Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy) (14 page)

BOOK: Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)
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Alex’s heart went out to this Wolf. She had only just met this part of Irina but already she cared for it, as much as Irina herself. “This is my fault. I’m so sorry Irina, it’s my fault, not yours, please come back to us. Vlad needs you to change Irina, I need you to change – please please come back!” she pleaded, while stroking the face of the Wolf. It’s intelligent eyes stared back at her but this time the eyes were full of sorrow.

Zach, Zach! Do something, you’ve got to do something! Oh this is all my fault, please Irina PLEASE!” Alex was beside herself. She felt responsible and she couldn’t bear the look in the Wolf’s eyes.

Vlad pulled the body away and threw his jacket over the top half so that none of them could see the damage done to the neck. This seemed to help as the Wolf turned towards Alex, walked over and put its head to her hand. Alex stroked the fur and spoke quietly. She begged her to change back. Vlad joined her gently stroking it’s face, down on his knees in the dirt beside his mate.

After about another five minutes Vlad stood back – gesturing for Alex to do the same. There was the bright light and Alex once again looked away. When she looked again Irina was standing in front of them, crying her eyes out.

I’m sorry Vlad, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it, honest. I just sort of reacted and before I knew it she was dead. No no no – this can’t be happening!” Irina was distraught and Vlad held her, he was saying stuff to her but she didn’t seem to be listening.

Zach strode over, holding himself as straight as a rod. “Irina – IRINA – listen to me.” He stared into her eyes and Alex could feel some sort of power emanating from him? “You did what you had to do – you only did what I was about to – you SAVED Alex. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or upset by. I am PROUD to call you a friend. All your instincts never to harm, you fought against them to save someone else, without thinking about yourself. I need you to calm down now, do you understand?”

Alex was amazed at the difference in Irina, she was a lot more calm. She hugged Zach and then turned to Vlad who took her in his arms, rubbing her back and talking over her head to Zach. “Thanks Zach, I know you don’t like using that power over minds thing you can do, but she needed it. I’ll take her home then come back for the body with some of my men. I’ll phone Thadius and advise him of the situation.” He turned and walked away with Irina stuck to him like glue.

What just happened?” Alex asked.

Zach turned to her. “I have the power to influence some people’s minds, especially if their mind is in turmoil and not thinking properly. I just used it to calm her down. She would have got there on her own, it would just have taken a long time, and I didn’t want to see her suffer.”

Alex was once more in awe of this man. She went into his arms and hugged him tight. “It’s okay, come, we’ll get you back home and I think you need a drink – I know I do!”

She didn’t look at the body as they walked by and she just wanted to get home, where she felt safe. They hadn’t even got to the jeep when Zach’s phone rang with Thadius desperate to know if Alex was safe. Zach assured him she was and that Tatiana’s spell had worked. The power Amelia had fired at her hadn’t even singed a hair on her head.

Zach was more agitated than he let on to Alex. He had nearly lost her and the feeling inside of him terrified him. He realised that he would do anything, anything at all to make sure she was safe. He was even thinking about whisking her away before tomorrow so that she didn’t have to do this ritual, he wasn’t thinking straight.

Don’t be so stupid Zach,” Alex spoke.

What?” he asked, confused.

Alex answered “I need to do the ritual – you’re not taking me anywhere.”

“Alexina, why did you just say that?” Zach was worried, how did she know what he had been thinking?

I’m not deaf silly, you just said it.”

No I didn’t Alexina. I didn’t speak that aloud. It was in my head, I was thinking it!”

Alex stopped walking and looked at him, was he joking with her? From the look on his face she would say no.

“You are so not trying to say I can read your thoughts? How is that even possible? It was as if you had spoken the words, it wasn’t fuzzy or unclear. I heard it as clear as a bell.” She was more than a little disconcerted – what was happening?

I think we need to see Tatiana and Thadius – we’ll go there before we go home. I’ll just phone and tell them we’re on our way.” He phoned and didn’t give any details, only that he and Alexina needed to see them.


Chapter 12


Zach drove the jeep straight to HO, and when he pulled up outside Alex looked over at him. “I’m a little scared Zach, what do you think is going on with us?”

I don’t know meine Kleine, but try not to worry.” His tone was calm, even if he didn’t feel calm inside. He got out and helped her out and they walked to the front door.

As they approached, one of the guards opened the door and advised that they were to go to Thadius’s rooms instead of his office. Zach was a bit surprised, he had never been to his private quarters before – all meetings were usually held in the office. He guided Alex up the stairs and down towards Thadius’s office but just before getting there he stopped and opened a door on the right.

It took them into another long hallway, and they walked to the far end and knocked on the door. As this was Thadius’s private quarters and not his office, Zach did not open the door and walk in as he would normally. The door opened quickly, as if they had been waiting on them. Both Thadius and Tatiana greeted them and ushered them inside.

The room was not quite as large as his office but was furnished in a very comfortable style, with sofas and a couple of armchairs around the focal fireplace. There were several antiques, which Alex thought must have cost a fortune, dotted about the room and the carpet was very deep and plush.

