Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (105 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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"So you
would have," Brice said. He opened the door to his bedroom and considered
his doll. "I've been looking forward to this, as well. Once we step
through this door, I will only be Master or Sir. You will not use my name
unless I tell you to say it. Do you understand?"

"I understand,
Master," Tebrimon said, dipping his head in acknowledgement.

Follow me, Tebri." The master bedroom was decorated in warm shades of gold
and turquoise, accented with black. Brice's bed frame—black—was composed of
clean sharp lines and featured a double row of square holes along the upper
edge of both head and foot-boards.

"Your room
is beautiful, Master," Tebri said, looking around as if he hadn't seen it

you." Brice's eyebrows quirked as he glanced at the doll, but he didn't discipline
him. "I want you to stand here, at the end of the bed, hands on the

Sir." The doll stepped up to the foot of the bed and put his hands on the
wood, his feet apart.

move. I will return shortly," Brice said, leaving his phone on the bed. He
headed for his bathroom, where he shed most of his clothes, then washed his
hands and face. He didn't return to the bedroom right away, pausing in his
walk-through closet to rifle through a short wooden armoire.

He chose
something that looked rather like a ruler made of black and burgundy leather
and fitted with a handle, a bottle of lube, a leather cock ring, and an item
that resembled a C-clamp that was missing a few vital parts. These he carried
out to his room, putting them down on the table beside his bed. Brice grabbed
his phone, opened Tebri's control app, and thumbed off the autonomy lock.
"There. Now we shall have some fun. Tebri? Stand up straight and remove
those shorts."

Sir," Tebri said, and obeyed. He left his shorts lying on the floor,
afterward, looking expectantly at Brice.

"Where do
dirty clothes go, boy?" Brice's nose wrinkled in distaste as he considered
the discarded garment.

"On the
floor with yours, Sir," Tebri
his eyes wide
and smile ingenuous.

not. Masters get to do as they please; their boys must do what is
Your error must be corrected. Turn around again, hands on the foot of the
bed." Brice picked up the leather paddle and pointed at the footboard.

Sir." Tebri's head drooped as he shuffled into place.

Now, I will give you a swat, and you will say 'Forgive me, Master Brice. Dirty
clothes go in the hamper,' afterward. Do you understand?"

Master." He looked out from under his lashes at the man. "Be gentle
with me, Sir."

What's the point of being gentle?" Despite Brice's
grumbled words, his first stroke was indeed gentle. He wanted to play, not
mindlessly damage something. If he wanted that, he could just go downstairs and
throw dishes.

me, Master Brice. Dirty clothes go in the hamper."

good. Again." The second blow was as light as the first, and landed on the
pale skin just above where he'd put the first.

Tebri wiggled
his toes and said, "Forgive me, Master Brice. Dirty clothes go in the
hamper." The doll actually sounded mournful.

Brice moved the paddle a little higher and delivered the third. By the time
he'd laid the paddle against Tebri's ass for the sixth time, he was beginning
to forget that the doll wasn't another human being.

good. Now, boy, what should you do with those shorts of yours?" Brice
crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.

"I should
put them in the hamper," Tebri said, lifting a hand from the bed frame and
beginning to turn. He caught himself, though, and put his hand down. "May
I, Sir?"

may." Brice nodded, watching as the doll picked up the shorts and carried
them over to the hamper. "Good boy. Come over here."

He walked
across the carpet to stand before Brice, his hands folded behind his back and
his face pleasantly expectant. "Sir?"

"Have you
ever tasted a man's cock before?"

Sir." His eyes were wide again.

"Get on
your knees, boy," Brice said, dropping the paddle onto his bed.

Tebri folded up and knelt before the man, his gaze still on Brice's face.
"Please, may I suck your cock?"

"I was
thinking about telling you not to speak unless spoken to. That, however, was
worth hearing." Brice pointed at his briefs. "Help me get these

pleasure," Tebri said, and reached up, hooking his index fingers into the
waistband. Brice helped by shifting his weight, and between the two of them,
the underwear was easily dealt with. "Would you like me to put these in
the hamper, Sir?"

"You're a
quick study, aren't you?" Brice cocked an eyebrow at him.

"I try,
Sir." Tebri gave him a cheeky smile and swung the briefs in a small
circle. "Will you give me instruction, or do I choose on my own?"

Brice simply watched
the doll, his hands on his hips. He'd unlocked Tebri's autonomy core for just
this reason; it was more fulfilling to interact with the doll than to merely
command and receive witless servility.

right, then," Tebri said, giving the briefs another swing and then letting
them go sailing away.

"On your
feet, boy," Brice said, turning and snatching up the paddle again.
"Get your hands back on the bed."

"But you
didn't tell me what to do!" Tebri said, getting to his feet. "How can
you punish me for that?"

"You made
the assumption that I would tell you to do anything other than put an item of
dirty clothing into the hamper," Brice said, pointing at the foot of the
bed. "If you do not immediately get yourself set up there, I will double
your discipline."

"But I
asked you what to do." Tebri's lower lip pushed out and his chin sank
toward his chest, giving Brice a soulful look. He moved toward the bed and took
hold of the frame, heaving a sigh.

