Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All (36 page)

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Seizures in childhood:
M. D. Blumstein and M. J. Friedman, “Childhood Seizures,”
Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America
25 (2007): 1061-1086.
Seizure types and genetics:
R. Nabbout and O. Dulac, “Epileptic Syndromes in Infancy and Childhood,”
Current Opinion in Neurology
21 (2008): 161-166; L. Deprez, A. Jansen, and P. De Jonghe, “Genetics of Epilepsy Syndromes Starting in the First Year of Life,”
72 (2009): 273-281.
Berkovic on Dravet’s Syndrome:
Author interview with Samuel Berkovic, November 27, 2009.
Berkovic study:
S. F. Berkovic, L. Harkin, J. M. McMahon, et al., “De-Novo Mutations of the Sodium Channel Gene
in Alleged Vaccine Encephalopathy: A Retrospective Study,”
Lancet Neurology
5 (2006): 488-492.
Berkovic regarding reaction to study:
Author interview with Samuel Berkovic, November 27, 2009.
Marge Grant at Hawkins hearing:
Hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and General Oversight of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S. Senate, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session to Examine Adverse Drug Reactions from Immunization, Federal Efforts in Preventive Medicine, and Characteristics of Certain Diseases, May 7, 1982 (emphasis in original text). All Grant quotes below come from this source.
Berkovic study:
S. F. Berkovic, L. Harkin, J. M. McMahon, et al., “De-Novo Mutations of the Sodium Channel Gene
in Alleged Vaccine Encephalopathy: A Retrospective Study,”
Lancet Neurology
5 (2006): 488-492.
Shorvon and Berg editorial:
S. Shorvon and A. Berg, “Pertussis Vaccination and Epilepsy—An Erratic History, New Research and the Mismatch Between Science and Social Policy,”
49 (2008): 219-225.
Media coverage of Berkovic paper:
Author interview with Samuel Berkovic, November 27, 2009.
4. Roulette Redux
Lea Thompson’s statement of purpose:
DPT: Vaccine Roulette
, WRC-TV, Washington, D.C., April 19, 1982. All Thompson quotes in the section are from this program; italics added for emphasis.
Baraff study:
C. L. Cody, L. J. Baraff, J. D. Cherry, et al., “Nature and Rates of Adverse Reactions Associated with DTP and DT Immunizations in Infants and Children,”
68 (1981): 650-660.
Pertussis vaccine and SIDS:
C. P. Howson and H. V. Fineberg, “Adverse Events Following Rubella and Pertussis Vaccines: Summary of a Report of the Institute of Medicine,”
Journal of the American Medical Association
267 (1992): 392-396.
Infantile spasms study:
J. C. Melchior, “Infantile Spasms and Early Immunization Against Whooping Cough: Danish Survey from 1970 to 1975,”
Archives of Disease in Childhood
52 (1977): 134-137.
Studies confirming Denmark study:
M. H. Bellman, E. M. Ross, and D. L. Miller, “Infantile Spasms and Pertussis Immunization,”
The Lancet
1 (1983): 1031-1033; C. T. Lombroso, “A Prospective Study of Infantile Spasms: Clinical and Therapeutic Correlations,”
24 (1983): 135-158.
Pertussis in 1982:
K. M. Edwards and M. D. Decker, “Pertussis Vaccines,” in
, 5th ed., eds. S. A. Plotkin, W. A. Orenstein, and P. A. Offit (London: Elsevier/Saunders, 2008).
William Foege regarding
DPT: Vaccine Roulette
Hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and General Oversight of the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, U.S. Senate, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session to Examine Adverse Drug Reactions from Immunization, Federal Efforts in Preventive Medicine, and Characteristics of Certain Diseases, May 7, 1982.
Robert Mendelsohn’s medical affiliations:
E. R. González, “TV Report on DTP Galvanizes US Pediatricians,”
Journal of the American Medical Association
248 (1982): 12-22.
Mendelsohn on vaccines and other treatments:
Mendelsohn on doctors:
Mendelsohn on surgeons:
Foreword by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D., to Hans Ruesch’s
Slaughter of the Innocent
(London: Civitas Publications, 1983).
Mendelsohn and “apple pie”:
E. R. González, “TV Report on DTP Galvanizes US Pediatricians,”
Journal of the American Medical Association
248 (1982): 12-22.
Bobby Young’s affiliations:
Seizures and brain damage:
M. D. Blumstein and M. J. Friedman, “Childhood Seizures,”
Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America
25 (2007): 1061-1086; J. H. Ellenberg, D. G. Hirtz, and K. B. Nelson, “Do Seizures Cause Intellectual Deterioration?”
New England Journal of Medicine
314 (1986): 1085-1088.
Thompson on journalistic integrity:
E. R. González, “TV Report on DTP Galvanizes US Pediatricians,”
Journal of the American Medical Association
248 (1982): 12-22.
Edward Mortimer on
Vaccine Roulette
Gordon Stewart’s affiliations:
Stewart regarding pertussis vaccine efficacy:
G. T. Stewart, “Vaccination Against Whooping Cough: Efficacy Versus Risks,”
The Lancet
1 (1977): 234-237.
Pertussis control by vaccine:
E. J. Gangarosa, A. M. Galazka, C. R. Wolfe, et al., “Impact of Anti-Vaccine Movements on Pertussis Control: The Untold Story,”
The Lancet
351 (1998): 356-361.
Stewart regarding upcoming pertussis outbreak:
“Vaccine Call Is Attacked,”
Sunday Times
(London), June 26, 1977.
Pertussis epidemic in England:
J. D. Cherry, “The Epidemiology of Pertussis and Pertussis Immunization in the United Kingdom and the United States: A Comparative Study,”
Current Problems in Pediatrics
14 (1984): 7-77.