They walked for a few steps and then both of them stopped dead. Michael, the Angel, was standing looking out one of the very large windows. He turned and smiled at them both and they continued on, sitting in one of the sofas. Zach would have preferred to stand but he could sense the need for Alex to sit down, she was shaking.

Hello you two – I hope you don’t mind but I asked for some guidance on this matter. The matter being what’s happening with you two? I assumed that is why you asked to see us?” Tatiana advised them.

We thought it best to meet here – we don’t want everyone to see an Angel walking about,” Thadius commented. Michael ignored Thadius and Tatiana and came and stood in front of Zach and Alex. The sheer power in this being was evident to everyone in the room and Zach felt uneasy. Usually he was the most powerful being in any company he was in. To feel somehow less powerful with this Angel in front of him – well, he didn’t like it.

Michael bent down so he had one knee on the floor and stared into Alex’s eyes. “I understand you are a bit worried?” His voice was having the same effect it had on her before – very calming – and she tried to answer him.

“Yes … Uhm ... things are a little strange. I heard Zach’s thoughts. As if he had spoke aloud – it was a bit crazy. I mean – you don’t expect to be doing that? Well I don’t anyway.” She managed to get this out, even if it was a bit stop and start.

Michael turned to Zach. “What about you, Vampire – can you read Alex’s?”

Zach didn’t like the way he said ‘Vampire’ but let it slide. “Just about, but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to scare her. It’s not every thought and it’s not like I’m in her mind all the time, but yes would be the answer. I can certainly do more than I would expect even a very long bonded couple to be able to do. Plus Alex hasn’t bonded properly with me yet, she hasn’t had any of my blood, so I can’t understand how this is happening.” Zach tried to be truthful, both he and Alex would like some kind of explanation.

Michael stood up and smiled. “Good,” he said and walked back to the window.

WTF, Alex thought – ‘Good’ was all he said. She needed more than just ‘Good’! “Excuse me but would you mind explaining this to us? I don’t know about Zach but I’m scared I’m going nuts.” Her tone was a bit exasperated and a bit angry. She needed this Angel to tell her the truth. What was happening between her and Zach?

Michael turned round and raised an eyebrow at her. She didn’t suppose anyone ever spoke to him like that. Well tough. She needed to know.

“Alexina, Zach, I don’t want you to get upset by what I am going to tell you – you need to stay calm. Okay?” Both of them nodded and Michael continued. “As you know, our leader intervened and has made you for each other. This pairing, mating, bonding or marriage, whatever word you wish to use – well it’s going to be like no other. None before or after you will have what you have. You will be able to read each other’s thoughts and feelings. In time you can practise how to block each other for a short time, but it will take practice. However, it goes far beyond anything a human – or in fact a Vampire – has felt before. Zach, you will also have to either change your job or incorporate Alexina into it ...”

Before he could go further, Zach stood up. “What do you mean? My job is important – I help people and save a hell of a lot more from rogues. What the hell are you talking about – Angel.” Zach said Angel in the same tone that Michael had said Vampire, he was getting very agitated.

“Please calm down. If you had not interrupted me I would have gone on to explain why!” Michael spat out. Alex took Zach’s hand and pulled him down next to her, he put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him.

Now, where was I? Oh yes – Zach – the reason I spoke of your job, well simply put, you will not be able to be apart. I don’t mean you won’t WANT to be apart. I mean you won’t be ABLE to be apart. Your bond is going to continue to grow and it will be so strong that if you are apart for any great length of time or by a great distance ... well let’s just say it wouldn’t be pretty.”

Tatiana gasped and Thadius said, “Oh my God,” very quietly. Zach and Alex stared at the Angel and then turned to look at each other. Jesus H Christ, Alex thought, this is lunacy. Surely he was joking?

“So, Michael, can you elaborate? Will they get ill or some such?” Tatiana asked and Alex was astounded at how calm the fairy sounded.

At first yes, they would get ill but if they don’t reunite then the longer they are apart the worse it would get. Eventually they would die.”

Die? Zach thought – surely this can’t be true? God would make them for each other but let them die if they were apart? That can’t be right.

“I can see your mind working Zach – but the answer is yes He would. He has broken his own most sacred vow to join the two of you so in His eyes if you ‘throw that away’ so to speak and are not together, then you are mocking him. He has made it so that you can never do that without the direst consequences. Short times apart, if in the same vicinity are fine. Distance is a bigger problem – you cannot be far apart – at any time. So you couldn’t fly to Europe for work, Zach, and leave Alex here, she would have to go with you, or you don’t go, it’s as simple as that.”

Simple? Nothing was simple about any of what the Angel had just told them. They were both thinking this at the same time. They realised the other was thinking the same – then realised that they KNEW that the other was thinking the same. They looked at each other and Zach pulled Alex even closer.

“This is not the only unique thing about the two of you. However, I have told you enough for now, I don’t want to burden you any further. I must leave, my brothers require my assistance. Many Demons have come through the gate and we have to deal with them.”

At that he disappeared, again. Why does he keep doing that? Alex thought. He tells us such important information and then promptly leaves. Great.

“Yea I know,” Zach said aloud, and they both jumped. He was answering what she had been thinking. This was going to take some getting used to.

