Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) (15 page)

BOOK: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)
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Alex was a bit apprehensive, what if she stabbed him, she couldn’t bear that. “You won’t,” he replied.

They started their moves and as usual Zach was far too quick for her. He slowed down considerably in order for her to get the most out of the lesson. He grabbed her from behind with his arm around her neck and the other holding her hair. She went for one of the knives and was surprised to find how quickly it came out and was in her hands. She stabbed backward and Zach grabbed her wrist before the knife made contact with him.

Good, Alexina – that was good. Hopefully you won’t have to use them, but if you do you need to be more confident. Again, lets go again.”

They practised for quite some time, but at the end of it Alex was fairly confident she would be able to get them out fast. Whether she could actually stab someone, well that was a different matter entirely.

When they finished Alex spotted the cupboard with the weapons. She hadn’t seen it open before. She walked over and was astonished with the amount he had and the variety. Some of them looked practically medieval. Zach told her he had been collecting weapons for a very long time and some were just for his own collection, but others he used regularly.

She looked at him and realised just how deadly he was. “I would never hurt an innocent Alexina, never,” he replied to her unspoken thought.

“I know, I can feel the goodness in you Zach. It’s just that I can feel your power and deadliness too and it’s a teeny bit scary,” she confessed.

The power and deadliness you feel? That’s what’s going to keep you safe and I have used it in the past many times to keep others safe too.”

She nodded her head. Zach closed the weapons away and they made their way to the stairs, where he had left what he was taking with him. Alex saw the sword and marvelled at the craftsmanship of it. It looked like it should be in a museum. She wondered at the damage it would be able to cause.

“Ah this sword here and I are old friends. I have used it many times on missions. As I’ve no idea what we will be up against, I thought it prudent to bring something I am good at using,” he told her, once again having seen her thoughts.

How do you get something like that past security at airports?” she asked.

Well that depends, sometimes a bribe is all it takes, other times it is listed as an antique that I am bringing to allow a potential buyer to inspect it. That gets it through.” Alex was surprised it was that easy. He picked the sword and knives up and they made their way upstairs.

Alex was stunned to see it was dark and hadn’t realised how long they had been downstairs. “Yes I know, time flies when you’re having fun,” Zach answered her thought jokingly.

“Oh, this is going to take some getting used to,” she quipped. “I better not have any ‘dirty’ thoughts whilst you are in my head.”

Let me assure you darling – you can have as many dirty thoughts as you wish. In fact the more the merrier.” He laughed and lunged at her, catching her with one hand as the other held his weapons.

Alex’s thoughts jumbled, she was trying not to think about what she wanted him to do to her, but failing miserably. However, the thoughts were all bits of this and bits of that and didn’t make sense.

“That is some mind you’ve got there! However, can you decide on one thing? I don’t think even I have the stamina to do all of those at once!” Zach spoke quietly and she blushed. Jeez she had blushed more since meeting Zach than she had in her entire life.

You can’t blame me for my thoughts. They just sorta come, I don’t have any control you know.” She tried to get out of it.

Well unless you want me ripping your clothes off at all times of the day and night you might be better to try and control them.” His eyebrow was doing that raised thing he did.

I’ll try but every time I look at you I can’t help it. I can’t believe what a brazen little hussy you’ve turned me into!”

He released her in order to place his weapons near the front door. When he moved back towards her, Alex had a clear thought of what was in his mind. “No Zach, I’m all sweaty and smelly from that work out you put me through,” she shrieked.

“That’s okay – the shower will work just as well!”

When they reappeared from the shower she realised she was starving. Once more without her saying the words Zach answered her. “So what do you want to eat then?”

“Something big and stodgy – a nice big burger on a bun would do nicely, thanks.”

I think I can manage that.” He pulled out his phone and placed an order at the diner. “I’ll go and pick it up, you get some wine ready. I won’t be long.” He dressed quickly and went out the door.

As soon as he was out on the street, Alex had an anxiety attack. Her heart sped up, she was breathless and panicky and felt sick. What was wrong with her? She tried to calm herself and got the wine and glasses out, but the feeling didn’t go, it got worse. She was on the edge of full blown panic, adrenaline coursing through her system.

