Descent into Desire (14 page)

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Authors: Marie Medina

BOOK: Descent into Desire
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Persephone rolled her eyes. “You’re doing this all wrong. You need to work on your ‘reveal my evil plan’ speech.”

Thanatos gripped the footboard of the bed and leaned forward. “I am trying to tell you something you should already know. Once I have power, others will be willing to admit they don’t like being ruled by the likes of Zeus and Hades. They drove out the Titans, so I’ll drive them out.”

“No one rules here. The Titans chose to leave after they got tired of the conflicts. Come on. If someone is really upset they run to Zeus or Hera, but we all live and work together.”

Thanatos shook his head and smiled. “Not down here, little one. The Underworld is still a kingdom. Once I have it, I can take Olympus.”

“Zeus will kill you first.”

His smile broadened. “You keep telling yourself that.”

Persephone was beginning to wonder where Zeus was. He could enter the Underworld. She knew he and Hades couldn’t enter the Chamber of Darkness, but what about Hypnos? Hypnos was now her best friend after Alala. She knew how much he cared for her. Now she understood why he and Thanatos were not close. It had also become very clear why he’d warned her to avoid his brother. She wished her thoughts could penetrate the room and reach him. Even though she was cut off, she could almost feel Hypnos’ sense of guilt. He’d warned her, and then that very day he’d let her be taken. She knew he would see it that way. Hades would also see it as a way in which he had failed. He had no idea she’d been able to protect herself from being raped by Thanatos. What would he be feeling if he thought that was what she was enduring right now?

“You look sad, little one. Once this is over, I won’t harm you.”

His voice sounded sickeningly sweet. He was enjoying torturing her the only way he could.

“Why do you want to rule? The work Hades does seems like a burden at times.”

“The Olympian aristocrats are spoiled brats. They need to be overthrown. Hades will still judge the dead, if I let him live.”

She glared at him, but didn’t react. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

“And you’ll be one of my consorts. Dreadful shortage of blondes here. Aphrodite’s a stupid bitch. Eris may be right to be my queen. Nice and feisty.”

Persephone could not stop herself from laughing. “Now I know how insane you are. Eris would rip your heart out if you tried to touch her. Ares would resurrect you so he could have the pleasure of doing it too.”

“You need to start changing your tune, little one.” He came and sat on the bed, but she noted he didn’t touch her.

“And why is that? All of Olympus is going to be against you for this.”

“I cannot die.”

“Yes, you can. If Zeus can die, so can you.”

He shook his head. “No, I can’t. I am the god of death. How can I die?”

When it was put like that, it made enough sense to make Persephone nervous. “But Zeus is more powerful.”

“Zeus has grown lazy and comfortable. I can take him.”

“No, you can’t.”

Thanatos slapped her hard. He lost some skin, but as he stared at his hand he looked like he was enjoying the pain.

Persephone backed away as much as she could.

“I really don’t like that dress,” he said. He reached for her, but a crash made him jump up.

The doors of the room had splintered into a million pieces. Zeus stood there in full armor carrying a sword.

Thanatos laughed. “All the theatrical crap does you no good if you can’t get to me.”

Zeus threw a metal ball into the room, but Thanatos dodged it easily.


The ball broke and blue smoke filled the room. Persephone felt her chains fall away. She glanced quickly between the two men. Thanatos was looking at Zeus. She inched toward the edge of the bed. She saw Zeus tilt his head to the side without looking at her, as if he meant for her to run from the room. She hoped he knew what he was doing.

She bolted up, but Thanatos grabbed her. He wrenched her arms behind her, and she felt a snap in her right shoulder. She screamed as the pain spread, and she realized both that he’d pulled her arm out of socket and that she wasn’t burning him.

“You seem to have lost your powers, little one.”

“Let her go!” Zeus’ voice boomed and shook the chamber. Behind him Cerberus growled.

“She’s mine now. There’s nothing you can do about it. Not a very clever trick, dissolving her chains. That the best all of you could come up with? Maybe you’d enjoy watching me make her a woman? I know how much you love her, Zeus. I’d love making her scream for you.”

