Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) (17 page)

BOOK: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)
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Yes, we’ve been together for nearly a year now. That reminds me ... Duncan, can I have a quiet word with you?” and Margaret took him through the door to another room.

Several moments passed and then they all heard a yell from Duncan. Zach, Vlad and Dmitri jumped up, taking knives out of their hiding places and moving to a defensive circle around Alex.

Yet another yell from Duncan but this didn’t sound as if it was in any way from fear or anger. Curious, they all thought. Duncan came back into the kitchen carrying Margaret and whooping – what the hell was going on?

Well ma friends, ma wee lass here has some news. Dae ye want tae tell them or will I?” he asked Margaret. She was laughing and nodded to him to continue. “I’m gonna be a daddy!” he yelled then noticed the guys standing with knives out.

Whit are ye standin there wae them blades oot fer?” he asked in a shocked tone.

Well Duncan, you yelled just a tad loudly, and my bodyguards here thought something was wrong,” Alex explained half-laughing.

Duncan harrumphed. “Oh – well there’s nought wrong guys. This calls fer a drink! Whit are ye all havin?”

Zach congratulated the two of them but said that Alex needed to rest. Margaret asked to be put down. Duncan gave her a long kiss before he complied. Margaret told Zach and Alex to follow her, she would show them to their room. Vlad and Dmitri, well they were going to have that drink with Duncan. There was a very celebratory mood in the kitchen.

Margaret took them upstairs and to the end of the hallway, then opened the door and led them in. She ushered them in while chattering away. “I’ve tried to make it as comfortable as possible for you. There are toiletries in the en suite and if you need any extra covers or pillows they are in the chest at the bottom of the bed.”

Alex loved the room. It wasn’t as big as the one at home but was more than big enough for the two of them. The bed looked very comfortable. It was an old fashioned four poster and had a lovely comforter set on it. Margaret had even put some bottled water on the dresser for them and Alex was touched at her thoughtfulness.

Thank you very much Margaret, the room’s lovely. I hope you didn’t go to too much trouble,” Alex said.

Margaret shook her head. “No no, it was no trouble, I just hope you can get to sleep. I think the men downstairs may get a bit noisy after guzzling down the whisky that I’m sure Duncan has pulled out!”

Alex smiled. “Margaret, congratulations again, but I am so tired that I don’t think I will have any problems getting over.”

They said goodnight and Margaret left them with a parting. “I better go and make sure they don’t get blind drunk!” Zach and Alex was sure she was more than capable of ensuring that.

Alex sat on the end of the bed and gave a little bounce, yes it was as comfortable as it looked. Zach had carried their bags up, they had left them in the hall when they came in and as they passed by to the stairs he snatched them up. Alex grabbed her toothbrush and went into the en suite to clean her teeth. She had a quick wash and came out in her underwear looking for a nightie. She still had the knives strapped to her arms and Zach helped her take them off and placed them on the dresser.

Alex was totally exhausted and she sat down again on the bed trying to get the energy to open her case and get nightclothes. As she sat there Zach started to undress, taking his long coat off first. He looked very dangerous indeed when he had it on, quite scary. If Alex didn’t know him and saw him coming towards her in the street she would have crossed over.

He then proceeded to remove his knives that he had placed all over his body. When he took the large dagger out she was relieved he hadn’t hurt himself while wearing it. “Darling, I’ve worn this dagger too many times to count. Trust me, I have never hurt myself with it.” He answered her thoughts. Shit, she was still forgetting that he could read her.

As he progressed and his boots came off, then his shirt, then his jeans dropped to the floor – well Alex’s tiredness suddenly didn’t seem so important. She stared at him and it was a very lustful stare, one which Zach had not missed.

Alex bounced up and down on the bed again. “Don’t you just love this room? This bed is amazing,” she said aloud, she didn’t want to just communicate in her head.

Indeed it is Alexina, indeed it is.” She giggled at his use of his favourite word.

I hope they are loud downstairs, well for a little while anyway,” he said and she raised an eyebrow in question. “Well I don’t want them to hear you scream!” And he removed his last item of clothing, his underwear, and stood proud in front of her. He took a step closer with the intention of removing her underwear and carrying her to the top of the bed.

However, Alex had other ideas and before Zach could touch her she grasped him and slowly moved her mouth towards him. He let out a gasp as she took him inside and moved his hands to tangle in her hair. This woman was astonishing.

