Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (15 page)

BOOK: Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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“You are very loyal to your Club. I find it amusing that you are—how you say—open book, but when it comes to them nothing is said. Maybe amusing not right word. It makes me proud that you are faithful to them.”

She laughed and dipped her hands lower so they rested on the belt of his pants, her thumb stroking the line of hair that led down to his aching cock. “This is kind of surreal, you know that, don’t you?”

“How so?”

“Well, since my step-dad would have cut the dick off of any biker that so much as looked at me, I’ve always dated citizens, I mean guys that aren’t affiliated with an MC. I have to hide a big part of my life from them. They only know me as Rya, the nurse.” She sighed and her fingertips pressed lightly against his shaft. “It’s nice being with someone that doesn’t think I’m white trash because of my family.”

“What is that?”

“It’s slang for people that are considered low class. Like they’re garbage.”

“Who calls you such things? I will make them hurt and they will never disrespect you again.”

She squeezed his cock, effectively cutting off his anger and turning it to hunger. “Easy there,
volk moy
, I’m a big girl and I can handle myself. That word used to hurt me when I was a kid, but not anymore. I know who I am. I know who my people are and while they’ll never be attending galas or going to the country club, they’re still good people and that’s what matters. At the end of the day, manners and knowing which fork to use don’t mean shit, but having someone who will have your back no matter what? Who considers you family and is always there for you? That’s what’s important.”

Emotions entirely foreign to him made his chest ache and he grappled with how to tell Rya how much her words resonated with him, and reflected his view of the Bratva. The criminal empire that he was a part of was his family, and while there were those he didn’t trust, the men he surrounded himself with had proven over and over again that they were loyal to him. They were tattooed from their time in prison, many bearing visible scars, all dangerous men. Everywhere they went, people stared at them, feared them, but like Rya said, they had his back no matter what.

They rode in companionable silence, and when he saw the sign for Sedona, he said, “We will be there soon.”

She bounced against his back, her earlier enthusiasm returning. That was one of the things he liked about her, no matter what they talked about, she always managed to return to her normal state of joy. “Ohhh, I’ve always wanted to go to Sedona. Damn, Dimitri, you’re just knocking things off my list of shit to do before I die left and right.”

He tensed. “I do not like you talking of dying.”

“Hey, it’s okay.” She gripped his cock and he clenched his teeth at the wonderful torture of her small hand. “We’re alive right now and that’s what matters. Live in the moment, Dimitri, because you never know how fleeting it could be.”

She continued to massage him and he debated increasing their speed to reach the resort sooner, but he didn’t want to endanger his precious cargo. With a soft, almost purring sound she played with him and took obvious pleasure in touching him, straining his self-control and making him desperate for her. The memory of her lush little body beneath his, her passion, and the taste of her on his tongue drove him wild.

Soon they reached the entrance to the resort and he pulled up front. The valet approached them with a smile. “Welcome, Mr. Novikov, we’ve been expecting you.”

Rya held his hand as they walked through the foyer of the resort, decorated in the American southwest style, her beautiful eyes wide and her soft lips slightly parted as she took in the Native American artwork scattered about the foyer. “Wow, Dimitri, you don’t do things half-assed.”

“I do not understand.”

She looked up at him with an almost shy smile that he found amusing, considering she’d been playing with his cock for the last twenty minutes. “I just mean this place is amazing.”

He looked around the resort with its beige walls, vibrant art, and luxury, then shrugged. “If it please you, it please me. Come. I have a place for us I think you like.”

They made their way through the resort, following the staff member who pointed out all the amenities available to them. The only thing that caught his interest was the spa because he wanted to send Rya there. Then again, the thought of anyone but him touching her made his teeth clench. He finally understood how men could become so possessive of their women. The irony that the one woman he could never have was the one he wanted more than anything on earth was not lost on him.

They reached their private adobe villa with its view of the enormous, layered red tinged sandstone cliffs. The sun would be setting soon and he hoped his assistant had arranged the things he’d requested. They entered their suite and Rya let out a soft gasp. The staff member soon left them alone, and Dimitri watched as Rya wandered around the large space.

