Desires (41 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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He dipped his fingers in and out of her pussy, whilst he
ran his tongue between her labia, tasting her juices. She couldn’t control her pleasure,
wriggling her hips and waist and squeezing her breasts as he rolled on a

Stacie was hooked on him, he was her drug. She wanted to
take all he could offer, she couldn’t get enough of him. Then he was there, in
her, filling her, the pure delight of his cock within her causing her to scream
with pleasure. She met his thrust, pushing her body back on him, wanting to
take the full length of his girth deeply into her. Dan took hold of her waist, penetrating
her deeply. He dove in and out of her saturated pussy, his rhythm getting
faster, torturing Stacie with unbearable pleasure.

Stacie felt his cock hitting her nerve endings. She
lunged her body into him, meeting every pound, his cock hitting her G-spot. His
hand reached around and began to tease her clit. She cried out, feeling her
heart racing, she was almost there, and then he stopped. He pulled out and
turned her onto her side facing away from him. He lay behind her and snuggled her
into his stomach. He lifted her leg up and slid back in smoothly, lowering her
leg to rest on his thigh. He reached round and took a firm hold of her breast, squeezing
and playing while his cock penetrated her. She glanced up, seeing Chrissie and
Jason watching. It made her feel uncomfortable, but she was eager to have Dan,
so she closed her eyes to the company, concentrating on the sensations Dan was

She felt him start to move faster. His hand dropped from
her breast to her clit, rubbing and tweaking. She pushed back on his every
lunge, rubbing herself against him, grinding into him, losing herself in the
animal passion. The tidal wave of pleasure hit her, consumed her. She writhed
and bucked on the cushions, only dimly aware that Dan was gasping and moaning
behind her, as he emptied himself into her. Her body shook and trembled, her
cries echoing off the tiled floor. She felt Dan’s hands convulsively squeezing
her flesh, the divine pain merging with the delicious pleasure to create a
sensory fusion of delight.

Stacie dropped back onto the cushions to catch her
breath, keeping her eyes closed, savouring the moment. She suddenly realised
this would be the last time she would have him. The thought caused a stab of agony
in her gut so sharp it almost caused her to gasp.

She felt Dan move away from her body and wanted to
scream out

She twisted to look at Dan. He looked down at her
overwhelmed body and smiled. He bent down to kiss her and goosebumps erupted
over her body.

He helped her to her feet, and passed her garments.
Chrissie and Jason were getting dressed as well so she and Dan quickly pulled
on their clothes. They went back to Dan and Stacie’s room, Chrissie, Jason and
Dan chatting. Stacie let the others order a lavish buffet lunch. It was only
when Dan asked if Stacie was okay that she mentally shook herself and made an
effort to join in the lively conversation over lunch.


Chapter Fifteen


Chrissie and Jason left after lunch.

“Call me,” Chrissie had said to Stacie while they hugged
in reception. “No matter what happens, call me!”

Dan and Stacie went back up to the room and Stacie felt
her heart emptying—her time with Dan was also coming to an end. She packed her belongings,
collecting up her clothes and makeup and toiletries, putting them mechanically
into her bag. Stacie caught Dan watching her from time to time—she tried her
hardest not to allow her emotions to show. The last thing she needed was Dan
giving her another lecture on the fact she was only his client. She knew that,
boy did she know that.

She found the necklace and earrings Dan had given her,
lying in a glittering pile on the floor where she had thrown them after ripping
them off after the ball. She picked them up and put them lovingly in their box
before laying the box in the bag. She zipped the bag up and put it on the bed. Once
done, she stood in the centre of the room. Where would her life go from here? Would
she meet some charming man and live happily ever after? Did the fairytale ever
work out in real life?

“I’m ready,” she told Dan, staring out of the window.
The squeak of the bed told her that he’d stood up. She heard the wardrobe door
open and then close.

“I have something for you,” he said, coming into her
line of vision with a wrapped present. She took it from him, not feeling the
usual thrill that came with a present. This was a goodbye present and she just
stared at it. “Well, open it, then!”

Stacie looked at him. His face was filled with such a
child-like anticipation that she smiled in spite of herself. She ripped away
the paper, uncovering a very lifelike vibrator. She gave a little laugh, “Thank

“I thought that it might come in useful for you,” he
said with a pleased smile.

“What should I call it?” She paused for a second,
thinking. “How about Danny Boy?” She giggled and he smiled.

“If you want to. Have I been that good?” he asked her.

Her smile fell away and a lump the size of Ben Nevis
rose in her throat. “You’ve been amazing. Thank you. No, thank you isn’t
enough, but I don’t know what else to say,” she said. She wished it didn’t have
to end.
She could always come back, but,
She ruthlessly squashed that thought. If she came back, she would have
this heartbreak all over again. He had no feelings for her other than fondness
for a client he got on well with. It was better to just rip the sticking
plaster off and end it right now.

Dan stepped forward and kissed her on the cheek. “I’m
glad I could help.” Stacie pasted on a smile, hoping it would hide the fact
that her heart was shattering inside her chest. She picked up her luggage bag.

“Come here,” he said, taking her into his arms and
kissing her on the lips. If there was ever a moment to stop the clock, that was
certainly one of them. Stacie tried her hardest not to release the tears that
threatened to flood down her face. Her entire body ached, wishing she could
rewind and relive her whole time with him. Or maybe rewind and delete, then it
wouldn’t hurt so much.

Dan released her. Did she imagine that his eyes were
dim, looking disappointed, Stacie knew she must make a move as otherwise she
would spill her heart out.

She began to make her way toward the door. She looked back
once seeing him standing where she’d left him, looking lost.