She continued to work him and his breathing picked up. “Alexina ... you need to stop ... or I’ll come now.” She moved her eyes up to look at him and kept going. This was not something she would have done in her previous life. It had definitely not appealed to her then. With Zach it was different, she wanted to pleasure him in as many ways as she could.

He realised she wasn’t going to stop so he grabbed her head and forcefully worked with her. Soon he was reaching his peak and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her mouth encircling him. It was so erotic watching her. With a final few thrusts he peaked, with a loud moan escaping his throat. She was a little startled when his seed entered her mouth. She had never done that before, she found she liked it.

Zach pulled back and looked down at her. “You are an amazing woman, Alexina. You have no idea what you do to me!”

Oh I think I do Mr Vampire, I think I do.” The smile she gave him made him ready for her again. This time he got to do what he had originally planned, remove her underwear and move her up the bed.

He loved her in a way that words could not do justice to. It was so strong that he would do anything for her, anything at all. He made sure she was well compensated for her earlier antics and she did, in fact, scream as he had told her she would.

Afterwards he once more cradled her in his arms while she looked around the room. “This really is a great bed,” she said. He put a mild block on his mind, so as not to arouse her suspicions, but he had a little plan that he was going to execute as soon as she fell asleep.

It wasn’t long before she was breathing deeply and evenly, and he moved her slightly so he could get up. He got his phone from his jeans pocket and went into the en suite and closed the door. He made his call and then replaced his phone in his jeans.

Alexina noticed details and if his phone was out when she awoke, she would know he had used it and ask. He returned to bed and once more took her in his arms as he rested.

Chapter 15


Alex woke and it was nearly midday. She stretched and realised Zach wasn’t beside her. She relaxed a second later when she could hear the shower was on in the en suite. She languished in her thoughts of the previous night. She had had so many ‘firsts’ with Zach and she laughed as she remembered his face when she had made him come in her mouth. God – she was turning into a real wee hussy – but she loved it.

With that in her mind she left the warmth of the bed and made her way to the en suite. Zach was standing under the shower watching the door. As she walked in she remembered, yet again, that he could read her thoughts. Ooops! His eyebrow raised and he held out his hand for her.

When they got dressed Alex felt as happy as she had ever felt. She just felt this incredible sense of joy when she was with him. Suddenly, why they were here popped into her mind and she felt scared. Zach couldn’t get hurt.

Her panic was evident on her face, however, it was her thoughts that Zach had been following. “It’s okay – come now, it’s not as if I’m going to be there alone. Vlad and Dmitri will be there, along with Duncan and whomever else he brings along. We are all extremely strong beings Alexina, we will be alright.” He tried to allay her fears. She would have to focus when they got to the cave so she could fulfil her destiny.

When they entered the kitchen there was the glorious smell of cooked bacon, it made her mouth water. Vlad, Dmitri, Duncan and two other men sat at the table drinking coffee and eating. Although Vlad and Dmitri had some bacon and toast on their plates, Duncan had a plate heaped with food. Jeez can one person eat that much? Alex was thinking when Zach answered in her mind. ‘You’ve not seen anything yet. He eats enough for ten men’.

She smiled and they took seats at the end of the table nearest the door they had came in. “Gid mornin tae ye – hows the two lovebirds this mornin?” Duncan bellowed. He was a very loud man.

We’re just fine, Duncan. How’s the heads this morning guys? A lot of whisky partaken last night?” Zach enquired.

We’re fine Zach, Margaret here made sure of that.” Vlad was the one to respond and he smiled at Margaret.

I didn’t want you lot going on a mission hung-over! Shoot me why don’t you?” Margaret retorted.

Yes and quite right too,” Alex supported her.

How are you Margaret? Have you got morning sickness?” Alex was asking as Margaret was flying round the kitchen making sure everyone had enough food, and that was no mean feat if the amount Duncan was shovelling down was anything to go by.

Margaret replied, never stopping for a second. “I’m fine, never felt better actually. It’s a bit strange, thought I would be feeling sick, but no, I’m fine.”

“Can I help with anything?” Alex offered.

No Alex, you should know better! You’re a guest – and I have a large dishwasher for the dishes. Sit still and eat something.”

Alex did as she was told.