She slowly moved over to the seating area, a grouping of couches made of dark brown distressed leather before a fireplace tucked into the cream plaster walls. The ceiling overhead consisted of exposed wood beams and art of a style he hadn’t seen before hung on the walls. Above the fireplace hung a large blanket that had geometric shapes woven into it similar to traditional Mongolian woven blankets.

He followed Rya as she went up to the second level and gave him another shy smile as she looked from the large, white silk-covered bed to him. Unzipping her jacket, she shrugged it off and threw it over the back of a nearby oversized brown leather chair. The large globes of her breasts pressed against her shirt, her hard nipples visible through the cloth.

“Dimitri, this is just amazing. Thank you.”

Warmth filled him and he took off his jacket as well before tugging at his boots. “Strip, Rya. I want you naked.”

A pretty flush colored her cheeks down to her chest as she removed her clothing, revealing her lush, exquisite body to him bit by bit. Once she was nude, and he was wearing only his jeans, he slowly approached her, loving the way she froze like a rabbit watching a stalking wolf. He stopped when they were inches apart, his whole body tuned into the woman before him. Electricity seemed to arc between them and he would not have been surprised if he looked down and saw sparks. He gently brushed the hard tips of her breasts with the back of his knuckles, and smiled at the way she instantly softened to his touch.

“Are you sore from ride?”

She looked up at him and slowly shook her head.

“No, I’m sore because I want you so much.” She grasped his hand and she slowly slid it down her body until his fingers rested against her mound. “I’m very, very wet for you, Master.”

The need to fuck her, to cover her with his body and slide his cock into that slippery, welcoming warmth made him growl as he played with the smooth, plump folds of her cunt. “My sweet, perfect girl.”

She gave him a smile that was equal parts lust and joy before he removed his fingers and gave her pussy a sharp slap. “Go up on bed and lay on your back.”

While she did as he ordered, he got his black duffle bag from the closet where the staff had said it would be. As he looked through it and checked his toys, he thought of all the things he wanted to do to her, all the ways he needed to have her. He’d ordered his toys restocked with new items; he wanted nothing touching little Rya that had touched another, and was pleased to see that many of his favorite items were in there. His fingers brushed over the cool surface of a beautifully sculpted butt plug and he considered it. It wasn’t huge, definitely smaller than his cock, but he liked the way the plug part had an iridescent, faceted glass jewel surrounded by smooth, rippling red and clear glass. It would look beautiful in his girl’s bottom though he wanted to adorn her body with diamonds.

Pulling the plug and a set of Velcro restraints from the bag he made his way back to the bed. Rya watched him with such hunger that he had to force himself not to throw the toys away and just pounce on her. Her smooth, round limbs, the gentle rise of her belly, and her fucking amazing tits were the stuff of his hottest dreams. Combine that with her inner light and she was an irresistible woman.

He set the plug to the side, liking the way her eyes widened at the sight of it and she how she tensed slightly. “Rya, give me your hand.”

She sighed softly as he kissed her palm, licking across it and sucking on each of her fingers before strapping her wrist into the restraint, then taking the other end and tucking it beneath the mattress. The Velcro would hold it in place, and keep her open to his touch. Next he took her slender ankle and secured it before moving over to the other side of the bed. As he bound her he noted the dreamy look that began to overtake her, how she watched him with increasing focus, her gaze never leaving him.

There was enough slack so she could move a few inches, but not enough to allow her to touch him unless he wished it. Later he would indulge her and allow her to explore his body, but right now, he wanted to pleasure her. After shedding his jeans he joined her on the bed, crawling up between her thighs and noting the thick layer of arousal that already coated her pink cunt. While he was tempted to lick it away, he needed to take the edge off.

