Dark Secrets (13 page)

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Authors: Jessica Burnett

BOOK: Dark Secrets
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I want to be the smile

The first thought

The long drive or the short walk

The last voice

The random call

Your first choice

To never let you fall

I want you to be the first kiss

The taste of your lips

Your other half

Perfect bliss

I want to be the sparkle seen in your eyes

The long goodbye

Happiness in disguise

I want to be everything you need

I want to be everything you dream of

I want to be yours

Too bad it’s just a fantasy

For you could never love someone as awful as me. ”





Ninth Chapter: Dreams


              It’s been about six days since we made it to the Kingdom of the Elves, which I was recently informed is named Limeira. I still can’t figure out how to activate my blue glow on my own or draw out the sword. I keep trying to do the same thing I did in the field and failing miserably. Lachlan suggested we go visit some Djinn friends he has deep in the bayou directly outside the town limits. He decided against meeting up with the witches he had in mind. He explained that visiting a Djinn would be more effective. We’re on our way there now, just Lachlan and myself. We haven’t spoken since we left. It’s getting kind of awkward.

              I was under the impression that once we got here we would be safe once again. But, it seems we are more careful here than ever before. The men are constantly on guard and Kai doesn’t like any of the people here… That can’t be a good sign.

              Apparently the Djinn are an exquisite species; created long before humans were, left here to be our guardians and more powerful than any magical entity aside from dragons. Nothing surpasses a dragon’s capabilities. The only thing I don’t understand is why the Djinn have no free will of their own. They are forever destined to serve us and are not greatly appreciated for all that they do. This thought saddens me greatly… 

              The bayou is prettier than I expected. Here I thought the town was gorgeous with its ancient architecture, inscribed pillars that stand in every street corner and form a circle around a massive coliseum in the center of the town, and floral gardens in every yard, store and park.

              The bayou has a majestic feel to it. As if it holds its own kind of magic; as if it’s sentient. We’re standing in what seems to be a forest of sorts that is completely encompassed by water. Rainbow fish are jumping through the air and splashing back into the pond in which they reside. Brightly colored birds are flying overhead and directly in front of us, in the front of the bayou, stand a gigantic statue of a Dragon, an Elf and a Djinn standing side by side. Each being has a chain wrapped around their ankles connecting them to each other and the human leading them. I now understand why humans are feared and despised…

              “What now?” I ask as I turn to Lachlan. But, he’s nowhere to be found. I search around frantically for him and still I cannot see him anywhere. I notice a fog building up on the other side of the bayou, slowly covering everything and moving towards me. The fog slinking towards me gives me the creeps. I could outrun it… if only I could figure out how to move my feet. I am frozen where I stand. I feel as if an imaginary rope has wound itself around my body and locked me into place.

              “What have you come for, child?” A voice whispers on the wind. I jerk a bit internally. I am trying to look around to see where the voice came from but find I can’t even move my eyes. How am I supposed to answer when my mouth is frozen as well?

              “Telepathy, my dear... We’re speaking through telepathy. Just tell me what you are searching for… or let me enter your
.” A calming tone resonates from the ethereal voice. My body becomes lax as I release my inner thoughts without meaning to.

              “So many questions plaguing your mind dear one… Which one to answer? Which one indeed…”

              My mind had gone numb and I no longer feel my body. I tried to look around but couldn’t open my eyes; couldn’t find my eyes. My thoughts were suddenly brought somewhere entirely new to me; a world of untaught magic, misinterpreted dreams and forgotten lives.

              I saw before me a man who seemed familiar and yet unfamiliar at the same time. A girl was running towards him, jumping into his arms. I flash to another scenario: a different man and woman, only the same man and woman… getting engaged. Flash to yet another place: I’m standing in a club, or what seems to be a club with fancy clothing. Standing beside me is a man who looks remarkably similar to Damien. In front of me stands a man asking permission to court me. Then I am witnessing this lifetime once again: Derek and I’s first meeting as children; our frolicking and playing as well as our pledges to belong to only each other… forever.             

              “Here’s your sign.” The voice whispered sweetly. It clicked at that moment that this Djinn was showing me the many lives that Derek and I have shared. Although I didn’t yet understand Damien’s correlation.

              A sudden gust of wind and I could feel my body once again. I sat, floating, in the middle of the bayou. Before me hovered a man cloaked in robes with moss green eyes that bore through me. He had a feminine air about him; gentle and caring.

              “Don’t worry, dear one. All will work out for the best.” He assured me while patting my head. He moved away, starting to dissipate. “As for the reason you came… you cannot force your abilities to appear. They come only when needed.” He enlightened. “
Don’t trust Lachlan
” said a whisper upon the wind.

              “Ember! Ember!” A voice was calling in the distance. I felt as if I were being shaken. I awoke to find myself lying across Lachlan’s arms.

              My eyes flutter open as confusion sets in. “What happened? Why did you faint?” He asked, clearly startled.

              I stare up at him for a few seconds trying to process all that I had just seen.

              “Why can’t I trust you? Why did the Djinn tell me not to trust you?” I question as I begin to sit up. Shock crosses Lachlan’s features, followed by fear.

              His lips were on mine before I realized what was happening. I didn’t know why he was kissing me, why everyone keeps kissing me! But I knew I didn’t want it. Yet somehow I couldn’t stop it. My head was intoxicated by him; his smell, his taste, his words. …His words? What was he whispering between my lips?




