
Ryker?” Thena reached out to Ryker mentally calling to him.

“Who the hell
is Ryker? Damn it; don’t tell me your damn fucking mate! You’re not
mated! You would never mate another and try to pass my pup off as
his! You got to damn much class for that shit. So your living here
a lone damn it!”

“Seeker go
back to your pack, fined a nice female, advertise for one at the
registry! You’re a smart guy, your sweet, kind, warm, and loving!”
Thena said with a small smile as she lied to him. Thena knew she
had to keep calm for her pups sake, losing her temper right now
could cost her not only her life but MaeSky’s as well. That price
was just too high! Some place back in her mind she heard a cat
voice say to her Karma is a bitch isn’t when it bites back! Is this
how she was going to pay for all the people she killed over the
years? To lose her life and her daughters; the thought disturbed
her deeply.

“Smile Thena
you’re so beautiful when you smile.”

MaeSky began
to cry; she felt her mother’s uneasiness and needed comforting!
Thena moved to the basinet smiled down at her daughter and picked
her up.”

“Good she is a
wake now we can leave. We are going back to my alpha house Thena. I
fixed it up real nice for you. The kitchen is nicely out fitted
with everything you will ever need! We can do up a nursery for our
daughter.” Seeker said with a smile. She is beautiful Thena! What
did you name her Thena?”

“Her name is
MaeSky, the Mae comes from my mothers name and Sky comes from then
she lied because of the blue of her eyes is like the sky out side.”
In truth the Sky came from Ryker’s mother’s name.

“I can’t go
with you Seeker, I can’t leave Ryker!” Thena once again called to
Ryker in her mind, what the hell is going on Ryker she screamed in
her mind.

Finally Seeker
had enough he walked up to Thena pulled a gun on her, “move out of
the room and down the hall, down the steps to the back yard, my
truck is parked half a mile from here down a path to the back of
the house. Don’t think I haven’t learned how to use a gun.”

Thena carried
MaeSky in her arms close to her chest she had to protect her at all
cost even the at the cost of her own life. She walked out the
bedroom door down the hall down the stair case out the back door of
the kitchen. She walked towards the path, walked careful not to
trip or fall with the pup in her arms. Tears began to fall down her
cheeks with each step. Thena screamed in her mind,” Ryker

Storm had been
out for a run and had come across a truck not far from Ryker’s
place. He called Ryker and they met where the truck was sitting
unattended and the two were talking about the vehicle. Ryker said
he didn’t know who owned the truck, but was concerned over it being
so close to his and Thena’s home. Ryker heard Thena in his mind and
he knew what was happening. He knew that Seeker was coming back to
his vehicle.

Ryker turned
to Storm, “Thena is in trouble Seeker has her. They are on their
way back to this truck coming down the path I took to get here. We
have to wait here; he can’t leave with my mate and pup.”

Storm nodded
his head, got under the truck reached up with a stick and pulled
several wires from the spark plugs; Ryker flattened two tires on
one side. They waited in the trees. When Ryker heard Thena scream
his name this time he answered. “I know baby keep coming towards
the vehicle Storm is with me. The vehicle won’t start two tires are
flattened, stay calm honey don’t do anything foolish!”

Thena looked
at Seeker with tears in her eyes, “Stop Thena,” she turned around
when she did Seeker slapped her hard across the face; her lips
split and began to bleed. “Stop your damn crying you’re more of a
woman then that.”

“I am sorry
it’s just my hormones are screwed up I can’t help it. MaeSky is
only two days old.”

Seeker slapped
her again this time harder and Thena went down with MaeSky in her
arms. When she fall she made sure she did not land on MaeSky. Thena
sat up looked at her daughter, she was not crying, it was as if
MaeSky knew to be silent at that moment.

“Don’t ever
back lip your alpha again Thena or you’ll get a hell of a lot worse
then a slap or two. Maybe a good beating with a belt will wise you
up? I should have raped you that day and tied you to the bed until
you agreed to be my mate. I won’t be a fool twice Thena.” Seeker
reached down and grabbed Thena by the arm and jerked her up, “walk
Thena down the path stop crying or so help me I will punch you next
time. Then I will carry you to the truck.”