He moved until he had his hands braced on either side of her head, then curved his palms over her delicate skull. As the tip of his cock rubbed against her he let out a soft groan and resisted the urge to plunge into her. Fuck, he forgot a condom. He’d never put his bare dick on any woman’s cunt before and it was torture to only allow himself to slip through her juices, to rub his cock between the split of her sex and enjoy the ball-tightening sensation of the velvet of her cunt rubbing against him. Rya moaned long and deep, wiggling her hips against him and driving him crazy.

With a muttered oath he quickly moved off of her and retrieved a condom from his bag before sheathing himself. “I will fuck you hard and fast, little Rya. You will not come. Do you understand?”

She whimpered and nodded, her body restless with her need. “Use me, Master. I’m yours.”

Emotions assailed him and he quickly moved between her thighs, loving how she spread and tilted himself for him. He wanted to tell her that she was his, that she would always be his, but he couldn’t do that to her. Already he feared how much it would hurt to leave her. His own agony would only be compounded by her sorrow. With a low, deep groan of pleasure he pushed into her, then bent so he could suck on her neck while he began to fuck her, giving her only a moment to adjust to his dick before taking her hard and fast like he’d promised.

Her eyes went wide and she tugged helplessly at the restraints, her back arching beneath him while he powered into her. Thanks to her dick teasing he was ready to come after only a few strokes and he didn’t fight the sensation, instead allowing the explosive orgasm to overtake him. She whimpered as he shouted out and pressed into her as far as he could, filling the condom with his seed in a short, but intense climax.

“Oh God,” she cried out. “Please, I’m going to come.”

He swiftly pulled out and gave her pussy a hard slap. To his surprise, instead of halting her orgasm his slap pushed her over the edge and he sat back on his haunches, watching the beauty of his girl coming without anything touching her. The mounds of her breasts shook with her hard pants and her pussy contracted and released like it was sucking on a dick.

After she finished he stood and removed the condom, going to the opulent bathroom and cleaning himself before returning to Rya. She gave him an apprehensive look while he gently bathed her sex and kept silent, letting her imagination run wild with what her punishment would be. And he would punish her, then pleasure her, then punish her again. He wanted to learn what drove her wild, to give her orgasms until she was limp in his arms, then pamper her and coddle her, to do all the tender things he’d never wanted to do to one of his kept women.

Even though he knew he was only setting himself up for heartbreak, he couldn’t stop the warmth in his heart that grew more intense every moment he was with his little Rya.



Chapter Eleven



Rya jerked at her bonds, the need to orgasm again a burning pain consuming the lower half of her body. To her disappointment Dimitri walked, gloriously nude and still hard, over to the closet. He dug around in his suitcase and came back with an MP3 player. She watched him fiddle with it, then put it in the dock next to the bed. A few seconds later Nine Inch Nails rendition of the song
Get Down Make Love
started to play, and her body broke out in goosebumps.

It was the perfect, hard, dirty, rough music for the way she wanted him to take her. She needed him to fuck her hard, make her ache, make her feel him between her legs, cover her in his scent and own her. Her soft whimpers were probably inaudible over the sound of the music and she was glad their hacienda was isolated from the others because the music was loud enough that she could feel it in her bones.

Dimitri prowled towards her, his gaze locked on her body, making her tremble with the intensity of his stare. He was so hot, his muscles moving beneath his skin. Better still, he was dangerous. Even if she had been unaware of who and what he was, the potential for violence came off of him in invisible waves and it made her clit throb.

Not speaking to her, he stood next to the bed and stroked his hands over her body, awakening her skin to his touch, making her crazy for him. When he slipped his fingers between her legs and stroked her clit she keened and thrust her hips into the air. With ruthless efficiency he slammed two fingers into her while stroking the little bundle of nerves that was now as hard as a pearl against his thumb.

“Come for me, my Rya,” he said in a loud growl.

The orgasm burst from her like her body was no longer her own. She cried out, her vocal cords failing her as her pussy clamped down on his thrusting fingers, making her shudder. He leaned down and latched onto her left nipple, sucking it hard, then biting down. The pain mixed with the endorphins of her orgasm, drove her higher until she was begging him to stop.

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