Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (106 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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A little more
lube on his finger, then Brice pushed it into the doll. Since he wasn't ready
to fuck Tebri, he didn't spend much time stretching him. "Spread your
legs, Tebri. I want to see where I'm going."

Tebri said, promptly pulling his knees up on either side of the stack of

"Mm. Yes,
." Brice loved the way Tebri looked: exposed,
. The soft silky skin was irresistible; he ran his hands
up over the doll's ass and back to his shoulder blades. Straightening up, he
picked up the toy and slicked lube over the upper curve of it. "Now, tell
me if this is uncomfortable for you in any way."

Sir," he said, letting his eyes fall closed again as something cooler and
larger than Brice's fingers slowly, steadily pushed into him. Tebri relaxed,
making an inquisitive sound as the thing was taken away.

get everything you deserve, boy," Brice said, dripping a little more lube
on the toy. He pressed the tip of it against Tebri, and with one long steady
push he seated it in place.

"Ah, oh
Sir, that's in—" Tebri's head moved and he moaned as Brice pressed down on
the thing inside him.

"It's in
what, Tebri?" He suspected that it was "in just the right
place", but he wanted to know.

"In a good
place, Sir," Tebri panted, lifting his hips just a little. "Oh Sir,
oh it feels so
" He moaned again, Brice pushing on the toy
once more.

Reaching under Tebri, he made sure the bottom curve was pressed up against the
doll's perineum,
pressed the button in the tip.

Tebri's head shot up, his hands spreading out flat on the mattress. "Oh,
it's buzzing inside me and oh, Sir, it's

supposed to be lovely," Brice said, smiling as he slapped the outside of
Tebri's right hip. "I want you to get those knees together, now,

Tebri waited
until Brice had moved, then brought his knees together tightly. The vibrations
against both spots intensified a little, topped off with a pleasant tickling
between his buttocks. "I like this punishment, so far."

"Do you?
Hm." Brice slipped off the bed, giving Tebri another swat as he went.
"Stay put, pretty boy. I'm going to go get something I forgot." He
waited for the doll's acknowledgement,
strode off
to the closet. He retrieved a larger paddle, twice as wide as the first and a
couple of inches longer, made of the same wicked black and burgundy.

Tebri wiggled, tightening his muscles and humming as the ripples of pleasure
grew stronger for a few moments before he relaxed.

"I am
right here, Tebri," Brice said, as he returned to his bed. He put the big
paddle on the edge of the mattress,
picked up the
smaller one. "Since you already know what you've done, you may meditate
upon it in silence while I discipline you."

Sir." Tebri took a deep breath and let it out, trying to shift his weight
as subtly as he could.

moving already?" He ran the end of the paddle up the backs of Tebri's
thighs and across his buttocks. "I haven't even started."

"My cock
is so hard, Sir, and I was just trying to get comfortable," Tebri said,
shifting back.

"Well, do
your best to stay still." And with that, Brice delivered his first stroke.
It was the firmest yet, the leather smacking crisply across Tebri's backside
and leaving a stripe of skin turning pink in its wake.

"Ah! Oh,
I'll try, Master." He folded his arms and lowered his head as the second
stroke landed below the first, the impact jostling the toy; the resulting touch
against his prostate made him suck air between his teeth.

Brice moved the
strap up and down as he struck Tebri, making sure that he warmed
all of the doll's
backside. When he thought Tebri was ready,
Brice set the small paddle aside and caressed the curves of Tebri's ass.
"Does it still feel good, boy?"

good," Tebri said, nodding eagerly. "Oh so very good, and it's making
me get the pillow all wet under me."

making a mess?" Brice prodded Tebri's hip. "Turn over. Let me

"Not on
purpose!" The doll rose to his hands and knees, tilting to his right so
Brice could see his flushed cock and the wet spot on the pillow where the head
of it had been resting.

"Show me
how this came to be," Brice said, pointing at the fabric.

this, Sir," Tebri said, reaching behind himself and rocking the vibrator
back and forth. He squeaked with each touch, precome beading at the tip of his

enough. Return to your former position."

Sir." Tebri flopped down into place once more, a whimpery little sound
escaping him as his hot cock touched clammy fabric.

knees together," Brice said, giving him a slap on the ass.

The vibrations intensified for the split second of the impact, then faded as he
pressed his legs together.

"Now for
the next portion of your punishment, boy." Picking up the larger paddle,
Brice considered Tebri, admiring the contrast of pink and porcelain skin. The
difference between Tebri's pale skin and the colors of the paddle was enough to
elicit a twitch from his own flagging hard-on and he smiled.

Tebri yelped as
the first blow came, the sting of it prickling across his skin while the thud
jarred the toy and pushed the end of it against his prostate.

Brice gave
Tebri a few seconds,
dealt him another stroke,
mostly below where the first had landed. Another yelp. He'd set Tebri's pain
thresholds squarely in the middle, for the moment, giving them the opportunity
for a nice lengthy scene. Brice also knew that if the doll was truly
approaching his limits, Tebri would use his safeword.

