Denying Heaven (Room 103) (3 page)

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Authors: D H Sidebottom

BOOK: Denying Heaven (Room 103)
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My sexual preferences had always been a little… demanding
and debauching. My need for pain and discipline always made me ashamed to ask
for what I wanted with previous partners, not that there had been many, but I
had a feeling Bulk already knew exactly what I wanted, like he could sense this
side of me and my relief in his accepting behaviour and instant management had
the pleasure lobes of my brain screaming in delight.


“Do as you’re told, Spirit. Or do you want a spanking on that
pretty little ass of yours? Is that what you want? Or is it what you

I bit my tongue and turned, palming the wall to conceal
the excitement in my eyes with his threat.

“Good girl. Now I’m gonna make you come until you can’t breathe
and then I’m gonna fuck my fist and cover your soft back with my cum.”

“Do you always talk so fucking much?” I hissed through
clenched teeth as my sweaty palms slid slightly on the smooth wall.

“Only when my intentions need to be pointed out numerous
times,” he snarled as I felt him lower to his knees behind me and I stifled a
small moan as I urged him to hurry the fuck up and touch me.

My body was on fire, my pussy was as hot as sin and my
nerve endings were screeching in desire as I felt his hands against my
shoulders, the heat from him blistering my skin as he slowly glided then down
the centre of my spine, a small press of a finger deepening the sensation as he
brought them round to cup my backside and I rocked my hips slightly to ease the
ache between my thighs.


He curved his fingers in the edge of my knickers and
slowly drew them down my legs. “Christ, will you fucking touch me!”

He ignored me and tapped my ankle until I stepped out of
them. “Fuck,” he gasped slightly but then a small groan of pleasure resonated
from him. “You really have the most exquisite pussy I’ve ever seen. Fucking

“God damn, will you just bloody touch me.”

My jaw dropped as his hand pressed between my shoulder
blades and I slid further down the wall, the effect sticking my arse higher and
higher with my descent. My lip quivered when he slid under me until his face
was positioned directly under my pussy, his intense eyes on mine as he looked
up at me from between my thighs.

My eyes fluttered in pleasure as a long finger slid
inside my heat, the calloused tip stroking harshly at my pussy wall as he
stretched me with a wide circular movement.

“Like that?” he breathed behind me and I mumbled a

“Oh yes, so like that.” I groaned again as another finger
joined the play and swirled around inside me.

“Watch me Spirit; watch me eat your sweet pussy.” His
voice was harsh with demand and I moved my gaze until I could see the flick of
his tongue on my clit, the tip of it rubbing me back and forth and I whimpered
as the erotic sight boosted my lust, making my pussy twitch with need.

“You like that?”

“I’d like it more if you shut up!”

I gasped when he nipped the inside of my thigh, giving me
a hard pinch and I bit my lip to hide my groan of excitement from him, “Don’t
forget who’s in charge.”


I stilled and my whole body tightened as a finger probed
my backside, “Uhh, what are you doing?”

“Ass play, Spirit. Don’t argue.”

“Uhh, no, don’t” I shook my head as a forbidden groan
erupted with the fire raging inside me.

“Don’t be stubborn. I know you like it, your hot pussy is
telling my other finger how much you like it” he said with a chuckle and I bit
my lower lip with slight shame.

“Fuck you!” I spat as my arse pushed back slightly,
feeding my need for him to drive deeper into my ass as his other fingers fucked
my pussy hard.

“Later, Spirit.” He whispered before his tongue flicked
my clit harshly and a violent bolt of pleasure shuddered through me as a ball
of metal tortured my stimulated nub of nerves.

My fingers curled into the plaster on the walls as his
fingers drove deeper in both holes whilst he sucked my clit between his lips
and grazed the hard tissue with his teeth.

“Watch!” he ordered sternly with a slight nip to my clit
with his teeth when my eyes flicked closed.

My body was vibrating as I watched him labour religiously
on me, his own eyes blazing with his pleasure as he drove me higher and higher with
each stroke and each flick until the very core of me seemed to explode outwards
with a force against nature.

“Holy shit”
I cried out as my orgasm hit with an
intensity I’d never felt before. My whole body shuddered as my brain jerked in
a white hot pleasure and my bones actually quivered.