Zach was only gone for a very short time and he just about ran in the door. He made straight for Alex and pulled her to him. “Oh dear God that was awful,” he said into her hair.

Did you feel it too? I thought I was ill. I felt so sick in my stomach. But I feel fine now, that’s so weird.” And then she thought back to what Michael had told them, and it struck her why she had felt so bad.

Oh no, do you think it will be like that every time we leave each other?” she asked.

I certainly hope not, although I love you dearly meine Kleine, I think we need to be apart sometimes. If you want a part time job, for instance. I can’t be sitting in your place of work while you’re there. There will also be times I have meetings regarding my work and the same thing applies. I think we need to work on this. It may take time but hopefully if we start off slowly we may be able to build up a little resistance to what just happened?” He was trying to find a solution. Nobody, not even when you are madly in love, can be joined at the hip constantly.

I hope so, Zach – I don’t want to go through that every time you go to put the rubbish out!” Her heart had returned to normal and she didn’t feel sick any more. In fact the minute he had touched her when he came back she had felt fine. More than fine, she felt at peace and safe and wonderful.

Zach placed the bag with their takeout on the counter and tried to sort through how he had felt. He was a Vampire and never felt ill, so when he was halfway to the diner and started to feel sick it gave him a shock. Then his heart sped up and he had a feeling of pure fear. He had to get back to Alexina. He had tried to calm himself, and managed to get to the diner and collect their order. However, when he got back in his jeep he drove like a bat out of hell to get home to his love. He had not liked the feelings coursing through him and he hoped that they would be able to overcome this.

They sat at the counter and drank their wine and Alex just about demolished her food. Zach loved to see her eat, it was so obvious how much she enjoyed it. When they were finished they moved to the living room. Zach put some music on and they drank their wine and tried to sort through their thoughts. Alex’s were a bit jumbled and Zach found it hard to block her out. He tried a bit harder and found that he could do it. He tried to take it further and block her from his.

She turned to him with a questioning look. “I’m just trying to see if I can do it, darling. It’s not that I’m having thoughts I don’t want you to know.”

“Oh okay, I was worried but I guess we will have to learn to do that. Your mind is obviously a lot more powerful so it should be a bit easier for you,” she said softly.

He hugged her closer. “Yes that’s what I was trying to work out. I think I would be able to block my mind both from hearing yours and you hearing mine, for a little while anyway.”

Alex looked very contemplative and finally spoke. “Zach, I think when we get to Scotland, when we are going to the cave, well I think you should try and put a block in place. I’m terrified that my thoughts, and the fear I know I’m going to have, will have an effect on you. I couldn’t bear it if you got hurt because of my jumbled mess of a mind.”

Zach frowned. “I’m not sure, Alexina. If I got distracted by something else and you got into trouble I might miss it. I couldn’t bear it if you got hurt because I put a block in place!” They both thought about this and went back and forth with possible solutions. Finally they agreed. “Okay so we’re going to practise. I’m going to try and block your thoughts but still feel your emotions. That way if your fear jumps up a notch I should know you’re in trouble. What do you think?”

She wasn’t completely sold on the idea but had to agree to the compromise. Zach made her go into the kitchen and he practised on blocking her whilst still ‘feeling’ her. She tried several different emotions – sadness, happiness, fear and even lust. Zach managed to get them all right. She was amazed at his mental capacity and control. She only hoped that in time she would be able to control things as he did.

That’s enough for now honey, we’ll try some more tomorrow and again before we leave for the cave. However, that last feeling you had? Well I think I need to explore that one a bit more.” He walked through to the kitchen.

He stalked towards her and released any blocks he had on his mind. He let hers in and let his out to her. More than that, he pushed his thoughts to her. He knew she had got them loud and clear because her face grew red and her breathing quickened. He wanted to ensure that she knew exactly how he felt about her, how much he loved her, how much he adored her. Before they had to leave on what he knew was going to be a dangerous mission.