The sting-thud
combination drove another little cry from him, the pain fading into pleasure in
the space that Brice gave him. Between the blows and the vibrations, he was
more than ready. "Sir, Sir, oh please, I need to come."

you." Brice gave him a fourth stroke.

"Yes, I
do," Tebri said, flexing his toes and fingers alike. "Please,

"Take what
you're due and we'll see," Brice said, sliding the paddle across Tebri's
backside before he dealt him another blow.

Tebri whined as
the sensations surged through him. "I will, I'll take it all, just let me
come, please Master...."

Brice shook his
head and reached over, grabbing a handful of Tebri's hair and tugging.
"Look at me, boy." When the doll's gaze met his own, he raised his
brows. "You'll come when I say, because I am your Master. I
you. I own your orgasm, too. You're to recite the following: 'My Master owns
me; I may not come without his permission.' Do you understand?" He
punctuated his words with sharp little shakes of his hand.

"Yes, yes,
I do," Tebri said, folding his hands around Brice's wrist and gazing up at
him. He just held the man's arm, rather than trying to get him to let go.
"You are my Master."

right." Brice tugged at Tebri's hair again, pressing his legs right up
against the side of his mattress. The knowledge that he really did
the doll helped restore his softening erection. "I own you, and I want you
over here, now. I want to fuck that pretty mouth of yours again."

The doll shoved himself over, then propped himself up on his elbow so his mouth
was at just the right height.

"Suck it a
little, first," Brice said, rubbing the head of his cock over Tebri's
lips. It would be another test of his self-control, but he'd managed before.

Tebri said, and smiled as he fell to with the same delight as he had the first
time. When Brice's free hand curled into his hair, he hummed around the shaft
and relaxed as the man began to thrust.

"I like
fucking your mouth, boy," Brice grunted, rocking into the moist heat.
"Fucking perfect." He gave himself over to the pull of pleasure for a
once again ended things by stepping
abruptly backward.

Tebri licked his lips as he waited.

"Back on
those pillows, Tebri." He picked up the larger paddle once more.
"You've still got something to recite to me. Do you remember what it

Master," Tebri said, draping
over the
pillows again, squeaking as the cold wet spot touched his skin. "My Master
owns me; I may not come without his permission."

exactly right. Good boy. It will be like the first time I made you recite; I
will strike you, you recite, and we will see if you deserve a reward at the end
of it."

understand, Sir," Tebri said, settling into a comfortable position. He
kept his knees together and put his head down, his fingers folded together once

"Then I'll
start now." Brice brought the paddle down against Tebri's ass, smiling a
little at the sound the doll made as it landed.

"My Master
owns me; I may not come without his permission," Tebri recited, promptly
if a bit breathlessly.


Brice gave
Tebri five strokes,
simply pressed the leather
against bright pink skin. "Enough, boy. Now all I want to hear is how good
you feel."

That was all Tebri had time to ask before Brice began striking him again. The blows
were as firm as all that had come before, but there was no pause between them.
One stroke blended with the next; each one brought a wave of prickly stinging
and a wave of ecstasy. The combination overrode almost all of the commands he'd
been given and Tebri began to move, just a little.

it," Brice murmured, after a half-dozen strokes. Tebri was wiggling,
gasping and squeaking and groaning under the stimulation.

Another six
strokes. Tebri squirmed, panting, sweat and tears running down his face as
desperation began to take hold of him. "So good," he managed, his
voice rough, "Master, please, it's
good, Sir...."

"You want
me to let you come?" Brice gave him two last strokes, the hardest yet,
dropped the paddle on the floor. "I want to fuck

"Yes! Yes,
Sir, fuck me, fuck me, please!" Tebri wriggled, crying out as Brice
climbed up behind him and poked the toy.

"Beg for

The word was half air, Tebri's tone verging on agonized. He shuddered as Brice
touched the vibrator again, his throat squeezing tight. "Master, please.
Fuck me, fuck your boy, he needs it so badly. Oh
, please, use my
ass, fuck it hard and come inside me, Master. Please fuck me, please fuck me,
fuck me,

"Show me
your cock." Brice stroked
his own,
just a few
times, nodding as Tebri rolled over onto his back. The doll's cock was dark,
the head of it shiny with precome; Brice revised his plan just a little bit.
"Good. Get things rearranged, boy, so I can fuck you when I'm ready."

Tebri made a
noise of assent, swiped moisture from his face,
set about his task. When he was done, he
on his
back, his hips raised on a couple of pillows and his legs spread. "Sir,
Master, is this good?"

Brice said, but instead of withdrawing the toy, he lowered his head and licked
up the underside of Tebri's shaft. He tongued the little depression at the
head, then sucked it into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it.

The word was a hoarse shout, Tebri's fingers clutching at the sheet beneath
him. When Brice pushed up on the vibrator, he cried out. "Fuck me!

"Tell me
who you want fucking you." Brice sat up and began looking for the lube.

"I need my
Master to fuck me," Tebri said, rolling his hips and groaning as the toy
hit him just right. "I need my Master inside me, owning me, fucking me.
Need to be used, fucked; need to be my Master's good boy, need my Master's come
inside me, need to make my Master feel so good...."

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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