Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All (38 page)

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Rett Syndrome
: Ibid.
SIDS and vaccines:
DTP vaccine and attention deficit disorder:
, 287.
Lawyer admission:
Dog gets stupider:
VICP change:
G. Evans, E. M. Levine, and E. H. Saindon, “Legal Issues,” in
, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).
Fisher regarding VICP change:
Barbara Loe Fisher testimony before the U.S. House Government Reform Committee, “Vaccines: Finding a Balance Between Public Safety and Personal Choice,” August 3, 1999; and testimony before the House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice Drug Policy and Human Resources, House Government Reform Civil Service Compensation for Vaccine Injuries, September 28, 1999.
Margaret Althen:
Althen v. Department of Health and Human Services
, 418 F.3d 1274 (Fed. Cir. 2005).
Vaccine and demyelinating diseases:
J. Tuttle, R. T. Chen, H. Rantala, et al., “The Risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Tetanus-Toxoid-Containing Vaccines in Adults and Children in the United States,”
American Journal of Public Health
87 (1997): 2045-2048; T. Verstraeten, R. Davis, F. DeStefano, and the Vaccine Safety DataLink Team, “Decreased Risk of Demyelinating Disease Following Tetanus Immunization [abstract],”
American Journal of Epidemiology
155 (2002): S52; C. Confavreux, S. Suissa, P. Saddier, et al., “Vaccinations and the Risk of Relapse in Multiple Sclerosis,”
New England Journal of Medicine
344 (2001): 319-326.
Rose Capizzano:
Capizzano v. Department of Health and Human Services
, 440 F.3d 1317 (Fed. Cir. 2006) (quotations regarding the case are from this document); G. Evans, E. M. Levine, and E. H. Saindon, “Legal Issues,” in
, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).
Hepatitis B vaccine and rheumatoid arthritis:
E. E. Mast and J. W. Ward, “Hepatitis B Vaccines,” in
, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).
Hepatitis B vaccine and paralysis:
Stevens v. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
, March 30, 2001.
Hib vaccine and paralysis:
Camerlin v. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
, October 29, 2003.
MMR and epilepsy:
Cusati v. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
, September 22, 2005.
MMR and fibromyalgia:
Zatuchni v. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
, February 12, 2008.
Hepatitis B vaccine and Guillain-Barré Syndrome:
Peugh v. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
, April 21, 2006.
Rubella vaccine and chronic arthritis:
P. E. Slater, T. Ben Zvi, A. Fogel, et al., “Absence of an Association Between Rubella Vaccination and Arthritis in Underimmune Post-Partum Women,”
13 (1995): 1529-1532; P. Ray, S. Black, H. Shinefield, et al., “Risk of Chronic Arthropathy Among Women After Rubella Vaccination,”
Journal of the American Medical Association
278 (1997): 551-556.
Evidence exonerating vaccines as cause of paralysis, epilepsy, and arthritis:
Ibid.; E. E. Mast and J. W. Ward, “Hepatitis B Vaccines,” in
, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier /Saunders, 2008).
Werderitsch decision:
Werderitsch v. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services
, May 26, 2006.
Epidemiology of multiple sclerosis and hepatitis B virus infections:
E. E. Mast and J. W. Ward, “Hepatitis B Vaccines,” in
, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).
Hepatitis B vaccine not a cause of multiple sclerosis:
A. Ascherio, S. M. Zhang, M. A. Hernan, et al., “Hepatitis B Vaccination and the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis,”
New England Journal of Medicine
344 (2001): 327- 332; C. Confavreux, S. Suissa, P. Saddier, et al., “Vaccinations and the Risk of Relapse in Multiple Sclerosis,”
New England Journal of Medicine
344 (2001): 319-326.
Rorke-Adams’s background and training:
L. B. Rorke-Adams, “Lucy Balian Rorke-Adams, MD: An Autobiography,”
Journal of Child Neurology
23 (2008): 674-682.
Rorke-Adams on her experiences in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program:
Author interview with Lucy Rorke-Adams, April 28, 2009.