Her blood was pumping fast through her system and it yet again called to him – it sang – as it had the first time he had met her in the woods. He was always amazed when this happened. It was not something he had ever come across. He loved the feelings it gave him, knowing she was his and his alone. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, trying to decide on just what game they might play tonight. However, when they got there he decided – no games – he was just going to show her the depth of his feelings and make her feel good, very good. That was his mission for this evening.


Chapter 13


Well, he fulfilled his mission brief. Alexina was lying in his arms completely satiated and now sound asleep. He hadn’t moved for hours with her cradled in his arms. He didn’t ever want to move. The sun was just coming up and he realised they would have to get up soon to get ready, but not yet. He watched her as she slept and wished nothing more than to be with her every morning like this.

His fear was rising that something would happen to her and he knew he had to conquer it. He would not be able to do his job properly if he did not.

She stirred and sleepily smiled up at him. “Good morning Mr Vampire. You been awake long?”

Zach replied with a smile on his face. “For a while, but I was enjoying watching you sleep. You do know you snore? Quite loudly I might add.” He was teasing her, she didn’t snore, well not really.

“I do not,” she retorted, and he bent down to kiss her. Nothing could harm her – nothing – he wouldn’t let it

My my, aren’t you the frisky one this morning,” Alex chirped, her hand had found his arousal.

No better way to start the day, meine Kleine.” He smirked back.

She replied using one of his regular words – “Indeed!”

Too soon they were at the airstrip and had loaded what they were taking, which was not a lot. Some clean clothes and toiletries for Alex plus her two small knives, and clothes and weapons for Zach.

While they waited for the others to arrive, Alex broached something that had been in her head for a couple of days. “Do you think we would have time after this is over to go to my place and get the rest of my clothes?” She hoped so. She had quite the collection of shoes that she didn’t want to lose.

“I don’t see why not, it wouldn’t take long and I’m sure the others wouldn’t mind a small delay in returning home.”

Alex was pleased. She wanted to double check there wasn’t anything else personal that she didn’t want to leave. She had already remembered a few photos of her parents and grandmother that she wanted. At that, Vlad and Dmitri drove up with the sisters, Rhianna and Brianna in the back. They all got out with their luggage and soon they were all seated on the plane.

Zach pulled up the stairs and did the double knock thing on the door leading to the cockpit and she realised that she still hadn’t seen the pilot. “There really is someone flying this thing isn’t there? I haven’t seen the pilot?” Everyone stopped talking and there was what could only be called an awkward silence.

Did I say something wrong?” she queried.

No Alexina.” It was Rhianna that answered her. “It’s just that our pilot doesn’t like to be seen. His name is James. He’s very shy as he was involved in a mission that went very wrong. He was badly scarred, mainly on his face and shoulders, so he tends to keep to himself.”

Alex thought that was sad. “But surely he knows all of you? Is he like that with everyone? Or is it because I’m here?” She didn’t want to think of someone spending their entire life alone.

Zach took over. “He has some very close friends that he’s okay with. I count myself as one of the lucky ones, he’s an amazing person. Loyal, trustworthy, hardworking and cares for everyone before himself. However, he finds it very hard with people he doesn’t know. That doesn’t just include you today, he doesn’t know Brianna, and Dmitri has never met him properly either.”

Alex relaxed a bit, it wasn’t just her keeping him locked up in the cockpit. “Well, I hope in the future I get to meet him. He sounds like someone I would like to get to know.”

After take off Rhianna and Brianna got up, carrying her mother’s journal. They asked Alex to join them in one of the bedrooms to the rear of the plane. Once they were all seated in one of the rooms, Alex in the chair in the corner and the sisters sat on the edge of the bed, Rhianna proceeded to teach Alex the spell.

It was complicated and Alex didn’t think she would ever get it. Her tension rose and after a couple of minutes the door opened and Zach walked in. “Is everything okay Alexina, I can feel your stress?”

Alex’s voice was upset as she answered. “I just don’t seem able to get this spell Zach. I don’t think I will remember it!” She was getting agitated and worried and tried hard to calm down.

Brianna got up and came over. “May I?” she asked Zach, obviously aware that anything she did in relation to Alex would have to go by him first.