An arrow came out of nowhere and hit Thanatos in his shoulder. He screamed and grabbed at the arrow. Persephone kicked at him several times and then dashed for the door when he released her. She ran behind Zeus, throwing her uninjured arm around him as her heart pounded with fear.

Zeus squeezed her hand tightly and kissed it. “I’ve released her from Hades’ spell so she can leave the Underworld. Take her to Apollo. She’s in a lot of pain.”

She looked around, but she only saw Cerberus. Then Hypnos appeared, removing the Helm of Darkness. She tried to move toward him, but suddenly every muscle in her body throbbed.

Zeus helped her into Hypnos’ arms. “Using Hephaestus’ powers has weakened her. Find Apollo. Now.”

As Hypnos carried her away, she heard Thanatos yelling after them.

“Yes, run away, as always! She doesn’t love you. She will never love you! Pandering to these fools gains you nothing! You could have everything!”

She felt weak and dizzy. “It hurts,” she whimpered as she clung to him.

Hypnos kissed her forehead. “You will sleep. Apollo can help you.”

Everything began to go dark, but she managed to say. “He’s the fool. I do love you. You’re my…friend.”

Hypnos held her closer as he moved up toward the surface. “I know, Persephone. Sleep now.”

She closed her eyes, hoping Hades would be the first thing she saw when she opened them again.

* * * *

Zeus stood glaring at Thanatos. The only thing preventing him from taking the scum’s head off was the protective barrier placed over the door. The Chamber of Darkness was Thanatos’ refuge, the one place he could change from his corporeal form. Hypnos could change into a mist anywhere, but then dreams couldn’t hurt anyone. Death could.

“I know what a coward you are, so I’m assuming you won’t come out.”

Thanatos gave him a smug look. “I could and would. Don’t feel like it now.”

Zeus threw his sword down. “What if I’m unarmed?”

“Doesn’t matter much either way.” He smirked. “You think your get up is scary?”

Zeus snapped his fingers, and his armor was replaced by black pants and a green sweater Hera liked. “I can’t say I was thinking about my appearance. I was thinking about saving someone I love. You can’t understand something like that.”

Thanatos crossed his arms. “Nope. Not one of my problems at all. Aphrodite has turned all of you mad. Everyone’s going at it, falling in love and trying to be human. Too stupid to admit marriage is little more than guaranteed sex.”

“I’m done talking. Nothing you say matters. I’m challenging you. Tomorrow at dawn.”

“I didn’t fuck her. Check for yourself. You know you want to.”

Zeus stomped his right foot, and everything around them shook. He smiled when Thanatos fell back against the fireplace.

“Judging by those burns, you tried to, you piece of filth. I’ve treated some women very badly, but I openly admit it and dare anyone to say I haven’t changed over the years. Any man who could harm that sweet child is no man at all.”

Thanatos rolled his eyes. “But the fact is I didn’t succeed. You can’t challenge me for kidnapping her. Hades is basically guilty of that, and you chose not to act then. Sets a bit of a precedent.”

“I’m the king of the gods, and I do as I please. You will come with me, and the six of us shall vote as to whether you live or die. If you choose to protest, you must fight me.”

“You can’t do that.”

“Your plan was to overthrow Hades and rule the Underworld, was it not?”

Thanatos didn’t answer.

“I’m sure you didn’t sit here in silence. I can tell by your response you told Persephone enough for us to prove it. You were warned the first time. This time you will be judged.” He took a small bag out of his pocket. It had been a present from Ares a long time ago. He removed ten metal pellets and dropped them to the ground. Each one burst into flame, and from the smoking metal arose ten Greek warriors. “You will come with us. These men cannot be killed by your touch, but it doesn’t truly matter. As soon as you step from that room, I will bind your powers.”

“You can’t make me.”

Zeus rolled his eyes this time. “You are an idiot. Your own estimation of your worth has really gone to your head. Now that Persephone is safe I’m not afraid to do this.” Zeus cleared his throat. He hadn’t used this power on anyone in a long time, but he was sure it still worked. “I, Zeus, command you. You will come with us!” His voice made the ground shake.