“I want to watch you” I said as Bulk took a tight grip of
my hip and started wanking himself over my back.

“Ssshhh” he muttered with a hiss of vocalized pleasure as
I tried to turn my head but his fingers gripped my hair and held my head still
as he continued with his self-indulgence behind me.

“Oh, so when it’s your turn we have to be quiet” I

“If you don’t shut your mouth, I’ll fill it instead.” He
growled as his hand moved faster over the groove of my spine, his voice as
tight as his fist as he fucked himself with viciousness.

I bit my lip as I fought against the need to do it for
him. “Pfft, promises.”

I was spun so fast I lost my balance as Bulk shoved me to
my knees before him and thrust his cock urgently between my lips.

My eyes widened as his huge dick was forced down my
throat and his hands gripped either side of my head as he held me still and
fucked my mouth with vigour.

I groaned as my lust surged back to life with his mission
to rule me and frowned slightly when I felt a sliver ring brush the roof of my
mouth and a small ball rhythmically swipe my lower lip.


Bulk looked down at me, his eyes blazing with heat as he
watched his cock disappear into my mouth ruthlessly, his hips pumping rapidly
as I took as much of him as I could and flicked the tip of him with each of his
inward thrusts. “Fuck yeah, I’m gonna come, Spirit. Where do you want it?”

I thought it was quite nice of him to ask and just for the
thought of the warning I wrapped my fist around the bottom half of his shaft as
my small mouth could only manage about a third of his huge length and flicked
the hoop of his cock jewellery, alerting him that I wanted his hot stuff
flowing down my eager throat.

“You want it in your mouth?” he asked with a moan and a
tightness in his face as he held back until he was sure.

I smirked around his cock as I slid a finger over his
perineum and slipped it into his ass. His eyes widened before he snarled and
thrust deeper down my throat.

His hands tightened in my hair and he blasted the back of
my throat with so much cum it dribbled out of the corner of my lips and slid down
my chin.

I continued to stroke my fingertip against the sensitive
spot in his backside as he yelled incoherently and growled simultaneously.

“Fuck baby,
fuck… yeah!”

His hips jerked with each spurt as his buttocks clenched
around my finger. “Shit, Spirit, Fuck!” He was still snarling and snapping as
he pumped furiously into my mouth and I gave him a break, slipping my finger
out of his anus and cupping his balls with a soft caress.

“Shit” he mumbled again as he pulled in a huge breath,
“What the fuck just happened?”

“I think you learnt to yield” I grinned as I slid my back
down the wall and brought my knees up in front of me.


I frowned at what had just happened. I never acted like
this, never brought men home to fuck against my hallway wall… although we
technically hadn’t actually fucked, but still.

I looked down at myself as the arousal disappeared and my
mind started to register what I had done as shame coursed through me. The
little voice in my head rendered me a whore and I sank my teeth into my lower
lip as I noticed the small bruises appearing on my breasts.

What the fuck had I done?

I had to tour with Bulk occasionally and now he would see
me as an easy lay, a slut to use and I squeezed my eyes closed as he crouched
before me.


His large hand cupped my chin and tilted my head back,
“You okay?”

His concerned soft voice tightened my eyes further but he
didn’t move away, his fingers still gripped me gently as I felt his breath get
closer. “Open your eyes, Spirit. Open them, honey.”

I shook my head and tried to turn away. I just wanted him
to leave, I needed him to leave. I was disgusting, utterly dirty and ashamed.

“Spirit, open – your – eyes.” His tone held no argument
and I slowly opened my eyes to him.

He frowned as he studied me then his brows hit his
hairline as he scoffed back a choke and flew upright, “You’re fucking

I lowered my eyes to the floor and swallowed heavily,
both angry and embarrassed as he read everything in my head with his piercing

“Fuck, Spirit. What are you on?” he spat with a tight
rage and I curled deeper into myself, mortified and hurt at his disgust.

“Just go” I managed to grate out but he turned and kicked
the wall, his heavy boot leaving long black scuff marks on my newly painted

“FUCK OFF!” I bellowed at him as I hugged my knees
tighter and fought desperately to fight back the tears.

