Read Do Penguins Have Knees? Online
Authors: David Feldman
Farook Taufiq, Prince Company; Dr. Kristin Thelander, University of Iowa; Susan Tildesley, Headwear Institute of America; Fran Toth, Cadillac Motor Car Division; Constance Townsend, U. S. Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association; Jim Trdinich, National League; Ray Tricarico, Playtex International.
Mary Ann Usrey, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
John Veltman; Carolyn Verweyst, Whirlpool Corporation.
A. R. Ward, Railroadians of America; Pat Weissman, American Association of Railroad Superintendents; Richard Williams; Bruce Wittmaier; Peter Wulff,
Home Lighting
YKK Inc.
Caden Zollo, The Specialty Bulb Company, Inc.
Actors, speed of speech of
Address labels on magazines
Airlines, inflation of oxygen masks on
Appendix, function of
April 15, as due date for taxes
Area codes, middle digits of
Audiotape recorders, play and records switches on
holes in ceiling of
key release button on
“new car smell,”
rear windows of
weight of batteries
Baby shrimp, peeling and cleaning of
Badges, marshals’ and sheriffs’
Balsa wood, classification as hardwood
Banana peels as slipping agents
dugout heights
home plate, shape of
“K” as symbol for strikeout
pitcher’s mound, location of
Baseball cards
wax on wrappers
white stuff on gum
Batteries, automobile, weight of
Bazooka Joe, and eye patch
Beer in Old West
Belly dancers, amplitude of
Bicycles, clicking noises of
Bingo, origins of term
Binoculars, adjustments for
coloring of
migration patterns of
sleeping habits of
Blacktop roads, lightening of
Blue plate specials, origins of
Blushing and feelings of warmth
Boeing model numbers
Boots on fenceposts
Brain, percentage of use of
Bridges vs. roads, in freezing characteristics
Bubble gum
baseball card gum
Bazooka Joe’s eye patch
bubble-making ingredients
flavors of
Bulbs, light
high cost of 25-watt variety
and noise when shaking
Entry into
Ridges on sides of
hardening after refrigeration
sticks, lengths of
Buttons, men’s vs. women’s shirts
Cable TV, volume levels of
Cadillacs, ducks on
CAR-RT SORT on envelopes
batteries, weight of
holes in ceiling of
key release buttons on
and “new car smell,”
rear windows of
Cashews, shells of
and ear scratching
hair, stickiness of
Checks, numbering of
Chewing gum and lasting flavor
Chocolate, white vs. brown
Cigarette butts, burning of
Cleansers, “industrial use” vs. “household,”
Clocks and Roman numerals
Clouds, disappearance of
Coca-Cola, 2-liter bottles of
Comic strips and capital letters
cash value of
expiration dates of
versus mail-in refunds
Cowboy hats, dents on
Crickets and chirping
Dance studios, location of
Dictionaries, thumb notches in
“Discussing Uganda,” origins of term
Dixieland music at political rallies
Doctors and bad penmanship
and circling before lying down
and head tilting
and “sic” command
Doughnut stores and tissues
Dr Pepper, naming of
“Dry,” as term for wines
Ducks on Cadillacs
Duels, timing of
Dugouts, height of
Earlobes, function of
Ears, hairy, in older men
Electric plug prongs
holes at end of
three prongs vs. two prongs
Elevators, overloading of
English horn, naming of
computer scrawls on
red letters on back of
return windows on
EXEMPT signs at railroad crossings
Fat people and jolliness
Figure skating and dizziness
Film prints after theatrical runs
Fingers, length of
Fish, and floating upon death
Flagpoles, balls on
Fluorescent lights and plinking noises
Football and measurement of first-down yardage
French horns, design of
Fruitcake, supposed popularity of
Girdles and fat displacement
Grease, color of
Grocery coupons, cash value of
Hail, metaphors for
Hairy ears in older men
Halogen light bulbs, touching of
decline in use of
dents on cowboy
holes in sides of
Hearts, shape of, idealized vs. real
Helium and effect on voice
Hernia exams and “Turn your head and cough”
Hockey and Montreal Canadiens uniform
Home plate, in baseball, shape of
measurement of heights of
posture in open fields
Hospital gowns, back ties of
Hot dog buns, slicing of
Hot dogs, skins of
Ice, formations on top of lakes and ponds
Ice cream and thirstiness
Ice Cubes
cloudiness vs. clarity
shape of, in home freezers
Ignition, key release button on
Index fingers, stroking of
IRS and due date of taxes
“K” as strikeout in baseball scoring
Ketchup, neck bands on
Knuckles, wrinkles on
Kodak, origins of name
effect of moon on
ice formations on
vs. ponds
Lane reflectors, fastening of
Large-type books, size of
Lasagna, crimped edges of
Liberal arts, origins of
Light bulbs
high cost of 25-watt variety
noise when shaking
plinking by fluorescent
M&Ms, peanuts in plain
Macadamia nuts and shells
address labels on
jumps in
subscription insert cards in
CAR-RT SORT on envelopes
Mail-in refunds, vs. coupons
Marching, stepping off on left foot when
Margarine sticks, length of
Marshals’ badges, shape of
Meat, age and doneness preferences in
Meat loaf, taste of in institutions
Menthol, coolness of
Milk cartons, design of
Milk cases, warnings on
Milk in refrigerators, coldness of
Mint, U.S., and shipment of coin sets
Montreal Canadiens uniforms
effect on lakes and ponds
official name of
biting and itching
daytime habits of
male vs. female eating habits of
Movie actors and speed of speech
Nabisco Shredded Wheat box, Niagara Falls on
National Geographics
, saving of
Newspapers, jumps in
New York City and steam in streets
Niagara Falls on Nabisco Shredded Wheat box
911 as emergency telephone number
salt in
vs. seas
Oil; automobile, after oil change
Orange juice, price of fresh vs. frozen
Oxygen masks, inflation of airline
Paper mills, smell of
Penguins, knees of
Penmanship of doctors
Pens, disappearance of
Pepper, and salt, as table condiments
Pepsi-Cola, and trademark location
“Pi” as geometrical term
Pigs and curly tails
Pitcher’s mound, location of
Plug prongs
holes at end of
three prongs vs. two prongs
Plum pudding, plums in
effect of moon on
ice formations on
vs. lakes
Postal Service, U.S., and undeliverable mail
Potato chips
green tinges in
Potato chips
price of, vs. tortilla chips
Pubic hair, curliness of
Rabbits and nose wiggling
Radio Shack and lack of cash registers
Railroad crossings and EXEMPT signs
Ranchers and old boots on fence posts
Rear admiral, origins of
Rhode Island, origins of name of
Rice Krispies, noises of
blacktop, coloring of
fastening of lane reflectors on
vs. bridges, in freezing characteristics
Roman numerals on clocks
in oceans
and pepper, as table condiments
Scabs, itchiness of
Sea vs. ocean
7UP, origins of name