Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (104 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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“Matt,” Cam
the tendons in his neck in stark relief against his
skin as he tipped his head back on the pillow. “Will you shut up and just fuck
me already?”

Matt eased his
fingers from Cam and grabbed the condom, ripping the packet open with his teeth
and removing the thin sheath of latex. He slid it down his painfully hard
length and liberally coated his shaft with more lube. “How do you want to do
this?” His hands caressed the insides of Cam’s thighs. “Do you want to roll

“No,” Cam tossed
his head from side to side on the pillow. “I want to see you. I want to see
your face when you’re fucking me.”

“Jesus, Cam,”
Matt groaned, pushing Cam’s thighs open and back, lining his cock up with the
loosened opening. “I’m gonna come before I get inside if you keep talking like
that.” He gasped and his eyes widened as he watched the head of his cock
disappearing inside Cam. It was so tight and hot that as soon as he’d pushed
through the ring of muscle, it seemed as though Cam sucked him in. He panted
harshly through his lips, trying to stop himself from just falling into the wet
heat. “Cam—.” He looked up Cam’s body and into those ice blue eyes. “Oh God,
Cam,” he moaned. Cam’s eyes had darkened to the color of the sea on a cold
winter’s day, his pupils almost totally blown. His head was thrown back against
the pillow and his hands were curled into fists as he hung onto the sheets
beneath him. “Wow… you look amazing.”

“You gonna talk
all night big man?” Cam ground out, gasping as Matt pushed in a little more.
“That’s it, baby. You know you want this ass… fucking
it.” His lips parted and he pulled the lower one between his teeth. “Oh, God,
Matty, that’s it. All the way. Wanna feel all of you.”

Matt leaned
down for a kiss and the same time as thrusting his tongue between Cam’s lips to
meet his, he slammed into Cam up to the hilt, the feel of his balls slapping
against Cam’s ass sending shockwaves up his spine. “What? Okay?” Cam’s hands
had flown from the sheets beneath him to grasp at Matt’s forearms, his blunt
nails biting into Matt’s flesh. “Cam?”

stop—don’t you fucking stop! Do that again, Matty—fuck!”

“Did I just?”
Matt’s heart beat was throbbing in his cock, engulfed in the tightness of Cam’s
channel. He rolled his hips again and elicited an almost animalistic groan from
Cam. “Right there?”

“Yes… good… so
good. Harder, Matty… harder!”

Taking his
weight on his hands, Matt began to thrust in earnest, setting up a punishing
pace. Urged on by Cam’s whimpers until all he could hear was the sound of his
name falling from Cam’s
and his own harsh
breaths as they echoed around the room. He cried out when Cam’s legs wound
around his waist, pulling him in even deeper and his orgasm tingled in his
spine, setting his nerve endings alight and drawing his balls up tight. “Cam…
I’m gonna—.”

“Me too,” Cam’s
fingers curled around his own shaft and he jerked himself furiously in time
with Matt’s thrusts. “Do it… Matty. Now… oh God… Matty, I’m coming!”

Matt’s hips
pumped faster, chasing his release as he watched the second hottest thing he
had ever seen—the sight of Cam jerking himself off while he fucked him. Moments
after Cam spilled between them, hot, white streams up his stomach and chest,
Matt’s own orgasm was pulled from him when Cam’s ass pulsed around him. His
hips lost all rhythm as he shot his load into the condom, hot bursts flowing
from him and into the wet heat that surrounded him. Into Cam.

He grabbed the
end of the condom and pulled out as gently as he
pressing kisses onto Cam’s chest at the man’s protest. “I’m sorry, baby,” he
murmured, stripping off the condom and tying it before tossing it into the
trash can beside the bed and leaning down to pick up his discarded T-shirt. He
quickly wiped them both clean and then collapsed onto the mattress beside his…
his what? His best friend? His lover? What were they now? Or would what they’d
just done kill whatever they had been?


So here they
were. Matt lay awake watching the shadows from the tree outside play across the
ceiling, with Cam curled around him, his dark head on Matt’s shoulder and his
arm draped across Matt’s waist.

He sighed and
shifted his weight slightly against the mattress, trying to get comfortable. It
was already after two in the morning and he had to pick Angie up at nine, so he
really should get some sleep.
Oh fuck! Angie!
He looked down at Cam and
swallowed hard.
Oh fuck! Teresa!

“Do we actually
get to bask in the afterglow of the best sex ever, or are you going to over
think it to death and ruin the moment?”

Matt started at
the sound of Cam’s voice and he cursed beneath his breath. “I thought you were
asleep. You scared the shit out of me.”

Cam pushed
himself up on one elbow and reached across Matt to turn the bedside lamp on.
The room was lit with a warm subtle glow and he rested his head on his hand,
gazing down into Matt’s eyes. “Okay, let’s do this now, or you’ll never get to

“Do what?”

everything. You know how you like to pigeon-hole everything,” Cam’s tone was
teasing, but his eyes were deadly serious. “You’ve spent the last half an hour
analyzing every look, kiss and touch. And I know you won’t be able to sleep
until we’ve talked it out.”

Matt rolled his
eyes and scrubbed a hand over his face. “I hate how fucking well you know me,

“I know.” Cam
leaned down and captured Matt’s lips in a gentle kiss. “You first.”