Thanatos walked out of the room very quickly, stumbling awkwardly as if he’d been pushed across the threshold. He lunged for Zeus, who held up his hand. Thanatos stopped and watched Zeus make a fist. Zeus smiled as he opened his hand to reveal a black marble.

“Your powers are bound here. It will be placed in your brother’s keeping. It will be his if you lose.”

Thanatos grabbed Zeus by the shoulders. Nothing happened.

“Tyrant,” he whispered as two warriors pulled him away.

Zeus followed behind as the men led Thanatos up toward the surface. Tomorrow they would meet and pass judgment, something that had not been done for nearly four hundred years. As long as the Fates didn’t intervene, he felt assured Thanatos was going to get what he deserved.


Chapter Ten


Persephone groaned. Her arm ached. She opened her eyes and saw Apollo sitting beside her, massaging her arm.

“Hi,” she said weakly.

“Hello. How are you feeling?”


“We were afraid you might be in shock. You should have woken up a while ago.”

“I’m not in shock. I was scared, but it wasn’t…um…” She felt very flustered suddenly, blushing under Apollo’s gaze. She looked into his eyes and quietly said, “He didn’t.”

“I know.” He placed his hand on her abdomen. “I was able to check without being, well…invasive.”

She smiled because she thought he was blushing. Wasn’t he supposed to be worldly and roguish now? She touched his hand as she remembered the silly stories he’d told her so long ago when she a little girl. She wondered how many other people in Olympus she had the wrong impression of. “Thank you. He didn’t hurt me at all until Zeus arrived. Then he got scared. He knew it was all over.” She looked around. “Where is Zeus? Where is Hades?”

He squeezed her hand with genuine affection. “Zeus has not yet returned, and Hades is outside. Shall I get him for you?”

“Yes! Who else is here?”

Apollo smiled. “Lots of people. Alala and Ares, Hera and Hypnos. And your mother.”

Persephone took a deep breath. “Let me see Hades first. Then the others can come.” She tried to smile. “I’m surprised my mother hasn’t burst through the door.”

“Hera convinced her you needed rest. I’ll bring Hades in.”

Hades burst in as soon as Apollo opened the door and said his name.

She sat up, trying to think of the very best thing to say to let him know she was all right, but he stopped her with a deep kiss. She gave in to it, and as she did so she wished they could be alone much longer.

He looked deep into her eyes when he released her. “I swear no one will ever hurt you again. Ever.”

“He didn’t hurt me.”

Hades held her face in his hands, then ran them down her neck and over her body before cradling her head in his hands again. He couldn’t seem to touch her enough. “I was going mad when I thought of what he wanted to—”

“Don’t think of things like that,” she said as she placed her finger on his lips. “He didn’t, and that’s what matters. I was scared, but the Fates protected me. He’s so much stronger than me. He didn’t have to chain me. He did though. Hypnos explained it all to me while I was sleeping.”

“He did? So that’s where he went.”

She nodded. “He told me how I used Hephaestus’ powers. He came to tell me why you weren’t there, but I wasn’t even thinking of that.”

“How could you not be thinking of that?”

“I could only imagine what you’d be going through, and deep down I’d been hoping Zeus would keep you away. Something could have happened to you.”

“I could have saved you myself though.”

She stroked his face. He looked so anxious, and she was amazed he could think she would criticize him or think any less of him. “Thanatos is different. Remember when he rebelled before? He nearly killed you then.”

He stiffened. “How do you know that?”

“He wouldn’t stop talking. He told it from his own perspective, but because of that I know how close you were to dying. He touched you with only half his power on purpose because he needed you until Zeus gave in. Apollo had to work hard to save you.”

He put his arms around her waist. “Let’s not talk about any of it. Just come here.” He kissed her again, a long and luxurious embrace that made her melt.

She pulled away reluctantly. “After Hypnos left me, I had time to think before I woke up. The Fates did something else today.”


She ran her hands over his chest, smiling up at him. “Can’t you guess?”

“They scared me to death and made me determined to never let you out of my sight again.”

She laughed. “And because of that, I’ll let you.”

He considered this, but still looked confused. “I don’t understand.”