Rorke-Adams on John Shane:
Ibid.; additional Rorke-Adams quotes are from this interview.
Rorke-Adams’s expertise on embryonic neuronal cells:
An extensive publication list can be found in L. B. Rorke, “Embryonal Tumors of the Central Nervous System,” in
Principles and Practice of Neuropathology
, 2nd ed., eds. J. S. Nelson, H. Mena, J. E. Parisi, and S. S. Schochet (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003).
Rorke-Adams’s monograph on myelination:
L. B. Rorke and H. E. Riggs,
Myelination of the Brain in the Newborn
(Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1969).
Karoly and Shane indictment:
United States of America v. John P. Karoly, Jr., John J. Shane, and John P. Karoly, III
, filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, September 25, 2008.
Laurie Magid on Karoly-Shane indictment:
Press release, U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, “Allentown Attorney and Two Others Indicted for Fraud Involving Couple Killed in Plane Crash,” September 25, 2008.
Karoly and tax evasion:
“Allentown Attorney Charged with Defrauding Charity and Church in $500,000 Scheme,” Department of Justice Press Release, United States Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, March 12, 2009; B. Theodore, “Allentown Lawyer John Karoly Jr. Pleads Guilty to Tax Evasion, Could Face Prison Time,” LehighValleyLive. com, July 6, 2009; M. Birkbeck, “‘We Trusted John Karoly,’ Says Former Local Pastor,”
The Morning Call
, September 16, 2009;
United States of America v. John P. Karoly, Jr.
, “Government’s Guilty Plea Memorandum,” United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Criminal No. 08-592-01.
Fisher on autism:
H. L. Coulter and B. L. Fisher,
A Shot in the Dark: Why the P in the DPT Vaccination May Be Hazardous to Your Children’s Health
(Garden City, N.Y.: Avery Publishing, 1991).
Wakefield paper:
A. J. Wakefield, S. H. Murch, A. Anthony, et al., “Ileal-Lymphoid-Nodular Hyperplasia, Non-Specific Colitis, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Children,”
The Lancet
351 (1998): 637-641.
Salisbury on fears of pertussis and MMR vaccine:
Author interview with David Salisbury, November 30, 2009.
Measles outbreaks:
N. Gould, “The Town Divided by a Deadly Disease,”
Belfast Telegraph
, November 14, 2004; “Fall in MMR Vaccine Coverage Reported as Further Evidence of Vaccine Safety Is Published,”
CDR Weekly
, June 25, 1999; B. Lavery, “As Vaccination Rates Decline in Ireland, Cases of Measles Soar,”
New York Times
, February 8, 2003; T. Peterkin, “Alert over 60 Percent Rise in Measles,”
London Daily Telegraph
, May 12, 2003; N. Begg, M. Ramsey, J. White, and Z. Bozoky, “Media Dents Confidence in MMR Vaccine,”
British Medical Journal
316 (1998): 561; B. Deer, “Schoolboy, 13, Dies as Measles Makes a Come-back,”
Sunday Times
(London), April 2, 2006; K. Mansey, “MMR Link to Mumps Cases,”
Daily Post
, January 16, 2006; S. Boseley, “MMR Vaccinations Fall to New Low,”
The Guardian
, September 24, 2004; E. K. Mulholland, “Measles in the United States, 2006,”
New England Journal of Medicine
355 (2006): 440-443; J. McBrien, J. Murphy, D. Gill, et al., “Measles Outbreak in Dublin,”
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
22 (2003): 580-584; P. A. Brunell, “More on Measles and the Impact of the Lancet Retraction,”
Infectious Diseases in Children
, May 2004; B. Deer, “MMR Scare Doctor Faces List of Charges,”
The Times
(London), September 11, 2005; S. Hastings, “Doctor at Sharp End of MMR Controversy,”
Yorkshire Post
, June 14, 2006.
