Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) (21 page)

BOOK: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)
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Chapter 18


Over the next few weeks Alex slowly improved. She was getting anxious about getting better because she didn’t want Zach to have to use donor blood for any longer than he really had to. She did gentle exercises to gain some strength back in her limbs. Lying around for so long her arms and legs were weak, she had to work to get them strong again.

She ate whatever Tatiana made her, knowing that she was adding special ingredients to help her recovery. Her and Zach got to know each other so well that it felt as if they had always known one another. This was the best part, in her eyes, of being ill.

They also worked on being apart. They started off as they had when he had gone for his meeting with Thadius. He would leave, talking all the while on his phone to her, then when he got to somewhere like the grocery store, or even just the park, he would hang up and they would see how long it was before ‘the feeling’ kicked in.

It was improving dramatically and he had even gone over to Vlad’s and spent an afternoon with him while Alexina was still at home. It hadn’t been pleasant for them, but this was something they had to do. If they were to work together, there would be times when Zach was in the field and Alex was in a hotel, or somewhere else safe. With some of the Supers he was hunting down, well he couldn’t afford to suddenly become less than focused. So they continued to work at it and Alex slowly got better.

At the end of a particularly good week, Alex sent Zach off to do some errands for her. She had her reasons for getting him out of the house. She had been working at blocking her mind from his, she had a little success, not as good as his obviously, but she was getting there.

She took a nice long shower and got dressed. She put on the green dress from the first time they had properly gone out, her stockings and fancy underwear, then did her hair and make-up. She took her time as she wanted to look good. The dress was loose on her now, before it had been rather tight, but it still looked good.

When she was ready she phoned Zach and told him to come home. She was trying desperately to block her thoughts. She didn’t want to give him any clues as to what she had in mind. She sat nervously on the sofa and waited for him.

When she heard his jeep she got up and walked out to the hallway, so that she would be the first thing he would see when he opened the door. Her heart was beating wildly and her anticipation was very high. She had missed her man and was going to make up for lost time.

He bolted in the door. She obviously hadn’t blocked enough. He stopped in front of her, his eyes taking all of her in, his breath caught and his arousal was instant.

Meine Kleine, you’ve been ill, you’re just getting your strength back.” He didn’t want her having a relapse.

Zach, my Vampire, I am fine. I am more than fine, if you don’t take up your, what do you call me – mate? Yes, if you don’t take up your mating duties now, tonight, this very instant, well, I won’t be responsible for my actions. I may just head to the bar in this lovely dress,” she teased with a smile. His answering growl told her what he thought of THAT idea.

He closed the distance between them and placed his hands on either side of her face. “There is NO way in HELL you’re going to the bar alone in that dress!”

He leant down and kissed her. Not the light, gentle kisses he had used over the past few weeks, but an unbelievably forceful, lustful kiss. His tongue darted in and she opened to him, meeting his tongue with her own.

Oh, she had missed this. He was an expert in this field and she was longing for some more lessons.

He broke away and looked at her. “Oh you are, are you?” he answered her unspoken thought.

Indeed,” she answered laughing.

He picked her up and carried her to their lovely four poster. “I see you’ve got suspenders on my little vixen? What are you trying to do to me?”

“What I want Mr Vampire is for you to recommence your duties. I’m sure there are plenty more lessons in that head of yours?” she questioned him, with a very lustful look on her face.

That there are, Alexina. Now just what am I going to do with you tonight?” He stood with her in his arms and kissed her again. He had missed her so much, his arousal was explosive and he was going to enjoy his mate.

He put her down to stand in front of him and unzipped the dress at the side, it fell to the floor and she kicked it away to the side. His eyes raked her body, her breasts were pert and high, her stomach was flat and her behind! Well he had no words for looking at her behind in the lace thong and suspenders.

He groaned and rid himself of his clothes quickly while she watched. Her face was flushed and her breathing had quickened. He stood behind her and caressed her body, he tweaked each nipple through the bra and then quickly got rid of it. He wanted her naked, apart from the suspenders of course.

He pulled her thong down and she stepped out and left it at her feet. He reached round with his hand and cupped her front. She leaned back into him and he started to massage her, she moved her hips in time with his hand and she was very nearly there. He stopped and she let out a little whine.

He moved round in front of her and massaged her breasts, she went to move towards the bed. “No, stay there ... open your legs a little.”

