Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish) (12 page)

BOOK: Dimitri's Forbidden Submissive (Submissive's Wish)
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There was no fucking way he was coming when he hadn’t even fully entered her yet.

When he reached her cervix he still had another inch of cock to give her, but he hesitated. Some women did not like the feeling of an erection pressing against their cervix, but he wanted to be all the way inside her, to have every centimeter of his dick inside of her that he could. Reaching around her hip, he began to circle her clit with his thumb then thrust into her. He made a strangled groan at the way her sex clamped around him.

Rya bucked against him, a small smile curving her lips before she whispered, “Fantastic.”

Taking that as an encouraging sign, he began to stroke in and out of her, playing with her clit, bringing her to the edge of orgasm, then backing off. Soon she was fucking him back as best she could in her restrained position, her pussy sucking at him and continuing to quiver around his cock. He’d never felt anything like it, and the burn at the base of his spine spread despite his best efforts to hold off.

“Rya, you come for me.”

Grabbing the end of the string for the anal beads he began to slowly pull them out one by one, the balls rubbing against his cock through the thin layer of skin separating her anus and her cunt. She gasped and shoved her hips back at him, the raw, amazingly sexy sounds she made as she began to climax around his dick throwing him straight into his own release. He tossed the anal beads over to the side and hammered into her, his body straining for release. With a loud roar he draped himself over her body, caging her beneath him as he thrust into her then emptied himself into her tight cunt. For a moment, he wished that there was nothing between them, but he’d never ever taken a woman without a condom and the fact that he was tempted to do so with Rya frightened him.

He pulled out of her gently then went into the bathroom, cleaning himself and the anal beads before setting them off to the side to dry. Grabbing a wash cloth, he wet it with very hot water and went back to the bedroom as quickly as he could. He set the washcloth aside for a moment and untied her. Rya was exactly as he’d left her and his cock began to fill again at the sight of her well fucked pussy. His well-fucked pussy.

She jumped at the feel of the washcloth on her sensitive cunt, then made a little whimpering sound as he gently cleaned her.

Guilt pierced him and he quickly unbound her arms and legs. “Did I hurt you?”

She rolled over in a boneless heap and pulled the mask off, blinking up at him, then gave him a very lazy, very satisfied smile. “Hmmm?”

Chuckling, he gathered her into his arms and loved the way she snuggled against him as if she’d been made to be held by him. “You are very…small. Did I hurt you inside?”

“Nope.” She gave a blissful sigh and stroked her hands over his chest. “You are

“Are you sure?”

“Yep. Shhhh…happy time.”

He had to laugh at himself. Usually it was the woman who wanted to talk after sex, but now it was him while Rya was smiling up at him like he was her hero. He deposited her on the pillows for a moment before reaching for his pants and fishing out his phone. Checking the messages he saw that the helicopter would be here soon and that his personal assistant had acquired the things he’d requested for him.

When he looked up he found Rya dead asleep, her soft lips parted as she curled up on her side. He hated to wake her, but she needed to get dressed. They had an adventure at being normal ahead of them.




Chapter Nine



Rya turned her head and squinted at the bright sunlight streaming into her eyes. A low, dull roar filled her ears and she tried to figure out why it felt like she was vibrating. Closing her eyes and turning over, her arm came to rest on a warm, firm surface. With her mind still half-asleep she explored that surface with her fingertips, find intriguing dips and rises, then a soft trail of fur. Following that trail, her hand moved down until something hard, yet soft bumped her hand. When her fingers touched that large object in a sensual stroke, a man groaned softly.

That woke her up with a start and she blinked rapidly, trying to clear the cobwebs from her mind. She was in a small room, a bedroom of some sort, with dark brown suede walls, two odd doors, and she had a red silk duvet covering her naked body. Lying next to her, watching her with an amused grin, was the sexiest fucking lumberjack she’d ever seen and she had her hand wrapped around his very substantial cock.


She blushed as sudden understanding flooded her, and she released his dick then collapsed back onto her pillow with a sigh. “Morning. Sorry about the molesting you in my sleep thing.”

He chuckled. “Did you know that you sleep like dead person? Through entire helicopter ride, through limo ride you were impossible to wake. Do you even remember telling the flight attendant to piss off when she tried to wake you after we boarded the plane?”

