Descent into Desire (17 page)

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Authors: Marie Medina

BOOK: Descent into Desire
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* * * *

Hades ran the riding crop over Persephone’s beautifully curved ass. “Such a naughty girl. Trying to sneak into my bed before the wedding.” He swatted her gently.

She sighed. “I’ll go to my mother’s to sleep eventually. But I’m not ready to sleep yet.” She wiggled her bottom. “More, please.”

She lay on her stomach across his bed with her ass lifted by a pillow. He’d been reluctant to mark her skin, only meaning to tease her with the idea, but she seemed so aroused he’d continued with their play. He used the crop to nudge her legs farther apart, and he licked his lips at the sight of her wet pussy.

He teased her clit with the tip of the crop, and he even slid it into her a little. She sighed again, and he saw her channel clenching around it. He withdrew and landed two strikes on each cheek, and she cried out in pleasure. Stepping forward, he slicked his fingers in her juices and licked them. He tossed the crop aside and gripped both cheeks. When she arched, he let go and brought his hand down on her ass. She spread herself more, coming up on her knees, and he grabbed the crop again. He ran it over her pussy and then centered it on her clit before tapping that sensitive nub.

“Hades, please!”

He repeated these taps as he thrust his fingers into her. When they were slick with her desire, he eyed her puckered hole. With her legs spread so wide, she seemed to be inviting him to touch her there. He circled his wet fingers around her anus and then pushed one in. She squealed but didn’t object. He dropped the crop once more so he could pinch her clit and fill her pussy with his fingers.

“Your cock, please,” she whispered.

“Where?” he asked, waiting breathlessly.

She went quiet a moment. “Surprise me.”

Hades nearly came at her words. He pulled out a bottle of lube and worked some into her ass. He fit three fingers into her soon enough, spreading them to stretch her. Next, he reached for the dildo he’d made especially for her. It was the exact size and shape of his own cock, and she loved it, often using it for him. He slid it into her trembling pussy and watched her shiver with need.

He took her hips and moved to enter her. When he slid past the ring of muscles, they both gasped. As desperate as he was to bury himself, he went slowly. The gentle fucking took a long time, her pleasure building until she begged for release. He sped up, and she shattered within moments. He collapsed atop her as he spilled into her tight ass, loving that he had claimed her in a new way.

Once he withdrew and turned her over, he moved to pull the dildo from her. She stopped him.

“We’re not done yet,” she whispered.

“We’re not?”

She practically purred as he arched against him, pushing the dildo deeper. “Not even close.”

* * * *

When Hades was told he could kiss his bride, he wanted nothing more than to carry her straight back to their bedroom. However, he decided against it to avoid the wrath of his new mother-in-law. Demeter pulled Persephone out of his arms and hugged her tightly as most of the gathered guests surged forward.

He truly hadn’t expected this big of a turnout. He inched closer to Hypnos. “Any chance of putting them all to sleep together and letting them dream all this?”

“You trying to get me in trouble again?” he asked.

Hades looked up at him and felt relieved when he smiled. His transformation finally seemed to be doing some good. At first, it had been confusing and almost debilitating, but now that Hypnos had adjusted he’d definitely regained lots of personality. Hades had always been annoyed by this void in Hypnos, but at the time he hadn’t been aware Hypnos’ personality literally had been stripped away. Hypnos as he was after being split into two separate beings had been both the perfect servant and the most boring person to be around. Hades had always simply accepted that the two brothers were meant to be complete opposites. It all made sense now that he knew the truth. The first spark of independent thought or action had come with Persephone’s arrival. Hypnos’ uncharacteristic behavior and the passionate embrace he and Persephone had shared in and of itself had told Hades something significant was going to happen to Hypnos. He simply hadn’t expected anything so dramatic. The Fates had been right not to tell him because everything would have been different if he had known Thanatos’ true nature, and Hypnos’ fate might have been a less happy one as a result.

“No. Not at all. I’m glad you were willing to give Persephone away.”