“You’re on that shit, Spirit. You’re fucking drowning in it;
I can see it in your fucking eyes.”

“Will you just go!”

“I can’t deal with this crap now. You stupid little girl!”

“Well fuck off then, GO!”

He scoffed angrily and I caught him buckling everything
back up before he opened the door and slammed it behind him, leaving me in the
empty hallway with thoughts of how shit my life was.

Even the constant ache in my gut, ached harder. The hurt
in my heart, hurt deeper and I scrambled onto all fours as my stomach retched
and exploded all over the carpet.



Crawling through the hall and into the kitchen I heaved
myself up onto the worktop and reached into a high cupboard.

“Hello, baby,” I whispered to the bottle of Jack Daniels.
“Take me away; take me somewhere nice and warm.”

I stared at the reflection of my thin and gaunt face in
the mirrored oven door. “You are full of fucks, Spirit. Time to be happy.” I
added as I twisted the lid on the bottle and downed a quarter of it without
coming up for air.

So much better, always so much better.

Jack loved me, Jack always loved me. And I loved him in
return, he was the only one that didn’t judge, didn’t hold things against me. Didn’t
hate me for killing something so precious.

Chapter 3



“Come on Brent” I groaned to our manager as I watched Spirit’s
tight arse climb the steps onto the plane, her abhorrence with me was palpable
as she completely ignored me.

“Look Bulk, I told you, I manage you both, you and
River’s Ink. They’re supporting you on the homeland tour and I’ll be fucked if
I’m gonna fork out for two travel schedules. Grow some balls and get over
yourself, it’s not like you’ll have to share a room with the chicks. What’s
your problem with them anyway?”

He shook his head in frustration and turned his back on
me before waiting for an answer as he boarded the small private jet he had
hired for the two month tour of the British Isles.


I knew that sharing a hotel, never mind rooms with her
was gonna be trouble in itself. I hadn’t been able to get the little sinner out
of my mind since she blew my mind and swallowed my cum in her dingy little

She was trouble, her fascination with booze and drugs made
me cautious but I couldn’t help picturing her soft lips round my dick and her
finger in my ass as her large green eyes gazed up at me. There was something
about her that had gotten under my skin but I wouldn’t entertain that shit. She
was troubled, she radiated a broken soul and to be honest what with my own, two
broken souls didn’t make a whole one, it made chaos.


I swallowed my shit and made my way onto the waiting
plane. I stopped myself from glancing around the cabin as I strode straight
over to an empty seat and thrust myself into it.

A snivel caught my attention and I turned to Boss as
tears reamed his cheeks. “Fuck off!” he snapped before I even opened my mouth.

“Hey, no worries. They’ll see you in a couple of weeks
when we stop in Newcastle.”

He smiled gratefully and nodded before he turned his face
to the small round window and my gut actually ached for him. The twins were
only two months old and he was leaving them already.

Jax rolled his eyes at me but I knew he was already
missing E. Their love for each other always made me jealous and E was good for
the miserable bastard. She pulled him out of his shit.

Maybe Spirit…. No, fuck, no way!


My eyes shifted to Angel who was already chatting up one
of the hostesses, Felicity, her loud giggles and hip jut showed that within
minutes of take-off she would be wrapping her legs around him in the toilet

Hunter slammed his feet on the small table and the thud
made me jump as I pulled my seatbelt across and buckled in.

I would not look, I would not look.

I fucking looked and damn, if she didn’t look hot. Her
tight tiny curves wrapped in tight jeans that encased her gorgeous backside and
her small tits held underneath a small white t-shirt, her hard nipples
revealing the fact that she was braless were all consuming as I drove my eyes
over her and my dick twitched in delight at what it saw.



She flung her head back and laughed as Romeo grinned at
her, his mouth close to her ear as he whispered something. I wanted to take his
fucking face and slam it against the wall.

What the fuck was wrong with me?


Her eyes caught mine and something flashed across them
before her brow wrinkled slightly and she swallowed heavily, almost as if my
eyes on her bruised.

She looked away just as quickly and I sighed as the
hostess eased over to me and palmed my arm, “Anything I can get you,

I lifted a brow at her and her lips curled seductively.
“Anything?” she repeated slowly with a tilted brow of her own as her hand
grazed further down my arm.