Duncan spoke up. “Noo Zach, these here are the two guys I’m bringin taeday. Scott is under orders to stay here. I’m no goin tae be leaving Margaret alone noo til the bairn is born. He wisnae happy but hey, I’m the Alpha!” he laughed. “This lad here is William, he’s a strong Wolf but I’m bringin him along cause his mum’s a Witch. He’s gid wae all that sorcery stuff, thought he could be useful. That big lump there is Stuart, he deals wae security at the club an I havnae met a stronger Wolf – apart fae me that is.” He laughed again, the two men just nodded at them as they continued eating.

William was tall but not nearly as broad as the rest of the men in the room, he seemed young too. Zach knew that Duncan wouldn’t be bringing him along unless he knew he was up to the job. Stuart was large, mostly muscle from what Zach could see, and he had no doubts he was as strong as Duncan had said. He hoped they were not rookies and could handle what they might possibly be up against.

Just as Duncan finished talking, Scott walked in with Rhianna and Bri. Alex noticed that Bri and Scott kept glancing at one another and she thought that she was witness to a fledgling relationship.

Bri was a little shy and was pretty quiet through the rest of the meal. She made sure she was sitting next to Scott at the table, Alex noted. Rhianna also was looking at Scott, although her looks were more of an appraising type. It looked as if she was sizing him up. Was he good enough for her little sister?

Alex liked Duncan and Zach respected him, so in her eyes she didn’t think Duncan would have Scott as his second in command if he wasn’t the strong, honourable type. So she hoped that the two youngsters made each other happy, if it progressed. Then she realised that Scott was probably a lot older than her. She knew she could no longer look at one of these Supers and judge their age by the way they looked.

The rest of the meal went by with normal banter and as it came to a close Zach spoke. “So is everyone clear on what their job is today? Duncan – if your Wolf noses can alert us to anything that would be great. However, your main job is the same as mine, Vlad’s and Dmitri’s – we protect Alexina at all costs, and I mean at all costs. Everyone okay with that? If not better say now so we can make other arrangements.”

He waited and Duncan was the one to answer. “Zach ma friend, that’s no a problem fer us. I think it wid be a gid idea if the three oh yous were in front oh the lassies and us three were on each flank wae one at the rear?”

That’s a good idea Duncan, yes we will go with that.”

William raised his head. “May I speak?” He addressed this to Duncan.

“Aye laddie, whits on yer mind?” Duncan replied.

William turned so he was addressing the whole table. “As Duncan said, my mother is a Witch, I am quite capable in that department so I would like to have a little time with Rhianna and Bri to discuss what they have in mind. I would then like to be at the front, one of you guys could then take a flank or rear. The reason being I may be able to use my gift more forcefully there. If I am at a flank or rear I would be scared about hurting one of you.”

Rhianna looked closely at this quiet speaking Wolf. “I would be more than happy to discuss what we have planned. However, you speak of hurting – are you strong in defensive spells?”

William’s voice was low as he responded. “I don’t want to blow my own trumpet so to speak, but I am not strongest in what you would call defensive spells. My strength is in offensive spells. My mother is the head Witch in the UK, not just Scotland, and she has been training me since before I could walk.” He looked down at the table, he was not great at talking in public and felt a bit embarrassed.

“Aye he is that! That’s why ah decided tae bring him along,” Duncan put in.

Rhianna was surprised. Her coven did not overtly practice offensive spells, defensive was their strength. She spoke directly to Zach. “Well if he’s good at that then I would say he goes up front, what do you say Zach?”

Zach thought for a minute. “Okay, up front will be me, Vlad and William, Dmitri and Stuart you will take the flanks, Duncan I would like you to protect our rear. I don’t want anything creeping up on the girls. Is everyone okay with that?”

Aye laddie that’s fine.” Duncan said as the rest just nodded in agreement. Scott opened his mouth to speak but Duncan beat him to it. “Dinnae bother laddie, yer no comin an that’s final. Yer job as ma Beta is tae protect the Pack, especially ma woman here. God forbid but if anythin happened tae me then it’s up tae you tae lead this lot.” As Duncan spoke Margaret came over and stood behind his chair and put her arms round his neck.

Now none of that talk. Duncan I am telling you – be careful, and come back to us in one piece please!” Margaret’s tone was firm.

Duncan nodded his head. “Aye aye,” was all he said.

Alex could feel the difference in Zach. This wasn’t something she had seen before, he was all business and aloof. He was totally focused on the mission and she felt him put the partial block in place.

