Dark Secrets (21 page)

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Authors: Jessica Burnett

BOOK: Dark Secrets
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As Derek and I walked in, arm in arm, a man I could not see announced our presence “Princess Ember and her escort Derek Black”.

Everyone turned around at the same time. Applause radiated through the room. Everyone bowed before us, some smiling while others sneered. I searched the room for my son whom Damien had promised to bring. I caught a view of them as they disappeared in the back. I quickly told Derek that’s where we needed to head as we greeted our many guests.

Hands rubbed up and down my arms from every direction. My fingers were caressed by people I couldn’t get a good glimpse of. Smiling faces surrounded us. It seemed that I had been completely accepted and while most people would have viewed this as a good thing, a reason to be overjoyed… I knew that this was only the beginning. Even with all these people laughing and touching and welcoming me into the kingdom I could see the hate beneath the surface. This would not be an easy task.

For just a second, I contemplated taking my son and running. I was good at that after all.

We reached the platform just in time for Kai to come back into view. Running towards me with hands held high, he yelled out mommy so loud that the entire area silenced immediately.

I could hear whispers behind us discussing his rude behavior and the need to discipline and teach this child the ways of royalty. I dismissed their snide remarks as I picked up my son and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. There’s nothing I would change about this little man. I understand he needs to learn how to take over the kingdom one day, just as I have a lot of learning to do now. But, I will do it my way and my way alone.

“Ember…” Damien said softly, “It’s time, dear.”

I nod my head as I hand Kai over to Derek, worry creasing my features. I still don’t know how I am going to do this.

I stand up in front of my appointed chair. As I turn around all eyes are on me.

The rest is just a blur…




“I barely remember all that happened. Is that awful of me?” I ask Derek as he walks me back to my room. “Where’s Kai?” I turn around quickly, searching the halls, and lose my balance.

Derek catches me as he chuckles in my ear, “I think you’ve had too much to drink. Which is why… I sent Kai with Damien for the night. He passed out in the middle of it anyway. He won’t even know the difference until morning.”

“Mm…. okay.” I slur.

“You really shouldn’t have drunk so much. It doesn’t bode well for first impressions. Especially considering you are the
now.” Derek whispered as he opened up my door with one hand, holding me up with the other.

“You don’t think they noticed, do you?” I look at him with concern, my eyebrows scrunching together.

“No. No, they didn’t. I made sure of that.” He said disapprovingly.

“Oh. Thank you.” I say as I lurch for my bed, face in the comforter.

I hear Derek laugh behind me as he pulls my heels off my feet and tucks me under the covers.

That’s the last thing I remember.




“Ugh!” I groan as I roll over onto my back. “My head is killing me.”

“That’s to be expected.” Derek chuckled at me as he rounded my bed so I could see him clearly. He handed me a glass as he continued speaking, “This will help with the nausea.”

“What is it?” I eye it suspiciously.

“Trust me, you don’t want to know.” Derek grins widely.

I grimace at the glass and then gulp it down quickly. It doesn’t taste nearly as bad as I thought it would but it certainly didn’t taste good. Bleh.

“I need a shower, a pain pill, and some food. Although I don’t know if that last one is such a great idea…” I grimace again. My mouth puckers slightly as I look up at Derek who is still wearing his tux from last night. “Did you stay here all night long?”

“I kind of had to what with you throwing up all over the place last night.” Derek quirked an eyebrow as he spoke.

“Do what?” My mouth hangs open, “I don’t remember throwing up at all!”

“Seriously? Look at yourself.” Derek’s eyes scan up and down my body.

I look down at my dress and gasp in horror.

“My dress… it’s ruined! Oh no. Oh god. I am so sorry you had to see that Derek.”

He chuckled once more, “It’s all good. It’s what I’m here for.”

I glared at him, “You think this is hilarious, don’t you?”

He rose his hand up and put his forefinger and his thumb together, “Just a
bit.” He laughed. “Come on, I’ll help you to the bathroom.”

“I can do it myself.” I swat his hands away. “Make yourself useful and find me something to eat. I’m starving.”

“I’m sure you are.” Derek says as he turns towards the door. He looks back at me long enough to smile brightly.

I stick my tongue out at him and throw my pillow at his head.

I run to the shower before he can retaliate.

The shower lasted longer than I meant for it to. But, I was so caked in grime that I had to wash myself three times before I really felt clean. I stepped out of the shower and draped myself in a towel, realizing that I didn’t bring a change of clothes in here with me.

I open up the door and peer into my bedroom, “Derek…” I say loudly. No reply. I scan the room just to reassure myself he isn’t there and run out quickly to go search my closet for something to wear. I snatched a pair of jeans, a bra, underwear, and a tan t-shirt.

I turn around and start heading back to the bathroom when the door swings open. Derek’s eyes grow wide as he looks me up and down and his mouth drops open.

“Oh. Pick your bottom lip off the ground, will ya? Grief. It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.” I snap as I stick my tongue out at him again. I hurry into the bathroom and close the door.

“Actually…” Derek calls out, “I haven’t seen anything like that before.”

Surprise courses through my body and heat fills my face. What is he saying? I quickly dress and walk out to him before giving him a reply.

“What do you mean by that?” I ask as I swing the bathroom door open.

His face turns beat red, clearly embarrassed. “Well… you see… Werewolves mate for life. Obviously before this moment I have only seen you with your clothes
and you are my mate… or you were supposed to be.” He mumbles out the last words.

“Oh.” was all I could say. How do you respond to

“Yeah…” Derek huffed. “So… have you thought anymore about us?”

It was my turn to blush. I focused my attention on the floor as he moved closer to me. He placed his hands on my shoulders as he drew me in closer. “I don’t know…” I answered honestly.

“Ember… look at me.” He pulled my chin up, “How do you feel?”

His imploring eyes begged for me to be entirely honest.

“I love you.”

His lips twisted up into a half smile, “Good.” He said before he kissed me; a deep passionate kiss that left me breathless. I wanted nothing more than for him to hold me and never let me go. “I love you too. Do you trust me?”

I smiled brightly, “I trust you.”

              “Great!” He winks, “Because I want you to marry me. I want to have you and to hold you, through sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live. I want to kiss you in the morning and kiss you goodnight. I want to raise Kai as my own and have more kids together. I want to love you and your son the way you both deserve to be loved. I want to help you run this kingdom and be the ruler I know you can be.  But most of all, I want you to be mine and mine alone… for the rest of eternity.”








All rights to this book belong to Jessica Burnett. All writing, editing, drawing and poetry was written and done by Jessica Burnett. Thank you for reading.



















Back of Book: Description of story



I’d never been given much thought to how my life would end.

Over the past few months I nearly died more times than I can count.

Even if I had thought about it for one second I would never have imagined this.

Stuck between three men in what only can be described as a love ‘square’ and trying to protect my son from the forces unknown to many.

My life was never my own.

My destiny has been set in stone.

Perhaps it was always meant to be this way.

But the life we lived before; the life we knew… is so different than the life we are seeing now.

The fate of my son depends on my outcome.

Will the forces hidden beneath the surface ever stop hunting us?

Will my son ever be given the chance to live a normal life?

Will I ever be able to give myself freely without fear that I may lose something in return?

My life is like a chaotic whirlwind stuck in one of those tiny snow globes.

There’s so much going on but nowhere for it to go.





If you liked this book, please leave a comment and let me know. I’m considering writing a sequel.

              Much love,

                                                                  Jessica Burnett

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