Hypnos looked at Persephone and smiled wider. He turned back to Hades. “I’m glad she asked me. It meant a lot to me. I think you’ve gained a diplomatic advantage with her. Demeter’s old-fashioned ways might not be perfect, but Persephone knows how to send a message without saying a word. Her choice showed people how she feels about me and what happened, and it shows that the Fates were right about her effect on the Underworld. They’ve all been reassured that what Zeus and the Fates did was for the best.”

Hades nodded. Hypnos had a good point. Despite her lack of socialization in Olympus for so many years, Persephone looked perfectly at ease accepting everyone’s congratulations and good wishes. “I think you’re right. Apollo said you’re all right then?”

Hypnos nodded. “My headaches have stopped. I think everything is going to be fine now.”

“Good. Keep an eye on her if I get trapped talking to anyone. I think she’s still nervous.”

“She does seem a little anxious. Why?”

He sighed. “For so many years, no one knew her very well, especially not men. Only Zeus and Hera really knew her. People thought she was dumb. You know that. No one held it against her or said anything, but they all dismissed her as a silly girl and didn’t think of her as a goddess.”

“I think Eros could relate to that. It’s hard living in that kind of shadow. It’s a very mortal feeling.”

“Exactly. She hasn’t said anything, but I know she wants everything perfect.”

“I’ll do my best. You may be occupied for a while.”

Hades followed Hypnos’ gaze and saw Hera pushing through the crowd. He smiled, but he knew she was carrying cameras by the way she carefully moved around everyone. When she finally emerged, he saw she did indeed have one around her neck and two in her hands.

“Why do we need those?” he asked. “It’s not as if we couldn’t create pictures right out of our own memories.”

“I like real stuff. Stuff I can touch.” She handed him the ones in her hand. “But take them for now. I’m tired of holding them anyway.”

“Isn’t this Aphrodite’s job? You know, annoying people at weddings?”

Hera smiled. “She’s busy.” She pointed across the room. Aphrodite was talking to Hephaestus. They both looked very serious.

“What’s going on?”

“Hephaestus has fallen for someone, finally. I kept pestering him to talk to Aphrodite, but he wouldn’t because of their little affair all those years ago. I guess he was embarrassed or thought it would get complicated.” She rolled her eyes. “Who knows. Ares is so much easier to understand. The point is, he’s either being too shy or the girl isn’t interested. He’s taking his sweet time, but it looks like this could get things rolling.”

Hades looked at Aphrodite’s face. She’d smiled genuinely and been very pleased to bless his union with Persephone, but he’d felt how heavy her heart was when she’d joined their hands. How could Hera not feel it?

“You two talking more?”

Hera thought. “Not officially, but yes, we’re fine. I’m going to talk to her today. She meant well. She would never have tried that spell if she’d known it might hurt Ares. We’ve gotten through worse, and she’s a good friend. We all need each other. I’m glad things aren’t like they once were.”

Hades nodded, though he wondered if Hera would be so enthused if she noticed the look in Hephaestus’ eyes. He touched Aphrodite’s shoulder and whispered to her. He walked away before Hera looked back, but Hades knew that look. He wasn’t sure how it had happened, but he was willing to bet his whole kingdom Aphrodite was the girl Hephaestus had fallen for. It certainly helped to further explain Aphrodite’s mood.

He decided to take a chance. “Let’s go talk to her.” He offered his arm to Hera and then escorted her over. When Aphrodite looked up, he felt a slight twinge of nervousness she quickly covered up. Hera didn’t seem to notice since the festivities were providing plenty of distractions.

He spoke to Aphrodite quickly in his mind.
It’s okay. I’m trying to help. Trust me.

She smiled, and he felt her relax a bit.

He bowed very theatrically to both ladies and handed both cameras to Aphrodite. “I’m acting out of self-interest here, but I want you two ladies to talk. It will save us all from being assaulted digitally for at least a few minutes.”

“We do need to talk,” Aphrodite said.

Hera smiled. “Yes, we do. Poseidon told us how worried you are about Apollo. Zeus and I have been considering it. But I’m going to want a favor in return.”

“Okay. What?”

“I think you’ve already agreed to it. Hephaestus has told you about his problem?”

“Yes, yes he has,” she said quickly.


Aphrodite froze for a second.