“Nope.” Yawning, she nodded and stretched out, curling her toes and extending her fingers. “When I was a baby I could sleep through a motorcycle rally. Came in handy during college when I had a roommate who liked to have loud sex with her boyfriend. I’d sleep through the whole thing in the bunk above them.”

His laughter warmed her and as her brain started to come online, she leaned up on one arm and looked around again. “Where are we?”

“We are on my plane, going on adventure.”

plane? Wait, I’m in a bed on a plane?”

. My plane. Though this one I only rent. My personal jet I own is back in Russia. I flew over on my brother’s jet.”

“Um…wow.” She licked her lips and made a sour face. “Does one of those doors lead to a bathroom?”

“The one on right.”


The fact that there was a shower on the plane gave her the opportunity to shower and brush her teeth. She didn’t know how long she had until they reached their adventure, whatever that was, so she was going to take care of business while she could. After finishing, she slipped on the fluffy black robe hung on the back of the door and went back into the bedroom. Dimitri was still in bed and she smiled at him before tossing aside her robe and leaping on him.

He caught her with a surprised laugh, then rested his hands on her thighs while she straddled him. “Did you know there’s a shower in there?”

“Yes, I shower earlier.” He put his hands behind his head and she had to swallow hard to keep from drooling all over him at the sight of his muscles flexing. God
he was hot. She wanted to just sit here and stare at him all day. But wait, she could touch him. He was her Master.

Hot damn.

Before she could lick him like a lollypop there was a knock on the door, followed by a woman’s voice. “Mr. Novikov, we’ll be landing soon.”

“Thank you,” he replied in a loud, deep voice that made Rya tingle all over.

“No time for a quickie?” she said, hoping she didn’t look too pathetic.

Rolling her on her back, Dimitri laid a seriously hot and dirty kiss on her then pulled back and smiled down at her. “I refuse to do quickie with you. You deserve to be savored, appreciated.”

“I’d appreciate a quickie.”

With a laugh he left the bed, giving her a very mouthwatering view of his ass. Hell, even his butt was the best ass she’d ever seen. Just a light dusting of hair and perfectly sculpted glutes. Seriously, the man could be an ass model if the crime business didn’t pan out. And his thighs…thick with muscle and begging for her lips. She seriously needed to spend some time worshiping his body.


She tore her gaze away from his butt and up to his face smiling back as she read the amusement that lightened his grey eyes to silver. “Get dressed. I have surprise for you.”


Thirty minutes later, Rya walked down the steps of the private jet behind Dimitri and looked around with curiosity, trying to figure out where they were. The air was warm, but not hot, and the small airport was surrounded by pine trees. She’d dressed in a pair of dark jeans and brown boots coupled with a cream top that showed off her cleavage as well as perfectly fitting undergarments. She especially liked the lacy peach bra that mounded her breasts together nicely. The clothes had been provided by Dimitri and she’d been surprised that not only did he know her size, but he somehow managed to arrange to have the clothes waiting for them on the plane.

Dimitri went down the steps first and paused at the bottom, looking up at her and holding out his hand to help her down the last steps. She didn’t miss the way he scanned the area, or how his face closed down into an expressionless mask. He’d warned her that he wouldn’t be openly affectionate in public, but it was kind of weird, like he was a completely different person.

Dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans with a dark red t-shirt that stretched tight over his muscular build, he was at once hot as shit and dangerous, which only made him all the more arousing to Rya. And evidently, to the flight attendant as well. She’d been making flirty eyes at Dimitri, and Rya would have been pissed if Dimitri acknowledged the woman. Rya brushed back some of her hair that had blown into her face and looked up curiously at Dimitri, wondering what he was waiting for.


He led her across the tarmac and through the airport without anyone stopping them. She gently tugged at his hand. “What about our luggage? I need my laptop.”

“Do not worry. It will be at our destination.”

“Um, okay. What is our destination?”

