Read Denying Heaven (Room 103) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Denying Heaven (Room 103) (2 page)

BOOK: Denying Heaven (Room 103)
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Chapter 2


I was smashed again. Drunk as a skunk, pissed as a fart,
bombed as a nun on holy water; and it felt fucking good… again.

I moved my thrumming body, rocking my hips and arse against
Kenny, the vocalist in my band River’s Ink, as
hit the air
with a heavy thump.

Kenny grumbled in my ear and shifted his hips back as he
took my arms and pulled them behind me, grasping my wrists in a tight hold as
he brought his mouth to my ear. “You need to stop this, Spirit. Enough is

“Fuck you, Saint Kenny.” I growled out as I turned and
scowled at him, “always so bloody holy. Chill out, it’s only a drink.”

He scoffed and lifted a brow at me, “It’s not though is
it? It never is with you.”

I wriggled out of his grasp and bit my lip to stop the
nasty retort that wanted to be voiced. “What are you, my god damn councillor as
well as my parent? Although, no, maybe I shouldn’t use my parents as an example,”
I snorted with antipathy as I pictured my mother and father, their faces
contorted and grinning at me like I was a vision from the God’s, which I
suppose to them I was in their constant stoned state.


My eyes swept the dance floor as I looked around at the
throng of sweaty dancers, all of them dancing without an obnoxious prick
denying their fun. I smirked as a familiar face watched me from his position at
the bar. Tilting my head, I smiled back at Bulk, the guitarist for Room 103
whom my band River’s Ink, sometimes supported on tours.


I started working my ass harder, teasing and tempting as
I swayed my body fluidly.

Don’t ask why I did it, I never usually flirted but today
was a bad day, in fact every fucking day was a bad day but anniversaries like
today were the worst and I needed something to take the ache away.


Adam Lambert’s, For your entertainment
hit the
pulsing throb in the room and my hands settled on my hips before I slid them up
my body, feeling myself all the way up and back down as I secured Bulk in a
gaze, my eyes telling him exactly what I was thinking, exactly how my body was
reacting to both him and the beat of the track.

He continued to watch me, his eyes tracking the seductive
caress of my hands as I mouthed the words to him.


I felt a body press into me from behind, an erect male,
and the way he moulded his hips into my bum told me exactly what he thought of
my dancing. I hoped Bulk was reacting exactly the same way and from the dark
expression on his face, he was responding exactly how I wanted him to.

The bloke’s hands slid round and grasped my hips, his
fingers digging in and I circled my hips, grinding my backside against him as I
started to slide slowly down his body, my heated eyes still on Bulk as my arse
rocked smoothly.

I was so horny. I hadn’t been this horny for a long time
and I wondered why Bulk was creating this desire in me.


Kenny stepped behind me in a protective stance, moving
the guy out of the way, ignoring his grumble as Bulk strode the floor towards
me. “Spirit,” he smiled widely in greeting as his eyes swept my still swaying

“Bulk!” I cheered as I flung my arms around his neck and
swung my legs around his waist.

He laughed and spun me round, dipping me backwards with
the flow of the music as his alcohol ridden breath rendered me even more
pissed. He was as tanked-up as me and I giggled as he cupped my arse and lifted
me higher. 

“Spirit was just going home” Kenny snarled at Bulk from
behind me and I turned my head to scowl at him.

“Noooo, Spirit was just starting to have fun.”

Kenny’s eyes darkened as he glared at me then Bulk.

“It’s okay, Kenny, I’ll make sure she gets home safe and
sound.” Bulk offered and I smirked as he pressed his groin further into my
spread thighs, his hard erection rubbing against my knicker clad pussy as the
hem of my dress shifted an inch higher.

“Safe?” I murmured in his ear. His eyes flashed as he
glanced at me with a slight twist to his lips.

“Well, home…”

I laughed low, “I like the sound of being unsafe with you.”

His brows lifted, “Like a bit of excitement do you

“Well yeah, danger kinda hits the spot though.” I teased
as Bulk whistled through his teeth, his eyes flashing with something resembling
hunger as his fingers dug into the flesh of my arse cheeks and I gasped at the
slight pain.

“Seems you like a bit of pain as well. Bit of a sinner
are you?”