As soon as he did it she felt alone. She hadn’t realised how much she had got used to their mental bond. She knew it was for the best, for both of them. He had a job to do and she didn’t want to distract him with fear going through her mind. He took her hand underneath the table and gave it a squeeze.

“Vlad, could you do me a favour before we head out?” Zach spoke over to his friend.

Vlad turned and nodded his head.

“Could you take Alexina out, maybe to a barn or somewhere, and go through some defensive moves? I’ve been training her a little but I would like you to go through some with her. Get her focused and also see if she can in fact remember what we’ve been doing?”

Alex was apprehensive, Zach training her was one thing but Vlad? Well she didn’t think Vlad would hold back. She hoped she could remember what she had been taught.

Duncan spoke up. “The gym’s doonstairs in the basement Vlad, that should be okay fer ye.”

Vlad stood up without speaking and nodded to Alex to follow him. She said “Wait a minute,” and ran upstairs, got her knives and strapped them onto her forearms.

Alex made her way down to the basement and Vlad was standing waiting for her. This Vlad was not the friend she had come to know. He had a fierce look on his face and she was more than a little afraid.

She went to the middle of the central mat and stood waiting for him to make the first move. After all, Zach had been teaching her defensive moves – not offensive. She didn’t have to wait long. He lunged for her and she moved to the side and struck out a leg. He nimbly jumped over it, however, if he had been a human she would have made contact.

He circled her trying to get behind her, all the time making small lunges to keep her off balance. She was concentrating very hard, moving without thinking – her training had obviously stuck in her mind.

He finally moved quicker than a human could and got behind her and grabbed her, none too gently, round the neck. In a flash she had one of her knives out and instinctively went to stab his arm.

Again if he had been human she would have succeeded but he stopped the blade before it pierced him. He was very pleasantly surprised, she was pretty good, for a human. He released her and turned her round, he gave her a hug. “That was really good, Zach has obviously trained you well. I didn’t even realise you had blades on!” She was a bit breathless but smiled, she thought Zach would be proud of her.

When they went upstairs Vlad reported to Zach in a cold calculating way. As the Head of Security giving a report, not as a friend to either her or Zach.

Zach nodded his head in approval and gave her a smile. He was glad that she hadn’t forgotten anything he had taught her.

While they had been downstairs he had gone back up to their room and got ready. His blades were in place and he was carrying his sword. He would place it in its sheath when they got out of the car. Everyone else was ready so they made their way outside.

The sisters had taken the time to advise William of their plans and what spells they had. William was already formulating a new spell in his head with the added information from the two Witches.

The two vehicles waited for them and once again Duncan got in to drive one. Zach asked William to come in the car with them and Vlad. If they ran into any trouble he would quite like to have him near Alexina.

Stuart opened the driver’s door to the other vehicle and Dmitri and the girls got in. There was an air of apprehension, a little fear and a little excitement from the girls. From the men, nothing, they were totally focused on the job at hand. Alex didn’t think any of them knew the meaning of fear.

She was in the middle of the seat in back, Zach and William on either side of her. Zach whispered in her ear. “Do some of the meditation breathing exercises. It will calm you and help you to focus.” Alex did as he suggested and was once again surprised at how quick it worked. She then started going over the spell in her head, making sure she knew it. She couldn’t afford any mistakes.

Duncan was using the satnav, as they only really had the map in the journal, and sets of numbers which were coordinates. It was the sole way for them to get where they needed to be. The weather didn’t look great. It wasn’t raining hard but it was that drizzle that Scotland knew so well. It would soak you in minutes and was the bane of every Scot. It also meant there would probably be mist in the Highlands.

They drove for a couple of hours, heading farther and farther north. The roads went from motorway to a two lane and then they turned off onto a track.

After a couple of miles on the track Duncan stopped, he was looking for a break in the land at the side of the track. “We need to head cross country now, I’m trying to find somewhere that is safe to travel on.”

They edged forward very slowly and then Duncan saw an opening that seemed safe for the vehicles. He turned off the track very slowly and tested the land beneath them. It was solid so he continued on, not very fast, in case of holes and boulders, which were dotted all over.

This part of the journey was the worst. They were thrown about quite a bit with the rough terrain and Alex started to feel sick. She tried to damp it down as best as she could. After another half hour or so they heard the horn of the vehicle behind them blare.

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