She did as he said and he went down on his knees, brought his head forward and took a deep breath, imprinting her unique smell in his brain. He moved further still and lapped at her, her knees buckled a little as she moaned and laid a hand in his hair. Drawing him to her she let herself go and enjoyed the sensations running through her.

My Vampire is a master at this, she thought, as she quickly neared orgasm. She came quickly and thought she would fall to the floor, Zach got up and embraced her. “Now you’re ready for me,” he whispered in her ear.

He picked her up and took her to the bed, he lay her down and moved to kneel between her legs. He ran his hands up each of her thighs and up to her breasts where he once more tweaked her nipples. She arched her back into them and closed her eyes. God, how she had missed this.

“Now now meine Kleine, eyes open, let me see your passion in your face.” Zach was staring intently and she saw his eyes were past shining and were now glowing, brightly.

This affected her in a visceral way and she reached for him, pulling him towards her for a kiss. As their lips met he entered her and she bucked beneath him. He murmured his love while not breaking the kiss and they moved in unison, slowly at first and then getting faster.

He moved from her lips and she instinctively turned her head to give him full access to her throat. His fangs lengthened and he pierced the skin. Her sweet blood entered his mouth and he was in ecstasy. He had missed her blood and having it once more in his mouth just about put him over the edge.

His bite, however, had done that to Alexina and she moaned louder and louder until a scream tore from her throat. As she screamed he withdrew his fangs and thrust harder, in seconds he had joined her.

He had never felt happier in his entire life.

He moved to lie at her side. “I love you meine Kleine.” He spoke huskily and she replied.

“I love you my Vampire.” She snuggled so close that she was nearly on top of him.

They stayed in bed for the rest of the day and evening, catching up on what they had missed. They were sublimely happy and Alex learned quite a lot from some extended lessons.

“Alexina, is there anything that you would think that would be distasteful to you in the bedroom department?” he asked as she blushed.

Well I’m not sure, to be honest I haven’t thought too deeply about it. Why, what have you got in mind?” she asked. She was a little nervous, a little excited and a little turned on just by talking about things.

Where to start little one, there is so much that I could show you. However, I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t wish to or feel pressurised.”

She shook her head as she replied. “Zach, as you know I was a complete novice at all this sex stuff so the truth is, I don’t know. All I can say just now is that there has been nothing we have done that is in any way ‘distasteful’ to me. To say I have enjoyed it – that’s a bloody big understatement,” Alex finished with a huge smile on her face.

So Zach continued. “Okay, when I tweak your nipples, hard, how does that feel?”

She looked at him, once more blushing. “God you want to talk details?”

He smiled fondly as he spoke. “Well yes, how will I know what I can and can’t do if we don’t?”

Her na
ïveté with regards to sex made him smile. Maybe one day they would be able to talk about sex without her blushing!

Uhm ... well ... I kinda liked it, when you did it a feeling shot right down to my … ahh ... hmmm, well you know!” she only just managed to get out.

He laughed. “Yes I think I know. So you may like to explore similar things? I would never hurt you, however, some mild forms of BDSM you may like. I tied your hands with my silk tie before, was that okay?”

She was thinking about what Zach was saying and trying to figure out if she would like this? She wasn’t sure. “I did like that, I felt slightly, uhm helpless I think the word would be, and uhm yea, that was okay.”

He was warming to this discussion. “Okay well there are plenty of games we can play, especially now we’ve got this nice four poster! What about toys? Have you ever used them and if so did you enjoy using them?” He was trying to gauge her reaction, there was lots he wished to do with her, but only if she was comfortable.

She squeaked. “You are NOT asking me if I have used a vibrator are you?” Her eyes were wide and she wasn’t just slightly red in the face now, she was scarlet.

His face was impassive as he carried on, one hand twirling a lock of her hair. “Alexina, you really do need to get over this shyness thing you have with regard to sex. I have stared you in the face while you came, while I came, and I think I know your body pretty well now. So, answer the question. Have you used a vibrator and did you like it?” He was trying not to laugh at the look on her face.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Yes what? To using or enjoying?”

Both,” she said.

Ideas were forming in his mind as he replied. “Good – we can then incorporate one into our play. Now this is a yes or no answer, have you used anything other than a vibrator?”

She pulled a pillow over her face. “OMG are you trying to kill me with embarrassment?” she squealed before answering. “No, the answer’s no.” This time she was laughing. “How can you be so blasé about all of this?” she asked him.

