Desires (44 page)

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Authors: Holly J. Gill,Nikki Blaise

BOOK: Desires
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“You said that last time. You silly girl,” she told
Stacie. Tears came again and Stacie dropped her head to her hands. “Oh,
sweetie, I’m sorry. That came out harsher than I meant.” Chrissie drew her into
a hug again.

“You’re right. I am silly. I never thought for a second
that he wouldn’t be there when I wanted him. Now I’ve lost him forever. I have
no way of finding him.”

“What’s going on?” Jason entered the kitchen.

“Dan’s left Desires,” Chrissie explained as Stacie
pulled away, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

“Oh right…so he didn’t get hold of your phone?” he said
casually, walking in the kitchen and putting a mug next to the sink.

Stacie and Chrissie looked at one another, then looked
back at Jason. “What about my phone?” Stacie asked, confused.

“Well, he said to me, while you two were chatting, that
he was going to try to get your phone and put his number in it.”

Stacie stared at Chrissie, her heart suddenly racing.

“Well, look, then,” Chrissie almost shouted, making
urging motions with her hands.

Stacie scrabbled in her bag for her phone, pulling it
out and staring at it. Why didn’t he say anything? What if he hadn’t managed to
do it? Feeling sick with nerves, she opened up her contacts list and scrolled
down to the Ds. And there it was,
Dan mobile
She looked at Chrissie and squealed, jumping off the stool and grabbing
Chrissie’s elbows. They jumped up and down like schoolgirls. Jason chuckled and
shook his head at their antics. Stacie calmed down a little and covered her
mouth. Was this real? Was it a dream? She had gone from total devastation to
utter delight in an instant.

“Call it,” Stacie said to Chrissie, holding out the phone.

“Me…? Why me?”

Stacie just looked at her, placing her hands together in
a silent plea.

“Okay, but only because I love you.” Chrissie took the
phone. Stacie got back on the stool, then hopped off again. She wanted to run around
the room with excitement. She didn’t know what to do with herself. She felt
like screaming at the top of her voice, or doing a stupid dance.

She watched Chrissie press dial and then hold the phone
to her ear. Stacie stood still, anxiously waiting for an answer, praying it wasn’t
all a hoax.

“Hello,” Chrissie said. Stacie felt nauseous with
anxiety. “Is that Dan?” Stacie put her hands to her mouth. “It’s Dan,” Chrissie
mouthed at Stacie. Joy rushed through her. She ran into the lounge and screamed
at the top of her voice, jumping up and down with ecstasy. She couldn’t believe
she’d had his number since the weekend and had not even known. Why hadn’t he
told her?

She heard Chrissie chatting to him, laughing and
giggling, and she ran back. Butterflies fluttered in her tummy, her heart raced
and her knees turned to jelly. She bounced in front of Chrissie, making
indications she wanted her phone back.

Chrissie said goodbye then handed the phone over, her
own face wearing a beaming smile. She discreetly left the room, taking Jason by
the hand and closing the door behind them. Stacie waved her hands in front of
her face in an unsuccessful attempt to calm herself down. She put the phone to
her ear and took a deep breath.


“Hello there.” That was it. At the sound of his sexy
voice, her knees crumbled, her heart stopped beating, and her mouth went dry. “How
are you?” he asked, a happy smile in his voice.

“I’m unbelievably fantastic. Yourself?” she asked, grinning
like a fool as joyful tears filled her eyes.

“I’m very pleased to be finally talking to you. I never
thought you were going to call.”

“Well, if you had actually told me you’d put your number
in my phone, I might have,” Stacie scolded delightedly. “I didn’t know until
Jason just told me. I went to Desires to book you and Angel said you had left,”
she said, her tummy aching.

“Oh I see. Was there a particular reason you wanted to
book me?” he asked.

“Well, not really, I just fancied your cock,” she said. They
both giggled.

“Well, I decided I didn’t want to be working there any
longer. I’ve met this gorgeous brunette who made me realise I didn’t want
anyone else.”

“Who was she, then?” Stacie teased.

“Now that would be telling,” he replied.

Stacie wandered around the kitchen as they talked, trying
to imagine what he was doing, other than talking to her on the phone. Was he at
home? A matter of hours ago, she thought she had lost him. Now here she was,
talking to him on the phone.

“What are you wearing?” she asked, going for seductive.

“I’m wearing my white Calvin Klein trunks, saying, ‘Stacie,
come and tease me,’” he said.

“You’re very naughty,” she said, giggling.

“Only when speaking to you. Now, you hot creature, with
as much chocolate mousse as required, would you like to get together?”

“That would be fantastic…I mean yes. When?” she answered,
her mind delirious with excitement.

“I’d love to see you right now this second, but I have a
mate coming round in a minute and I have to go to a Christmas work party tonight.
But I’m free all day tomorrow, if you fancy that?” he said.

She was hardly listening, just drowning in the sound of
his voice. She pulled herself together enough to manage an answer. “Tomorrow’s
great. I have a Christmas work party tonight too,” she said, suddenly deciding
to go after all.

“Well, I will call you Saturday morning. Sorry,
sweetheart, I have to go. My mate has just turned up,” he said.

! “You’d better get dressed then. Can’t go out in your
, can you?” she said, an image of him in his trunks
dancing across her mind.

“Certainly can’t. Right, I’ll speak to you soon.” He
paused. “I can’t wait till Saturday. I love you, Stacie,” he said, his voice
deep and emotional.

Oh. My. God
! There they were, the words she had been dreaming of. Stacie
blinked happy tears from her eyes.

“I love you too, Dan,” she whispered. “See you

She floated into the lounge where Chrissie and Jason sat

“Well, how did it go?” Chrissie asked.