Tatiana and Thadius both had shocked looks on their faces. Thadius took Tatiana’s hand and they went to another sofa and sat down. Tatiana’s feet didn’t touch the floor but she just curled them up under herself. She also leant into Thadius who had his arm around her.

Alex tried something. In her mind she thought ‘I was right about those two. Look how they’re sitting.’

Zach answered her back. ‘Yes you were, she looks like a doll next to Thadius.’ Both of them gave a small ‘hmm’ and the other couple looked at them as if they were a bit crazy.

Then a look of dawning crossed Tatiana’s face and she said. “You two were just talking to each other, in your heads, weren’t you?” Zach and Alex just nodded.

Thadius took over. “Okay that was pretty unexpected news, but we will just have to accept it. We can’t change any of it and to be honest I think when the two of you have some more time with this you wouldn’t want to. Personally I think you have been given a great gift, apart from the distance thing that is. Means no separate holidays for you!” He tried to make light of what had transpired. Alex didn’t need any more upset than she already had. But Zach could tell Thadius was worried also that he might lose one of the best assets that the Council had. Zach was the best at his job and there was nobody that came even close to filling his shoes.

They would just have to wait and see what the future brought them. That is, if there was a future. If the ritual didn’t go according to plan, well there may not be a future for any of them.

Zach, I think the two of you should go and prepare for tomorrow. I’m not sure what weapons you wish to take but whatever you decide, you should get them ready.” Thadius had a concerned look on his face as he spoke.

Zach got up and brought Alexina to his side. “It’s okay honey – come on – we can talk about what Michael said. We’re going to be fine, trust me.”

Alex thought, as long as Zach loved her and they were together then she would be fine. She just knew it.

Zach grabbed her into a tight hug and whispered “My thoughts exactly.” They left the meeting with a lot of food for thought. They knew they would have to put that to the side and get through the next couple of days. Once the ritual was over they could discuss things more fully.

Once more in the jeep, Alex’s mind was whirling round a dozen different thoughts. Zach glanced over at her. “Honey, I know it’s going to be hard but you need to try and focus. I can hear and feel your thoughts and it’s a little disorienting. I really don’t want to be distracted in Scotland, I need to be able to focus on my job – keeping you safe. That’s all that matters to me.” She tried to calm her thoughts but it was difficult, she was scared.

They arrived back home and Zach helped her out the jeep and into the house. He led her straight down to the basement and brought her to the middle of the floor, where he had some exercise mats. He sat down cross-legged and motioned for her to do the same. “I’m going to go through some calming meditation with you, Alexina. I think it will help calm your mind and help you to focus,” he explained. She sat down opposite him and he led her through some simple breathing exercises.

She was quite surprised at the effectiveness of them and soon found herself relaxing. “Okay Alexina, I want you to continue with that while I get some stuff ready for tomorrow.” She didn’t answer and continued with her breathing.

Zach walked over to the far corner to a very large cupboard, where he kept a fairly substantial cache of weapons. There were only a couple of guns, he preferred old school, and he had many different knives. Both for throwing and for up close and personal fights.

He had many swords and various other items, including a whip tipped with silver. He could use it to catch round an ankle, arm or even a neck and the silver would severely weaken and hold the Super he was after. Both Vampires and Wolves were affected by silver so this was a good weapon he used quite often. However, he had never fought a Demon so wasn’t sure what he wanted to take. He looked again and got out his knives, he also brought out one of his swords. One he had owned for a very long time.

The sword was large, heavy and very, very sharp. In the right hands – his hands – it was lethal. He always worked well with it, it was an extension of himself and he thought it would come in useful. He checked that the weapons were in pristine condition and as sharp as he could get them. He then replaced the knives in their leather carrying wallet and got out his straps that went with them.

He used the straps to place the knives in strategic positions on his body, where he could get to them easily, if needed. The sword would be in a holder that he had made especially for it: straps went over his arms, similar to a backpack, and the sword was inside a long leather sheath. He would wear it underneath his coat but it afforded easy access for him while hiding it from any prying eyes. He had surprised quite a few when they thought he was unarmed and he pulled it out. He laid everything at the bottom of the stairs and returned to Alexina on the floor.

Okay I think we will go through some of the moves I’ve been teaching you and I’m going to add something new today.” Alex got up and stood waiting on her instructions. Whenever they trained Zach was always ‘all business’. He told her that it wasn’t a keep fit class, it was learning to defend yourself and wasn’t a game.

He came over with two small straps and two small knives. He put the straps on her forearms, beneath her sleeves so they would be out of sight, then placed the knives in them. “Zach, what are you doing? I could never stab someone!” She was shocked, he couldn’t expect her to use those.

“Alexina, if it comes down to it, believe me, you WILL use them. However, only do so if it’s the last thing you can do.” Zach tried blocking her out of his mind. He had to do it sometimes when he was in the presence of another strong Vampire, so he hoped he could do it now. He didn’t want her to feel the fear he had for her.

Okay, now we will do the usual moves but this time I want you to use the knives, trust me, you won’t hurt me Alexina. I want you to practise getting them out quickly and see if you can do it.”

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