“Take care,” she said, only managing a whisper over the giant
mountain in her throat. He didn’t reply. Stacie continued to the door and took
hold of the door handle

,” she
suddenly heard him yell. Stacie froze on the spot and turned around. He was
striding across the room toward her. “Don’t go!” Excitement flooded her body,
followed swiftly by despair. She’d already made her decision.

“I have to.”

“Please stay for tonight,” he said, reaching out to
touch her shoulder. His eyes begged her.

“I have to go home. I have work tomorrow.”

“Please Stacie, I will pay the club,” he said. His eyes
glowed with passion, begging her to stay. “I want to make love to you.” Her
heart began skipping around the room like an excited loony who had just won the
Lottery. Stacie stared at Dan. He would pay for her to stay? He wanted her to
stay, not just as a client? He looked concerned. Concerned she was going to
walk away?

“Are you sure, this place isn’t cheap?” she said.

“I think I know that. I want you to stay with me one
more night,” he said, staring longingly into her eyes, pleading with her.

“Don’t you have any bookings?” she asked. Why was she
trying to find an excuse?

“I do, but something more important has come up…you,” he
said. He took her bag out of her unresisting hand, dropping it on the floor. He
took both her hands in his and drew her close. “Stacie, I want you.” Her traitorous
body reacted, pressing itself against him.

“What do I need to do?” she asked in a whisper. His face
cracked in a delighted smile.

He kissed her, crushing her body to his, running his
hands up and down her back. Stacie wrapped her arms around him, delighting in
the feel of his muscles under her fingers. She let her hands drop to his taut
buttocks, savouring their roundness, and pulling his pelvis close to hers. Dan
pulled her over to the dresser, not relinquishing his hold on her for a second.
He got the phone out with one hand and rang reception before passing the
receiver to her.

“Good evening,” said the receptionist.

“Hi, it’s Stacie Clifford. I would like to book Dan for
the night please.”

“Just checking his details. Is he still with you?” she
asked, sounding puzzled.

“He is,” she said, turning to Dan with a smile. He smiled
back at her, pressing his lips against her cheek.

“I’m very sorry, Miss Clifford, he’s booked tonight.”

“She says you’re booked,” Stacie mouthed at Dan, who
took the phone off her.

“Hi, this is Dan. Sorry, I know I have a booking, but I need
to cancel that client…Just give the client an excuse when she arrives and offer
her someone else,” Stacie listened to him saying, “Yeah I’m aware of that…okay…thank
you, Shannon, you’re an angel.”

Stacie got the price for the night from the receptionist
and put the phone down. Dan nipped out to the ATM to get the money and Stacie paced
the room waiting for him to return.

It seemed like forever before the door opened and Dan
swung in, flashing her a huge smile. He reached into his back jeans pocket and
pulled out a wad of notes, holding it out to her.

“Are you sure about this?”

“Of course, go down and pay for me, with my money.”

“Seems daft.”

“Don’t care,” he said, leaning toward her and kissing
her on the lips. Dan moved his mouth to her right ear and whispered in the sweetest
of voices, “Our secret.”

Stacie felt her knees crumbling and her heart skipping

He whispered softly again, sending an eruption of desire
through her weakened body. “Go and pay. I’ll be right here.”

Stacie couldn’t believe how bizarre the situation was. She
felt like a teenager who had been told to stay away from a certain boy and
instead they were meeting in secret. Why was he keeping her here? Didn’t that
mean she was more than just a client? But just because he wanted to have sex
with her, rather than with some client who might be horrible, didn’t mean he
wanted more. It didn’t mean he wanted a relationship. But he was willing to pay
the club, and forego his earnings for tonight, to be with her. It was so
confusing. She tried not to think about it, paying the money and heading back
up to the room at a trot.

She arrived back to the room to see Dan had set the room
for a romantic liaison. He had lit candles around the room, making it feel cosy
and warm. A fresh bottle of wine had been brought up to the room. Dan sat at
the table holding a glass out to her. His face looked warm and happy. She
walked over to him and took it, sitting opposite him and taking a sip. He
poured himself a glass and looked directly into her eyes. Maybe this wasn’t
such a good idea. Maybe it was just dragging out the inevitable.

She sipped her wine, trying not to look at him. Why
couldn’t he just say something like, “I love you and I want to be with you. Sod
the club, sod my job, you’re all I want.” Then she would know exactly where she
stood. Instead, all she knew was that he wanted to have sex with her again. He
wanted her enough to give up a night’s pay, but that in itself didn’t mean
anything more than just sex. Stacie took a gulp of her wine, watching the
candles burn slowly, flickering in the cosy light and casting dancing shadows
on everything. But sex was a powerful force. Men, and women, would do all sorts
of things for sex, not always the right or the sensible things either.

Oh boy!
Stacie gave in, turning her head to look at him, drowning in the
hungry look in his eyes.

“How are you feeling?” he asked her.

“Fine,” she whispered.

Dan stood up, closing the short distance between them.
He stopped in front of her and held his hand out. Stacie stared at it. This was
new territory. Nervous didn’t begin to cover it. She took hold of his hand and stood
up. Dan led her to the bed and sat on the edge, patting the duvet next to him.
She sat and he held her hand tightly.

She turned her head, looking deep into his eyes. He drew
in closer and she closed her eyes, anticipating his kiss. She felt his breath cascading
over her face, sending shivers through her body. She inhaled his scent then
felt his lips against hers. He kissed her gently, tasting, nibbling, as if for
the first time. He put a hand on her knee, lightly stroking and she ran her
hand up to his back.

His hands moved up to her face, cupping her cheeks. His
fingers slowly moved over her skin, as if learning her contours. His kiss was
tender, delicate, yet at the same time, one of the most passionate she had ever
experienced. How could such a light touch ignite such desire? She lifted her
hands to his head, feeling his hair beneath her fingers. She could stay in this
kiss forever.

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