Parents in United States refuse MMR vaccine:
M. J. Smith, L. M. Bell, S. E. Ellenberg, and D. M. Rubin, “Media Coverage of the MMR-Autism Controversy and Its Relationship to MMR Immunization Rates in the United States,”
121 (2008): e836-e843.
Measles virus and intestines of autistic children:
M. Hornig, T. Briese, T. Buie, et al., “Lack of Association Between Measles Virus Vaccine and Autism with Enteropathy: A Case-Control Study,”
3 (2008): e3140.
MMR vaccine does not cause intestinal inflammation:
H. Peltola, A. Patja, P. Leinikki, et al., “No Evidence for Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine-Associated Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Autism in a 14-Year Prospective Study,”
The Lancet
351 (1998): 1327-1328; R. L. Davis, P. Kramarz, B. Kari, et al., “Measles-Mumps-Rubella and Other Measles-Containing Vaccines Do Not Increase the Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case-Control Study from the Vaccine Safety DataLink Project,”
Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
155 (2002): 354- 359; B. Taylor, E. Miller, R. Lingam, et al., “Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Bowel Problems or Developmental Regression in Children with Autism: Population Study,”
British Medical Journal
324 (2002): 393-396; E. Fombonne and E. H. Cook, Jr., “MMR and Autistic Enterocolitis: Consistent Epidemiological Failure to Find an Association,”
Molecular Psychiatry
8 (2003): 133-134.
Autism and brain-damaging (encephalopathic) proteins:
K. Wang, H. Zhang, D. Ma, et al., “Common Genetic Variants on 5p14.1 Associate with Autism Spectrum Disorders,”
459 (2009): 528-533.
Epidemiological studies exonerate MMR vaccine:
B. Taylor, E. Miller, C. P. Farrington, et al., “Autism and Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine: No Epidemiological Evidence for a Causal Association,”
The Lancet
353 (1999): 2026-2029; F. DeStefano and R. T. Chen, “Negative Association Between MMR and Autism,”
The Lancet
353 (1999): 1986- 1987; E. Fombonne, “Are Measles Infections or Measles Immunizations Linked to Autism?”
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
29 (1999): 349-350; J. A. Kaye, M. Melero-Montes, and H. Jick, “Mumps, Measles, and Rubella Vaccine and the Incidence of Autism Recorded by General Practitioners: A Time Trend Analysis,”
British Medical Journal
322 (2001): 460-463; L. Dales, S. J. Hammer, and N. J. Smith, “Time Trends in Autism and in MMR Immunization Coverage in California,”
Journal of the American Medical Association
285 (2001): 1183-1185; C. P. Farrington, E. Miller, and B. Taylor, “MMR and Autism: Further Evidence Against a Causal Association,”
19 (2001): 3632-3635; E. Fombonne and S. Chakrabarti, “No Evidence for a New Variant of Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Induced Autism,”
108 (2001),
; N. A. Halsey and S. L. Hyman, “Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine and Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Report from the New Challenges in Childhood Immunization Conference Convened in Oak Brook, Illinois, June 12, 2000,”
107 (2001),
; K. M. Madsen, A. Hviid, M. Vestergaard, et al., “A Population-Based Study of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism,”
New England Journal of Medicine
347 (2002): 1477-1482; A. Mäkela, J. P. Nuorti, and H. Peltola, “Neurologic Disorders After Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination,”
110 (2002): 957-963; P. A. Offit and S. E. Coffin, “Communicating Science to the Public: MMR Vaccine and Autism,”
22 (2003): 1-6; F. DeStefano, T. K. Bhasin, W. W. Thompson, et al., “Age at First Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccination in Children with Autism and School-Matched Control Subjects: A Population-Based Study in Metropolitan Atlanta,”
113 (2004): 259-266; K. Wilson, E. Mills, C. Ross, et al., “Association of Autistic Spectrum Disorder and the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccine,”
Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine
157 (2003): 628-634; H. Honda, Y. Shimizu, and M. Rutter, “No Effect of MMR Withdrawal on the Incidence of Autism: A Total Population Study,”
Journal of Child Psychiatry and Psychology
46 (2005): 572-579.

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