              I shot straight up in bed, startled to find myself back at the inn. I knew I needed to remember something but for the life of me I couldn’t remember what happened after we entered the bayou.

              Lachlan was sitting in the chair across from the bed against the wall. He had a book open upon his lap, seemingly oblivious to my sudden awakening.

              “How are you feeling?” he asked simply. An edge filled the undertones to his voice. While still staring at his book, he clearly wasn’t as oblivious as he would like me to think.

              “Ugh. My head hurts. What happened after we reached the bayou?” I inquired, confused.

              He smiled slightly as he raised his eyes to look at me, “You met the Djinn and he did a doozy on you. Not sure what he told you though… I guess we’ll never know.” He seemed rather pleased with this outcome for a reason I couldn’t fathom…

              “That doesn’t sound right.” I state, scrunching up my eyes.

              He suddenly glared at me, “Are you calling me a liar?” He just about yelled. Throwing down his book, he stormed out of the room.

              I sat on the bed, deep in thought, filled with confusion and concern. There’s no way that is all that happened. If it were why would Lachlan act that way? He’s normally so calm. Something is definitely wrong… I feel it deep in my bones.

Will I ever know what really happened out there??



“Are you enjoying yourself?” The man next to me asked with a slight smile on his lips. I had been dancing around the room with a few of my suitors, something a girl in my time should not have been doing.

“Possibly I am. Do you have a problem with that, Damien?” I arch my brow at him as I neatly fold myself into the chair next to him.

“Not at all. It is your one free night after all. Just don’t get into too much trouble, okay?” He smirked. “I would hate to think of what mother and father would think if they were here.”


I woke with a start. The same dream has been playing over and over in my head every night since Lachlan and I came back from the bayou. I can’t seem to figure out what it means yet. Subconsciously I think I know… but at the same time, I doubt myself. I can’t simply ask Damien about the dream. What if it was some silly fancy of mine and he thinks me retarded?

I get up slowly and carefully so as not to disturb my sleeping boy next to me. I have my own room now in a small cabin, right next to a giant cathedral. There are three bedrooms in this house; one on each side of mine and Kai’s. Derek and Lachlan sleep in one whereas Damien prefers to sleep alone. When you walk in the house you find yourself in between the kitchen and the living room. The only thing separating the two is the different flooring for each; brown tile for the kitchen and a burgundy colored rug for the living area. The only bathroom is outside… in the outhouse. It’s cozy sure, but I hope we move on soon. It’s a bit too cramped for my tastes.

Derek and Damien have been fighting nonstop. I have to break up their little spats at least three times a day now. I find it hard to believe they’re fighting over me like a couple of school boy brats. I have made it perfectly clear to them that I am choosing neither of them. It only seems to make it worse…

I make my way to the kitchen sink so I can brush my teeth. If I want to take a shower I have to go to the public bathhouse a couple blocks down the road. But, I am not allowed to go on my own. The guys are afraid for my safety and all that jazz. I still don’t see how or why my own people would hurt me. Yes, they are
people aren’t they? Seems so unrealistic to think that one day I will be their queen.

I hear someone approach me from behind. A knife is suddenly against my throat, a hand covering my mouth so I can’t scream. Internally I am screaming, but on the outside I seem perfectly cool and collected. I drop my toothbrush in the sink and grab hold of the butcher knife beside it. I quickly slice the arm that is holding me. The knife against my throat clangs to the ground as I hear a low guttural curse and a quick withdraw. Without bothering to see who my attacker was I swing around gracefully and plunge the butcher knife into the man’s gut. He bellows and falls to the ground.

I look down to see Damien clutching his stomach in agony. Shock courses through my body, then worry. Before I can say a word he breathes out, “Just give me a moment.” The wound was already beginning to heal, but not as quickly as I thought it would. I look into his eyes and realize the issue.

“What the
were you thinking?” I demand.

“I was just testing your defenses. I didn’t figure you for being so damn fast to react.”

Silence fills the room as Damien doubles over in agony once more.

“Here. Take it.” I quip as I get on my knees and press my wrist to his mouth.

His eyes grow wide as he stares at me. I press harder until he opens his mouth and takes hold of my hand. Sharp fangs pierce my skin, not nearly as painful as I would have imagined. He drinks only enough to heal his wound and lets me go. Something else flickers across his eyes; some unknown emotion.

“What was that I just saw?” He asked suddenly.

“Uh… I don’t know. What did you see?” I ask as I start to look around the room, wondering if he noticed something wrong that I didn’t.

“Not out here. In your head.” He spoke quickly, fear clearly evident in his eyes.

“What do you mean in my head? What are you talking about?” I ask. What could he have possibly seen? And how?

“When a vampire drinks from a human it gives them a direct to link to whatever they may have been thinking or dreaming about in the past twenty four hours. Why the hell was my memory in your head? How did it get there?” Damien jumped up as he said this, pulling me with him. Gripping my shoulders too tight, he seemed on the verge to explode, or implode… not sure which.

“I… I…” I begin, but can’t finish. So the dream was real. But, why am I in it? I can’t form the words to ask the question plaguing my mind.

Damien starts breathing heavily as he waits for an answer, his nerves on edge. Vampires don’t need to breathe so I never considered the fact that they may be able to hyperventilate which is clearly what he was about to do.

“Answer me!” He yelled as he gripped me tighter. I couldn’t breathe.

Lachlan and Derek walk in at that moment, their eyes growing wide when they see the blood on the floor and Damien going berserk.

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