“What are you thinking – a calming spell?” he asked

The Witch nodded her head as she answered. “I would like to do a calming spell first and then I have a slightly stronger one that will improve Alex’s memory retention and hopefully will result in her knowing everything she needs to? Is that okay?”

Zach could still feel Alex’s apprehension. He thought it would be a good idea and said so. He decided to stay in the room, hopefully to have a soothing effect on Alex.

Brianna held Alex’s hands and started chanting. Suddenly she pulled away. “Ouch – that hurt!” Brianna exclaimed loudly.

“What is it?” Rhianna asked “Are you okay Bri?”

The younger Witch answered with a grimace. “I’m not sure but when I started to cast the spell I got quite a shock, like an electric shock. What’s that all about?”

Zach walked over. “I think I know.” He pulled the amulet from under Alex’s top. “Tatiana put some sort of charm on this to stop magic from affecting Alex. It was when she suspected Amelia might go after her.”

Well that would do it,” Brianna was nodding her head.

She then looked to Alex and told her “You will have to take it off for my spells to work. As soon as I have cast them you can put it back on.”

Alex didn’t want to take it off, however, if she was to have any hope of learning the spell in time she would have to. “Zach can you take it off and stand beside me? As soon as Brianna ... or do you prefer Bri?” –

Bri is fine.”

As soon as Bri is finished, can you put it back on?”

Of course – here let me get it.” He took it off and stood so close to Alex that there was barely space between them.

Bri took her hands again and started over. In a shockingly fast time, Alex felt a feeling of calm come over her. She was totally relaxed and felt absolutely fine. Bri broke contact for a second and then started again. It was over quickly and Zach replaced the amulet around Alex’s neck. As soon as it touched her skin she felt better.

“Now, let us try again,” Rhianna said and proceeded to teach the spell to Alex. This time there was no delay. Alex got it first time and said all the words correctly. Something that she had thought she would not be able to do. Everyone in the room was relieved, Alex more so than anyone else.

After Alex had recited the spell several more times correctly, they all went back through to the main compartment. Vlad and Dmitri were playing cards and had a drink on the table in front of them. Bri went to the small galley and came back with some fresh sandwiches and coffee. “There’s soft drinks, water and booze if anyone wants it,” she told them.

Alex reached for the coffee and then stopped herself. She was hyped enough, coffee wasn’t the best thing she should be taking. Zach disappeared and came back with a glass of wine for her and one for himself. He had grown quite fond of the Zinfandel she liked. They took some sandwiches on a plate and sat on one of the sofas.

While she picked some food for herself Rhianna started chattering. “Okay, now guys, I have been working on a shielding spell – a strong one – Tatiana has been helping me. When we get to the cave it’s Bri’s job to unward it and make the door visible to us. The doorway will be visible to you Alex, but not to any of us. So you will have to wait until Bri does her part. My job is to keep Bri and Alex shielded. So Alex, that means you need to stay close to me – okay?”

Zach felt relieved. A shielding spell, if it was strong enough would help to keep Alex safe. Which meant he could concentrate on dealing with anything else that stood in their way. Alex nodded at Rhianna and then also nodded at Zach to let him know she had read what he was thinking.

She was glad that his attention was not going to be split, he needed to keep his on his own job. She didn’t want him distracted by her or anything else.

Rhianna continued on. “To be honest, and after many discussions with Tatiana, I have a feeling that there are going to be obstructions in our way. Whether they be Demons or their human cohorts, we can’t be certain. However, we are sure there will be some sort of defence in place. Tatiana doesn’t think it will be a large amount of beings there as this is the first time in history that the Defender has not gone alone. They will be expecting Alex, but none of us. Vlad, Dmitri, Zach – it will be your job to deal with them. The humans will, obviously, be easy for you to dispatch. The Demons, well, it will depend on how strong they are. Lesser ones shouldn’t give you too much bother but if there are any such as the one that attacked at the compound ... well, that could cause a problem.”

Zach and Alex thought back and fear rippled through Alex so strong that Zach shivered.