“I’ll let you ‘never let me out of your sight again.’ Hades, I’m trying to say yes to your marriage proposal. The moment I knew what was happening, I didn’t think of myself. I thought of you. I thought of how scared and angry you would be. I couldn’t stop thinking of how worried you’d be. I couldn’t think of myself at all. I only thought of you.”

“You’re sure?” he asked before she could go on.

She rolled her eyes and hit him in the chest with both of her hands playfully. “I was pausing for effect, my love. If you’d given me five seconds, I would have told you how deeply I’ve fallen in love with you.”

Before she could blink or even take in his reaction, he’d brought his lips to hers and pushed her back into the pillows. She couldn’t breathe, but she didn’t care. She reveled in the feel of his hot body pressing her down, the urgency and joy of his kiss.

Reluctantly, she pushed him up. “I want you so much, but if we don’t stop, my mother may break the door down.”

He smiled and quickly kissed her again. “You’re right. I’ll bring everyone in.”

He went to the doors and opened them. Hera, Hypnos and Ares came in and moved to her bed. However, Demeter stood outside the door, and Alala seemed to be urging her to come in.

Persephone looked at everyone, but no one said anything. “Mother? What’s wrong?”

Demeter looked at her, but she didn’t move.

Persephone swallowed, feeling confused and apprehensive. “I know you’re angry, mother, and I’m sorry, but—”

Demeter shook her head adamantly. “I’m not angry.” She strode into the room and sat on the bed, taking Persephone’s hands.

“How can you not be angry?” she whispered.

“It was all my fault! If I’d given you more freedom, you wouldn’t have run away. If I’d been more open, Hades wouldn’t have had to sneak around to see you. It’s my fault.”

Persephone did not believe what she was hearing. She’d never have imagined anything breaking her mother’s spirit like this. Her mother was serious and reserved. She never showed any emotion to anyone, unless it was anger.

“Mother, it’s okay now. You don’t have to apologize. Anything you ever did made me who I am, and Hades loves me the way I am.” She squeezed her mother’s hands. “I know you might not approve, but I love him, and I want to marry him.”

Demeter let the tears in her eyes fall. “Yes. Of course.” She hugged her daughter tightly.

Persephone once again had trouble breathing, as much from amazement as from anything else. “It’s okay,” she whispered to her mother. “Everything is okay now.” She pulled back and smiled at her, and then she looked at everyone else.

“I think,” she began, “I owe everyone an apology. When I told Hades I wanted to run away with him, he could’ve been anyone. He could’ve been someone like Thanatos. Or some crazy mortal. I probably could’ve handled a mortal man, but how did I know? I had no assurance the person I’d been talking with truly loved me. No way of seeing how it would end. I’m very sorry.”

Demeter shook her head. “We were scared, but everyone except me understood why you did it. It’s over. You’re safe, and you can be happy now. You can do anything you want.”

Persephone looked at Hypnos and Hera. “What’s going to happen to Thanatos?”

“He’s going to be judged. It’s likely he’ll have to fight Zeus because he’ll object even if his punishment is light,” Hera said.

“He told me he can’t die. I wanted to tell Zeus, but the pain clouded my mind. Is he okay?”

Hera nodded. “He’s fine. Thanatos is imprisoned. Judgment will be tomorrow.”

Ares spoke up. “Thanatos genuinely believes that. He wasn’t trying to scare you. But it’s not true. He can die just as any of us could if the circumstances were right.”

“He could be sentenced to death as his punishment, or die if he fights Zeus and loses?”

Ares nodded. “Hephaestus made a new sword, one that could deliver a deathblow to a god.”

Persephone swallowed. “And to be fair, Thanatos would be given the same kind of weapon?”

“If it comes to that,” Hera explained. “Don’t fear for Hades though. Challenging the judgment is a direct challenge to Zeus.”

She nodded slowly. “I’ve caused everyone so much trouble.”

Hades kissed her forehead. “The blame then is mine. All of this can be traced back to my actions.”

“Why doesn’t everyone stop talking and start being happy?”

They all looked up to see Zeus enter the room.

Persephone smiled and held her arms out. “My hero!” He came over and hugged her, and she kissed him on the cheek before looking at Hades and saying, “No offense meant.”