Luc Montagnier discovers HIV:
F. Barré-Sinoussi, J. C. Chermann, F. Rey, et al., “Isolation of a T-Lymphotropic Retrovirus from a Patient at Risk for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS),”
220 (1983): 868-871.
Stewart and sperm:
G. T. Stewart, “The Epidemiology and Transmission of AIDS: A Hypothesis Linking Behavioural and Biological Determinants to Time, Person, and Place,”
95 (1995): 173-193.
Stewart and yeast:
E. Papadopulos-Eleopulos, V. G. Turner, J. M. Papadimitriou, et al., “HIV Antibodies: Further Questions and a Plea for Clarification,”
Current Medical Research and Opinion
13 (1997): 627-634.
Stewart and rock stars:
G. Stewart, “AIDS, the Myths and Martyrdom,”
Daily Mail
(London), April 5, 1993.
Stewart and behavior of victim:
Stewart and AZT:
G. T. Stewart, “The Epidemiology and Transmission of AIDS: A Hypothesis Linking Behavioural and Biological Determinants to Time, Person, and Place,”
95 (1995): 173-193.
John Stossel interviews Allen McDowell:
“Scared Stiff: Worry in America,”
ABC News: 20/20
, February 23, 2007.
Anthony Colantoni:
C. McHugh, “Ex-Lawyer Accused of $1.4 Million Fraud,”
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin
, November 15, 1993; J. F. Rooney, “Converted Children’s Compensation: Ex-Lawyer Admits,”
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin
, November 22, 1993.
Thompson in 1997:
First International Conference on Vaccination, National Vaccine Information Center, 1997.
Yellow fever vaccine and hepatitis:
J. P. Fox, C. Manso, H. A. Penna, and M. Para, “Observations on the Occurrence of Icterus in Brazil Following Vaccination Against Yellow Fever,”
American Journal of Hygiene
36 (1942): 68-116; M. V. Hargett and H. W. Burruss, “Aqueous-Based Yellow Fever Vaccine,”
Public Health Reports
58 (1943): 505-512; W. A. Sawyer, K. F. Meyer, M. D. Eaton, et al., “Jaundice in Army Personnel in the Western Region of the United States and Its Relation to Vaccination Against Yellow Fever,”
American Journal of Hygiene
40 (1944): 35- 107; L. B. Seeff, G. W. Beebe, J. H. Hoofnagle, et al., “A Serologic Follow-Up of the 1942 Epidemic of Post-Vaccination Hepatitis in the United States Army,”
New England Journal of Medicine
316 (1987): 965-970.
War ended:
G. Williams,
Virus Hunters
(New York: Alfred Knopf, 1960), 315.
Cutter Laboratories tragedy:
Lubeck disaster:
F. Luelmo, “BCG Vaccination,”
American Review of Respiratory Diseases
125 (1982): 70-72.
5. Make the Angels Weep
Praise for
A Shot in the Dark
: P.
Holt, “Shedding Light on a Drug Controversy,”
San Francisco Chronicle
, February 8, 1985.
Sabin’s vaccine:
Egg protein allergy:
B. Ratner and S. Untracht, “Egg Allergy in Children,”
American Journal of Diseases of Children
83 (1952): 309-316.
Gelatin allergy:
M. Sakaguchi, T. Nakayama, and S. Inouye, “Food Allergy to Gelatin in Children with Systemic Immediate-Type Reactions, Including Anaphylaxis, to Vaccines,”
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
98 (1996): 1058-1061; M. Sakaguchi, T. Yamanaka, K. Ikeda, et al., “IgE-Mediated Systemic Reactions to Gelatin Included in the Varicella Vaccine,”
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
99 (1997): 263-264.
Hib vaccine licensed:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Haemophilus B Conjugate Vaccines for Prevention of Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Disease Among Infants and Children Two Months of Age and Older: Recommendations of the ACIP,”
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
40 (1991): 1-7.
Barbara Loe Fisher on TV:
World News Tonight with Peter Jennings
, February 16, 1998.
Fisher and chronic diseases:
H. L. Coulter and B. L. Fisher,
A Shot in the Dark: Why the P in the DPT Vaccination May Be Hazardous to Your Children’s Health
(Garden City Park, N.Y.: Avery Publishing, 1991).
Classen Hib study:
D. C. Classen and J. B. Classen, “The Timing of Pediatric Immunization and the Risk of Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus,”
Infectious Diseases Clinical Practitioner
6 (1997): 449-454.
Classen on TV:
World News Tonight with Peter Jennings
, February 16, 1998.
First Hib vaccine-diabetes study in American children:
S. B. Black, E. Lewis, H. Shinefield, et al., “Lack of Association Between Receipt of Conjugate Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Vaccine (HbOC) in Infancy and Risk of Type 1 (Juvenile Onset) Diabetes: Long-Term Follow-Up of the HbOC Efficacy Trial Cohort,”
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
21 (2002): 568-569.
Second Hib vaccine-diabetes study in American children:
F. DeStefano, J. P. Mullooly, C. A. Okoro, et al., “Childhood Vaccinations, Vaccination Timing, and Risk of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus,”
108 (2001),
Follow-up Hib vaccine-diabetes study in Finnish children:
Institute for Vaccine Safety Diabetes Workshop Panel, “Childhood Immunizations and Type 1 Diabetes: Summary of an Institute for Vaccine Safety Workshop,”
Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal
18 (1999): 217-222.
Fisher regarding Whitestone:
S. Evans, “How Safe Are Mandatory Immunizations? Doctors Stress That Dangers of Childhood Diseases Far Outweigh Risks of Shots,”
Washington Post
, September 27, 1994.

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