Vlad spoke up. “Zach – only you, Thadius and Alex saw that thing. You got any info you think is pertinent?” Vlad had stopped playing cards and had been listening intently as the Witch spoke.

Zach spoke truthfully. “Well, it was very powerful, I could feel it. Thadius rushed it, he is very strong as you know, but it swatted him away like he was a fly. If there’s one like that we can’t just use brawn – it won’t be enough. I would say to try and not let it touch you, not let it get a swipe at you. If you do, then you will be going down, hard.”

Vlad thought on this. Dmitri was harder to read. Zach couldn’t figure out if he was thinking or daydreaming.

I’m glad I decided to bring my knives and I’ve brought my sword too,” Zach advised.

Rhianna seemed excited. “I have an idea – can you get me your weapons Zach? You two as well,” she directed at Vlad and Dmitri. Zach got his out of the compartment he had stored them in and passed out Vlad and Dmitri’s luggage. He placed his knives and sword on the table, together with the two knives that were for Alex to wear.

Vlad brought out several throwing knives and several large daggers. Dmitri had several guns and his own knives, since knives were an integral part of the training for guards. Vlad also had a small crossbow and quite a few small, but very strong, arrows for it. Zach hoped that security would not do a thorough check, if they did they wouldn’t get away with this amount of weaponry and the guns were a definite no-no in the UK.

Rhianna smiled as she spoke and looked down at the weapons on the table. “Okay here’s what I’m thinking. Tatiana gave me a couple of spells for use against Demons. We didn’t have anything that would deal with them, nobody has, but she does. She is a very interesting fairy. So what do you think if I cast the spells on the weapons? I’m not sure it would work but it can’t hurt any and if it does work then it could give you guys some help?”

Rhianna’s enthusiasm was contagious and everyone said it was a good idea. Rhianna worked at placing the spells on the weapons. She even got Dmitri to get his bullets out and place them on the table. Anything she could put a spell on, she did.

She was tired afterwards and said she had to rest. Bri went with her to the rear of the plane to one of the bedrooms. Vlad, Dmitri and Zach repacked the weapons and Alex yawned. Zach was at her side immediately and said she should rest.

“Yea, you two go on back – get a room, so to speak,” Vlad guffawed. “Me and Dmitri here will use the sofas.”

Grab me some water, would you please?’ Alex sent the thought to Zach and he silently got a couple of bottles out the small fridge and followed her to the other large bedroom. Before Zach closed the door Alex ran back through and brought her small bag. She would want a shower and clean clothes, well clean underwear anyway, before they landed.

When she got back to the room, Zach was already undressed and lying underneath the covers. “You look extremely relaxed Mr Vampire, for someone that’s going to be possibly fighting Demons in a day or so.”

Zach’s reply was nonchalant. “All in a day’s work, Alexina. I have fought Witches, Werewolves, Vampires, Mages, humans and a host of others in-between. If something lives then it can die. I just have to make sure it is them that does the dying.”

Alex was astounded at how calm he was, and he was calm, she could sense it. He wasn’t putting on a front to make her feel better, he truly was calm.

She thought on what he had just said. “What else is there? You just said all those different species and a ‘host of others’. What on earth else is there?”

Come to bed and I’ll tell you.” He said this with one of his eyebrows raised.

No, no – answer first while I brush my teeth and get undressed.”

Zach laughed before continuing. “Okay, well there was the time in New Orleans that we had to deal with Zombies. Now that was not pretty! Hope I don’t come across them again ...”

Alex stuck her head out of the en suite with her toothbrush in her hand and foam all around her mouth. “You are kidding? Zombies? I didn’t think they were real!”

Zach carried on. “Nope not kidding, some Mage turned Necromancer and all hell broke out. It was Mardi Gras and everyone around thought it was part of some show put on. There’s even a clip on YouTube that someone captured on their bloody phone. We had known it was a big operation so there were quite a few of us down there to sort it out. It took every last one of us to do it. In fact we lost two guys from the local Wolf Pack who were drafted in to help. It was a sorry business. The Necromancer was killed too, just as well, I dread to think what the Pack would have done to him if they had got their hands on him.”

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