Sex is nothing to be ashamed about, and sex between mates is always good. We should experiment, see what we both like. I don’t always want to be the one making the decisions so you should think about it and see if there’s anything you would like to try? If so please please let me know.”

Okay, I will, or I’ll try,” he whispered.

A thought struck Alex and she nearly screamed. “Oh feck it!”

“What?” Zach queried – then her thoughts were clear in his mind and he laughed his response. “It’s okay, when the girls went to pack your stuff up it was only them in your room. Scott didn’t see any of your underwear or in fact the couple of vibrators in your bedside cabinet! They are safely in the wardrobe in a small cardboard box marked ‘Strictly Private’, they were very discreet.”

She was cringing as she spoke. “Thank goodness, I’m so embarrassed. I never for a minute thought anyone would see them!”

Zach’s voice was now low and sexy as he spoke. “Darling, I’m going to see them. I’m going to use them on you AND when you feel more comfortable I want you to use them while I watch.”

The thought of any of that happening made her, what? What was she feeling? She was quite surprised to find that it made her feel aroused.

“Now now Alexina, get those thoughts out of your head! You need to rest! Come over here, we’ll rest together.” He pulled her into his arms and felt her relax. She was indeed sleepy and fell asleep very shortly thereafter.


Chapter 19


The next few weeks went by in a blur and ran into three months before they knew it. Alex was studying the Council Laws and Vlad was teaching her the tech side of any missions.

The Laws were a chore but she needed to know them. The tech side came easily to her, she enjoyed it. Vlad was also helping her hone up some skills that she had kept quiet about. She was quite a good hacker and had played with this skill for fun.

She would never have done something overtly illegal and would never have done it for personal gain, but in her ‘old’ life it was something she did to spice things up. Vlad was excellent at it and showed her quite a few new tricks. He explained that sometimes it was necessary in their work.

Zach started training again, he liked to be in peak condition for any mission. It could save his life or someone else’s so he worked hard at it. He would sometimes train with Vlad’s guards and sometimes on his own. Wherever it was, he worked himself hard.

Alex had watched a few times but had to stop going. Watching him work out or in very real fights with the guards, well the only thing it did to her was turn her on. That was not good for Zach because he would hear her thoughts, sense her arousal, and lose concentration. He’d had a few bloody noses due to that so they agreed it maybe wasn’t a good thing for her to be there.

She still watched him if he was training in his basement, as she watched and became aroused it wasn’t a problem there. He would stop what he was doing and run over and scoop her up. The mats in the basement had better not be able to tell stories.

The gym equipment he had was also utilised. She had no idea a weight bench could be used in so many different ways. They both loved their life and both of them were looking forward to their future.

The first time Alex went on a mission with Zach it scared her. He was after a particularly nasty Vampire who had decided he wanted to build himself an army. For what reason, nobody was really sure. However, he had abducted and changed a few people before the information had got through to the Council.

Turning humans was not an easy task, and more died than made it through to becoming a Vampire. The first few days were very dangerous for anyone nearby. A bloodlust would be the first act as Vampire, one that they needed help to control.

Many humans had been killed and the situation was getting increasingly out of hand. The rogue was holed up in a derelict farmhouse on the outskirts of Paris and Zach had enlisted the help of the local Wolf Pack. Alex stayed in the Alpha’s house and the Alpha and a few of his Pack went along with Zach.

He was going to try to bring them all in, the Council would deal with them. However, things did not go as planned. Someone had tipped them off and they were waiting for Zach.

What had resulted could only be called a bloodbath and Alex was horrified. Both for Zach, in case he was hurt, and also at the death he dealt out. It had taken her a few days to get over it. She had nightmares too, but she did get over it and realised that Zach or the Wolves with him had no choice in their actions. It was, quite simply, kill or be killed.

She realised that although Zach had warned her in advance, the cold hard truth of watching what unfolded was shocking to her.

She knew she would have to get over this. This was Zach’s job and although it may not be pleasant at times, dangerous and sometimes bloody, he was always trying to help people. If he hadn’t killed that Vampire, he would have gone on to abduct and turn many other innocent people. Most of whom would have died in the process.

When Zach had got back to her afterwards, he was covered in blood. Completely and utterly covered in blood.