His face darkened as his eyes dropped to my mouth and his
tongue swept out, gliding over my bottom lip with a soft skim before he clamped
his teeth tightly on my bottom lip and tugged hard.

I couldn’t contain the small moan as a fire raged through
my system, my arousal pleading with my pussy to open up to the promise of a
pain fuelled fuck that Bulk could satisfy in me.

His eyes bore through me as his bright blue orbs pledged
a good time, his own arousal prominently digging into mine and I swallowed as
the huge stock caused my eyes to water. “Now I know why they call you Bulk.”

He smirked and peered at me with a quirked brow, “What
the hell did you think it meant?”

I rolled my lips as a slight blush rendered me shameful.

“Come on,” he chuckled as his fingers squished into my
ass with playfulness.

“Uhh, well… I just thought you bought your beans by the
pallet load.”

He stared at me for a moment before his head whipped back
and a deep rumbling laugh erupted loudly from him. “Christ Spirit, that’s uhh,
well… shit, I dunno what to say.”

I beamed at him, his contagious laugh hitting my pleasure
lobes full on as he spread his hilarity into other people around us as they
turned and smiled at a happy Bulk.

“You gonna take me home then, big guy?”

He halted the laughter but still held a smile as he
tipped his head, “You sure?”

I scoffed and twitched my fanny folds, “My pussy’s purring,
what does that tell you?”

I didn’t miss the small growl that vibrated through his body
as he turned towards the door, his hands still holding me up by my bottom as he
strode through the room easily with me.

“You sure you’re gonna be able to take me, you seem a
little… small?” he asked cautiously with a slight warning as he studied me and
squeezed my hips.

“Spirit!” Kenny bellowed from behind me and I flipped him
off, his controlling overbearing protection driving me nuts.

“I’ll give it a go, if I scream too loud for my
neighbours you can fill my mouth instead,” I smirked at Bulk as I damn near
drooled thinking about how full he was gonna fill me.

“Oh, I’ll be making you scream. Whichever way I take you
Spirit, that I can promise.”

I nodded reverently as I pursed my lips, “I like a man
who’s confident where his dick’s concerned.”

“I’m not confident.” He shrugged as he took the back door
out of the club and bundled us into a waiting car, “I’m certain.”


I smiled inwardly, giving his driver my address, not
wanting to give Bulk too much confidence in his promise before I climbed onto
his lap and rubbed my wet sex all over his hard cock, the zip in his jeans
scraping along my groove and exciting me even more.

“You’re drenching me, Spirit.” He whispered as his tongue
trickled up my throat and his fingers dug into my hair, pulling my head back
sharply to expose my neck to him.

I moaned low at the hint of pain, my excitement picking
up a degree as his teeth sank in beside his tongue. “You’re a surprise. I can
feel the twitch in your pussy at the pain.”

I nodded, unable to speak as his grip in my long black
hair drove my lust into overdrive. My whole body pleaded with my arousal, heat
and chills simultaneously spreading over my skin as I fought to breathe against
the powerful sexual energy Bulk was radiating.

“Can’t this car move any faster?”

“Nearly there.”

I nodded again and let out a small gasp as Bulk cupped my
tits, some of his long fingers massaging with a deep pressure and some pinching
and twisting my hard nipples. “Fuck” I growled as my head rolled back, “I need
you now.”

“Patience, little sinner. You need to learn to savour.”

I opened my eyes and gazed at him, his eyes holding me
and locking me down with his dominance, “You like to control?”

“You like to submit?” he countered with a raise of a

“Touché” I conceded as I ground down on him, needing some
sort of friction as my pissed off pussy demanded more attention.

Bulk grabbed my hips and stilled me, “Carry on like that
and you’ll come before I allow it.”

I lifted my eyebrows and snorted, “You do like to
control, big guy. What happens if I like to be in charge?”

He lifted his lips into a slight sinister smirk as his
fingers moved from my aching breasts to my jaw, his forefinger and thumb
seizing me in a forceful hold. His eyes narrowed as he slid a hand around the
front of my throat, “Then you’ll learn to yield.”

Well fuck me. His order angered me as it flooded my pussy
with Mother Nature’s lube.