"You can
pout all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that you were the one in
charge of the underwear. You should have known what to do,
what I had just told you—and that was?" Brice stood at Tebri's hip,
drawing the tip of the paddle up the backs of the doll's thighs.

get to do as they please; their boys must do what is proper," Tebri said,
still sounding sad.

good." A swat, this one a bit firmer than the first one Brice had given
the doll. "Repeat after me: I must not make assumptions, and I am sorry for
doing so."

"I must
not make assumptions, and I am sorry for doing so," Tebri said, shifting
his feet a little bit.

Another stroke,
Brice nodding. "Again."

"I must
not make assumptions, and I am sorry for doing so."

Another blow. Brice kept count of the recitations; when Tebri reached ten, he
pressed the flat of the paddle across the small of Tebri's back.

you, Sir." The doll remained in place, though he did glance at Brice.

"Stand up
and face me," Brice said, considering the doll. "What's this?"
He caressed Tebri's half-hard cock with the paddle, lifting the head of it.

"My cock,
Sir," Tebri said, his brow knitting as he looked at Brice.

"And what
is it doing?"


Brice let the
tip of the paddle drop, moving close enough that he could draw the side of his
index finger up the underside of Tebri's erection. "Why is your cock
getting hard, Tebri?"

Because I want to suck
cock, Sir, and the idea is, oh, it's so
nice." His expression was hopeful as he spoke. "May I? Please?"

"I think
you may, yes. On your knees again, boy. Look up here and put out your
tongue." Brice abandoned the paddle once more, waiting until Tebri knelt
before him. When the doll was ready, he rubbed the head of his cock across
Tebri's slick tongue, humming in approval. "How does it taste?"

"Kind of
salty, but I like it," Tebri said, then bit his lip and opened his eyes
wide. "Please, Sir? May I, now?"

"You want
it that badly?" Brice stroked himself a few times. "May you what? I
want to know
what you'd like."

"May I
suck your cock, Master?" Tebri's hands lifted toward his desired
then fell again. "Oh, please; please say

One last pass of his hand from base to head and Brice nodded. "All right,
you may. But only until I tell you to stop."

Thank you, Sir," the doll said, and leaned forward to lap at the head of
Brice's cock. He was awkward and enthusiastic, like a puppy; unlike a puppy,
however, his happy sloppy
licks turned into sucks and nuzzles
and even gentle nibbles.

Brice blinked
at Tebri, the sounds the doll made—slurps and hums, grunts and kisses—adding to
his arousal. He threaded his fingers through Tebri's hair, curling his hands
tight and letting his hips jerk forward as Tebri moaned around him. "Fuck,
yeah, that's it."

Tebri pulled
back from his task just long enough to say, "Oh, Sir, fuck my mouth; use
me, Master, please?"

"I'll use
you, boy," Brice said, grunting as Tebri's mouth engulfed the head of his
cock once more. His hands kept Tebri's head still as he began to thrust into
the slick wet heat that surrounded him, the familiar tingle of pleasure running
over his skin to pool in his belly, the small of his back, the backs of his
knees. Just as he was on the brink of orgasm, he gave the doll a rough push and
stepped backward, panting. "Enough."

"I'm so
sorry, Sir!" Tebri threw himself to the floor, hands stretched out toward
Brice's feet. "I'm sorry I'm not—"


He looked up, his eyes wide and a hint of hope in his expression.

"Sit up
and look at me." Brice made a little 'go on' gesture with his hand.

The doll did as
he was told, revealing reddened, slightly swollen lips and a fully erect cock.

boy," Brice said, with a nod. "When you displease me, I say so. Did I
say anything just a moment ago?"


Which means that you did something I just told you not
to do.
Do you know what that is?"

"I... made
an assumption?" Tebri lowered his head and looked remorseful. "I'm
sorry, Master."

"You'll be
sorrier yet, Tebri. On your feet."


"Now, I'm
going to punish you a little differently, this time," Brice said, heading
for the table beside his bed. There, he picked up the cock ring and held it up.
"Come over here." When Tebri was close enough, he put the ring on the
gave him a few brisk strokes. "Does
that feel good?"

"Yes, Sir.
Every touch of your hand is so good."

Hand me the paddle." Brice pointed.

"Here you
are, Sir," Tebri said, doing as he was bid.

you. Now, turn back the covers, boy, and make yourself a stack of pillows. I
want you face down over them, with your ass in the air. Do you understand

Master. Right away." Tebri carefully, almost reverently, folded the
bedding down to the foot of the bed,
arranged the
pillows just-so. Once he was in place, he turned his head to look at Brice.
"I know I must not make assumptions, and I am sorry for doing so,

"I'm sure
you are." He picked up the oddly-shaped toy and the bottle of lube,
hitched himself up onto the bed to kneel behind the
doll. "Hold still, boy."

course, Sir." Tebri laced his fingers together and closed his eyes,
waiting for whatever Brice would do next. His eyes opened again as a cool
slippery finger slid up and down between his buttocks.

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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