“Is surprise.” He looked down at her and she wished she could see his eyes. “Trust me,
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His pet name for her made her smile. “Okay,
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Only the slightest twitch of his lips betrayed his pleasure at her calling him her wolf. Soon they were outside of the small terminal and Dimitri scanned the area again before leading her to the left. A chunky middle aged man dressed in a nice blue polo shirt smiled as they approached and Rya’s breath caught in her throat at the sight of a beautiful silver BMW touring bike parked in front of a green SUV.

“Mr. Novikov,” the man said with a big smile as he approached them with his hand held out to Dimitri, “My name is Jack Barnes, I spoke with your assistant this morning and you’re all set. You have quite a fun time ahead of you, sir.”

Dimitri shook his hand, but when Rya went to shake the man’s hand Dimitri stepped in front of her, blocking the other man from touching her. He nodded in the direction of the motorcycle. “Is mine?”

For a moment Jack looked surprised by the way Dimitri kept him from shaking hands with Rya, but then, his big salesman smile returned. “Yep, top of the line BMW K1600 GTL. She has all the bells and whistles. Perfect for what you need.”

“And you have gear?”

“Sure do. If you’ll follow me I have it in the back of my SUV.”

Rya followed Dimitri, amused by the way he made sure to always keep her near him. It was kind of like having an overprotective bodyguard and she wondered what Dimitri thought would happen to them here…wherever the hell here was. The license plate on the SUV said ‘Flagstaff Arizona’ and she sucked in a quick breath, then jerked on Dimitri’s arm.

“Are we going to the Grand Canyon?”


She screamed and jumped up into his arms, wrapping herself around him and peppering his face with kisses while making excited noises. Soon Dimitri’s icy calm melted just the slightest bit and he gave her a small smile while he held her. “You like?”

“I love. This is the most awesomest thing anyone has ever done for me.”

She gave him a kiss that left no doubt she was going to reward him for this tonight. His big hands flexed on her bottom and squeezed hard as he took charge of the kiss, licking at her lips before sliding his tongue over hers, seducing her into burying her hands in his hair as she kissed him back, her joy mixing with her passion until she was breathing heavy. When they finally came up for air she found Jack watching them with his jaw hanging open and a bright red flush on his cheeks.

Dimitri growled at the man, “Do not stare at my woman.”

“What?” Jack visibly shook himself then turned and opened the back of his SUV. Inside there were two helmets, both black, and two piles of black clothes in addition to a bunch of what looked like kids soccer equipment and various little girls’ toys. Clearing his throat, Jack took out the helmets and went to hand one to her, but gave them both to Dimitri instead. “They’re wired with microphones so you can talk to each other.”

“Good.” Dimitri handed Rya her helmet. “Try on.”

“One sec. Hey Jack, you wouldn’t happen to have a ponytail holder in there would you?”

He blinked at her, then smiled. “I think I just might. I have four daughters so I’m finding those things everywhere. Hang on and let me check up front.”

As soon as he was away from the back she stood on her tiptoes and whispered, “Stop scaring the crap out of him. You’re going to give the poor guy a heart attack.”

Dimitri leaned down until their noses almost touched. “No one looks at you, no one touches you but me.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, but managed to surprise him by giving him a pert kiss on his nose. “You’re lucky I think it’s cute when you’re protective. Otherwise, I’d have to grab your ear and give you a good scolding.”

He lifted his glasses and stared at her in disbelief. “You know men fear me, correct? People tremble when see me? That I am dangerous man?”

Giving him a cheeky smile she fluttered her lashes at him. “Not to me you aren’t. You’re
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Before he could respond Jack returned with a hot pink scrunchie. “Sorry I couldn’t find something less neon.”

“That’s fine.” She took it, making sure not to touch Jack in order to humor Dimitri, and she began to braid her hair as she lifted her chin to the gear in back. “So what do we have there?”


Three hours later, Rya stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon, with Dimitri standing behind her and resting his head on top of hers. They’d taken off their leather jackets and the warm sun beat down on them. Instead of going to one of the tourist outlooks Dimitri had driven until they found a private place to stop and admire the view. And what a view it was. She felt…humbled as she stared down into the canyon, awed by the evidence of the vast passage of time, all the millennia it had taken for a river to flow through the land to create such magnificence. Beautiful ribbons of red and brown flowed down the canyons, each layer a page from the story of how the earth was formed.

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