He smirked cockily as his grip around my neck tightened,
“I can feel and smell your need, Spirit. I’m capable of many things, honey.
Making your whole core shiver, making you scream my name, making you beg for
more at the same time as you beg me to stop and making you feel so damn good
that you pass out in ecstasy, but let’s get one thing straight.” His hand slid
up my neck, his fingertips whispering across my throat until he reached and
palmed my cheek with tenderness, “You’ll do as you’re told or you’ll get the
fuck spanked out of you.”

I bit down on my lip as I closed my eyes. I was so
aroused I just nodded. Damn him and his raw sexual power. I would fuck the
devil and his minion right now if this man asked.

“Home” he breathed in my ear and I groaned in


The door of the car opened and Bulk remained still for a
moment, his questioning eyes asking if I was sure I wanted to do this as his
hands held me locked on his lap.

Did I fucking ever!

“Are you kidding? You offer to fuck me so nicely and then
ask if I want it.”

His gaze scanned my face seriously and I stared back as
genuinely, the danger in Bulk’s face lighting me up and controlling my mind.

He nodded once before he wrapped his arms around my waist
and planted me on the pavement as he climbed out.

“I’ll ring you if I need you” he told his driver then
narrowed his eyes and grimaced slightly as he took in the rough neighbourhood I
lived in. Shame and embarrassment coursed through me but I sighed and took the
steps two at a time to the front door of my apartment building.

“This where you live, Spirit?”

“No, I thought we could break into some random’s house
and fuck against his wall. What do ya’ say? Fancy it?” I mocked as I rolled my
eyes, my hurt at his obvious repulsion in my home guiding my anger.

“Whoa,” his firm grip on my arm pulled me around to face
him. “I wasn’t taking the piss, calm the fuck down.”

I shook out of his grasp and opened the door as I ignored
his half-hearted apology. “Well, I’m afraid you’ll have to slum it for an hour
if you want in my pussy. We aren’t all accustomed to money.”


He remained silent as I ascended the three flights of
stairs to my flat. I could feel the fury rolling off him behind me as I groped
through my bag for my keys.

Sliding the key through the lock, I stepped into my
hallway and flicked the light on.

My body was slammed against the wall, my wrists enclosed
in large hands above my head as Bulk pressed his thighs against my hips in a
firm hold. “One, don’t ever lose it with me again. Two, I don’t take shit from
anyone, that includes you and three, I was asking because I thought you
deserved better than this shithole. Don’t like my honesty? Then to be honest I
don’t really give a flying fuck, that’s me, Spirit. Take me or leave me but
don’t ever fucking growl at me again unless I’m filling you hard with my cock.”


I swallowed as I closed my eyes against his anger, my
heart beating with both arousal and rage.

“Take off your dress” he ordered as he took a step back
and fixed me with his dark eyes.


Just who the fuck did he think he was? Barking fucking
orders after he hurt my feelings.

I was thrust backwards again, his huge body totally
encompassing my small one as he leaned in close to my face, his whisky breath
firing a need for my own shot. “You know you want me to fuck you, Spirit. Why
deny yourself what you want?”

“Because…” my voice squeaked tight and I damned myself
for it.

He nodded slowly as he ground his hard dick into my belly
and I gulped as I refused to let the groan free. “I know you’ll enjoy me inside
you, honey, because I can make you come hard, for so long and so exquisitely
that no other man will ever compare.”

“You arrogant bastard” I shot back as my breathing
deepened, the deep heaves of my chest giving away my treacherous bodies wants.

“Oh yeah, I’m all about arrogance. Now take - off - your -
fucking - dress.”

“Fuck you” I barked as I slid the zip on the side of my
dress and let it drop to the floor in a pool of material around my feet.


His eyes swept over my black lace undies, my strapless
bra holding what little chest I had as my knickers hid my glistening arousal
from him.

“Turn around and palm the wall.”

Another fucking demand and I narrowed my eyes in refusal.
Why the fuck was my pussy squealing in delight as my nipples pounded against
the thin material encasing them.

I don’t think I’d ever been so turned on, as wanton and
hungry as I was then. My whole body shivered in delight at this man’s dominance
and power control.

BOOK: Denying Heaven (Room 103)
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