Hades gave Hera a playful shove. “She’s going to help him, of course. You two can talk business later. Come on. Make fun of the ugly dresses. Let’s hear some dirty remarks about Persephone tying me up.”

Aphrodite smiled as Hera laughed, and then she touched Hera’s arm. “Of course I’ll help Hephaestus. I want to see him happy. He deserves it.”

“Good!” Hera said. “Hades is right. We can talk about it all later. Let’s go round up the bridesmaids and make sure they all have someone to run off in the woods with later.”

Aphrodite laughed and it seemed genuine. Hades kissed them both on the cheek quickly.

Thank you,
Aphrodite said.

He smiled at her as Hera pulled her away and began chatting animatedly. He turned to try to find Persephone. She was standing with Alala and Ares. He decided to walk over to them as Ares kissed Persephone for the second time.

Hades put his arm around Alala’s waist. “So do I get to kiss your bride twice at your wedding?”

Ares and Persephone laughed as Alala turned to kiss Hades on the cheek. “You have
permission,” she said, “so you don’t need his at all.”

Ares pulled Alala to him and held her close. “Wait until we get home,” he said in a playfully menacing voice.

Persephone sighed heavily. “I can’t wait to go home. Look at all these people. Everyone is here. I’m sure of it.”

Hades looked around yet again. Persephone was probably right. He hadn’t seen such a crowd in Olympus in a long time. As he turned back, he noticed one other thing. Alala was looking at Aphrodite, and Ares was looking at Hephaestus.

Persephone didn’t seem to notice, so he didn’t say anything. Eros’ wedding had been more than eventful enough. He didn’t want anything to ruin Persephone’s day. He scanned the rest of the crowd. Eros and his wife Iris stood talking with Hermes, who would be marrying Ares’ sister Eris a few weeks before Ares married Alala. Zeus and Hera looked like newlyweds, holding hands under the table as they sat talking with Aphrodite. Demeter was sharing a plate of veggies with Poseidon’s wife Layla at another table, while Poseidon stood behind them talking to Dionysus and Proteus. His gaze finally fell on Apollo. He sat alone, but Hades noticed the three women behind him. The Fates all gazed at him, and then Lachesis looked up at Hades and smiled. They moved as one and walked away. Apollo continued to sip his drink as if nothing had happened. Hephaestus was talking to Persephone’s brother Arion a few feet away. Arion had been annoyed no one had told him what was happening with his sister until it was all over, but he seemed fine now and had even congratulated Hades that morning and welcomed him to the family. As he gazed around once more, Hades wondered if Apollo and Hephaestus were destined to be as happy as most of the people around them.

“Are you listening?” Persephone asked.

“No,” he admitted. “I’m people watching.”

Persephone wrapped her arms around his waist. “You can do that while we dance.”

He smiled down at her and kissed her softly. “I certainly can.” He led her out to the dance floor, anxious to get her back to his bed for a less public expression of his love for her.

* * * *

Persephone sighed as Hades applied more oil to her shoulders and rubbed. Her dress had been beautiful, but it had felt as if it weighed nearly as much as she did. Even when she had been sitting, she’d constantly felt it pulling her backwards. For luck, her mother had sewn natural, uncut gemstones into Persephone’s train. She’d wanted to protest, but since her mother had never had a wedding, she’d held her tongue. Her mother never talked about Iasion, and she barely knew her two half-brothers who lived in the mortal world. She felt sad, but as she remembered her mother laughing at the reception and dancing with Arion, she smiled. Despite being unable to marry the man she’d loved, Demeter was happy. She loved Persephone and Arion and had always tried to do what was best for them. She sighed as Hades rubbed harder. Her mother’s loss made her appreciate her own happiness even more.

“What are you thinking about?” Hades asked. “Your emotions are very mixed.”

“Lots of things. Life in general. How happy I am. I was thinking about my mother too. She’s very happy now.”

“She’s certainly happier than I’d ever have expected. You should have seen her the first time she confronted me.”

Persephone giggled. “Did she call you a ravisher and a despoiler and a downright scoundrel?”

“In her own words, yes. Many times.” He rubbed lower. “But at the time I wasn’t guilty at all. I could only be blamed for countless fantasies.”