Stacie flopped down onto the sofa, not caring that her
face probably looked stupid with a grin spread all over it. She flung back her
arms and let out a huge happy sigh. “I’m seeing him tomorrow. He said he loves

Chrissie squealed, throwing herself next to Stacie and
grabbing her in a huge, happy hug. “I am so, so happy for you I can’t tell
you!” They chatted for a short while before Stacie made her excuses. If she was
going to this party tonight, she’d better start getting ready. She headed back
to her flat, hearing his words in her head, repeating them over and over again.
Saturday wouldn’t come quick enough for her.


* *
* *


She ran herself a bubble bath and relaxed into the
raspberry-scented water. She jumped when her phone buzzed, indicating a text.

Missing you
already, you sexy, horny, beautiful, irresistible, delicious, cock-craving
woman xxx,
she read.

Miss you too
, she replied.

Wish I didn’t have
to go to this party tonight, but I need to do a bit of schmoozing now I don’t
work at Desires anymore. Would rather be with you.

It’s ok, I
understand. We’ll see each other soon.

Not soon enough!
What u up 2?

Just having a

RU naked??

No, I thought I’d
bathe with my clothes on today.

Wish I was there.

Wish you were too.

Well, I’ll let you
go, cu tomorrow.

Can’t wait.

Stacie grinned. How could she ever have doubted him?

She washed her hair and her body, then shaved everything
in sight. She curled her hair then prowled in front of her wardrobe. What to
wear? One thing Desires had done was make her aware of her own sexuality. She
found she enjoyed dressing up in sexy outfits and having men drool over her. At
the last Christmas party, she had been the one in the dowdy black dress while
all the other girls pranced about like peacocks, getting all the attention from
the men in the room. Well, this year, it would be different. Not that she would
ever do anything now she had Dan, but it might be nice to show them what they’d
missed out on. She’d gone shopping on Monday and bought a dress which had a
bodice and a ruffled polka dot skirt
which fell to mid-thigh. She pulled on stockings and suspenders and a thong,
and then pulled the dress on. It settled beautifully on her figure. Her breasts
rose out of the top nicely and her waist looked tiny. She put on her makeup and
slipped into a pair of heels, twirling in front of the mirror. She ordered a
taxi and pulled on a bolero jacket when it arrived, not that she was planning
on covering up her assets as she’d done in the past.

The party was being held at a hotel. People stared as she
stepped out the taxi. She held her head up, feeling sexy and desirable. She
would have preferred to arrive on Dan’s arm, but she’d still have a fantastic
evening with the girls she worked with. Stacie walked into the hotel to be
faced with a large Christmas tree. Reminded of the tree at Desires full of
erotic baubles, she had a private little giggle to herself. She gave her name
then went to the cloakroom.

“You look nice, Stacie. Are you feeling better?” she
heard Jayne call. She turned. Jayne was decked out to the nines, displaying her
long legs and ample cleavage in a tiny gold dress.

Stacie ostentatiously shucked her jacket, handing it in
at the cloakroom. Jayne’s eyes popped quite satisfactorily as she clocked her

“I’m feeling much better now, thanks. Must have been one
of those things.”

She and Jayne headed into the function room. There was a
large dance floor and the pounding music was making her feet move. She glanced
around the area seeing a balcony overlooking the dance floor with tables and
chairs. A few of her work colleagues were dangling over the balcony waving at
them. She waved back then she and Jayne got themselves drinks before heading to
join the group.

They all gossiped as if they didn’t see each other all
day, every day, chattering about the latest celebs and what they were up to.
Stacie smirked to herself. If only they knew what shenanigans
had been up to, they’d be beyond
shocked. Although, more than likely they wouldn’t believe her. She tapped her
feet to the music, watching people entering the party, wanting to get her body
on the dance floor.

She wandered over to the balcony and looked down. There
were a lot of people here, there always were. She didn’t know more than a tenth
of the staff that worked at the magazine, all the departments kept to
themselves. She people-watched for a while, dancing on the spot, wiggling
about, allowing the music to take her feet.

“Hey there, gorgeous,” she heard. She turned around to
see a man approaching her. “Can I get you a drink?”

“Got one, thanks,” she said, holding up her glass.

“Would you like to dance, then?”

“Sorry. I’ve got a boyfriend,” she said, feeling a
cheesy grin spread over her face as she said the words.

“Ah, okay. He’s a lucky man,” the chap said, raising his
glass to her as he walked away.

Stacie watched the dance floor again. Groups of girls
danced round their handbags, while groups of guys jiggled about near them,
hoping to get lucky. Some were already coupled up, either jigging about in
front of each other, or taking that next step, dancing in each other’s arms.
The song finished and another came on. It wasn't as good a song and there was a
bit of an exodus from the floor. Then, through the thinning throng, Stacie saw the
one person she never in a million years expected to see—Dan.

She went into instant shock. Why on earth was he here?
Stacie cast around in her mind. He’d said he had a work Christmas party. Could
it be possible he worked at the magazine? She tried to remember way back when
she’d tried to get him to talk about himself. He’d said he worked in computers
and IT support. Well, they had computers at the magazine. She vaguely
remembered talking to him about her work one time, but had she ever named the
magazine? Theirs wasn't the only magazine in town, after all.

Stacie watched him jigging about with a couple of other
guys. They looked like typical nerds, sticky-out hair and glasses. As she
watched, a bunch of girls came up to him, dancing close. Jealousy turned her
stomach, but she forced herself to watch. It would be interesting to see how he
handled this. Okay, he had made all the right noises on the phone, he had given
up his very lucrative side-line for her—that was a big plus in his favour—but
he could still be a rat. She barely knew him after all.

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