“We just had
sex, Cam.”

“I know.”

“You and me.”

“I know.”

“How can we go
back to what we were? Knowing that… you know.”

Cam tilted his
head and shrugged. “I don’t think we can go back to what we were. I think we
both knew that the moment we walked up the stairs.”

“So I guess
there are only three options then,” Matt said softly, gazing up into Cam’s blue
eyes. “I mean, as I see it that is.”

“I know,” Cam
replied, nodding his head in understanding. “We can blame it on the
pretend it never happened and file it under things
never to be spoken of again.”

“Or we can
blame it on the beer and are unable to pretend it never happened and drift
apart and lose the last twenty years,” Matt murmured, lifting his hand and
stroking his fingers down Cam’s cheek.

Cam captured
Matt’s hand and pressed his lips to the palm. “Or we could always freak the
shit out of everybody and go for what’s behind door number three.”

A kaleidoscope
of butterflies in Matt’s stomach suddenly woke up and fluttered their wings.
“What’s behind door number three?”
Oh God, please let him say it!

Cam closed his
fingers around Matt’s and shrugged his shoulders, his answer simple and without
hesitation. “You and me.”

Letting out the
breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding, Matt closed his eyes. “Oh
,” he groaned, curling his other hand around Cam’s neck and
pulling him down so that their foreheads rested against each other. “You have
no idea how much I wanted to hear you say that. I wasn’t sure—.”

“Idiot,” Cam
smiled, snuggling down against Matt’s chest and burrowing into his embrace. “As
if there was ever any other choice. Isn’t that the way it’s always been?”

“What?” Matt
kissed the smooth skin of Cam’s forehead.

“Cam and Matty
against the rest of the world.”


Author bio:
Lisa is a single mother of two small
children and has been writing in one form or another since she had to attend
the Head Teacher’s office for her first gold star in composition. She lives in
the seaside town of Leigh on Sea in Essex and tries valiantly and usually
without much success to balance her children, a part-time job and writing
within the twenty-four hours that there are in a day and she is currently
petitioning for a few extra to be added. She’s an incurable romantic at heart
and loves the feeling of bringing together two people who are meant to be, even
if it is only in her stories.

Lisa Worrall Author



by Dreamspinner:




from the Past

by Silver:

Nanny for Nate

the Dream (release date 17 September 2011)


Wright – GONE TO PIECES (Sci-Fi/Mild BDSM)

Selected by Connor

Dear Author,

It seems it’s this
little sex dolls first day in his new home and he came in pieces. I'd love hear
how he gets trained. ;)

[PHOTO: On a dark cloth, pieces of a lovely
pale-skinned male mannequin lie beside a pair of scissors. The torso is
slender, cut off at an angle at the hips. One hand has an attached arm, one
doesn't, and they both look like right hands. The dark-haired severed head
stares up with a quizzical expression.]

PS. I love, love, love
toy play and BDSM so if you're so inclined to add some I'd be all to happy.

This is my first post
here so I hope I've done it correctly. ^^



futuristic, sci-fi/speculative

D/s, toys, spanking, oral

mild BDSM: primarily domination
and submission with spanking, a little rough oral, and orgasm control. No
humiliation/extreme pain, though.



by Connor Wright

Brice Fulton
very carefully did not slam his front door. He closed it firmly and locked it,
then deliberately set his briefcase down beside the console table, onto which
he placed his keys. Kneeling in the middle of the hall, just the other side of
the table, was his latest acquisition.

evening, Master Brice," Tebrimon said. The doll—a Cygeneering Systems
Series K2000 Philodoll, guaranteed to never complain when stashed in a closet
for months at a time—was a treat to look at. He was beautifully made; his
flawless skin--smooth and pale as ivory--contrasting nicely with his dark hair.
He was a treat in the more conventional sense of the word, too: Brice had
chosen to wait until tonight to begin playing with his new toy.

"It is not
a good evening, yet," Brice said, removing his jacket and hanging it up.
"But it will be, very shortly."

"I will
listen to your troubles, Sir." Tebrimon tilted his head just a little, an
attentive expression on his face.

"No, you
won't. They're boring and consist primarily of 'other people's failure to plan
ahead does in fact constitute an emergency on my part which is unfair and my
boss is a jackass'." Brice loosened his tie and grumbled at his
reflection. "I love my job—and being out and proud is actually an asset in
being a GLBT-policies consultant to Human Resources departments—but gay, bi, or
straight, a jackass is a jackass. And that is all I will say about that,
because I am hungry. To the kitchen with you, Tebri, and I will instruct you

course, Sir." Tebrimon rose smoothly to his feet, turning with fluid grace
before padding off in the direction of Brice's kitchen.


Brice sighed, after finishing his repast, "that was a lovely start. Now,
Tebri, I want to go play."

Tebrimon smiled
at the word
folding his hands together. "Oh, Sir, I have been
waiting to hear you say that all week."

you?" Brice raised his eyebrows, putting his wine glass down and getting
to his feet. "Come along."

"You put
me across from what you called your toy box, Sir; I had plenty of time to
reflect on the uses to which your other toys might be put." He followed
the man down the hall, up a flight of steps, and stopped when Brice did.

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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