Thena moved
down the path wiped her eyes of tears; she tried to keep pace up,
but not to fast, nor to slow. She didn’t want it to look like she
was in a rush, but was following Seekers orders.

Thena turned
to Seeker, “please let me go Seeker, you can find another female
who will love you in return.”

Seeker lost it
at that moment he struck out and Thena ducked, kneed Seeker in
front of his legs and tried to run. A shot went off the bullet hit
just a head of Thena on the ground and Thena stopped. Seeker walked
up to Thena and slapped her so hard her head snapped side ways and
down she went. Blood ran from her mouth and her nose. One eye was
hurting from a clip of one of Seekers finger nails. MaeSky began to
cry; she was crying hard, the poor pup was terrified. She wasn’t
hurt just scared. Her mother was in distress and she felt it, she
felt he danger.

Thena heard
Ryker, “just another twenty yards sweet heart come to me, don’t
anger him any more then he already is honey, now get up Thena
another twenty yards, I am waiting for you! Storm is working to get
behind Seeker so if you hear anything do not pay any attention to

Thena got up
off the ground she took her sleeve wiped away the blood from her
nose then pinched it tightly to stop the bleeding. She put her head
down and walked down the path. “That’s much better Thena, you will
be a lot happier if you just obey me, and after all I am your alpha
now!” Seeker said with a big smile. When they reached the truck he
pulled the keys out of his pocket, pushed the button to unlock the
doors. Thena walked over to a tree leaned against it and started
throwing up blood. The last fall she had not gotten hurt but she
didn’t feel well, MaeSky was crying, she pushed her top open and
put MaeSky’s lips to one of her nipples. MaeSky stopped crying.
Thena leaned over again and threw up some more. Seeker seeing her
sick laughed turned his back away from Thena.

Seeker went up against the truck the gun flew out of his hand
landing about six feet from Thena she moved over picked up the gun.
When Seeker came around he expected it to be Thena and was shocked
to see it was a male! The smile left his face and Ryker hit Seeker
so hard his head bounced off the truck window breaking it. Storm
rushed down the path and over to Ryker grabbing him by the arm that
was back and ready to swing a second time at Seeker, “Ryker stop!
We will let the authorities handle it.”

Ryker let
Seeker go and Ryker walked towards Thena, suddenly the gun she had
in her hand came up and was fired. Seeker dropped to the ground
with a gun in his right hand. Thena moved towards another tree and
threw up again. The blood from her nose had hit her stomach once
again and was causing her to throw up large blood clots. When Thena
stopped throwing up Ryker helped her up. MaeSky was wiggling to get
free of her blankets, but would not let go of her mother’s nipple
with her mouth. MaeSky had what she wanted and she was keeping it.
To MaeSky it was a lift line to her mother as long as that life
line was connected MaeSky was contented feeling secure in her
mother’s arms.

Seeker moaned
and Thena moved towards him, “let me see my daughter for the last
time Thena.”

Thena stood
there looking at Seeker trying to make a decision on telling him
MaeSky was not his or just say nothing. Finally Thena decided on
saying nothing he didn’t listen the first time he won’t listen a
second time. Thena leaned over so that Seeker could see MaeSky.
Then Seekers eyes glazed over from the death stare. Thena moved
away from Seekers body. Thena wept as she walked over to a near by
jack pine tree and sat down. Thena had enough of death, and killing
and others trying to kill her, she decided she was going to retire
once and for all, no matter what life would bring her now. She
cried for Seeker, she cried for herself, her daughter, and all the
misery she had felt in the past year.

Ryker stood
there starring at Thena, “was MaeSky Seekers daughter and not his
he wondered,” Ryker’s inner wolf growled and stated firmly “she is
ours and ours only.” Ryker growled “if she is ours then why did
Thena take our daughter over to let Seeker see her? Why had Thena
delayed and held back in the woods instead of following Seekers
orders and go directly to the truck, was it because he was waiting
for them?” Ryker stood across from Thena about ten feet away and
starred at her. Ryker’s mind was going in directions he hated to
admit it was going. Ryker couldn’t stop his mind from questioning
the child’s parentage.

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