She felt her need for him curling tighter deep inside. She’d need release very soon. His hands moved lower, massaging her buttocks. “I’ve liked the ones you’ve shared with me so far.”

“Have you?” He slid his middle finger into her slowly.

She sighed. His hand was hot, and he pushed in so his other fingers could tease her clit. “Yes. I like thinking about them.”

He removed his hand and turned her over. He traced a line up between her breasts. “Why?”

She blushed, and he smiled. “Mmmm, you like making me blush, don’t you?” she asked.

He cupped both her breasts and rubbed them gently. He didn’t touch her nipples though. He liked to tease her this way because he’d found, much to his delight, that her nipples were incredibly sensitive.

“Yes, I do,” he finally said.

She closed her eyes to concentrate on his touch. “It’s flattering. That’s why I like to think about them. They aren’t just naughty. They’re sweet.”

He pinched her nipples between his fingers, and she gasped. “Should I make them naughtier?”

She ran her hand down between her legs and toyed with her clit. “Tonight you should. I really need you.”

He looked down at her hand as her finger circled her clit. He moaned deep in his throat. One of the fantasies he’d shared with her, and which they’d acted out just two days before, involved him watching her bring herself to orgasm. He used to imagine it often when they only communicated online. After they’d end their conversations, he’d imagine her being as worked up as he was. He’d been very gratified to learn she had indeed pleasured herself a few times after their long, late talks.

“Tell me what you want,” he whispered.

She pulled him down onto her, spreading her legs wide for him. “You. Right now.”

He kissed her hungrily as he moved closer to her. He rubbed his cock against her and bit her lip gently. When she sighed, he pushed into her a little. “You get so wet, baby. Mmmmm.” He pushed farther, and he slid in very easily.

She gasped when he was in to the hilt. “You get me so wet,” she said against his lips.

He kissed her hard and began to press her deep into the mattress with his thrusts. She wrapped her legs around him and cried out. His massage had brought her so close her orgasm exploded quickly. He slowed as she trembled around him, his lips moving down her throat. Hot waves of pleasure moved over her. Her clit was very sensitive, and his skin rubbing it roughly drove her wild.

“Your mouth,” she whispered.

He bit her neck playfully, and then immediately positioned himself between her legs, locking his mouth onto just the right spot.

She arched off the bed. His tongue was insistent. He’d learned very quickly which strokes she liked, when to use his teeth, how to make her explode. He ran her hands into his hair, tugging hard, and then pushing him against her. “Make me come again.”

And he did. He grasped her hips and laved her clit firmly. He had to tighten his hold to keep her down on the bed. She grasped one of the pillows beside her tightly, grinding against his mouth. She still trembled when he pushed her over and moved up behind her, kissing her back.

“You like it, don’t you?” she asked.

“What, my love?” His hand slipped between her legs again. Her hot pussy trembled even more at his touch.

“When I tell you what to do.”

He kissed her neck and pressed against her, looking into her eyes when she turned her head. “I love it.” He kissed her cheeks. “I want to know your fantasies. You’ve never told me any of them yet.”

Her pussy tightened at the idea, and he seemed to sense what his suggestion had done to her.

“Tell me. I want to hear what you desire.”

She thought for a moment, and then settled onto her back. She looked up at him. “I already have it.”

“What do you mean?” He stretched next to her on his side and put one arm across her stomach.

“I wanted you to make me want you.”

He stroked her skin. “You wanted me to be forceful with you? Is that what you mean?”

“That’s the only way I understood it then. I did want to be seduced. But now I understand better what I truly wanted. I didn’t care about sex. It was vague, and most of it didn’t sound like that much fun to me. I’d had orgasms, but they were empty.”

“You wanted me…to teach you about desire? To make you feel it?”

She smiled. “See? Perfect. That’s the best way to put it. I’m not used to talking about these things. You’ve gotten it just right though.”

His face became serious. He pulled her close and kissed her softly. “Do you know how happy that makes me?”

His intensity surprised her. “Why?”