“I’ll have a water,” Spirit shouted out suddenly and Felicity
bit her lower lip with an expression of annoyance.

“Sure, Miss” she growled out as she held my gaze. “You be
sure to let me know if you need me” she added to me and I smiled lazily.

“Sure thing, sugar.”

A huffed breath came from the other side of the plane and
I smirked when I realised Spirit was a little narked at the hostesses attention
towards me.

Well, well.


“So come on guy’s, why the name Room 103?” Spirit asked
as the plane taxied down the runway.

Jax smiled as Romeo cast me a glance. “Top secret,” I
smirked as she shifted her eyes to me.

“Really?” She shook her head as Jax laughed.

“Babe, nothing secret ‘bout it. Used to be called The Huds
then we had a… fun night in a hotel room with… a few babes.” He finished with a
blasé shrug as Spirit’s brows rose high.

“I take it, it was Room number 103.” Janey, the drummer
for River’s Ink inferred and Jax shrugged and nodded.

“See, nothing exciting,” Romeo grinned at Spirit who

“So… did you all like… at the same time?” Janey asked as
she motioned with her hands at nothing specific.

We all looked at one another and Boss pointed a finger at
Janey, “If this gets back to Jen I’m turtle turds, you understand that don’t

A mischievous smile erupted on Spirit’s face and I could
read the twinkle in her eye. “Of course we won’t say anything Boss, we
wouldn’t,” she smirked and winked at Janey. “Would we, Janey?”

“Oooh no…” Janey chuckled and Boss groaned.

“What do you want?” he asked with a resigned huff as he
shifted his gaze from one chick to the other.

Spirit stuck her tongue between her teeth and I only just
managed to stifle the groan as my cock burst to life. What that little tongue
had done had blown my motherfuckin’ mind. The way she had twisted it round my
shaft, flicked it over my balls and had caught my cum with it.

Christ, down boy!


She ran that fucking tongue along her bottom lip and
smiled sweetly, “We’ll take the best rooms in the hotel.”

“Fuck…” Boss glared at Jax, “This is your fucking fault;
you should’ve kept your trap shut.”

Jax shrugged again and grinned at Spirit, “If you give us
the reason for River’s Ink, babe?” His eyes narrowed with mischief and I knew
he had an inkling why they were called River’s Ink, as did I, hell I had seen

Spirit’s gaze dropped to the floor and Janey instantly
shut up. I smirked and looked at Spirit purposely, “Yeah Spirit, in fact you
should go one better and
us why you’re called River’s Ink.”

“Enough!” Kenny barked from the back of the plane and all
heads turned to him.

“Only fair” Romeo said calmly.

We’d all had an idea for the reason of their name and I
knew Jax was just winding her up but I loved the guy at the moment.

“Nowhere near fair, as you know it. Leave Spirit alone,
she doesn’t need your bullshit.”

Oooh, protective guardian was approaching and I narrowed
my eyes on Kenny as he seized Spirit almost manipulatively and pulled her from
her seat before leading her to the back of the plane and seating her beside

I think someone had a little crush on my little sinner.


Fuck, no, not competition. I didn’t give a shit what or
who she fucked. It was nothing to do with me. But what I did find weird was how
she had let him, almost submissively, take control of her and guide her to
where he wanted her.


“You’ll take the room next to mine, Spirit. Understand?” Kenny
whispered but he didn’t realise how good my ears were.

“Kenny, leave it, all’s good.”

“Do it, Spirit!”

I turned and tilted my head at the slight venom in his
tone to her. They didn’t notice me watching and I frowned when Spirit just
nodded slowly and turned her head towards the window.

“Good girl. You stay close to me on this tour, you don’t
need their crap” he added and she nodded but didn’t turn back to look at him.


I noticed Romeo observing them both with his own brow
quirked in puzzlement. He caught my eye and silently asked me with his eyes
what was going on between them.

I gave him a bewildered shrug as he pursed his lips and
continued to watch Kenny. He puzzled me too and I wondered what kind of hold he
had on Spirit. Whatever it was, I didn’t like it. I didn’t like how he
controlled and manipulated her. Were they a couple? Were they fucking? What the
hell did he have over her?

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