Do Penguins Have Knees? (39 page)

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Authors: David Feldman

BOOK: Do Penguins Have Knees?
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Dinner plates

repositioning of

round shape of

Dirt, refilling of, in holes

Disc jockeys and lack of song identification

“Discussing Uganda,” origins of term

Dishwashers, two compartments of

Disney cartoon characters

Donald Duck


Mickey Mouse

Disposable lighters, fluid chambers of

Distilleries, liquor, during Prohibition

Ditto masters, color of


Dixieland music at political rallies


DNA, identical twins and

Doctors, back tapping of

Doctors and bad penmanship

“Dog days”


barking, laryngitis in

black lips of

body odor of

cavities and

circling before lying down

crooked back legs of

Dalmatians and firefighting

drooling in

eating cat feces

eating posture of

head tilting of

lifting legs to urinate in


poodles, wild

rear-leg wiggling, when scratched

“sic” command

sticking head out of car windows in

wet noses

Dollar sign, origins of

Dolls, hair of

Donald Duck, brother of

Donkey Kong, origins of

signs, lack of apostrophes in


double, in stores

knobs versus handles on

opening orientation of, in buildings

shopping mall entrances

signs, in stores



Dots on cue balls, in pool

Double doors in stores



Double-yolk eggs


tissues and handling in stores

origins of holes in

Downhill ski poles, shape of

Dr Pepper

origins of name

punctuation of

Drains, location of bathtub

“Draw a Bead,” origins of term

Dreams, nap versus nighttime

Drinking glasses, “sweating” of

Dripless candles, whereabouts of wax in


Driveways, driving on, versus parkways

Driving, left- versus right-hand side

Drooling, dogs and

Drowsiness after meals

Drugstores, high platforms in

“Dry,” as terms for wines



garment labels and

One Hour Martinizing

raincoats and

Dryers, hand

in bathrooms

“off” switches


lakes and ponds and

on Cadillacs

Duels, timing of

Dugouts, height of


“Dumb [mute],”


Dust, ceiling fans and





as school grade

on eye charts

“Eagle [golf score],”

Earlobes, function of


Earrings, pirates and


hairy, in old men

popping in airplanes

ringing, causes of

Earthworms as fish food


chocolate bunnies and

dates of

ham consumption at

“Easy as pie,”

Eating, effect of sleep on


Ebert, Roger, versus Gene Siskel billing of

Egg, versus chicken

Egg whites and copper bowls


color of


hard-boiled, discoloration of

meaning of grading of

sizes of

“Eggs Benedict,”

“Eighty-six,” origins of term

Elbow macaroni, shape of

Elderly men

pants height and

shortness of

Elections, U.S.

timing of

Tuesdays and

Electric can openers, sharpness of blades on

Electric drip versus electric perk, in coffee

Electric perk versus electric drip, in coffee

Electric plug prongs

holes at end of

three prongs versus two prongs

Electricity, AC versus DC

Electricity, static, variability in amounts of


disposal of remains of

jumping ability of

Oakland A’s uniforms

rocking in zoos

Elevator doors

changing directions



overloading of

passenger capacity in

“Eleventh hour,”

Emergency Broadcasting System length of test

“Emergency feed” on paper towel dispensers

Emmy awards, origins of name

English, driving habits of

English horn, naming of

English muffins

in England

white particles on


Christmas cards, paper bands on

colored stickers on

computer scrawls on

red letters on back of

return windows on

size of, in bills

Escalator knobs, purpose of


green lights on

rail speed of

Evaporated milk

refrigeration of

soldered cans and

Evolution, loss of body hair and

Exclamation marks in telegrams


autopsies after

hours of

signs at railroad crossings

Expiration dates

on bottled waters

on fire extinguishers

on toothpaste

Exposures, number of, in film

Exterminators, hard hats and

Extremities, wrinkles on

Eye chart, E on

Eye closure during kissing

Eyeglasses and nerdiness


bags under

floaters and

pain, when tired

position, during sleep

rubbing of, when tired

sneezing and




Fading, causes of

Fahrenheit scale

increments in

zero degrees, meaning of

Fainting and women, lessening of

signs, purpose of

Falsetto voices

techniques for men producing

women’s inability to produce

“Fan [loyal partisan],”

Fan speeds, order of

Farm plots, circular shape of

Fast-food restaurants, dessert and

Fat people and alleged jolliness

Fathers, new, passing out of cigars and

Fats, on nutrition labels

Faucets, water

“FD&C,” meaning of, on food and shampoo labels

Federal Express, hours of employees of

Feet, swelling in airplanes of

Fences, height restrictions of

Field goals, measurement of

Fifty-five mph

reasons for speed limit of

speedometers and

Fighting Irish, Notre Dame and

Figure skating and dizziness


“Filipino,” spelling of


countdown leader on

measurement of, in millimeters

number of exposures in

prints, after theatrical runs

wagon wheels in, movement of

width of

X- and XXX-ratings

Filters, cigarette, brown spots on

“Filthy lucre,”

“Fin [five-dollar bill],”


biting of

growth of, versus toenails

growth of, after death

lunula on

yellowing of, and nail polish

Fingers, length of


Fire, crackling sound of

Fire extinguishers, expiration date on

Fire helmets, shape of

Fire hydrants

freezing of water in

shape of valve stems of

Fire trucks, roofs of

Firearms, confiscated, after arrests

Fireplaces, rain in

First basemen, ball custody of, in baseball

First class mail, priority mail versus


biting in rain

eating preferences

fear of, in aquariums

floating upon death

pebble spitting

return to dried-up lakes and ponds

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