“It’s what I wanted too. It’s why I didn’t kiss you the moment I pulled you into my chariot. It’s the reason I wanted to wait, even though your nearness was driving me into a frenzy of desire. I wanted you to want me. I wanted it to be important it was me who made love to you.”

She nodded, understanding. Her heart swelled with her love for him. “I never considered that. I see what you mean now. I suppose what happened with Hypnos showed how confused I was.”

He put his hand on her lips. “Your frustration and confusion were my fault. I’m sorry I made our journey harder.”

She pulled him close, kissing his fingers before he pulled his hand away to slip it around her waist. “It doesn’t matter now.” She kissed him. “Want to hear the naughty part?”

He smiled. “Sounds intriguing.”

“Once I knew who you were, I imagined I was in for quite a night.”

He rubbed her back and pulled her closer. His hard cock pressed against her thigh. “What did you imagine?”

“Something like this.” She snapped her fingers. Hades stayed in the same position, but her hands were tied above her head with leather straps attached to the headboard. “Simple, yes, but it was an image that seemed compatible with what I wanted.”

“What you said before?” He reached over and caressed her cheek.

“Yes. I imagined you…teaching me things this way.”

He gazed over her body slowly. “You really thought you were going to be my sweet little captive, didn’t you?”

“Yes. You aren’t insulted, are you? Given your reputation, I couldn’t help expecting something kinky.”

After a long moment, he shook his head. “No. You wanted sex. You wanted excitement.”

“I found love.”

“I know.” He kissed her deeply as he climbed on top of her. “I may need to punish you though, only a tiny bit, for thinking I meant to ravish you.”

She pretended to struggle with her restraints, which made him smile wickedly. “I’m at your mercy then, aren’t I?”

“Yes, my lady, you are.”

She eyed his cock. “And you plan to use that on me?”

“Oh yes.”

“Might I get a closer look?”

“Now who’s at whose mercy?”

She giggled as he moved up her body and positioned his cock in front of her face. “Oh that’s the best part.” She flicked her tongue out and ran it over the head of his cock slowly before closing her lips over the shaft.

He groaned loudly. “My love.”

She ran her tongue up and down his cock and sucked. She shifted her head forward to take his cock to the back of her throat. She’d learned to do this without gagging, and the sounds he made told her how much he appreciated it.

He pulled out and moved back down her body. She opened her legs wide for him, but instead of entering her he knelt and explored her with his hands. He slid one finger in, only for a moment, and then returned to caressing and fondling her wet folds.

She sighed with frustration. “What are you doing?”

He smiled up at her. “Such sweet torture deserves a little repayment.” He licked her clit, and then pulled away.

Her pussy throbbed with need. The sounds he’d made as she sucked his cock made her need him even more. “I want your cock.”

“I must be careful though, what with you being a maiden and all.”

She saw what he was doing, and as much as she wanted him, she was intrigued. Two could play at this game. “I see. I am very tight.”

His eyes blazed with desire. “I shall have to go very slowly.”

“Oh yes. But you’ll have to push deep so there can be no doubt.”

He moved onto her quickly, grasping her hair and kissing her roughly. “I can hardly describe what you do to me.”

She arched up to rub her pussy over his cock. “Then don’t use words.” She pulled at her restraints and broke them easily. She couldn’t stand it any longer, not being able to touch him. “Take me, my love.”

He plunged into her. She shifted beneath him, surprised at how good his quick penetration felt. She moaned and held him close.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

The concern on his face disappeared when their eyes met. She shook her head and brought her lips to his, kissing him sweetly as she urged him to thrust. Everything else melted away as he surged inside her. Her desire coiled tightly, ready for release.

“Come with me. I’m so close.”

He quickened his pace, going deeper and deeper. He thrust harder when she cried out and began to tremble beneath him. He groaned and squeezed her tight as he spilled into her. They lay tangled in each other’s embrace for several moments. Hades rose and went into the bathroom. Persephone sat up when she heard the water running.

When he emerged, she asked, “More pampering?”

“Oh yes.” He swept her into his arms. “Lots more of everything. No one’s going to expect us out there for a few days.”

She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. She’d only wanted to feel passion and find a lover, but instead she’d found a man who completed her and a love greater than anything she could ever have desired.

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