He showered and then they immediately left for the plane. As soon as they had taken off he pulled her into his arms and carried her to one of the bedrooms. The sex had been totally out of this world. She would never forget that night.

The next few missions were simple ones and went without any hitches. This was good because it gave them experience of working together and very soon they worked in tandem. They worked so well together that they started to get a name for themselves, their success rate was high. The ancient Vampire and his human mate, a rare coupling indeed.

Alex loved the work, helping people, and seeing Zach at his most lethal always had an effect on her. The bedroom in the plane got a lot of action.

Alex finally got to meet the pilot, James. Zach had warned her in advance that his scars were bad, also that his voice was affected and rather scratchy.

Zach had asked James to meet Alex, they had agreed that on the next mission once they were on their way home he would put it on autopilot and join them for a little bit. The mission went as planned and her and Zach ran up the stairs of the plane in a good mood. The local Council offices took over the incarceration of the Wolf they had caught.

Zach poured each of them a glass of wine and they sat down to relax. After a little while the cockpit door opened. James walked through with his head down and Alex could actually feel his nervousness rolling off him.

She immediately stood up and walked over, she stuck her hand out and spoke. “Hi James, I’m Alex, it’s so nice to finally meet you. Zach talks about you a lot so it’s nice to have you join us for a bit. Would you like a drink?” Her voice was welcoming and she didn’t even cringe when he lifted his head and she saw his scars.

James answered in a quiet voice. “Yea I’ll have a beer please,” and Alex heard the damage done to his voice.

She smiled straight into his eyes and went and got the beer. “Here you go James – hope you like Bud?” she asked.

“Yea, thanks,” James answered and even managed a small smile.

They made their way over and sat down. James in the chair opposite Zach and Alex in Zach’s lap. James looked over at Alex, and saw the love between her and Zach.

Zach started chatting and telling some funny stories about the things him and James had got up to, and before James knew it he was joining in. Alex laughed and commented, giving Zach a few punches at places she thought inappropriate. Not once did he see her flinch while looking at him and he could see the goodness in this human.

When James had gone back to the cockpit Zach grabbed her with such force it took her breath away and she squealed. “What?”

He laughed into her hair as he replied. “You are truly amazing. You so put him at ease and that is damn near impossible! Thank you Alex, he needs some more people he feels comfortable with.”

She didn’t think it had been that big a deal. The guy was nice, so he had scars, everyone did. The only difference being James’s were on the outside and most other people had them on the inside. When she told this to Zach he kissed her passionately and promised he was going to ‘treat’ her when they got home.

James came to visit them at home a couple of times too and the evenings were always good. Plenty of banter, jokes and alcohol. Alex liked him a lot and she came to feel quite protective of him.

Zach had laughed till he had tears when she told him this. “He’s a fucking warrior, he could rip most folk in two and you feel protective of him? Honey that is one of the most funny and loving things I’ve heard you say.”

Alex pouted and punched Zach in the shoulder, hard, and he laughed all the more. James might be tough, a warrior, but he was also vulnerable and that was the part she felt protective of.

Alex loved Zach’s bungalow but made a few little changes with cushions, curtains and so on and now it felt truly like home. She had added a rocking chair in the room with Zach’s piano, so she could sit comfortably and listen to him play. Those times were some of the most wonderful she had experienced in her life, relaxing and listening to his fingers create magic from the keys. She felt incredibly special at those times, as if he only played for her. It was totally amazing and she cherished it immensely.

She especially loved their bedroom. She couldn’t believe he had bought her a four poster bed just because she had said she liked the one at Duncan’s in Scotland.

Zach was also true to his word about their sex life. It was beyond words and she couldn’t believe half of the things they did. He was nothing if not inventive.

She was slowly getting more confident in that department and was looking forward to that evening’s entertainment. He had told her that morning before she left for some more training that they would be using her vibrators that night. She was self-conscious and excited both at the same time.

When she got home he made dinner, steak, and had a bottle of wine chilled and waiting. When she had got some Dutch courage he laughed and took her to their room.

He had used it on her and it was so erotic that she came quickly. He hadn’t let her off that easy though, he then made her use it on herself while he watched. It took some breathing exercises to calm her but she did as asked and found it just as erotic. The glowing of Zach’s eyes spurred her on and the sex they had afterwards was worth it. He could make her body thrum and sing and she once again thanked her lucky stars that they were together.


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