Hades embraced his brother as well. “None taken. So long as your crush on your hero is long over.”

She blushed furiously as Alala giggled.

“Don’t worry,” Alala said. “Her major crush was about fifty years ago.”

Persephone threw a pillow at her friend. “Let’s move on to that being happy thing, shall we? Much better than the teasing Persephone game. I think the first step involves my future husband taking me out for some fresh air.”

“Are you sure? Shouldn’t you rest?” Demeter asked.

Apollo said, “It will do her good. She needs to move around. It will help her body adjust as her arm completely heals itself.” He looked at Hades. “But make her rest if she seems tired. The healing process will leave you a little drained. Drink this first.” He handed her a glass of purple liquid. “It will purge the effects of using Hephaestus’ magic. You had lots of power flowing through you.”

She drank and immediately felt better. She took a deep breath as Hades helped her stand.

Zeus began to move everyone out. “We all have things to do. Ares, I want you and Hypnos to stay with Thanatos, just in case.” He handed Hypnos something. “Keep this safe.”

Persephone saw Hypnos close his hand over a black marble, but when he let his hand fall by his side it was gone.

Demeter stood and kissed her daughter. “I’ll see you later. Come by before you go home. Hera and I have to go find Hestia for the judgment.”

“We will.” She watched her mother nod and smile at Hades before turning to go. Her mother had called the Underworld her home. That small gesture meant more to her than anything her mother had said. She knew she had her mother’s blessing, and nothing could go wrong so long as she had that.

Alala ran up quickly and hugged her. “No more garden romps until you’re better though. Save it for the wedding, which I’m going to start designing dresses for.” She punched Hades in the arm. “I told you not to worry.”

Persephone blushed yet again. “I did tell her about the time in the garden,” she whispered. “And I didn’t know you two had talked that much.”

“Only a few times. I wanted it all to be perfect, and she did kick my ass verbally a few times, just so you know we weren’t exactly conspiring together.” He took her hand as they walked toward the door.

“It will be perfect now.”

She held his hand tightly, knowing she was exactly where she belonged.

* * * *

Persephone noticed how quiet everything was as they entered Zeus’ palace. As she and Hades made their way to the throne room, a door opened.


She looked up and saw Hestia standing in the doorway smiling at her. She walked to her aunt quickly when she opened her arms to her. Hestia wore a simple linen dress with a hemp cord at her waist. Her brown hair fell down her back, and though her green eyes were dramatically highlighted by brown and green eye make-up, the rest of her look was natural. Hestia was the only goddess who lived completely in the mortal world. She had not been back to Olympus for any reason in several decades as far as Persephone could remember.

“It’s wonderful to see you,” Persephone said. “Despite the circumstances.”

Hestia continued to smile as she took Hades’ hand and joined it with Persephone’s. “Everything’s going to be fine. The Fates have worked out all things for the good.”

“I hope so,” Hades said. “It’s hard to be sure at times.”

Hestia rubbed their hands before releasing them. “You can be sure of this.”

Hades finally smiled. “That means a lot coming from you.”

Hestia was the goddess of the hearth and the home. In a roundabout way, she had just given her blessing for them to make a home together. She often said things the way the Fates did, saw things the way they did. At this moment, it wasn’t melodramatic. It was very comforting.

Persephone sighed. “Are they ready? Should we go in now?”

“All is ready. We were only waiting for you to arrive. A place is reserved for you by Hypnos. Hades and I must sit with the others.”

She nodded. “I’ve never been to anything like this. It’s a little frightening.”

“We’re all safe. No one can use any powers in that room unless Zeus allows it. Everything is bound so truth can be revealed without anyone being afraid.”

“Don’t be afraid,” Hades said. “If Demeter or I sought a judgment based on vengeance, the others would check us. We would lose our right to vote. He’ll be punished in the best way and only as severely as he deserves.”

“You reading my mind now?” she asked. “I was just hoping you’d all be fair.”

He kissed her forehead. “I don’t want you to be afraid of what happens. Justice is always served when we balance one another.”

She took a deep breath as they all walked toward the door. She didn’t know what would happen, but more than anything she wanted it to be over, no matter the outcome.

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